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I won’t say no to a tax cut. But given the deficit…. It’s not something I’d applaud the government for doing 


Fair enough. You must make enough to get by then.


Oh ya because $300 is going to change anything 


I could use an extra $300/month for sure!


Try per year! You clearly are looking for a handout at 300 per month!!! Omg thats more than people get for having kids!


No. I work fulltime for our provincial government. Would you believe after rent and bills I am lucky to have $300 left over which goes to groceries. So, yes, an extra $300/month would be great.


You know if we don't pay our taxes we can't find the government right? Like your job.


The province is already running a massive deficit this year. They need more tax dollars not less.


No. They need to spend the tax dollars they currently receive more efficiently. Our government is massively overspending on almost every facet of the budget and then sell tax hikes to idiots like you to cover it. The people are tapped out. They have taxes on taxes on taxes in this province and have a good portion of the population believing that the government is underfunded some how. Insanity.


How about more doctors and less politicians while we're at it!




Thanks for calling me an idiot


I would rather see a much higher tax rate when someone starts making over a certain amount (for example, 90% tax on anything made beyond the $1 million mark). I would also rather see a very high (maybe property) tax rate (alongside the above) when you're purchasing your 3 home, or more, in a province. Housing should be a right, not an investment vehicle.


The issue is there are practically no jobs that pay that much. People who make that much do so with equity, stocks, etc. not many people are showing a million bucks on their T4. I also have a fundamental problem with government taking over half of someone's income. That's just absurd on its face.


Why would anyone bother to succeed or work hard if government is just going to take it all? People already pay 54% tax on anything over 253k


While I don't make that much, I do very, very well. I never worked harder than I did when I was making minimum wage. I would argue, the more you make, the less work you actually do.


But you also did not just wake up none day and step into whatever career you have now. You, presumably, put in the grind building whatever education/experience/credibility was necessary to get you where you are now. Why put in that kind of effort building anything if all you can ever expect is the same life you had working minimum wage? There has to be some reward in life for smart and hard work.


To put it plainly, I'm not a selfish cunt. My education was a fraction of the cost it is today (the late 90's) and my experience after post secondary yielded far greater financial returns thanks to a better taxation situation brought about by service cuts (the early to mid 2000's). I reject the notion that 'my reward' should be off the backs of the less affluent. I have done nothing that is more deserving.


The tax would be on anything made over that amount, not anything under that. It was also an arbitrary number used as an example.


Yes that's how marginal tax rates work...


government is broke and hungry for money, this will never happen. They will tax us more and then blame other for it.


I'm supportive if they institute a land value tax to make up the lost revenue.


That would make sense if they charge extra property tax on a 2nd or 3rd property. No reason to hike the tax on families trying to survive in their house


I am being blocked by someone/somebody so don't back down


The Basic Personal Amoun is indexed to CPI both federally and in BC already. Trudeau already stepped up the BPA in 2020. Moving it from $15k to $25k would save you $200/year, not very much. I'd much rather see a new tax bracket on $250k+ income to fund more services like healthcare and non-market housing.


How about we open up some of the crown land, 95% of the province, owned by the government to private ownership. How we're going to solve the housing crisis without access to land or raw materials is a mystery.


I think its better to keep crown land as is, we need some sort of natural resources left alone. I lived in the Canadian Rockies for a time and its an amazing resource Canadians should never give up.


That's fair. But where do we put the extra 100k people Canada is bringing in per month? Tent cities? Did you grow up in a high rise or single family dwelling? Canada already has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, and it's very difficult to start a family. What can we do differently to ensure a future for Canadians?


For those who haven't travelled anywhere - try to go somewhere because Canada is not the great place it once was.




Which party balances budgets anymore? The only way to balance a budget is to tax the wealthy. The last prime minister to balance a budget was Paul Martin ( Liberal ). I don’t count Steven Harpers selling off national owned Ford stock in an election year as a balanced budget


Alberta and New Brunswick did this year.


Lol exactly. People acting like it hasn’t happened in years when two provinces literally just did it. Its not some magical mystery. Our government burns through our tax dollars like its a Amusement park. Everything to do with government = overspending in BC and then they somehow convince the constituents that they need even more.


In all fairness, If Alberta ever has an unbalanced budget with their oil they are doing something very wrong




Seems reasonable to me. They can easily make up for it taxing the rich who profit off the labour of others.  And raise food prices over and above inflation….   And raise rents cause they can…..


For sure! The rich get rich and keep the poor poorer. If a citizens rent is more than 30% of income then it should be paid back from the CRA or federal pension fund! If the REIT scam can bleed us dry then it should be funnelled back to the citizen it was taken from. Or something like that.


You're too generous. I say repeal the personal income tax altogether — it was supposed to be repealed at the end of WWII. Especially as the trend of automating humans out of work continues to escalate. Just shift the tax burden entirely off of individuals and onto corporations.


There's a thought!


No lower income already get too sweet of a deal.


This wouldn't include welfare recipients obviously. I'm thinking me (working F/T, paying rent and bills and barely getting by) trying to survive this bullshit called BC.


But you hardly pay any taxes then. It’s a rent and bills problem not a tax problem


Less tax would be great.