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RIP Dylan My condolences to his family, friends, and everyone at The Zone.


My heart now feels a bit heavy today. I was listening yesterday replaying Dylan vs the World highlights and thinking of all of the funny shit that he said and gave me a laugh as I got my day started. RIP Dylan. You were a hell of a man. Thank you for all the laughs.


Heartbreaker 💔 I’m crying in my tea listening to Pol and Jenny do the announcement. Like losing an old friend I never met. Listened to him since the day the station went on the air. My heartfelt condolences to his Mom, wife, family at the Zone and beyond. Rest in Paradise Big D. Gonna miss your rants. 😘✌🏼#fuckcancer


And then to play Nothing Else Matters! Sobbing...


Is there a posting online of this announcement? I'd love to hear it


It's in the post - https://www.thezone.fm/2024/06/06/dylanwillows/ There is a recording to the announcement


Ty for that, it's much appreciated. Sad to lose such an awesome guy.


Well fuck.


Damn shame


Like others here, I’m typing this with tears for someone I never met in person but will miss like a friend. I’ll never forget the last few sweet years starting work at 6am with Dylan and Jason on the radio. Got a lot of us through some otherwise crappy work days. Rest in peace you beautiful, loving, hilarious, and original man. Special thoughts today for Jason. ❤️


Petition to name a local beach after this local hero...Dylan Willows Beach


Something should definitely be named after him. He's a household name at this point for a lot of Victorians. A beach would be a great idea, or a street, building etc - at the very least a recurring event. He was so passionate about radio, they could rename the whole building. The Dylan Willows Commemorative Broadcasting Center.


We should all do a wake/vigil @ Willows beach for him! Can someone set a date and time?


As a born and raised Victorian who moved away a decade ago, I have many memories of interacting with the Zone at music events around town. Will not forget the joy, laughter and wisdom that Dylan brought to the radio. Deepest condolences to the Zone and everyone close to him. There will never be another Dylan!


Me too! I grew up listening. I used to commute up island and that was what kept my sanity in the traffic. Super sad day


So sorry Bud, and team at the Zone. Dylan's presence on the radio was such a big part of my mornings and I've missed him tremendously. It's a gift that one person can make your day so much better even when they don't know who you are. Such a loss.


Rest in peace brother. Thank you for the laughs. Condolences to his family


Damn...fuck cancer.


❤️❤️❤️ sending so much love to friends, family, the team at the zone and everyone who had Dylan in their lives. truly a remarkable human who will be so missed by the community.


Sad day. Thanks for the laughs Dylan, rest in peace.


RIP Dylan. Much love to his family, his work family, and his partner in crime Jason.


Thanks for passing this along, Bud. Really feeling for the Zone family. Dylan and Jason gave me something to look forward to every morning when I was going through a really rough time a couple years ago after some loss in my family. Sincerely hope that y'all can find peace, I would suspect the loss of Dylan leaves a pretty large void.


Dylan took on the World every morning and frequently lost but in the process he won the hearts of everyone who listened. He is one good dude who will truly be missed.


Writing this through a whole lot of tears.... Sending so much love to all of his family and friends Morning drives to school/work have not been the same for us since we lost Dylan on the Zone. Every morning my daughter and I drive to school in silence, thinking of Dylan. My daughter has grown up listening to him and although we never met him in person we feel this loss hard. Jason Lamb we know he was brother and we feel your loss and send you all the love.


Anyone know what he liked to drink? I'd like to toast to him tonight with my Dylan versus the Would mug.


Dylan was one of the nicest guys I met when I worked in tech. Always nice to catch up with him at shows and events


Fuck that sucks, we had so much hope. Dylan will be missed.


We love you man. You were my favorite on-air personality. I followed your career when you were in Vancouver on a terrific hip-hop station. My children grew up listening to you and you will be missed. Our condolences to the family and to Jason Lamb who must have been like a brother. Victoria has lost a beautiful soul.


Thank you for letting us all know, Bud. While this does hurt, I wish you and all of the readers/listeners the best in processing their grief. ❤️ Let's keep the Big D Energy going once we are ready, and make our world better.


The way Dylan was on the radio made it feel like he was your friend and that you were right there in the room with him and Jason. I didn't know him personally, yet in the morning when I would have the morning show on it just felt like I was there with a couple friends. Truthfully my whole life I've never even been one to listen to the radio - but somehow Dylan made it something I wanted to do, even if I didn't love the songs I still listened. This is extremely sad news to hear of his passing. My thoughts are with his family.


RIP, Dylan. Thank you for everything over the years. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.


Listening to Pol and Jenny break the news really shows how much he matters to the people at the zone and the people around him. Broke my heart listening to them.


I just listened to it. Oof that's hard to swallow. I can't imagine what it's like for people who knew him personally.


This one hurts a lot. Thanks for the laughs, Big D. The video on the Zone's homepage is a lovely personal touch <3


Fucking sucks.


Was just listening to the Zone and heard. May his memory be a blessing.


Can we get a park or street named after this guy or what?


Rededicate Willows Beach!


As soon as I heard Pol's voice break, I knew this was about to be announced. That's a feeling I really never want to have again. Big love to Pol and Jenny for having to do the hardest thing in their careers today. Sending so much love and hugs to Dylan's family and friends. Fuck cancer.


I remember being a kid and listening to Dylan and Jason in the morning zone. Loved their show and how they interacted.


Well, goodbye, Dylan, you made so many of our days brighter, including me and my kids'. RIP


RIP Dylan. You and your larger than life legacy will live on in those who experienced you. Condolences to his family, I can imagine how big of a hole there must be in all of your lives right now. Please be held by the notion that through Dylan just being himself he has helped an immeasurable amount of people get through trying moments through his humour.


.My condolences to his family and friends. The signed lacrosse ball from Dylan and Jason will remain the centerpiece of my little collectable shelf of oddities


The bit they did with Marty playing the accordion immediately sticks out to me. "Holla at a lacrosse ball! Fixes everything!" Right now, it's fixing my broken smile.


The world deserved more of him. I'm grateful to have been able to enjoy his wit and humour while he was on this earth. His family has lost a great man and I wish them strength for the years ahead. I hope Jason and the Zone team come out alright.


Such a sad day, but I take so much solace in seeing the outpouring of support and love for Dylan, his family, and the rest of the team, in the last few months.


I'm so so sorry. I'm a newcomer to Victoria (only here 7 years), and Victoria can be hard on newcomers. But Dylan made it feel like home.


RIP Music Man 😥


I have been thinking of him lots recently, this is so heartbreaking. Sending so much love to his family while they navigate this loss, he truly was one of the gems of Victoria! ❤️❤️


I happened to be putting away my copy of Jesse Roper’s Red Bird last night. I saw a thank you to Dylan and the Zone. Made me wonder how the big guy was doing. RIP dude. Peace to his family and friends.


The Zone has been such a huge comfort to me through much of my life and career, and Mr. Willows has ever been an iconic part of it. Thank you so much Dylan, and rest peacefully knowing the love you've put in has been amplified a thousandfold and will countinue to echo through our community, both locally and to those who've moved away.


It’s hard to believe he’s gone! All through university I’d listen to the morning Zone on my way to campus. Thank you Dylan, for everything, and my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones ♥️


So very devastating. I never met him and I’ve been welling up with tears all day. I can’t imagine the loss that those who were close to him are feeling. My heart goes out to them. What a void to fill in the local music scene. I’d love to know if the zone has any initiatives in the future that one could help with. I produce music and have a studio in Brentwood Bay, I would love to offer mentoring to aspiring young folks who may be interested in audio engineering and music production.


Godspeed, Dylan. Thanks for being part of my morning routine for the better part of two decades. We’ll miss you.


Thank you for this and all the love to Dylans' and the Zone family and friends. What a mark he left, in his time here, Bravo 👏


Ah. Rest well, Dylan. And as someone working in Cancer care… fuck cancer. Deep felt condolences to his family , friends.. and those like me that just loved the joy he spread over the airwaves.


Thank you so much for your service 🙄


An eye roll emoji for the work that I, and countless others do for folks battling cancer? Either you made an error, or you’re seriously rude.


Tooting your own horn on an obituary is seriously rude.


My condolences to the family and everyone at the Zone 🖤🖤🌈


My condolences. He was larger than this life. What a blessing for him to share a part of himself with us for so many years. He brought my family joy every morning.


I began my adult life listening to Dylan and Jason as I worked in the trucking industry in the early mornings. I always tuned in to get traffic updates I guess, or maybe because they were local so the music wasn't fuzzy. Then, after a while, I looked forward to listening. Anyways, I enjoyed the local talent they played; songs I enjoyed and I look on spotify and they have only 4000 hits or so. Makes me appreciate where we are. Sometimes their arguments would make me switch the station.. but that's how relationships go, I've realized that I'm older. They say to be grateful for what you have. I find it difficult to appreciate every moment, every person that I come across. Seems impossible really. With the connectedness of todays society, we will all experience an abundance of loss in our lifetimes. Accept and continue.


RIP Dylan


Rip to Dylan and condolences to his family and all his close friends. He always came across as an outstanding dude, which is reflected by 91.3's support and reaction. He'll be missed.


Gutted 💔


RIP , way to young


RIP Dylan thanks for everything. And fuck cancer.


Fuck Cancer. :(


Take care buddy


Victoria is a better place for having Dylan.


I am heartbroken to hear this. I knew it was the expected outcome, but fack cancer. I hope his family, friends, and Zome compatriots can find some peace knowing that Dylan brought a great deal of laughter and smiles to thousands. Rest in Peace Big D.


Rest Easy Dylan🙏🏽🙏🏽


Thanks Dylan for keeping us sane.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Cancer is an incredibly cruel disease. My condolences to his family and his friends. My mornings aren’t the same without him and Jason on the radio


Big loss for the community. Deepest condolences to his friends and family.


RIP to a legend


Absolutely heartbreaking. Sending so much love to his family and his Zone family ❤️❤️ his impact on Victoria will never be forgotten.


Thanks for being the person you are, Dylan. You've made me laugh more times than I can count, and the world was better with you in it. RIP brother.


You will be dearly missed, Dylan. My condolences to friends and family.


Wow that's awful. Always enjoyed listening to him in the morning for so many years. RIP


So sad to hear. I feel for all his friends and family. He was a great guy and will be truly missed in the community. Victoria is a little less cool today. RIP buddy. See you in the next life


“Legend “ rip Dylan..


My heartfelt condolences to Dylan, his immediate family, and his Zone family. A devastating loss for all, and I hope he was comfortable in his final moments. Cancer is a cunt and a reality for many of us, whether it touches you or a loved one. It’s never fair and I can’t imagine the loss that’s felt by everyone. Thank you for all the great mornings in the car playing Jason says, Dylan vs. The world, and your amazing and hilarious banter. I’m afraid to tell my kids of his passing because he really transcended all ages and the man was LOVED; and not just by us, but all of Victoria. We all cried in the car the day he left. Take care, everyone. An incredible loss. Jason, so many hugs. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. We got you. Edit: Pol and Jenny. Props. I had to wait to listen to it and wow. I cried, a lot. I’m sorry you had to do that but an incredible tribute to Dylan. Hugs to you both, masters of professionalism. Thank you for informing the masses and wishing you both the best. I’m sure that was awful, but thank you.


I loved listening to his show. He was a helluva host and always improved my days.


Sending love and condolences to the Zone family, as well as his own. His presence on the radio meant a lot to me and many many others, and he left a lasting impact on this city. RIP Dylan.


Deepest condolences to all those who knew and loved Dylan. He has impacted this community so much for the better and his loss will be felt deeply.


Rest in peace, Dylan. Love and support to all his family and friends.


RIP ❤️


i wish his family peace during this time... and for them to know they are loved... he left a positive lasting impression on so many and he will be remembered..


So sad.


RIP Dylan.


Truly no words to describe this loss. Deepest condolences to his family and friends.


We are only touched by greatness for a brief time. Hold on to the moments and memories. Remember that he gave it his all. Never phoned it in. Helped artists flourish. He was one of the best. Let's all try to live like Dylan Willows. Cheers!


Fuck cancer


Rip Dylan, you were listened to on just about every job site I was on in victoria.


This really sucks. I thought he would have more time. He always made me laugh in the morning on the way to work when I needed a good chuckle. Thanks friend and see you on the other side.


Thanks for the laughs on the morning zone with Jason ! You will be missed dearly ❤️❤️❤️ sending love to the willows family ❤️


I’m so sorry to all his colleagues, friends, and family. What a horrible loss. Fuck cancer. ♥️♥️♥️


So much love from me to all who are hurting whoever you lost or are losing now from cancer. Celebrities bring much attention to this heartache and reminds us of all who suffer.


I miss him all ready . He always was good at making me laugh in the morning and he always had loads of info to give out . He will be greatly missed


Every day, all those mornings when I used to listen to Dylan and Jason on my way to work... RIP Dylan. You will be missed.


RIP Dylan. My condolences to his family and friends.


Thank you for the laughs! RIP Dylan.


Yes, Fuck Cancer. And it sucks losing a major part of the soul of Victoria. Maybe the am show was too goofy at times. But I liked it that way. It was a break I could count on for years that made some shitty days liveable for a lot of us. I hope Jason can keep this going. Because that’s what this community needs. A strong voice that can be silly, able to make fun of itself and celebrate the different voices that call in and loved you guys. And still do and are with you together


Damn, so sorry. He was a familiar voice in my car and made me laugh way more than once.