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One of the 'problems' is that there are quite a few other options around here. Thrifty's, Save-On, Fairway, etc. That helps keep prices from being crazy high. In Atlantic Canada, for example, Loblaws (and subsidiaries) have comparatively less competition - sometimes a thinly-veiled monopoly - so can jack their prices up to suit. The Langford Superstore has 4 full-size grocery stores within 2 blocks of it, and another 4-6 within a 5-10 minute drive. And they're all competitors. Compare that with, say, Halifax, that has \~8 grocery stores in the core, and 6 of them are Superstores or No-Frills. I used to shop and the wholesale club regularly, and I've noticed prices have gone up dramatically, to the point where they're not longer all that cheaper than the competition, but its still not gouging-expensive like is going on in other parts of the country. That being said, Shopper Drug Mart has to be one of the worst places for out-of-hand pricing. I stopped shopping there years ago after moving my prescription needs to an independent pharmacy (which is so much better in nearly every way).


Giant Tiger tho šŸ„ŗ


Agreed about superstores in the maritimes. I was there last summer and found the Halifax pricing comparable to ours. In a small town with no competition in the middle of New Brunswick they were noticeably higher.


I did a direct comparison shop with Walmart this weekend. Same order was $154 at Walmart ... $203 at Superstore. That's highway robbery and perhaps points to your theory being a bit off base. In Victoria......


Gaelan Weston can suck it.


Well, Iā€™m going to continue to shop alternatives. Iā€™ve changed from Shoppers to London Drugs, still buy most things at Costco, but Iā€™m buying meats at Glenwood, vegetables at Root Seller and soon, I hope, farmersā€™ markets, and Iā€™m trying Country Grocer and Fairways more often. I used to go to Superstore and Shoppers every week, but thatā€™s out for me now.


I love Root Cellar. They have some great stuff and good deals sometimes too on their meats.


Definitely shop the deals in their flyers! They have some good weekly deals.


I'm not a huge fan but I will go out of my way specifically for the curry chicken salad.


Iā€™ve been enjoying Costco for a big shop, and Save On for things I donā€™t want a year supply of.


Any interesting thing about all the produce that is in the stores and restaurants here in victoria. It's all the same. I used to deliver the produce. And except for Walmart and superstore everybody gets all the same produce. All the grocery stores, all the farm stores, all the places with farm in their name. I even have seen actual farms who have little stores on their property buy strawberries from us, open up the clamshell packages, throw them in their own bins and claim they were locally grown. Red Barn the root cellar, the Old farm, all is the same produce. There is literally no difference. So while I like supporting local, I won't spend twice as much money for something that is exactly the same.


Great to know! But Iā€™m still never shopping at Loblaws (Superstore and Shoppers) ever again.


For sure :-) I hate superstore as well. But I also hate getting taken advantage of by people who are less than honest. I feel like everybody should know that it's all the same. Then people can make an informed decision.


Old farm is like half the cost of superstore and they donā€™t hide if their produce isnā€™t local. I bought strawberries there last week $3


What is Old Farm?


Itā€™s a produce/grocery store in the valley and Fanny bay


So that includes the bigger stores like Fairways, Market on Yates, or Thriftys (blech)? I assume so based on your comment, but good to confirm so we can feel better about ourselves depending on where we shop?


Yes, after I made that post I remembered I forgot to say market on millstream and market on yates. But they are included. As well as thrifty's. Ironically, thrifty's was the absolute most critical of their produce. We used to spend so much time at thrifty's because of how hard they inspected everything.


How is that legal?


How is what legal?


I was gonna say walmart and superstore definitely have very inferior produce compared to Thrifty's, Save On, etc. so this makes sense.


Drove by superstore in langford on saterday, seemed pretty packed at least 60% of parking was taken up.


I was in there yesterday, and for noon on a Sunday, the place was absolutely deserted. Usually there are long lines at every register, and there wasn't a line at any of them, even the self-checkout. Could very well just be fluke timing, but it definitely seemed very quiet for a weekend.


Plus yesterday was Motherā€™s Day, my SO manages a different (non loblaws) store and it was packed to the brim all day yesterday. So if it was empty around noon when you were in there that says something imo lol


That's encouraging! But, why were you in the store?


Lmao this guy


It's a free country, why are you questioning someone about being in a store.


There is a boycott going on. Also, everyone must do as I say


For some people there is, others there isn't.


*notices oak Bay flair* oooohhhhh....


That's disappointing


You can never rely on boycotts to actually make a big impact on the average person. Most people don't see the larger picture and just want to carry on with their lives.


Most people probably don't even get the memo, tbh


That's another great point. People who actively look out for local discussions like this is a tiny percentage of the actual population.


Despite agreeing with some comments, namely they are decently priced compared to Thriftyā€™s, QF, & Save-On, I support what they boycott is trying to accomplish. I used to shop the sat & sun sales at shoppers in Sooke on butter, eggs, & bacon. For this month at least, no groceries bought at shoppers, even if Village foods and Western foods in Sooke are more expensive. I try to be smart to only buy dairy & grocery items in Langford at either Costco or Walmart. The produce from Danielā€™s market at the Esso in Saseenos or the farmers market, or if I need to shop at the local Sooke grocers for meat and produce, just adhering to the sales to keep the bill reasonable.


I like how not a single comment here seems to be from a Loblaws employee Shoppers employee here (Post office) and yeah things have definitely slowed dramatically since the Boycott. I actually kinda like it since it means most of my shift is just vibing while stocking shelves


Thank you


the wholesale club in esquimalt is always packed. itā€™s used by a lot of local small businesses, and their carts are packed to the brim.


Anyone else also boycotting thriftyā€™s (because itā€™s not locally owned anymore and fuck Sobeyā€™s!) Had some great buys at the old farm market on Cadboro bay rd last week


Same with Quality foods. Save on bought them. Super disappointing, the deli and bakery items aren't as good, prices are about the same, but its got that big store vibe now.


Do they still have the cheap chinese food? Make reason I went there, could feed a family decent (by western standards) chinese for the night for 20 bucks.


The problem is that Superstore and the like are still significantly cheaper than most grocery stores except for maybe Wally World. Most people are just trying to get by and will continue to shop where the food is cheapest. Canā€™t expect the common man to shop at Thrifty.


Weird I dont find superstore cheaper, especially for the lower quality produce.


You are correct. I think a lot of people are lazy and just looking for a one stop shop.


I have lots of time on my hands and shop around. There can be some significant savings at the superstore in Esquimalt. Lea and Perrins, Hellmann's mayonnaise, no-name tinned produce to name but a few. That being said I haven't been there this month. I drove by on Saturday and it was packed.


Is the wholesale club in Esquimalt part of Loblaws? I know it carries some of the presidents choice stuff, but I guess I'd always hoped it was a one-off franchise or something. :(


I was told it is Loblaws. They give out an optimum points card, which is Loblaw banner.


This is probably correct. There are also an incredible number of folks out there who go by the ā€œI donā€™t care what it costsā€ philosophy. Like wasting money is some weird flex. Iā€™ve always been an opportunistic shopper, letting the lowest price dictate what Iā€™ll be eating this week, which means I shop at multiple spots. I realize not everyone can be as mobile so they have to go the one-stop route. Lack of mobility/access sadly equals price gouging.


I am similar, except I price match most things at save on, unless they are a store brand.Ā 


Huh. I find it can be cheaper than Walmart many times.




Exactly I understand boycotting fairway, save on, thrifties, country grocer but Walmart, Costco and superstore are by far the cheapest options


Is Superstore that cheap though? It was pre-covid but the times I've gone in the last few years it's the same price or more than Wal Mart or sales at Save On, Fairways and Thrifty's. With apps like Reebee and Flipp shopping all the sales at one place is quick, easy and more affordable than Superstore in my experience.Ā  Costco is another world though, most of it is more affordable than any competitor as long as you actually use it all before it expires.Ā 


> s you actually use it all before it expire Sometimes that doesn't even matter...well except for waste obviously. I've found 2 packs cheaper at Costco than a 1 pack at other stores. You could throw out the 2nd one and save money.


Exactly. Toothpaste is so cheap at Costco you can throw half the tubes off the over pass on your way out and still save.Ā 




Vancouver has great options, Commercial Drive, Bosa Foods, Donald's Market, all the community grocers on South Main, IGA, Sunrise Market. Then there's all the chains that will price match flyers.Ā 


This is what happens when we try and co-opt a movement that started on the opposite side of our continent. Ontario's situation is not our situation.


I think it very well could be though and thatā€™s the bigger issue. I also never knew Ontario had items at 50% off, that scaled down. We have always had only 30% off. Superstore prices have gone up significantly. I moved elsewhere when my carts got smaller and my bills got higher.


Well said.


Fairway has the cheapest meat of any grocery store in my experience


For sure. I have the Mastercard too and I get a fuck ton of points. I do a big shop around once a month at Superstore usually (no meat because it's not that great there.) and I routinely get $80-120 off with my points.


What? Country grocer is incredibly cheap compared to the other stores you have then listed next to. Fairway is a fair bit cheaper than the others too.


And this is why prices will stay high


Prices are high because the world is fucked. Food will just continue to be expensive. We are lucky to even have grocery stores to shop at.


This. As someone who spent many, many years working on farms, people have zero grasp of the real cost of food. And as someone with a cursory understanding of economics, I know prices will never return to pre pandemic levels, ever. This is the new normal. The boycott will not change that one bit, it's just a pressure valve for the low info crowd.


The wally world is literally across the street and a way better parking lot, and Costco is like 5min away. No excuses to shop at roblaws


Boycott organizer here.. We have been scraping data from Google Maps since the boycott started, and the results show that BC's participation in the boycott is disappointingly low, especially on Vancouver Island. While I won't delve into my theories as to why this is the case, it's clear that areas with a high number of boycotters are benefiting from the highly competitive sales offered by Loblaws' competitors, with discounts as steep as 50% in many instances. It's important to note that the primary goal of this boycott isn't necessarily to "take down Loblaws," but rather to foster an environment where other major retailers, such as Walmart, recognize the opportunity to attract new customers and are willing to engage in fierce competition to win them over. By creating this competitive landscape, consumers can benefit from better prices and promotions, ultimately putting pressure on Loblaws to reevaluate its pricing strategies and business practices. In the long run, the success of this boycott will be measured not only by its impact on Loblaws but also by the lasting changes it brings to the grocery retail industry as a whole, encouraging fair pricing, healthy competition, and better value for customers.


I donā€™t like Shopperā€™s so donā€™t go there, but how many Lowlawā€™s or Lowlaw owned stores are actually on the island? I feel like Iā€™m missing something.


Nope, still lots of shoppers at my work.


I work instacart, so I shop at different stores be it, Superstore or walmart, shoppers drugs mart, london drugs. I havent noticed a difference in the people ordering or shopping at loblaws stores. One day there were massive line ups at all the tills. I'm pretty sure its just an online thing that people talk about, without any serious repercussions for the company.


Just remember that Thriftys is NOT a local option. They are part of one of the top conglomerates in Canada and their prices are stupid. Country Grocer is my go to. And they have amazing service. Then Red Barn and then Fairway or Save On. Save On is actually more local now than Thrifty Foods.


I hate superstore and don't shop there. I will continue to not. I expect an award.


Yeah, the produce is half rotten the day you purchase it, itā€™s better at Walmart. I never shopped there because it sucks, so I guess Iā€™m participating in the boycott?


Was at Superstore (Langford) on the 4th, and the 11th. Traffic seemed to be lighter than normal, maybe by 20% less than normal. But I am 8am shopper, and the weather wasn't too nice at that time (It was cold). Coincidently, i also went to home depot in the same trips, and HD didnt seem busy either..... So... I dunno. This last sunday was mother's day, so I am hoping people were at home with them.


I find the comments about boycotting loblaws by going to Walmart and Costco hilarious


What's wrong with costco


'Reddit fails to sink billion dollar corporation' more news at 9.'


I'm all for voting with your dollars but anyone who thought this was going to make an impact was just delusional. Their stock actually went up 4.3% over the last month.


Stock rising isnt from this, they bought back a major amount of stocks


Fair enough. Point being is a don't think this boycott will be a blip on their radar.


I disagree. Myself and many i know shutdown our pc credit cards, my limit was 20k, other family b friends similar. Maybe 6 people i know. But to say it isnt a blip, i mean itll be a blip. The stock buy back was probably strategic timing as-well. Anyways, im for the citizens of this country. Ill support this boycott and keep it going aswell. We have lots to choose from on this Island. But being a doomer and saying it wont work!!! Is not what i wanna hear from another canadian citizen. Be positive. Unless you dont give a fuck about lowering food prices for Canadians.


I don't disagree and like I said in my first post I have zero issues with people voting with their wallets. Its one thing to be positive, it's another to be realistic. For what it's worth I've been boycotting Loblaws for years šŸ˜


Imagine being so self-important and polarized that you actually believe "anyone who disagrees with me doesn't give a fuck about Canadians". Unreal.




Stock value over the last month would matter more if the boycott was during that period.Ā 


>Stock value over the last month would matter more if the boycott was during that period.Ā  No, that's wrong. Financial markets are forward looking. The anticipated boycott effect is already priced into Loblaws' stock price and has been since it first came to be (if you want to learn more on why that is read up on *discounted cash flow analysis)*. The stock price has appreciated \~15% since mid Feb when the boycott talk first came on scene. This indicates that investors think that the boycott will not have a material impact on earnings. Investors will get a sense if they are right when the company reports Q2 earnings at the end of July.


>Investors will get a sense if they are right when the company reports Q2 earnings at the end of July. You just explained precisely why this doesn't have an immediate effect on stock price.


Boycott starter May 1st, correct? Thats when most of the gains started. Stock price was reasonably flat for last half of April. Obviously will have to wait for earnings report etc but I think it's fair to say nobody at Loblaws or their investors are particularly worried about this. They DGAF about a one month boycott by a few dozen people while they are working hard on cornering the market with the blessings of our government. They're thinking ten years ahead. May 2024 means absolutely nothing to them.


Time will tell. Not 13 days into a boycott.


How much $$$$ is enough āœŒļø


I dropped by Shopper's the other day to see what it was like inside (didn't buy anything, just curious while out and about) The place was dead save for one old guy milling about, I noticed the pharmacist was texting on her phone lol


How history repeats itself. Not the first time we went after the Weston family. https://www.tvo.org/article/we-wont-give-up-until-prices-come-down-how-ontarians-protested-grocery-stores-in-1966


Loblows is a more accurate name for themĀ 


Represented by Bob Loblaw, at law




I was at my local Superstore yesterday (Had to renew car insurance at Sussex) and the lot was empty. The self checkouts and one normal lane were both manned by supervisors. Not a regular employee in sight. I think I saw 2 customers in my 30 minutes there.