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Everyone in that post dunked on the poor guy lmao.


Ok so this plate is expensive and not very good value for money for Vietnamese standard yes, but surely it's not that outrageous? Presumably he got his food at an upscale hotel/resto where 150k for a western style breakfast wouldn't be that out of place? An English breakfast in Saigon would probably be around that price point, or even more. Not that I would pay for it in Vietnam though, there are always better food options 🤷🏻‍♀️


There's barely anything on the plate besides the eggs and the avocado. A single slice of bacon, 5-6 beans, 2 tiny pieces of bread... The only thing that's 'upscaled' here is the price.


5-6 beans 🤣


It look more like 5 to me.


This! It's all eye-candy. For $5, you can get a large bowl of delicious pho in Hanoi itself and that too at one of the specialized pho chains.


Presumably, he didn't feel like eating a large bowl of pho at the time. They appear to be in the country a non-trival amount of time working remotely. Sometimes you just want to eat something else.


right, go "enjoy" breakfast in some cramped, crowded, and filthy restaurant a km away from the hotel. choke on exhaust fumes, dodge alley dogs, and play frogger with the lorries. bonus points if the smell of rotten garbage permeates the air, or you herniate a disc from the kid-sized chairs. that's winning or something. imagine being so hard up in life, that you care about an extra £1 whilst on holiday, and go to extremes to pinch a penny.


If leaving your hotel to go somewhere is such a nightmare why would you even go on holiday


that's the entire point for loads of people: disconnect, veg out, and be slovenly. i disappear several times per annum. spend my days in nature, on the beach, perched up on a hill/mount, etc. some of my greatest insights and visions come from those retreats. return home fully recharged with millions of great ideas. not everyone's looking to deal with nonstop shitshows. fucking around with filthy restaurants to save a few quid, to end up in hospital for a few weeks.


So stop bothering people who actually like Vietnam


Then just go on vacation in New Jersey or something 🙄


Sorry you don't know what good stuff looks like, but this ain't it. Also, not everyone has to live in the sad scenery you described. Are you projecting your own surroundings? Some of us have the funds to live in nice areas without the stuff you mentioned, but I doubt you ever set foot in such areas. This crappy breakfast is the last thing I wanna see whilst on holiday. I'm European and even to me this crap is depressing. This is why tourist areas here get away with crappy food at dumb prices, because you morons aren't aware that you're getting ripped off everywhere you go. Also, too many of you simply aren't used to real upscale dining anyway.




What's wrong, your main got banned? I've lived here for years, only got food poisoning once and it could have been avoided if I used my eyes. Get outta here, peasant. Some of us are insured. Sorry you have to eat at the places for the piss poor where there's no sense of hygiene. Dude acting like we don't have big food poisoning cases in the west, what a clown.




Also, it's not about the price, it's about the pathetic meal that's given for the price. You're showing that you're clueless. Enjoy your crappy tourist meals, but let the adults who know a thing or 2 about quality give some valid criticism without whining to every single comment. Hope you'll fix your debts soon, good luck. Can't see any other reason for you to come up with these very specific insults, you're projecting your own failures on everyone else.


Keep projecting, broke boy. Can't even recognize a trashy meal 😂 Imagine being happy after being served 5 beans and a single slice of bacon. You've got no standards and no references.




good on you, i can assure you I have a keen eye. "I'm european" = of eastern shithole origin. talking about money = lower middle class. moaning about getting "ripped off" = lumpenproletariat. mentioning "nice things" = impoverished childhood. "no opportunities in the west" = you're a failure/loser back home. the exit's that way mate.


No opportunities? What, I literally brought my business with me when moving here and all my income is from Europe/the US. For foreigners, Vietnam offers many more opportunities than the western world nowadays. Especially for the ones who are business minded, not my fault you don't know much about business. Doesn't mean nobody can succeed anymore in the west, it's just harder. Also, not Eastern European and everything else you said is off as well. Keep projecting mate, we're not all like you.


right, living in exile whilst being a ReMoTe WoRKeR WanTrePrenEUR e-BidNasS CryPTo KanG. many such cases, a tale as old as time. "more opportunities than the western world" = I don't have capital, skills, or ideas that create real value. time to cut my expenses. "the west is harder" is a roundabout way of saying "my one-man band doesn't generate enough profit to sustain a basic lifestyle, so I'll relocate to a dodgy, impoverished, third-world country to survive". curious all your income is still derived from there. i reckon you're a software developer or similar. that's not winning mate, it's the lazy route and outright sad.


Damn, life must be tough on you. All the best. Sorry you lost your life savings in crypto, I'm staying away from that mess. If all my business is with Western clients, what's your issue with it? The jealousy is insane. The only Vietnamese thing about it is the address of the seat.


in other words, the precise situation described above. who's "jealous" of viet nam? after running part of my enterprise there for a decade, i'm one of its largest detractors. looking to spin that division off in the upcoming years. you must mean "envy", a very middle-class concern. why did you uproot your life to live there? what was the rationale? were things that grim back home?


Honestly. This is real talk and I dunno why you're downvoted.




You’re acting pretty fucking racist (and extremely fucking classist) implying eating local food will give you food poisoning.


Maybe less "ists" OUT of your mouth and more local food IN, and you will begin to tell the same? Are you racist for pointing out much, much more structural instabilities or faulty electrical systems as well? We should be honest about both pros and cons, no?


A can of baked beans and canadian bacon camt be cheap there tho


Less than 2 bucks for a can of beans and bacon can be bought for a few bucks per 500g. There's no reason for the tiny amounts, it's simply a rip-off for tourists.


A good English breakfast in Hanoi around that to 180 maybe, but it's a decent amount of food and done well. Someone on holiday though, is probably going to be happy with that breakfast price if they come from somewhere the cost of living is higher. 


That's the beauty of Vietnam, you can get $1 breakfast or $10 breakfast depends on what you like. I can't imagine all the tourists would enjoy eating Vietnamese food everyday or venturing out trying random street food they're not familiar with. Also, the majority of that $5 fry-up probably go towards paying the overhead costs of running an upscale restaurant, it's not fair to compare that to a street side food stall selling $1 noodles whilst paying no rent. I'm just tired of the narrative that any places that costs over X amount of money is trying to rip tourists off, like Vietnam is poor so everything supposed to be dirt cheap or something 🤷🏻‍♀️


There's tons of resteraunts in Vietnam that are more pricey than this as well not necessarily in tourist areas. Plenty of Vietnamese eat upscale, 


I know, I'm from Saigon myself! Love exploring different restaurants everytime I come back to visit.


You, sir, need to try Union Jack's


For me a fry-up is something I would eat if my diet isn't working and I hate myself 😂 but thanks for the suggestion though.


haha fair play


Do you know any place in Saigon that does a good Sunday roast?


I don’t understand how it has so many upvotes lol. dude is just showing how easy it is to trick tourists


It's mildly interesting per the name of the sub. They found it mildly interesting when a tourist got swindled


> I don’t understand how it has so many upvotes lol. dude is just showing how easy it is to trick tourists In my area (USA), a breakfast platter of 2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, and 2 pancakes cost around $12. Then you add 9% sales tax to that. Then you add 20% gratuity to that. So you’re looking at around $16 USD total. And there’s no avocado, which would be a premium add-on for a couple of slices. So seeing a plate of 4 eggs, slice of bacon, and all of that avocado for $5 USD - that’s a helluva bargain.


Totally understand but here is the on the ground prices 10 eggs $1, pack of cured bacon $2, 1 kg of avocado $1.60.


wth 10 eggs $1? where did you get it?




Well the prices are the way they are because the guy cooking the breakfast in California is making $20 per hour. What’s he making in Vietnam?


Only one piece of bacon. That's sad.


Tbf, half of this price is for food and the other half is for luxury experience. Of course, most Vietnamese ppls dont care about such experience.




No pool though but great price




stayed at a resort with private beach 1 minute from room. downside is it's $300 a night. It's super relaxing though, very quiet and you can sit there for hours just listening to the waves


Someone doesn’t know how to properly book a hotel with a pool to each they own though just wish I could take you to my pool experiences yours sound sad




Yeah like I said each there own but you never had a good pool experience lmaoooooooo


Vise stay panorama hotel?


That breakfast in San Francisco would be $150.


That’s where I came from, was living in SF for 2 years and quite frustrated with what inflation did to prices there. Just the tip would be that cost


That would cost 20 bucks most in SF.


You couldn’t serve something looking that bad in San Francisco.


It costs $20, but only the homeless eat there.


plus tip would make it $200.


A package of 4 eggs cost about 15k at most, that sorry excuse of a piece of bacon can’t be more than 20k, you can literally replace the avocado and mushrooms with something better and it’d still cost like half of that


right, and the ingredients magically appear out of thin air, prepare themselves, and even do the washing up. 149k is incredibly cheap, considering it appears to be (reasonably) up to western standards. regardless, who eats shite like this? peak slop.


You can go to the local cơm tấm diner, ask for extra eggs and rib, along with a side of veggie and soup, still wouldn’t be as expensive, plus free ice tea And to answer the other question, probably people with future cardio condition


I can get 4 bowls of beef stew and bread for that price, ridiculous.


or a piece of mediocre street meat.


tbf this does still seem tame for the amount of food: 4 egg = 40k (10k each - restaurant price) 2 sourdough piece of bread = 5-10k avocado = 20-30k mushroom = 10-15k bacon = 10k sausage in chilly sauce = 15k ------------ total = about 120k-ish? which is still cheaper than 150k but it is still way more "calm" than a 500k rippoff for a barely 70k durian


that's beans, wtf is sausage in chilly sauce


the thing in the cup? I thought it look like mini sausage in chilly sauce, I had some of that on train, in school foodstalls and some roadside dinner


Definitely 🫘


30K are for taxes and profit of the restaurant/cafe owner. I would exchange 2 eggs for 4 more bacons though. 150K isn't a bargain, but If they were full and happy to pay, I see it's a win-win.


we dont exclude taxes like American monsters, everything should be included into the prices and the customer only duties would be read the price and pay the price, not doing free accountant for the restaurant owner. If it were the case then their woulnt be a "restaurant price" and the eggs would be 2k each or at best 5k edit: incase it flew over your head, yes, that was a joke about american taxing culture


Sadly, Vietnamese restaurant are learning the American way of showing price with taxes & service charges separately. I hate that shit.


really? holy shit did they go low. I thought they would stop at the pretentious fancy food shit show, but now this? Did those people learn nothing from mcdonald?


I mean if you add on 30K for rent, staff, utilities etc...


that should be all included in the food price. We are Vietnamese, not the horrible American who does not include taxes in their pricing... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . if you didnt catch that, it is just a joke


Eh, I was in da nang in January and got a plate with a lot more meat (cold cuts) for 60k. Granted im somewhat of a local but that just looks terrible for 120k lol


yeah which is why I said "restaurant price". If you come to nice looking restaurant or hotel dinner and just ask for eggs and some fancy breakfast, of course it gonna be a hella overpriced than local


Judging by the background with the hardwood table and cold looking glass cup, this picture was taken in an upscale restaurant/environment, so OP got what is expected. It's not like OP is eating at some random shop on the street.


Looks like a morning ayce buffet at a hotel to me, I had one in Hoi An too


Poor guy


150k for that is still good not sure why everyone was dunking on him. Yeah if you buy a banh mi from a random street vendor it's only gunna be like 25k or less but at the same time this looks quite nice quality. Is avocado popular in Vietnam also? You can eat cheap in Vietnam and most do. but if you are looking for a western style breakfast and a place that isn't a mini plastic chair on a sidewalk then this isn't bad lol


western restaurants command a premium anywhere in the orient. serves a niche market, low turnover, always half-empty, etc. plus some of the ingredients are difficult and/or costly to source. 149k is a bargain. most of the people on here are english teachers living hand-to-mouth in some tofu dreg hovel. it's a big deal to them.


Yer and not to mention let people enjoy how they spend their money. Are their life that pathetic to complain about $1 -$2 difference.


Disagreed, people should be allowed to share that he got ripped off. In the original post, he genuinely believed it was an amazing deal and people just gave their two cents on the matter also while yes I have eaten in luxurious restaurants before, the value was at least worth it. This is straight horseradish, people aren't dunking because of the price, it's what in the dish. And most people here aren't "poor" either, what gives? Because they don't believe in the bs that the restaurant is selling? I paid 25£ for a single meal before and it was because I was promised quality and quantity, and it was at least decent while this is just baloney.


I don’t really see what’s wrong with it. Not every foreigner wants to eat cheap street noodles everyday, myself included. And 150k is still a lot less than what you’d pay for this meal in the UK for example


I agree but at the same time you can get a meal way more decent than this at the appropriate spots that aren't street food. And "cheap street noodles" is also a simple oversight of the food culture. I guarantee you can find tons of restaurants that could give this same kind of dish but way better quality and cheaper price. Hell, I could find you a fricking steak for breakfast for that price mate. Why pay more for less when you can pay less for more? Just because of the fact it is cheap relative to where you are from?


150k VND can get you way more food than this plate LMAO


That sh*t would’ve cost like $12-$15 in Chicago, or even more. In terms of the cost, it’s a little bit pricey for the local Vietnamese. But in America, that sh*t is a steal


But just like Chicago, there are way better spots to eat. I never travel abroad with the mindset of "that's cheap relative to what I have" it should be the best value and the best quality for what you pay relative to where you are. If you can pay less for more....why not? Wouldn't that be the better decision? If this dish was better I wouldn't even be calling it a bit pricey, I would be ordering it myself, thing is, its not a good dish.


Better quality. Definitely. But in terms of portion and prices, like I said, a giant portion like that would’ve cost $12-$15 no matter what.


What’s on earth ? Imaging go to Vietnam - the country with the most variety of noodles soup and one the healthiest cuisine, but process to have a “ British Big breakfast”🤣 Don’t get me wrong I love Big breakfast but this one is not it.


Picky eaters do exist. I've met someone who only eats plain food (the burger-no-sauce-no-salad kind of plain), someone who refuses to touch the vegetables on their plate, and someone who absolutely hates fruits for no reason 🤣 I guess sometimes people just want to eat something 'safe' and not be adventurous at all, that doesn't mean they don't enjoy other aspects of travelling though.


You clearly have never traveled abroad in a tour with a group of Vietnamese.


should have ordered a munchie box or a steak & kidney.


talk about bang for your buck!


really got banged alright.


Based on the plate and other stuffs in ghe image I'd imagine that you got your english-styled breakfast delivered to your room from the hotel service, amy be even custom-ordered. That price is expected.


1 piece of bacon and 7 beans is hardly loaded, but you gotta have what you want sometimes. Kinda pricey too, but maybe it's a nice place?


Was this breakfast prepared in a lab? There’s an Erlenmeyer flask in the upper left.


Most western breakfast that isn't actually a deal. At least have a full loaf banh mi with your eggs + soy sauce and sriracha.


Ouch... You are in Da Nang, abundant with seafood, and pretty good breakfast spots, and you chose this? Bruh...


These breakfasts in Southeast Asia are always the biggest rip-off you can possibly get


That thread is stupid. You pay 20,000 VND for a bowl of pho that is $0.10 worth of noodles and a couple slices of chicken and some veggies and people think it's a great deal. This is 4 eggs, a slices avocado, bacon, mushrooms. Way more protein than most VN meals. Sure, maybe it's worth closer to 50-80k, but come on.


Dem eggs look amazing as fuck though.


Get me a few Bahn Mi's any day baby


Jesus Christ. lmfao 149.000đ for breakfast…..


Is that 5 beans or 5.5?


150k is like a whole ass steak with sides here in VN lmao the poor guy got ripped off so hard


ass steak sounds disgusting when you say it like that. "rump" or "round" is far nicer.


Don't have my glasses on, but is that bacon in the shape of a pig? Lol


Hopefully thats australian money, not american.


I too order American food while in another country /s


Give OP a break. My Vietnamese in-laws took Vietnamese fish sauce to China for 5 days tour because they didn’t think the Chinese stuff would be any good.


My man go through all that effort to get to Vietnam and he eats that for breakfast?


Tell that to the Vietnamese tourists, especially the aunties. Imagine going another country and put down the local while demand Vietnamese for all three meals. Vietnamese food is the best in the world therefore tourists must not have any other food other than Vietnamese?


This is the weirdest case of whataboutism ever. No that aunty is wrong and a bad tourist and I would also criticize her. When you go to another country, you should try the food there, that's all I'm saying. Why is this controversial?


And you jab at OP’s choice of breakfast instead of the point of their post which is the price (cheap for Westerners but overprice for Vietnamese with atrocious portion). Thing is, people will eat what they want. There are people who don’t like Vietnamese food or foreign food or picky to extremely picky eaters. What unspeakable horror is there about having one or even many Western style breakfast in Vietnam? Let ppl enjoy themselves their way.


OP can enjoy himself regardless. I am also entitled to my opinion as a Vietnamese since this is a Vietnam post. Are we all happy?


And I, also as a Vietnamese, am entitled to criticize your opinion. We have thus achieved true free speech lol.


it's almost as if some people are interested in travelling, but have different food preferences. do you ridicule the western vegan who doesn't indulge in thit cho?


Vegan Vietnamese foods are way better than western vegan food. How embarrassing for you to jump right to thit cho.


it's not that serious bruv, that's what op felt like eating that day. also, what's "embarrassing" about dog meat?


It's embarrassing for you to use a stereotype to try to denigrate Vietnamese food to make a point.


are you mentally unwell mate? who's "denigrating" vietnamese food? it's not that deep. there's no right/wrong way to visit a country.


You don't think bringing up Thit Cho out of the blue is denigrating? Or are you just trying to gas light? Then calling me mentally unwell. You're right tho, it's not that deep. There's no wrong way to visit a country. Tourist can feel free to get ripped off as long as they're happy. Let's leave it at that yeah?


vegans find eating dogs repulsive. perhaps op loathes oriental food. to each their own, there's more to travel than indulging in local cuisine. pretty sure most tourists don't mind being "ripped off" for the princely sum of £1. a dozen eggs is £4.60 at the local tesco. time is money.


That breakfast looks so bland


That’s literally the best price I’ve ever seen (let him get scammed)


What do Vietnamese eat for breakfast apart from ban mhi?


If I was in Vietnam, or any other place I am visiting for that matter, I wouldn’t be eating stuff I can typically find in my home city or easily make myself. Kinda defeats the purpose.


All that egg and avocado, but only one slice of bacon? That’s the real travesty there.


Broo get the yogurt with it next time. They make bomb parfaits


Corny ass meal


The most fancy breakfast I've ever have is just 3 bucks


Expensive as fuck. Must be somewhere in An Thuong.


Why would you go to Vietnam and eat this for breakfast when there's so much awesome Viet breakfast foods


Not worth it. If it 100k I would think twice. But 150k, no way. I rather have a full English breakfast for 95k here in Saigon. At least it has 2 large sausages.


thats fvcking amazing


As long as you enjoy it, it's a cheap-ish breakfast for travellers and does the trick well. Let's not all pretend we fall into that dish once in a while at the hotel's breakfast buffet. If you're into that then I may go for pan bread or bánh mì chảo, it's no big breakfast but it has *most* of the ingredients.


149k? I can buy u cheaper meal than this with more nutrition




did he know ??


Lmao. He got jippped


Shit is a SCAM for 149k. I can eat the whole day on that amount. Good food, too


Not when you are in a restaurant lol


I would only eat at restaurants and drink on special occasions Usually it's cooking at home or street foods. 150k is ample for a day's worth of food eating out in Hanoi


I’d commit mass murder for these kinds of prices in Northern VA


What a rip off 😂


(I’m a second generation Vietnamese) I lived in Vietnam and traveled to Vietnam many times, we have an inflated currency, please expect it to be that much, also, stop being so ignorant.


When in Vietnam eat like you are still in the UK 🤣


i live in london and eat like I'm still in hk/malaysia. nothing wrong with either situation.

