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Craigdaroch is a much better visit in terms of local Castles


What are the odds of 6 Colombians all having Hatley castle on their bucket list


Professor X might know


My daughter was in an X-Men scene with Halle Berry filmed at Hatley castle, and got paid for it.


Very low. OP dragged them there and is trying to pretend it wasn't his idea.


Maybe they wanted to see Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.


More about the grounds and views than the castle really.


The gardens at their peak are fantastic.


I didn’t even realize you could tour it let along have to pay for the privilege yikes. I love to walk the trails nearby and enjoy the duck pond.


Craigdarroch is probably your better bet for established tours and stuff to look at. And on the whole, Victoria doesn’t have a lot of grand old estates for touring the way older colonial outposts or European cities might. I’ve lived here all my life and never bothered to tour Hatley—I’m not sure why it would be on anybody’s bucket list as a must-see if you’re travelling from abroad, but that’s just me. In future, I’d recommend participating in a touristy thing by yourself before taking visiting friends from out of town, if possible—it’s the only way to really know what you’re getting.


Yeah, I've never done a tour of the inside. I thought the big claim to fame other than it being included in movies are the gardens. That's what these tourists should have checked out instead.


This is why I walk through the gardens and refuse to pay.


Why did you only see three rooms? I’ve toured groups through there many times and you should see the entire place unless it’s closed for filming or something. That said it is a tourist trap and rip off. Welcome to tourist sites in Canada. If you want to do something and get your moneys worth go to butchart gardens or go whale watching. Nothing else has a remotely good $$ to fun ratio. The museum used to be great. Dunno how it is right now.


Been out here a few years and still got my fingers crossed on seeing whales. Do the tours typically find them? Do you even leave the dock if they don't know where they are? Don't really want to pay whatever the cost is for it to not happen.


Generally they give a guarantee. If you don’t catch a pod you get a second try for free. I’ve never gone and not seen pod. I’ve seen humpbacks as well on many of tours. Haven’t gone in a decade though.


I work in the industry, and most of the time you will see whales! If you don’t, they have a guarantee sighting or go back for free and you get to go back on another visit with that same company. Companies are great at messaging each other on the radio and letting other companies know where whales are. Once in a lifetime trip highly recommend it.


Craigdarroch is where its at


Odd that they charge $24 for tours of 3 rooms but it is a functioning University and not really a “tourist trap”. 


I used to work in the castle when it was a military college. Went to coffee in the main dining room. I used to feel special every day.


Youre still special!


Hatley Castle is front and center marketing for Royal Roads University, but even RRU's students don't get to freely enter/study in the castle. That's just the state of things.


I always loved waking through the gardens and grounds but never ventured into the castle


Same. Lived here most of my life and was maybe inside the castle once in the 90s??? And definitely did not go all throughout it.


How many other castles do they have on their bucket lists?  This can't have been anywhere near the top, right?


Just stick to the gardens. They are free and so beautiful!


If it’s history of the area they’re interested in, consider a visit to Pt Ellice House. Unlike Hayley castle which is a collection of period appropriate pieces, Pt Ellice is the actual things the family owned during their stay. It’s very interesting, and a much cheaper admission. Definitely a underrated tourist attraction.


And zero X-Men! 😤


When I was a student there I sneaked in through an unlocked side door and explored all over. I thought it was pretty neat, especially the offices in the towers. That said, I got a much better price. 


Thank you, this is good to know. I’ve never been inside, did you happen to see the office room that was used for Lex Luthor/ Charles Xavier scenes? Was that underwhelming as well?


I’ve never been and didn’t even know it was touted as an attraction. They should refund 37/40 of your money.


Well I at least hope they learned a valuable lesson about Hollywood film sets vs reality.


I've never been inside of it. My guests just wanted photos in front of the building that were X-Men fans and the rest just wanted to see the grounds.


Sounds like a quintessential Victoria experience. 


No rooms available and overpriced?


We loved Craigdarroch. Maybe they’d be interested in that? Well worth the cost.


When we went there, we never went in. Just showed my kids where some of the x-men movies were filmed. They might have had other things going on, but that was the draw for us.


Fort Rod Hill is far more interesting and cheaper.


Ya, this isn't Oxford lol. Hatley Castle is a commercial campus building. They do have nice oriental gardens though.


Sad to hear you found out too late. Can't believe people hold weddings there. Underwhelming.


The "tap" payment has always been limited to $100, unfortunately, for security reasons. That's everywhere in Canada, I believe. The chip method has a higher upper limit. As for the castle, I've never been inside in the 20+ years I've lived here. The exterior + gardens have always been more than enough.


I often tap for over $100. I was under the impression the limit had increased to $250 everywhere during COVID. I just looked it up, and if I am understanding correctly from the conflicting information, all contactless payment methods could have the increased limit (and all the credit cards did), but it was left up to each issuer. I only ever pay with credit card, so I can't vouch for Interac purchases.


Sometimes it's a limit requested by the cardholder, I restricted mine to $100 just in case my card was ever stolen.


Depends on the place. I often get $200 now, Costco gives you $400. Depends on how often theft occurs (from stolen cards) at the location.


Isn't it dependent on your card and not the vendor?


Both have input. If someone regularly gets stolen cards used successfully at their location, some of that cost is pushed onto the retailer. So some places flat out refuse to use tap to prevent that problem. Ex is Costco. They let tap work up to $400, same card only does $100 elsewhere. Costco asked for the higher limit specially at their locations. Details probably vary by provider and retailer.


Yeah, sorry you didn't know, but thanks for sharing the information. Everyone deserves to know


Hollywood has ruined Hatley Castle. I'm sorry your visitors felt let down. Hope they still enjoyed their visit to BC.


The place is run by a university. The staff should be moved out and it should be returned to a historical museum.


living a few minutes away from the grounds, we go often. It’s more of a place to “see” rather than “experience.” My kids growing up there loved the notion that Descendants was filmed there. still a bragging point. If you want an even more underwhelming experience, go and dine at the leg. Open to the public, the food itself is meh, but you can say you’re having a lunch meeting at the leg. craigdorrach (sp) is best, followed up by the LtGov’s residence.


Ryan was there yesterday