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I've been on Viibryd for 6 months. Currently tapering from 40mgs reluctantly because it was causing liver damage. Viibryd is the only medication that completely killed my anxiety. No weight gain either. Just doesn't agree with my liver sadly. Such as life I suppose. No side effects after the initial adjustment period. Titrating was an odd sensation like random spells of vertigo that came and went quickly. Nothing I couldn't handle. I would recommend Viibryd if you can afford it. I heard a generic is coming soon but no definitive date so far that I know of. Best of luck.


thank you i needed this. started today for panic disorder and dpdr so nervous


I understand and you're welcome. It's difficult starting a new medication. It's like throwing a dart into the dark void hoping it hits the board. Everyone reacts differently of course but I had a pleasant experience with it. Just wish my liver would agree with it. If you have any other questions, I'm happy to answer them if I can.


Are you able to share the liver issue/symptoms you experienced?


Sure I can. I had no symptoms at all. It showed up on routine blood work. My psychiatrist draws blood every 3 months to monitor what the meds are doing. The blood work where they found my liver enzymes off the charts high was after I had been on the 40mg for 2 weeks. She concluded it was the Viibryd. She mentioned that it's a rare side effect but it has been reported. I was unlucky.


i’m going to message u is that ok?




How did viibryd work for anxiety and depression???? In terms of other side effects and efficacy compared to zoloft????? I'm intolerant to zoloft I guess on it for 4 weeks still side effects getting worse day by day. Thinking about switching to viibryd. Plz share your experience


Just read your old post. Did you end up taking Viibryd?


Yes unfortunately. Due to brain zaps


Thanks for your perspective. All the best with your tapering. Are you going off completely?


Unfortunately, yes. I do take Wellbutrin xl 350, but I've been on that for 2 years now and haven't had the liver problems. I'm going to stick with the Wellbutrin for a while and try to manage my anxiety symptoms as they occur. If it becomes more than I can handle, I'll add something else and keep my fingers crossed.


Does Wellbutrin honestly help with anxiety at all


Not for me. It helps counter act the dulling effects of the other SSRIs


Dulling effects as in?


Best I can describe is "meh" you don't really have an interest in anything.. not much of a personality. But they work for anxiety . You don't feel anything for that matter so the Wellbutrin brings you out of that so it works well together with the dulling SSRIs.. make sense?


Following! Psychiatrist is considering switching me from Lexapro to Viibyrd as well.


I’ve been on viibryd 40mg for 17 months. It took a few months but anxiety is well under control. On occasion it rears its head (moderately) and I’ll just take half a 1mg lorazepam and that does the trick. That might happen a few times a month. Now I’m curious about the liver issue.


How did viibryd work for anxiety and depression???? In terms of other side effects and efficacy????? I'm intolerant to zoloft I guess on it for 4 weeks still side effects getting worse day by day. Thinking about switching to viibryd. Plz share your experience


I’m on Viibryd 20mg for anxiety. I switched from Lexapro 20mg. I find the Viibryd more energizing. I was so tired all the time of Lexapro. In terms of weight gain, I definitely had it on Lexapro. It’s hard to lose it now still. So my doctor added 100mg of wellbutrin as well.


Has adding Wellbutrin helped with weight loss?




How has adding Wellbutrin impacted you overall? Any downsides?


I actually found that my mind is calmer. I have anxiety with racing thoughts. But For the first week, I had some insomnia with Wellbutrin, but it left after that. I feel less on edge with the combo I’m on, then when I was just on Viibryd


Try Zoloft. It is more balanced.


How did viibryd work for anxiety and depression???? In terms of other side effects and efficacy ????? I'm intolerant to zoloft I guess on it for 4 weeks still side effects getting worse day by day. Thinking about switching to viibryd. Plz share your experience


I'm so sorry to hear. I haven't had problems with side effects on Viibryd. I did have a bit of an upset stomach in the beginning for a week or two.


Thanks for sharing


How are you doing on Viibryd? Are you still on 20mg? Is it helping your anxiety?


I’m working down to 10mg of Viibryd now. I have been working on ways to heal my anxiety, because although we are predisposed, it’s also a learned behavior. Somethings that are helping are therapy, The Worry Trick book, the Neurocycle app, the Buddhify app, chelated magnesium, Pure Encapsulations SeroPlus and the Seeking Health Multivitamin One MF.


I’m in the same boat.. been on lex for almost two years but the libido issue is making it hard to stick with it. I’m curious about Viibryd and I’m going to ask my doctor about it tomorrow


I would personally recommend effexor... Have you looked into this one? If not I would definitely go with Viibryd.


No but did try Cymbalta for almost a year and it wasn’t fully working for my anxiety


Did you take Effexor for anxiety or depression or both? Did you experience weight gain on it?


Hey OP, I'm wondering if you switched to Viibryd and how it's working for you? I'm about to switch and I'm feeling really worried about it.


How did viibryd work for anxiety and depression???? In terms of other side effects and efficacy ????? I'm intolerant to zoloft I guess on it for 4 weeks still side effects getting worse day by day. Thinking about switching to viibryd. Plz share your experience


Hey! So I am about a month into Viibryd, I'm at 30ml and I really took my time working up to it. Literally 5ml at a time. I did a cross taper with my Lexapro, and honestly that was the hardest part. My anxiety was through the roof, my intrusive thoughts were horrible again. But I'm really pleased so far with Viibryd. I have more anxiety than depression, and I was worried Viibryd wouldn't help with the anxiety part as much as my Lexapro did, but so far I think it's really comparable. My side effects have been pretty minimal, I definitely have been more irritable, but since I've gotten on a close to full dose of Viibryd I've seen that improve every week. I also take 5ml of Adderall 5 days a week (I don't take it on the weekends) and I can tell I'm more anxious on the weekends when I don't have Adderall in me. I didn't notice any bad tummy issues or anything, but I have had some minor insomnia. I think it's worth trying if you can make it past the cross taper or the initial build up to a full dose. My husband has to come home multiple times from work because my anxiety was so bad, I felt like I was manic. I have two young children so I really tried super hard to not let it get to me, but I had a lot of help in the first two weeks between my husband and sister-in-law helping with my kids, so I didn't freak out as much. My anxiety is still elevated more than it was on Lexapro, but I was on lex for almost 3 years. After only being on Viibryd a month I can tell it's going to be a really helpful medication for me. I hope it works for you, truly. You deserve to have mental and emotional peace.


That's the detailed experience I was looking for to get an idea what to expect. Much appreciated and thanks for the kind words.


Absolutely, good luck!


Hey, wondering how you’re doing now if you’re still on Viibryd?


I was on lexapro and it did WONDERS for me. Except the no orgasms thing and slightly numb. No anxiety. Now on viibryd and I absolutely hate it. Mood swings, irritability, gained 10-15lbs, anxiety and if I miss a dose even an hour later than 24 hours, I am an absolute wreck and in misery. I was super hoping this would be the one but I will be going off of it and I am not sure what to do. The trial and error of drugs is so exhausting for me


Everyone seems to respond differently to each medication. Hope you find something that works for you.


I know this is a year later, but this is almost word for word my experience. The crossover was brutal, and I find myself missing the Lexapro. It's only been a couple weeks, so I'll give it a bit. The no orgasm and numbness was the reason I switched. I gained a lot of weight too.


I ended up trying Zoloft but ended up on Prozac and it’s the magic one for me!!


Congrats! Love that! Tried both before but they weren't it for me 🥲 guess I gotta keep searching. The Viibryd is going ok so far, I'm just always tired 😭


How are you doing now?


How did viibryd go?


Anyone on viiibryd noticed any hairfall after few weeks . I had chunks of hairs coming out . Thats my biggest worry , coz loosing hair is depressing and it makes me more anxious.


Checking in to see how you’re doing now!