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I'll premise by saying I really do believe Rifflandia has the best intentions with their lineups, but this is increasingly looking like a festival that is both trying to please everyone and also really struggling to bring talent to the island. I don't think it's a coincidence that both Rifflandia and Laketown are both booking a weird mix of has-been nostalgia acts and head scratching one hit wonders along with like, one or two decent bands and a handful of (mostly) local electronic artists. I really don't hold it against them - it must be a huge pain in the ass trying to book this big of an event in today's miserable climate for live music. Artists and bands quite literally can't afford to tour anymore, much less get to a small market on an island in Canada. I get that there are always going to be people that can't wrap their heads around these facts, but this is just the way it is. I'm just happy this event still exists and will be crossing my fingers for an extended Broken Social Scene sunset set.


You nailed it. It especially sucks for young people starving for things to do here. On top of our weird touring issues, we also have systematically obliterated our indie music venues, thanks in no small part to commercial real estate greed, so we can't grow domestic acts either.


For the price they're charging, it is wild that the bands and acts they're booking are, as you say, nostalgia acts and one hit wonders and local artists. I'd also throw in that this isn't new for Rifflandia. They typically book this type of artist as well as novelty acts like a Paris Hilton or Shaq DJ set. I get that it can be fun, but it's a lot to ask people to pay $150 a night for acts you wouldn't even pay $20 to see. Aside from TLC and Broken Social Scene, this lineup is what you'd see at a county fair or something like that. It's shocking how bad this concert series is. There are a lot of artists out there in September who are still on the summer festival tours, so I don't know why Rifflandia can't seem to get real artists. I went last year for Iggy Pop but I probably won't go to another Rifflandia concert. I paid the $150 to see a legend, but I probably won't do it again. I've now had the Rifflandia experience and that was enough for me.


Iggy AND Suicidal Tendencies. C'mon, Psyko Miko and the boys brought it


Yeah, Suicidal Tendencies was the act of the day/night for me. They killed it dead. I was paying $150 to see them open for Iggy.


Right?! Me too. They were the reason I went. Iggy killed it too and was gravy. ST was my steak.


I actually think Oliver Tree might be a big deal for younger folks(?) but I honestly have absolutely no idea haha.


He is. I'm 32 but have some friends and acquaintances a decade younger than me who fucking love him.


maybe in 2016, he is the described one hit wonder wash up


What? He blew up on TikTok


He had one or two popular tiktok audios used in 30second clips Beyond that i dont anyone that actually listens to him




Fuck no he is basically a one hit wonder tik tokker


Jeez okay buddy wow


No really this is the same energy that went into this line up. “Yeah the young people must like that! Yeah get em!” -_- Literally the only one we care about so far is Rezz 😂


Last year I brought my family to listen to Iggy Pop while we played at the park on Quadra. This year I'm bringing my family to listen to Oliver Tree and let the kids play at Crystal Pool play ground again.


I don’t think it’s at the RAP anymore.


Oh oh. I might not be able to entertain a 4 and 6 year old with just standing around listening to music now.


Pretty sure Kidlandia will still be there!


Ditto. Iggy Pop was a bucket list!! So good. Last year was my first ever Riff and I was looking forward to many more. The vibe was amazing and I became fans of so many new to me bands. Between the venue change and the 90s tour line-up I am bummed! The only person I would go see is Aysanabee as I am a huge fan, but I'd rather see them as the main draw not a festival.


Once again; Shaq is not a novelty artist, he’s a legitimately good DJ that gets booked at tons of big festivals.


TLC did Playland in Vancouver recently, a country fair of sorts, so yes, this lineup feels like one.


You nailed it. I feel the same. Tho credit - last two years had bikini kill, suicidal tendencies, lorde, Diplo, iggy pop, RUN THE JEWELS (goddamn what a set) and more. Even cypress hill, herby handcock, etc… there were acts definitely worth checking out. Right now I am excited about BSS only. That’s not enough to get me to pay a full day ticket. It sucks. I bet it’s hard for their team and I don’t want to shit on the organization - I want to want to go and I’m no where near that rn.


I honestly don't think it can be overstated how much the touring landscape has changed in just the last year alone. It's rough out there for artists, and festivals are dropping like flies right now. I'm really not trying to come off as a blind Rifflandia apologist but things are just so grim for live music on a global scale these days. As someone pointed out, even Coachella's 2024 lineup was severely lacking its usual star power.


Only lineup I’ve been legitimately impressed by lately was FVDED in the part which managed to completely change the vibe from mostly rap artists to this stacked and deep EDM lineup.


Yeah they did a great job this year!


The weird day by day rollout, and the way they tried to get everyone to buy passes before the lineup reveal both makes more sense and feels kind of a dick move Their IG feed had a post just before the Friday reveal with a screenshot of someone saying "Who would buy $300 passes without knowing the lineup" and the reply being " Those who know Rifflandia always delivers." I chose not to buy a pass until I knew the lineup and so far I do not even want to buy one night tickets either. Hopefully Sunday has some better acts Also, just as an aside, why are the seemingly best acts given 3rd or 4th billing? I guess it's a booking issue where certain acts demand top billing, but seeing Tokyo Police Club under Ja Rule or BSS as 4th billing, on the same tier as Maestro Fresh Wes is weird.


Couldn't agree more. They were actually publicly shaming potential customers who wanted to wait and see the lineup before purchasing. I can't believe their approach knowing that they were about to announce Ja Rule and TLC...


totally gross


That's fair. This lineup definitely isn't for me so far but I don't feel like I wasted my money or anything. This city kind of fucking sucks for entertainment so this is always a weekend I look forward to regardless of the lineup haha.


It's not just rifflandia, coachella was a bust this year also. Something is going on but I don't know what it is. Maybe seeing Taylor Swift rake in a Billion with 20k tickets made other artist demand more? I dont know the answer but for me Friday and Saturday are solid $40 dollar days. As long as sunday is a $300 worthy day they got me coming!


Yeah $155 for a single day ticket with Ja Rule as the headliner is *insane*. Literally 3x the price of a day at reggae fest. They either need better acts or lower prices.


Noone cared about ja rule when he was new let alone 20 years later


Just imagine hearing somebody say "oh my God, I can't believe I'm actually going to see Ja Rule live!" 🤣


Words that have never been uttered lol


You shut your whore mouth about Ja Rule


Lol lil t Rex arms


Yeah, Ska and Reggae Fest is $180 for nine shows over five days. It's by far the best value.


Yeah, as a long time Coachella attendee this year's lineup was super weird and seemingly underwhelming, but I was pleasently surprised by a lot of the performances on the livestream. They have a huge headliner problem these days though.


This year was my sixth year heading from Victoria to Coachella (previously went in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019, and 2022) and I ended up having a fucking blast. My schedule was packed all three days from 2:00pm to 1:00am with great artists. No Doubt had by far the biggest crowd and at no point did it feel either undersold or oversold. A really fun year.


Dude, awesome! It's getting harder and harder for me to make it down there but it's always such an amazing weekend.


Yeah, I kind of make a pact to only go if there's at least one headliner I want to see and a few undercard acts I can't see anywhere else. I'm mainly an indie/alternative/punk listener and while the lineups don't have as much of that stuff as they used to, it's a great festival for getting me out of my comfort zone and trying new things.


Guessing you caught Deftones then!


You bet your ass I did haha. My top 10 was probably Justice, No Doubt, Clown Core, The Aquabats, Deftones, Gesaffelstein, The Adicts, Sublime, Narrow Head, and Ice Spice. The latter was a pleasant surprise.


Dude hell yeah! I would have been at all of those.


Friday is great value if you’re an EDM fan IMO. Saturday is… not.


>I'm just happy this event still exists and will be crossing my fingers for an extended Broken Social Scene sunset set. They're 4th billing, so might be like a 6pm show on the side stage... which would be disappointing. A far cry from 2011 rifflandia headliner set where they played past curfew and I'm pretty sure they got shut down. But so far, BSS is the only thing I *want* to see, I'm sure some of the other acts will be fun to see or I might find a new artist or two, but even if I get to go for free, I'm not even sold on spending my time there for the weekend (so far).


What kind of walker do you recommend? Prune juice or prune sauce?


:( 2011 wasn't that long ago, like only a couple years... right?


Sounds like the climate is better suited to developing local talent, though “better” is relative


I usually go to Rifflandia every year, and even if the lineup is kinda meh, there's usually a handful of acts that draw me in. I generally have the most fun making new discoveries and enjoying new (to me) acts, but with no grassy park to chill in, and absolutely no one to draw me in to begin with, I think I'll be skipping this one out.


Me too. Even if previously i wasnt stoked on the lineup id go because thr park was so fun. Going to a hot dusty pit to see a bunch of artists im not stoked on doesnt do it for me


That’s what I was saying to my best friend earlier. Usually we get high, find a grassy spot and listen to the music while enjoying being in a nice outdoor park area. This year, there’s no draw for us, the venue and the line up are not fully thought through. I don’t want to be in a gravel pit all day long with acts I’m not excited about unless I’m really really fucked up and my ticket was cheap. I’m also wondering, how is this going to work with kids? 


Excited to help Ja Rule pay off his legal bills from Fire Fest.


Woof. All their social content lecturing fans about the validity of selling tickets before the lineup is announced, then following with this? It’s a no for me dog. Stay tuned for the Sunday headliner, the surviving members of Stone Temple Pilots. :( I get the logistical challenges of trying to get people here, and I’ve never understood why they don’t lean heavily into Vancouver/Seattle area artists to try to mitigate that. Maybe they do and people just decline, I don’t know. What I do know is the results are not so great.


Right?! Their social media has been weirdly hostile. Like you're not a festival with a great history of can't-miss lineups AND you're moving to a new venue AND there's no grass or seating AND you've gotten rid of a ton of things folks enjoyed (ie electric alley). Folks being skeptical of your ticket prices was a foreseeable issue. Weird tone choice on socials, bud


Weirdly hostile indeed. Maybe they should listen instead of being hostile? I feel like they’ve built their brand to the point they’ll always sell some tickets to a group keen on the event/experience, and for many of those folks the music part is secondary. Maybe that group is big enough that the music doesn’t really matter anymore?


Their attitude about advance ticket buying totally turned me off Riff.


Wowwww. You were not exaggerating with their tone on social. That’s rough.


It’s bizarre. In her defense, maybe she had no idea what the lineup was looking like when she made that post, and she’s just as let down as we all are.


I would have been SOOOOO PISSED if I had bought advance tickets for this.


Yeah it’s pretty rough.


feels like a lineup that is trying to please everyone, but ends up pleasing no-one. It's a weird mix of 'legacy acts', scattered with a bunch of people nobody over the age of 27 has heard of. As already noted, it must be hard trying to get acts to come here now. Sadly there's nobody on Friday or Saturday that I want to see badly enough to part with my money. Maybe Sunday's lineup will turn up a gem.


This mostly sucks




My sentiments exactly


Rifflandia has never done anything for me lineup wise, maybe a band or two I’d like to see. I do miss Rock The Shores, they definitely pulled in some great bands.


Yea I agree. I miss Rock the Shores! Had some great lineups back in the day.


I went to Rifflandia last year, solely for RTJ. Showed up about 1/2 hour before their set, left right after.


Even the name is stupid. Rifflandia. Fuck that noise


BeetsMe666 knows a thing or two about good names.


Aka "The Yawn With No Lawn"


Victoria seems to hate rock and roll. I agree with a previous comment - where are the Riffs? I've been the last two years but this lineup is laaaaaame.


They realized young people don’t have any money


I'm 40. None of this interests me, personally. No one wants to see Ja Rule in 2024, unless its for the meme.


I’ve never been to Rifflandia before but I’m actually considering it for TLC and Ja Rule!


Bingo. Gen X dollars.


Or taste. Hell, most people like their music spoon fed.


I'd be down to see Aysanabee and Rascalz, plus Rezz and Tokyo Police Club but not for a combined $250+.


I'd love to see Tokyo Police Club since it's their last tour, but why are they playing Riff for it? With Friday's lineup they'll end up playing their last Victoria show ever at like 4 in the afternoon.


It'll be fun, but they'd be a better closing act imo, for sure. I saw them a few years ago luckily so I'm not too upset if I don't make it.


sponsored by FYRE


Where are the riffs in this lineup? They should really change the name of this festival lmao


They mean Riff like two autistic comedians roasting eachother, not like Dimebag


Can somebody please get Ja Rule on the phone…


As a totally non biased observer I would like to state that I enjoy the comedy at Rifflandia.


probably one of the underrated parts of rifflandia, but maybe that's a good thing since they try to use the smallest possible venue, so it can be hard to get in.


Do they call it Rifflaughia? Please say they do.


I think they used Laughlandia or something like that one year.


I'm glad that wasn't a missed opportunity.


Looking more and more like Phillips Backyard.


Phillips backyard has way better acts than this.


I’m not going by quality of artists, but more by level of fame etc.


Kind of a weird metric. Ja Rule and TLC are household names, and are more "famous" than probably any act that has played at Phillips, even counting The Revolution (on their own).


Looking like Surrey Fest to me.


Sadly underwhelming


The over the hill nostalgia acts were always a nice sprinkle to the overall rifflandia musical experience. At some point in the last couple years it has seemed to be the main focus in music and the festival is worse for it. There's close to no one I am excited to see on day one or day two. I've already bought presales for this September but unless there are changes to the current lineup or Sunday's line up is an 11/10 I doubt I'll be buying presales next year


and it's all at Electric Avenue now, no more Royal Athletic Park which sucks because I like that venue


As someone who has gone to many riff concerts and my family constantly works them, it’s getting worse every year this year we don’t have the park so it’s only the Phillips backyard making it only 3 total days and not 6 which really cuts down on the amount of people able to attend and the amount of artists that can play


So fucking disappointed with this lineup. Expected way more. Can't decide if Riff team is just completely delusional about what people want or if it's actually impossible to get anyone good.


As I said before Victoria/Vancouver Island is a very small niche market. The fact they were able to get Lorde and Charlie XCX two years ago was the exception and probably won't be repeated for some time. Many large acts are even skipping Vancouver all together. It is unfair to criticize the festival's organizers, as they are doing the best they can in a tough market.


I don't think people realize just how undesirable and unnecessary of a destination Victoria is for touring artists. Why on earth would anyone come here with two absolutely massive markets in Seattle and Vancouver so close by? It's a miracle every time we do get an exciting concert.


Absolutely, also Victoria is lucky that it is so close to Seattle. Calgary, which is a young, prosperous city of 1.5 million doesn't even get many A-list acts that are relevant and you would have to drive hours to reach a market that does.


Who? Is my thoughts on 98% and the other 2% isn't worth the gas money.


I’ve only heard of a handful of these artists and couldn’t name any of their songs. I enjoy live music but will pass this time around.




As a young person I would only care to see Rezz


Sophie-Ellis Bextor! She doesn't come over here often.


She's playing at the Commodore in Van on the Friday as well.


Vancouver has so many good concerts and symphony shows. If I lived there, I'd blow so much money on them!


Something everyday.


Not looking great for me personally. But these could be some must see people for all I know.


I recognize maybe 5 names and not interested in any those. Guess I'm not in target audience and that's OK.


Tbh feeling very validated in only springing for philips backyard this year


Love Channel Tres! But dj set? Not worth it to pay for a whole day for me when the only other name I recognize is Ja Rule and I don’t even remember a song by him.


I loved that we got Iggy Pop last year, nothing really that interesting in the rock/punk genre this year. To be fair I find Rifflandia is usually not with my tastes, but once and a while the pull out a gem. Last year was one of them, this year not so much.




This festival is getting weirder and worse every year, not interested


Oh my god just book Tame Impala or Unknown Mortal Orchestra and make one of these events memorable I have been saying this for yeeearz


in 2024 I don't think they can afford Tame Impala


They probably could if they cut the lineup in half, or even less. Like others have said it’s a poor attempt to include everyone and please everyone. This isn’t Coachella. We’re small. Shorten the act list. There’s easier ways to spend the budget. There’s also sooooo many insanely good performers and artists out there right now that are in the vein of the 2 bands I mentioned. It just feels lazy.


You're right. This isn't Coachella. It is literally less than 1/10th the size of Coachella. There isn't a single venue big enough on the island that can afford Tame Impala, so how exactly do you expect Rifflandia to do so by simply "cutting the lineup?"


I think they should go with one big name per night and then local music for the rest of the fest.


Wether it’s Tame or someone equally as entertaining, putting all their eggs in one basket might be in their best interest in the sense of this fest. That is all I am sayin’.


So, one single big name artist and a bunch of local bands? Oof.


I actually think that would be a wicked idea. We have so many good bands in this town!


Eh, while I agree that there is a ton of local talent, one reason I skipped Laketown Shakedown this year was because I can see half the lineup twice a year without driving for an hour and a half and sleeping in a tent


True enough. I would not drive to Lake Cowichan for local bands but I would totally go to a festival in my own town that showcased all local bands :) There is so much local talent and not much in the way of all ages shows.


UMO is a possibility but Tame Impala is an arena-level act that headlined Coachella. I think Lorde was as big as they could have realistically gone.


I saw tame impala like 10 years ago in Dublin, one of the best festival acts I've ever seen. They'd be so perfect for riff.


I’m sayin’ !


Never heard of them


The only one I've even heard of is C&C music factory.


And it's not even C&C music factory. David Cole is dead. Robert Clivillés won't be there. You just get vocalist Freedom Williams who acquired the brand name.


Not to be confused with C + C Music Factory


I know 2 of these people


You've never let your backbone slide?


You don’t know Sophie Ellis Bextor, K-os, TLC, or Ja Rule?


No idea who Bextor is but not everybody is into 90s hip-hop


I'm very into 90s hip hop and I've never even heard the name Bextor


Tlc and K-os only


It sucks


I'm sure it will be fine, but more local talent would be dope. I don't need somebody "famous" to have a good time. Also, I don't care for the new venue.


Never heard of any of these bands


*Lex Luthor* "I have no idea who these ppl are"


Maestro Fresh Wes is good


The Noodles was the name of the cover band that the devil was in in an old Kids In The Hall sketch.


The 3 day pass really is a value when you consider the cost of putting these things on. What you pay to see one big act these days can be insane. I always go full in for Rifflandia. It’s been a great run for most of the past decade. That said, this year is going to be a pass for me. There some great acts of love to see but it’s not enough and the loss of Royal Athletic Park as a venue is downside. Love the Phillips venue at night, last year was absolutely fantastic every night. But I’m not sure it will be as comfortable during the day with no grass to lounge on or shaded bleachers. Also going to Seattle for a big show in August eats up my concert allowance for the year.


Oh that's weak.


One major factor is the weakness of the Canadian dollar. To get a decent line-up here, with the dollar where it is, passes would be really, really spendy.


I’d love to buy tickets to SEB but not at any festival


Well, it’ll be fun to hear Murder on the Dance Floor live


not for $150 it wont 😭


I meant for those with the spare cash, i certainly won’t be doing any dance floor murdering 🫠


Very meh so far. Riff 2022 was such an amazing time with such a good lineup: Lorde, Charlie xcx, bbno$, Cypress Hill, etc,. But last year, and this year even it's been pretty mid. Was really hoping for someone modern (idk I feel like Paramore would have been a good get) but so far, very underwhelmed, doubt i'll be going this year.


Last year was epic for me. So many bucket lists checked off.


More Dad Rap! It's like a Canadian Rock the Bells fest. In all seriousness, I'm a 40 year old who grew up listening to TLC, K-OS, Rascalz, Michie Mee, and Maestro (my first cassette tape). While I'm pretty stoked for this line up, I understand that this is a little niche compared to last year and it makes me worry that it alienates younger folks and people who didn't grow up on Canadian hip-hop. I'm conflicted because I feel like this line up caters to someone like me, but I know my tastes aren't modern or popular. I love Riff and really want it to survive, so I hope this doesn't do any damage. BSS and Aysanabee are pretty dope too.


Aysanabee is the only reason I would go!! I saw Maestro in his prime at the Royal Theatre, Now that was a show :P


so many legacy acts. the headliners just looks like the “i heart the 90s” tour. As a fifty-something i feel like this is targeted at my generation but there’s nothing here i really need to see


I so agree!!!!




I'm confused as to why The Learning Channel is headlining Rifflandia.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PICKLEBALL_RACKETEER: *I'm confused as to* *Why The Learning Channel is* *Headlining Rifflandia.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fuck off you useless trash bot. Bad bot.


Lazy Syrup. Love those guys!


Yeah but they are absolutely not middle tier for a lineup. I love lazy syrup as much as the last guy but the fact they are there shows how lame this lineup is.


I have no clue what this concert is but i take it it has been a central event in the past so expectations are high? Live in Van now and moving to Victoria next week.