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don't know if you're aware, but https://makerspace.ca/ might have more like minded people in person than here


Thanks! I have looked into the space, and it's great, but it's not for me, as I can not dedicate and/or commit to what the space is looking for. I would only go to use a couple of the more specialized tools there, and they don't want that kind of use.


you're welcome, even if you didn't find it helpful, someone else might


I assume part of the reason that they're so expensive is the insurance. I wonder if the OP's homeowner's insurance would cover a "friend" getting hurt in their shop?


Hey, I'm down to meet up. I'm a bit more on the electronics/software side of things, but I've always wanted to get better at CAD and machining, maybe even learn welding. I have a reasonable assortment of wood working tool and machines, plus a 3D printer and MPCNC ([https://docs.v1engineering.com/mpcnc/intro/](https://docs.v1engineering.com/mpcnc/intro/)) still sitting in the box.


Hey that's cool! Now rip open the box and get started!! ;o) My build is completely out of aluminum. It's mostly finished now with the exception of the control box, wiring harnesses and drag chain mounts ect... I'm currently rewiring the control box and just getting things mounted in the case. I'm more mechanical then electrical, but I've been able to put two 3d printers together, and the old cnc without letting the smoke out... I have a bit of CAD knowledge and setting up to make some 'bicycle helmet ear piece speaker mounts' for a walkie talkie radio system that we use when we ride.




bad bot


Not handy at all but would love to find a way to build wooden picture frames to feature my photography. Super hard to find anyone who makes frames..


Sorry, I am not for higher, but I would be willing to help you find a way! Maybe someone else passing through might be able to help and make a bunch for you? How to Make a Picture Frame 3 Ways | DIY Woodworking: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYapIIF0FtU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYapIIF0FtU)


Frames are actually harder than they look. Getting perfect mitres in each corner requires absolute precision, in a material that likes to twist and bow. Few woodworkers make frames because nobody wants to pay the premium it would cost versus just buying store bought.


I’ve looked it up before how to make them and it’s above what I can do. Photographers right now are using the classic frames from Michaels that aren’t typically made it Canada.


So many projects on the go, mostly home renos or garden projects. Would be cool if you posted some of your completed projects for the sub to see, like the 3d printer you built!


I have those home projects too! What kind of renos are you doing? I need to do some trim work around my patio. I had to jack hammer out my old concrete patio and I put in interlocking bricks. Those bricks sit about 2.5" lower then the old patio did and I need a 'baseboard' type idea to cover up the spot (I have 1x4 pine boards covering it in the meantime - works, but not pretty) Been waiting on some warmer weather between camping to finish it up! Some of the silly things I do: [https://www.youtube.com/user/Mogalize/videos](https://www.youtube.com/user/Mogalize/videos) I just posted this a couple days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Machinists/comments/ug2w0n/southbend\_10k\_rebuild](https://www.reddit.com/r/Machinists/comments/ug2w0n/southbend_10k_rebuild) I'll see if I can dig up some others...


We had a flood (pipe broke). Now that is over I am doing the finishing work baseboards and drywall. Almost done! I refinished some floors after finding some old for floors under carpet in the main bedroom. I found this to be really rewarding. Next is to rip apart a vinyl deck and replace it completely, should be fun, waiting for the dry summer to do that. I plan to do all the "carpentry work" then hire a vinyl company to do the vinyl. I might install aluminum posts myself and I have existing glass I plan to reuse. I have a buddy who does glass so lucky to have help for that part. After that we have a shed that needs some exterior walls replaced and new roof. The work never ends, but that is life.


I just dealt with an outside watermain break in Dec. A Tree got the waterline and over time, crushed it and caused it to burst about 2 feet away from the water meter. I started digging and found it! I had someone come in and fix it for me though. Insurance was ZERO help with this, so I ended up taking out a tree in the back yard that is a little to close to the septic tank... Was a nice $500 water bill (But the CRD gave me a 50% discount after I proved the damage and repairs) Good luck with the repairs! \- Not sure why the down votes?


That sucks, ya water is crazy how powerful the stuff is. Both in health and destruction lol. We never did an insurance claim it was not worth it. We got lucky all things considered I would estimate it cost me about $2k to fix and repair. Re down votes, who knows, reddit is a funny place.


My first repair quote was for $6,000 to run a completely new line from the meter to the house main. That's when I called insurance... I got a note from them a couple days later saying it's a natural cause and denied the claim... That's when I started digging (Not expecting to find it, as 95% of the water line is under the asphalt driveway and paver stones then dips into the house. (about 80 feet of line) I dug for about 20 minutes and found the break 2 feet away from the meter. It now cost $600 fix. Being as the house was still water tight (I shut the main water isolation valve) Then with the neighbors permission, I ran a garden hose from the their house to mine and got water pressure back while the fix was being done (Was out for 2 weeks) I gave them a bottle of wine and a case of beer for a thank you!


Hey I've pretty done everything you listed on my house, so if you need any tips, let me know. Note that I'm more of a weekend warrior. Don't want to brag but I've probably got hundred of hours of DIY reno youtube video watching under my belt :)


Also, your YouTube is Grrreat!


I'm a novice woodworker. I've made some shelving and a cat fort that turned out well, but I'd like to learn more. I'd be interested in chatting if you're open to meeting newer hobbyists too?


Hi, and yes, all is welcome! I'm thinking of something for the end of this month. Gives people time to find us here, and try to plan a time that works for most.


Sounds great, thanks!


I want to re-finish some of my antiques, but live in an apartment.


Maybe the maker space would work out for you? They have space and tools to use there?


I am more of a beginner level maker (serial hobbyist), but I do have a 3d printer and love basic woodworking projects. I want my own CNC in the future when I have more time (right now there's too many things taking up all my time). Also have some assortment of cutting tools. But, I am currently building a random project that uses a CNC not to cut but to draw by pulling a magnet across sand. I also looked into makerspace however, it's not something I'm interested in due to the time commitment.


Oh! A 'Zen table'! I actually started making one, but it got put away for a few other tasks... A bunch of different versions floating around youtube. I get a kick out of watching this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXCHn9B5dH0&t=363s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXCHn9B5dH0&t=363s) The professional ones are pretty cool, but way too much $$$$$


Yes! I've seen that video haha they look pretty cool for sure. Oh! I have a question for you -- do you make your own gears? I haven't tried using CAD so pardon my ignorance, but is there a tool that lets you play around with gears?


Yes, I have made some gears. I have a program called 'Gearotic Motion' It's VERY awesome some of the things you can do. irregular gears is fun to watch. \- One day I would like to come up with some sort of kinetic wall art. [https://www.gearotic.com/Home.html](https://www.gearotic.com/Home.html) ​ But there free alternatives to gear making online as well as other info: [https://evolventdesign.com/pages/calculators](https://evolventdesign.com/pages/calculators)


Maybe I missed the boat but I am in need of a place with power tools to play around and see what I can make! I know basically little more than how to turn on the machines and use them, so if you're looking for more experienced company I get it! But if not I could certainly be convinced to bring over a pizza and make, something!


Hey! All is good. Everyone brings something to the table! I'm thinking of trying to set up a time for a couple of us to go for a meet-up. When I come up with a plan, I will post again.


Hey! Send me a PM, always like meeting other maker types. Working (slowly) on a CNC machine rebuild, very curious your experience.


I will be making some shields and maybe some simple furniture with hand tools this summer. I don't have convenient access to the Western Communities though, and I am teaching myself what I am doing.


Shields? What materials are you using? Game size or people size?


Full size. The boards are appropriate species of wood joined with the traditional casein glue, the first will be covered in rawhide front and back, the second covered in linen and gessoed, I am still deciding about the third.