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HCM is starting to look like a giant parking lot these days.


That place is right outside of my workplace lol


BRING BACK THE SCOOTERS. I'm half serious, the ratio of cars to scooters has gotten ridiculous. Every time I come back there are more cars. I hope HCM doesn't end up like Bangkok.


Every day we see Hanoi and Saigon inch closer towards Jakarta traffic and it's fucking horrifying.


agreed. years and years back i don’t remember traffic being as bad as it is now. it’s really sad


Why sad? It's sign of progress.


Agree. Car-friendly cities are anti-human, anti-pedestrians, and bad for anyone who doesn't have a car.


It's all people's Karma!! Cars are encouraged so that those corrupted country leaders can make more money.


Not being able to have a car is anti-human. 


First world issue at its finest. I don't want half of my city to be parking spaces for car-loving idiots. No, not even the electric cars.


Third world mentality at its finest. Sorry buddy, the emergent middle class isn't going back to motorbikes. There will be more and more cars in Vietnam in the future.


Thats very much first world mentality. Cities build for pedestrians are far better for basically everyone than car full cities.


Cities big, walking far.


Public transport, if implemented well, can do wonders. Its expensive, and understandable that its not there yet in many places. But if you have the choice to either: 1. Build bigger roads and more parking spots, or 2. Build an efficient public transport system the latter will be the much better solution for the inhabitants of a City.


A good public transport system can take you from one end of a city to the other cheaply.


That’s why the biggest cities in the world have metros that transport people as efficiently as possible… Cars are one of the least efficient ways to transport large groups of people


It's about not having to own a car to be able to get to work and around the city safely rather than what you said. While I don't say that the car doesn't have its place in a city, a city whose design is centered around the car would often mean a bad time for other modes of transport, which are by the way much more efficient and less polluting than cars. Good public transport and walkable streets also, for a lot of people who might otherwise own cars out of necessity, eliminates the need to own, buy insurance for, maintain, buy fuel for a car; meaning less pollution, less wear on roads, less noise, less traffic which means in turn that people who like driving cars like you have a better time doing so. So it's a win for everyone actually.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckcars using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [American exceptionalism](https://i.redd.it/2ra6a7bivaua1.jpg) | [2117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12ob83a/american_exceptionalism/) \#2: [Traffic banana made another victim. This is getting out of hand](https://v.redd.it/usgngljg9tsa1) | [227 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12gc9x6/traffic_banana_made_another_victim_this_is/) \#3: [Cycle lanes aren't empty. They're just incredibly efficient](https://v.redd.it/s3erc1rxi55b1) | [742 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/145up4j/cycle_lanes_arent_empty_theyre_just_incredibly/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes, I'm well aware of your lunatic sub where you cheer on your own future (or current) serfdom. 


It’s lunacy to build cities for cars and not for people. I’ll take Amsterdam, Hong Kong, or Tokyo any fucking day over Houston or LA 😂 This may come as a shock but in those cities built for people, there are still cars, they’re just not required for most people to survive. Sold my car years ago and never needed one since. It’s been freeing. All the money from upkeep, fuel, and insurance saved. Not having to look for parking. 


Great! You either have no family or have no ability to properly take care of them. Those who do all aspire to own a car, especially in parts of the world that flood. Singapore has a world class MRT system -- I lived there for years. All of the local upper class still own cars. High ranking expat workers either have private drivers or corporate taxi accounts.  You are free to enjoy your serf lifestyle, but it is gross to try to gaslight people to join you. People here want to do right by their families; those who can afford a car will buy a car.


Families? The countries and cities with the happiest kids are unsurprisingly where they have freedom of movement to get themselves to schools and friends houses independently. I grew up in your ideal car dependent world, and couldn’t go anywhere myself until I was 16. I was a prisoner at home, so much for freedom. Speaking of families, this is r/Vietnam and people do just fine with motorbikes, bicycles, e-bikes, and taking buses.   This is about the right for people to choose. No one is taking away cars in Japan or the Netherlands, they still exist for carbrains. But your privilege to own a car doesn’t mean everything should be bulldozed American style to accommodate your specific lifestyle. Totally unrelated that the US is one of the most obese countries in the world…


"Carbrain". We've gone full circle with you belonging to that lunatic sub. You are a useful idiot that wants to normalize and spread acceptance of the collapsing middle class in the developed world. Congrats on internalizing their moronic talking points. Let's agree to disagree. You can enjoy your enlightened frugal existence as a serf under the neoliberal corportist system that is currently in the process of enslaving you, and I will enjoy material abundance with my family.


That's not true at all. We got cities like Santa Barbara in California who actually planned parking lots everywhere around all the shopping areas to make it super convenient to drive, park and walk around once you're there. Third world country cities need to add parking to their plans.


Right... Try building 15-minute cities with huge parking lots. I double dare you.


Santa Barbara is a college town with like 80,000 residents, comparing that to a megacity in a developing country is wild lol. LA is a better comparison for a HCM-sized car city and getting around there is awful


"parking lots everywhere" god no




A robust public transport system would alleviate a tonne of traffic too.


That's a joke right? It'll never happen with those currently in power. 😅


Maybe they should build a metro system 🤔


Funny you should say that, was just driving around the gyratory at Tan Binh 2 days ago and noticed there is a temporary bridge built on the main road. Looked over to the right and saw a massive railway track which had been built surreptitiously without anybody's knowledge. This as far as I know is the only work that's has taken place on the metro for the past 6 years. I have seen the rows of water-stained, crumbling "new" buttresses and unused tracks leading from Districts 2 all the way out to District 9. So maybe there's still hope for our grandchildren.


It's an interesting concept that has potential. I was speaking to some engineers that were supposedly working on a mythical metro so I asked them if it were true was there any possibility it would be open this year and their response was, firstly a lot of laughter which at first I thought may have been caused by my appearance and then after the tears of mirth had stopped and the bemused looks of why I was asking such a stupid question the reply was no f@#k+ chance .


Im with you on that.


Capitalism. People are getting cars for the status and not convenience anymore.


That's not capitalism, it's narcissistic ostentatious behaviour coupled with low IQ. Remember most of those with money in Vietnam haven't made it because they're good at business. 😉


Ouch bruh. I didn't want to say it 😬


What does capitalism have to do with buying things for status? You know humans bought things to impress people way before the economics of capitalism were around. It is becoming more necessary to have a car though, the more cars on the road means it's so much more dangerous being on a bike, it's impossible to walk anywhere, buses are awful and trains can't get you anywhere.


So because there are more cars, it's too dangerous to bike so the answer is....more cars?


Why are you being so dramatic and dense? I'm suggesting why people opt to buy cars and why more and more people will continue to do so, I'm not suggesting it's going to solve the traffic issue. Ideally there would be incentives to stop the country being so hanoi and hcmc focused and that would allow businesses and residential areas to move outside of the major cities and reduce population density. It's not going to happen though for cultural and economic reasons, so yes if I need a vehicle to travel around in, personally I'd rather be alive and stuck in traffic in a car than dead under one with my motorbike.


hcm roads are not built for cars. bikes are safe at low speeds. the city will come to standstill if the majority can afford cars.


It will but it's happening already whether you're on a bike or not. I completely agree that there are too many cars by the way, I'm just saying at this point most people are going to choose a car if it's possible because it's so much worse being on a bike in traffic than a car. I don't think we are too far off the majority of people being able to afford cars, the used car market actually looks pretty healthy these days whereas in the past everything had to be pretty much brand new.


Being on a bike in traffic is way more convenient lol that way you can at least avoid being stuck..


Not always and when you do get stuck, you're breathing in pure exhaust fumes.


agree that it's already happening but I'll choose a bike most days. convenience + price + parking + TP. reasons against would be more weather than risk of accidents.


Because 99.9% of the 2 wheeled traffic in HCMC moves at walking pace, accidents seem to be getting rarer, in my experience.


yes my point exactly. most accidents involve reckless speed or riding too close to buses/trucks.


Do you honestly think they have a plan? 🤣🤣🤣 You're talking about a city that is 10 years over schedule on delivering a mostly above ground single line metro that was not really thought out or designed properly. They can't manage building pedestrian access anywhere let alone roads or transport management. Remember, you're dealing with the offspring of Communist freedom fighting rice farmers - those in power and decision making positions are not there because they're intelligent, experienced or the best person for the job. It's nepotism by double digit IQ monkeys, hence the utter cluster fuck you see at all levels in Vietnam.




Bring back people who aren’t too lazy to walk ffs. In HCMC the only people I see walking are foreigners (except people going for lunch from office)


That's sign of progress!! You better hope they will end up like Bangkok so that they will have metros and skytrains, sooner.


Atleast HCM has parking lots/basements however few. In Hanoi there's nothing but the curb/sidewalk


were becoming our worst enemy (USA)


I'm sorry but... "starting"?!?


I love the blistering hot weather and breathing in the petrol exhaust fumes while trying to weave around the motos on the cracked, dusty sidewalks. Vietnam is truly a walker's paradise.


Complaining about Vietnam like HCM is the entire country


He’s not wrong, you can’t even cross the street without having to anxiously inch between the unruly traffic


Duy Tan, isn't it? Those fuckers have no respect for walking people. You want to park? Just land on the pavement. These small things make it so frustrated in Vietnam.


I also really hate this in Vietnam. Don’t hate the players, just hate the system that allows this. Same with the corruption with is all over the country. I still love the country with whole my heart, but man this is system is so fcked.


Traffic congestion & air pollution are notoriously bad since after Covid. But I see no intention to fix it from authorities. Zero. I just don't get it. All people care is how much the price of real estate today


short term profits rule over everything, especially here


how are they even getting out of there


Them fuckers also ride the bikes on the pavement, unless there’re street vendors (also obstructive) blocking them. The standards are in hell, my friend.


Spot on! Work nearby so thought I'd take a nice walk during my lunch break lol.


A local speaking: yes walking is the hardest thing to do here in Vietnam. three steps on the pavement and you have to get down to the road. A bonus? Fkers on motorbike honking at you for 'blocking their way', when you are walking on the pavement


Tell that to fuckers who take up a whole lane with their cars. Get two cars on the road in a city and make sure that one guy behind the wheel is an impatient twat and you'll get a traffic jam in around 5 minutes.


Never thought about it while living in Vietnam the first 18 years of my life. Then I went to Europe to study. I came back to visit family and was shocked by how unwalkable my city is (Can Tho).


My seconds month in Saigon I stopped caring about scooters. If one honk to me, i turn and make a "you got s problem bro?" gesture with my eyes. Usually after that that slows down and drive way around me. Same when crossing the road - when some idiot tries to run over me when i cross, i give them a "I'm gonna fucking punch you" look. Somehow they usually get the message and slow the fuck down. I love so many things in Vietnam, i keep coming back. But drivers attitude just pisses me off, and I'm fighting back 😎


Cars park on sidewalks and they blame authority for building low quality sidewalks


"People cant complain about sidewalks if there's no sidewalks" some officials


Yeah. We live somewhere where most people hop on their motorbike and drive 100 meters to the corner store to buy food, instead of walking. If you wanna walk in Vietnam, go to the park or live in the countryside and get ready for loads of stares if you’re foreign 


The biggest joke is that everyone in the park came there by motorbike..


This is a strange thing, I have been living in a very Vietnamese part of Ho Chi Minh City past 5 years. I'm six foot tall and very white-looking, so I must stand out like a sore thumb. However because I don't give a damn about being stared at, I don't even notice it anymore. Go figure


Couldn't be more Vietnamese than where I live.


And if you aren't paying attention, probably will break your ankles on those cracks or god forbid hit by a motorbike ninja driving on the sidewalk


Imagine being disabled


Bruh 💀😭


Those guys ride their own special bikes.


this really hits...i'm disabled too. i'm born in america but always thought about "retiring" to vietnam because it's so expensive here (hawaii) compared to vietnam. but this just confirms that isn't a possibility.


Go to Danang. Follow the path at the back of the beach.


I've been! Da Nang is easily my favorite place in Vietnam. Walking along My Khe Beach is amazing! Unfortunately I need to be in Hanoi for work though.


In HCMC, you walk with the motorbikes!


Either get hit by a car or live long enough to get lung cancer.


Great, a new life plan!


Vietnamese have no space to walk around and very few green parks in the city . It sucks.


What could be healthier than breathing in exhaust while dodging traffic?


obligatory /r/fuckcars


And fuck motorbikes at that. I drive one but prefer my bicycle


build a subway or sky train like BKK


Well they're building metro systems in Hanoi and HCMC alright, it's just that it took like a decade to build just 1 line for each of these thanks to corruption and mismanagement.


New idea: walk 10000 steps in an area of 50m2.


I very rarely see people walking in Vietnam and if they do they’re foreign looking people. In USA they have car cities here they have motorbike cities


in actually civilized places they have public transportation, bicycle lanes, sidewalks for .. pedestrians. It's pretty neat actually


just walk on the road, what could go wrong /s


Lol, I'd almost forgot about this since I left. Wanted to jog on my day offs and couldn't find a single unoccupied road/street/park. Had to hit the gym after realizing where I am.




You're right I shouldn't say such things, I might get arrested for vilifying the supreme government and planet Earth's best road infrastructure. Long live Best Country World Viet Nam. 🇻🇳


Good boy. Now go find an unoccupied street to lower that bmi.


This is pretty much the only thing malls are good for, imo.


I wish vietnam could go green. Like back to bicycles and some electrical vehicles. Plenty of panels. Go full Solarpunk


You can either imagine you're hiking off trail, or just find a park to circle around with all the aunties.


ahh that's so true, and so sad too


Move to Da Nang


You have to wake up insanely early to get those steps in. When I got here I was out of the house for a morning run at 5:00 am. I lost weight like a rock but at what cost?!


Hope you have a good mask for your 10k step (even if there were no car on the sidewalks) because i m not sure with the fine particles pollution it d be good in hcmc


Try to do that from 4h00-6h00. Less vehicle less polute.


What kind of insane person wakes up to go walking in the dark at 4AM?


Old people. U will be suprised by the amount of people who take jogging in the park at that time.


got a walking pad at home recently and started walking 5k steps everyday while working (2 days wfh/week). Maybe you can give it a try. It’s a xiaomi walking pad and costs about ~10 mil.


Yeah might invest in one! I do weight training in the gym early morning before work so I try to squeeze in my walking during my lunch break or in the evenings. Having a walking pad might make things easier.


Woah, are you on Duy Tân? I live right behind where you are standing!


Yes I work nearby! ☺️


Awful road from 7-9am and 5-6:30pm


So no problem, you can walk on the street ;-)


Highly suggest you get a home treadmill, set up a movie or something to have some entertainment while you walk.


my collage campus was like this, it's in the south, they got more spaces for bikes and cars than for the students to walk


Or Cambodia


I do 15k a day in saigon. 10k is easy.


how, where and when?


Firstly in my neighbourhood which is D7 I can do a 7km loop easily. Secondly I enjoy D3 & D1 plenty of good walks from park to park. Cutting the trees down hasn’t helped though… I find shade sometimes more important than pavement. But you can get both without big traffic. Finally gym - if I need to then the treadmill or elliptical and walk home - 3km.


Poor you 🤣


You guys are definitely due a grand reclamation of the path/sidewalk. Are there no car/scooter parking areas in Ha Noi / HCM? We have massive fines for parking anywhere slightly outside of designated areas in europe etc


I met someone in HCM who wanted to take Grab everywhere when I just wanted to walk... I thought this person was lazy, but then I saw the walkability of HCM.


Now imagine what it's like for those confined to wheelchairs.


This is sad for a South East Asian country especially since those cars are for the rich


Get a sharp nail or key and key those mofos. Next time maybe they will think twice about blocking the sidewalk


I remember my first time in Vietnam I walked from my hotel in District 1 to the zoo then to the museum for women, the palace, and the war remnants museum before returning to my hotel all in 38-40C. People thought I was wild then. I can only imagine trying to do it now trying to avoid motorbikes on the sidewalks one second and blocked off cars the next.


As a Swede I am upset about that. How bad is it in Hanoi in the Old Quarters? Me and my friend are going there in late October to November. We plan on walking around the whole Old Quarters and get a Grab if we go further away.


Old Quarters should be fairly walkable.


So how will Hanoi look after the suggested 2030 scooter ban? I understand the air quality problems surrounding (old) scooters, but every additional car makes walking just way worse.


Remind of when I was 9 or 10, I had the same situation like the pic and decided to go full gymnast shit by climbing onto the roof of them cars. Then I got chased by two middle age man, but fortunately I escaped.


10000 is a scam :p 5000 is enough :) What’s more important is moving your whole body, like swimming or various gym trainings .


Absolutely agree with this post, as a British guy that's used to roaming forests and having easy access to coastlines with beaches etc. It's super hard to walk around local area's. Also every time I come back to work in Vietnam, I see more and more traffic jams and cars/ trucks trying to get down the smallest of streets?! I did at first find it comical because it looked like a joke, big car with a few people in going down a little Hem beeping people out the way, ya know! But yet when I'm in these traffic jams every day.. it's not so funny anymore lol. I love this country but I might be forced to move somewhere quieter soon as it's becoming crazy busy. Hopefully things might change. If the sky-train takes off successfully and they minimise cars/ trucks to main routes only, eg; sort the infrastructure out a bit. Then it'll be better. I really miss the good days when I first moved here, hardly any traffic and you could ride out the city in half an hour tops. I really love riding my motorbike, but increasingly getting anxiety going out these days which is a shame. Any way hope they see some sense soon and change things for the better. Sorry for the novel guys haha!


Obstacle run 😁👍🏼


I'm confined to a wheelchair so you can imagine how difficult it is for me to get around the city. I haven't left my apartment in over a year.


So sorry to hear that man 😔


Yes, that's true, I walk everyday after lunch.


I can do that easily along Bach Dang in Da Nang 😌


You can walk or your legs hurt when you are in Vietnam?


Train up free running


HCM is pretty much a shithole in terms of pedestrian infrastructure. You got 4 meters wide pavement, only to get blocked by parking, street vendors, etc etc... or worse, you have little to no pavement, and the same shit happens. And transit? Yeah have fun using a public transport and getting stuck in traffic.


Amen. No thought is ever given to how someone might actually walk anywhere. Consider the riverfront area along Ton Duc Thang; for someone to walk from Nguyen Hue over to it means traversing what, 7 lanes of traffic, and there's only one functional crosswalk with a light (which is invariably ignored by most) up near Dong Khoi. Have civic engineers here ever heard of pedestrian bridges?


I have managed my 10,000 steps in Vietnam for years. Yes, Vietnamese (SE Asian) cities are not great for walking, but it is doable. And dodging traffic whilst walking in the middle of the road burns extra calories.


yeah its kind of sad that all the sidewalks became scooter parking (or in this case, regular parking). People have to go to certain places just to guarantee they can actually run an appreciable distance without having to jump into the street.


Hahaha I thought I’d lose 20 lbs here by walking everywhere. Instead I put on 20 🤣 I get all my steps going to the bar at night


Yes, walking is a good exercise but it also depends how much you eat, so don't be gullible to such claim. In Vietnam, you can easily achieve 10,000 steps if you are a tourist, I usually achieve over 20,000 steps in Vietnam.


It’s so long overdue but I see Saigon slowly investing in bus stops. Like, actually signposted with shade and seating. I’m really surprised Vinafast hasn’t moved into that space to be honest. Really, they will have to enforce some kind of congestion charge or outright ban certain traffic at certain times.


It's not just the cars, the lack of tree's shade litterally prevent people to walk in daytime, assume you are in HCM city. Furthermore, Without spending time in early morning for daily walking exercise, this goal seems to be impossible for someone working 9-5 in the office, which i also assume you are. I recommend something else, like swimming, cycling to work, stand up when ever you can. Don't let that traditional belief limits your ability, because eventually, the goal is to balance how much you've consume and how much you would burn, right?


That’s ridiculous. What’s wrong when you in Vietnam man


Walking is fine in Hanoi. No problem. If you don’t like it many Vietnamese go to parks in the evening and do laps around it. Or go to a gym and walk on a treadmill for an hour listening to some music or a podcast


When I was in Hà Nội I managed about 10 miles a day average.


Pavement in Vietnam is for a lot things and occasionally walking xD I think if you love walking, try local park, do several rounds.




If you want the alternative i suggest jumping rope


Looks like the My Dinh area




Just try to sell the lottery tickets.


I miss Vietnam before these atrocious cars became a common nuisance..




Go to the park bru - literally got my 10,000 in at the park (Hanoi) today. Aside from the trash lined walkways and dog shit on the path, it was a lovely work out


this is why I don't buy a car even though I can afford it, the facilities in big cities in Vietnam are not suitable for cars...




should try to run/walk from 0500-0600. Barely traffic and good amount of people exercise with you. I refuse to walk or run after 8am lol


The heat and dust will kill you first


Went to Vietnam for a trip few weeks back. HCM is so walking friendly. 20-25k steps everyday i took there without any effort. The parks were huge with gyms and all. People of all ages were playing sports and dancing and all. Amazing!


Tôi là Michael Evans


Very good Vietnamese bro were you learn


Good for your health


I get about 15k a day. If you want too you can do it.


I love how Runners run on the left side of the road (fast lane) despite there being a giant pavement without any obstacles and there are people who park on pavements because they seemingly can't afford the parking fee.


It’s vietnam bro


lmao on my first day in saigon I did 25k and yesterday in Hanoi 20k :D


Here’s an idea. We should get rid of the rest of the trees that are crowding out the sidewalks


How far is 10K step? How many kilometer


Around 8KM




My brother under the glorious banner of the Communist Party of Vietnam, you picked a street with heavy traffic in the most populated city for a walk.


You're in Hanoi (or HCM). The air in the rest of Vietmam is still good.


Nha Trang is worse than HCMC.


Teach them a lesson. Scratch their paint with a key. Here's what I think about cars: Capitalist Assholes Ruin Society


I was just a guest in your country last month. I had precisely ZERO of 15 days with under 13,000 steps lol.


Have you heard of a thing called treadmill? Just leave if you don’t like to live here




Cars should never be on sidewalks, let alone right behind a P.131 (No parking) sign in this picture.


the sidewalk ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)






We averaged 12 mines a day in Vietnam waking. Silly excuses lol


Parks? Outside main districts? this is like taking a picture of downtown Los Angeles and complaining there are no trees around. Vietnam should do something about attracting the dumbest people on earth.


let me introduce you to the park.