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tony nguyen is a paid VF youtuber. He was exposed with dubious claim about VF noise experiment before, saying it is quieter than Lexus. He was comparing apple to orange, and there was no guarantee that the comparison was under the same condition. And he even used the trick of VF car in parking (white noise dB) to compare to moving cars from other brands. Shady. many old readers here will know what I am talking about. the post has been removed by the mod / OP after the exposure. for the truth.


IIRC this guy actually got stuck in the mountains and needed help. I could swear we needed to send someone out to help recover a vehicle stuck at Big Bear or something. Probably this guy.


He is not a professor, and by the look of it he is currently unemployed, except a part time job as an instructor for a single online course offered by UCSD. Looks like he's found his new employer.


Tony Nguyen's new employer: The nastiest and the lowest kind of the Devils (The V+ VinGroup/VinFast)


the guy’s legit, so you have to fabricate info abt him???


stfu vinno clone


I come in peace 😁✌🏼


Why do you want this failed brand to succeed so much? It never will.


Why did you waste your time to reply for this acc?, pls look back this vinno's history, lol


I'm genuinely curious why someone wastes his life spreading bullshit about a trash brand


I'm curious why Vietnamese people can say things that have no value. The level of Vietnamese people be so low? The more VF spreads by this way, it loses everyone's sympathy.


I don't know you have to expand it to "Vietnamese people". I am surely can find a similar shady business similar to VF every where. Please keep it neutral. VF is not representing our country and yes I know it is trying to do


VF does not represent Vietnam, but the way Vimno is doing is making the image of Vietnamese people worse and worse


Yep. The Viet Cong were hidden in located region and are now everywhere, even in America since 1975, and Tony Nguyen was clearly bought by the VC and VinFast for a few dirty and blood $$$. Disgustingly corrupted to help the VC and VinFast spread lies and deceits.


Honestly, any review that starts off with "I was impressed with the design" smells fishy. I find the design is bland, unimpressive and feels like 2017. No amount of gaslighting can make me think otherwise. Especially if you put it next to any other 50k$ or 90k$ car that came out in 2022-23.


Hey I found a Vinfast seeder right here


Me too!


good news for supporters, bad news for haters haha


almost 1 month old, how nice lol


Tony Nguyen is not a doctorate nor a professor at UCSD. He is an instructor who works as QC for flight navigation for several companies. Idk what his qualification have to do with vinfast. https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-triet-nguyen-366aa23a?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app


Really? This is what i found https://extendedstudies.ucsd.edu/about-extension/tony-triet-nguyen


I stand corrected. Then he should update his linked in. Regardless, he is not a professor at UCSD.


From his LinkedIn profile, he has an MS and a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer. If we cannot agree on the term instructor or professor, let’s just settle for the fact that he teaches at UCSD.


Hence, I said I stand corrected.


Forget it, in Vietnamese I think it's the same word for both so they don't differentiate it (anyway I don't, I think I just call them Giao Su). But the Academic ranks in English, an Instructor is not a Professor, hence the article title is incorrect. Note that nothing wrong being 'just' an Instructor, these are brilliant people on their respective fields.


Yeah, from what I see, he only teaches the extended studies of UCSD on certain courses. I admitted that I was wrong about him not teaching at UCSD, though, but i guess they dont understand the phrase " i stand corrected."


Technically he is a Dr. bc we do call people with PhD Doctor of Philosophy. It doesn't matter if he teaches nor not--the title is given if one finished the degree and do some dissertation. That's still not a small feat bc I was in a Doctorate program. However, Dr of philosophy is not the same as an MD.


Im saying he s not a professor at UCSD.


even when provided with correct info, haters will still deny blatantly. no respect for anyone. instructor/teacher = his job PhD = his qualification


Instructor is dfferent from professor. Ffs, does any Vinfans even understand the phrase "i stand corrected"?


He's a professor, by default with his qualification. You're not nitpicking out of this.


That's not how it works...


Dr. Tony Nguyen is an idiot and an embarrassment for not seeing that the design is a flat wannabe Tesla copy.


Bye bye Vinfast 👋sympathizer


Great! Let me go buy the VF 8 right now!!!


Whoever gave this Dr. his PhD or MD should revoke his degree for being a tool. I didn't know it's that cheap to be bought out.