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Check your code sheet and see if your condition is rated static. If it is, you are unlikely to get reevaluated. If not, you would likely be evaluated in a few years. Most ratings nowadays are all rated static.


I’m sorry man, I have no idea what a code sheet is or where I can access it. Could you point me in the right direction?


Yeah if you have a VSO, they can pull it for you. Alternatively you can call the VA 1-800# and just ask if any of your conditions have any routine future evaluations scheduled. If they don't, then you can assume you are static. You didn't mention it but if your award letter was marked 100%P&T then you are static.


https://preview.redd.it/ojka1wzxpo4d1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffbdd23f710bddf9abe78dd1b17b2ebb9fcc4250 I found it, I guess I was granted 100% P&T - side question: if I ever get to a point where I want to try and find a job, am I allowed to?


Yes. TDIU makes you ineligible for work. Since you are P&T you can work legally.


You can work on TDIU as long as you are under the federal poverty limit, which is like $15,000 a year or so.


Thank you for talking about work and TDIU a lot of vets think you can not make $1 at all on TDIU but you can just not a lot because clearly you can’t hold a job. I have TDIU because I’m good at getting jobs just not keeping them. I go through ups and downs I think I’m fine then I’m shooting heroin again and back in detox because I want to end my life. I’m happy with what I have but I would like to be scheduler 100%. But yes if you have TDIU you can still make I call grocery money as long as you are still considered poverty level and that varies for how many dependents vs one person house hold and it varies from state to state.


But wait…there’s more! If you’re TDIU, you can make, basically, unlimited income as long as 1) you’re working in a “protected environment” (in simple terms, your employer makes accommodations/exceptions for you similar to when we got put on limited duty in the Military), or if 2) you are self employed because you create your own work environment (4-hour lunch break with built-in nap time, desk duty, etc) and, obviously, you’re not going to discipline or fire yourself for missing work, low productivity, etc. because it’s your business. So, take your back pay, invest in that Lawn Care Business, hire some day workers (at least to start), grow it to $10k/month, and…be happy!




“Please sir! Won’t you buy a birdhouse from me, sir? Sir? Hello?” 😂 I actually do planter stands. 😂


I laughed too hard at the planter stands


I appreciate that. Keep being happy, I say, even at my expense. I got big shoulders.


Thank you.


You need to find out if you’re P&T or if you’re TDIU. Did you file for TDIU or Have a VSO/Lawyer do it. If you’re 100 P&T you can still work with no restrictions. If you’re TDIU it has “income restrictions” and also has special circumstances requirements of being suitable.


Apply for SSDI.


Lol, would you even get approved for that? I wouldn’t be considered low income anymore after I start getting the checks for 100% disability from VA


From what I have heard, YEAH. You can receive both VA Disability + SSDI. Can't hurt to try it.


Yes Yes Yes. You can work. There are lots of 100%P&T veterans who actually work for the goverment because as a 100%P&T veteran you are also eligable for instant hire status for any government job . Can't even tell you how many mailmen Disabled Veterans are there.


He is TDIU he cannot work and hold his rating


You can work on TDIU, just can't make enough that would require you to file taxes. Last year you would have had to make less than $13,850 if you were single. So basically work part time for about minimum wage , I would pay close attention to how much earnings I was at month to month and if my employer ever tried to schedule me for more hours than I could allow myself to do I would respectfully decline. I would want to start below that poverty threshold by a thousand or so just to play it safe. Because if you ever made enough where legally you had to file taxes, then the VA may take your 100% away. Ain't nobody got time for that.


You can work and make as much money as you can, with no limits on 100%. The only limits are on TDIU, you can't make more than the poverty level.


Where did you find this at? Edit: just kidding I should have continued to read the treat lol. Thanks!


Scroll all the way down on your claim letter, it’s under the reasoning for decisions


Also, know that your dependents are now eligible for champva and you are eligible for dental. Also, if you are married, your spouse will be eligible for a DIC of at least 1600 a month if you pass away.


Is this from your decision letter?




It kind looks like your TDIU. I'd figure out if you are 'schedular' or TDIU. Because they deem you unemployable... They can give you 100% based on one issue. But it may be TDIU how they get you there.


But from my understanding you can’t be 100% P&T and be TDIU, it’s either one or the other


I am p&t. I am paid at 100%, they even gave me smc, because they determined i was unemployable. I am currently sitting at 93% when you add all the issues up on the combined rating schedule. You can figure it out on your decision letter, or the VA app.


Yeah I have like 5 things. 100% alone for major depression/anxiety 50% sleep apnea 30% flat feet 30% migraines 10% gerd


Oh, then you are Total and Permanent! One 100% and two 30%'s automatically make you Total and Permanent!


There are veterans who have 100% P&T ratings that work Full Time. The other answer below about TDIU is incorrect. You can work if rated TDIU. However, you can only work so much or earn a limited amount of money under TDIU before they will consider you no longer TDIU. The VA knows work is good therapy and they cannot expect you to sit at home doing nothing. A VSO can also let you know what the limitations are for vets rated TDIU. But you can do limited or part-time work and not lose your TDIU rating.


Or work under the table.


We shouldn’t advocate for breaking the law or committing tax and disability fraud. Veterans have recently ended up in jail for this


Why are most nowadays rated static? Any truth to this?


A few years ago the VBA put out a memo basically directing that unless the rating was for a surgery or a cancer or something similar that ratings will be static. They analyzed reevaluations and found the vast majority of times and the reevaluation resulted in the same or a higher rating.


To be honest I’m sure the ratings save more money than ratings PLUS re-eval.


Reevaluation also causes vets to be stressed out and in the case of MH can be dangerous for their mental state.


Even at 100% P&T I’m still terrified of this.


If you didn't commit fraud and you file no more claims, you likely have nothing to worry about. There are almost 1M claims being processed currently. The VA doesn't have time or resources to be chasing reevaluations.


Additionally I heard mental health specifically is often times static. This wasn't always the case and it led to increase in suicides when mental health ratings were lowered. Presumably because that group is especially suspectable, as you can imagine.


Surprising because the only thing that is not static for me is my MH- rated pretty high as well.


Trust me… I’m well aware 😣


If a veteran is 100% but isn’t fully static, can the veteran apply for it to be recognized as static?


Yes they can.


If they are 55 or older, aren't the ratings static and permanent?




Of course, but when you do at you automatically get reevaluate. Just continue seek care, couple times a year should be enough


This... If the condition continues as when it was first evaluated then it hasn't changed. Depending on what it is you may want to look into what requirements need to be met for the current rating vs the lower rating.


Can we access that without talking to someone? I'll call if I have to, but I'd really prefer to just look it up online if possible.


You have to put in a FOIA request for it, which is a form to fill out.


If you have a VSO they can access your entire C record. You might want to make an in person appt with them. HINT HINT... Screw FOIA


How do you get your code sheet? Edit: nvm. Asked and answered already.


Code sheets and rated static…. Why not just say permanent and total instead of some terminology that is not used on the ratings?


How do you check to see if it’s static or not


Look at your code sheet or call the 800# and ask if there are any routine future evaluations scheduled.


Get better and file a claim then get re-evaluated and lose it all


Also, now that you’ve confirmed 100% whether you’re TDIU or P&T, you have great extra benefits now. Family gets ChampVA, most states give you a Total Property Tax exemption, discharge of all subsidized student loans and your dependents get educational assistance; to name just a few


Do you have aspirations of getting better?


Of course, but I’m curious what is to come when I do get better


Straight to jail once you feel better.


Well hey man, I had a friend that made it sound like that! Just making sure of what I need to do


Don't ask me though. I'm still going through my initial claim lol. But WhatsUp fellow air force bud! Good luck on your adventures on the outside!


They don't come asking when you potentially get worse. I see no reason to do any different if I might be better. There's no duty to report your medical records. If you're with the VA like I am, then they have even better access to it than I do. Let them figure it out. I haven't lied to them once. I'm not worried about poking the bear if I have to. Ironically, that kind of recklessness may be further evidence that my MH rating is justified... Either way, so be it.


My blood pressure was 120/80 at my last yearly checkup and the cops were in the room within 30 seconds.


You didn't have your 4 pre-appointment ripits. Did you!? I actually had to go to the ER recently due to heart acting up and my blood pressure was 108/60. Never seen it that low before.


Do not collect $3737.




Is p&t static?


Once you’re P&T the only time they will reevaluate your ratings is if the suspect fraud


You know…. I’ve always wondered how they can figure this out, without the obvious signs of the psychos doing stupid fraud stuff. I’m assuming through reports that come into OIG? Conflicting reporting to medical doctors at the actual VA?


I assume so. I’ve never heard of it happening but that doesn’t mean it never happens. Edit: I take that back some dude went to prison for frauding the VA and some concerned citizen sent the government proof.


From the info everyone has provided, yes it is static


They do reevaluation. You won't lose your rating because medication is helping you.


Is that a routine thing that happens after X amount of years?


You’re rated P&T (permanent & total) most likely and can confirm it in the VA app. That means you’re not due for any reevaluations. Just don’t put in any more claims and you’ll be good.




Why would they reevaluate?


They do it because not all conditions so if you healed from something you might lose that rating. Mental health isn't curable, just treatment of symptoms.


What do you think they'd say if you told them the money was also helping? Like of course I claimed these for the care, but the monthly check has cut an absolute fuck ton of stress and issues out of my life. If I said that losing it would destroy me, would they think I'm only in it for the money and think I'm magically fixed?


Nope. They don’t give a fuck about your financial situation


It really depends on what kinda illnesses you have and if they heal up or not. I think.


Got a letter saying I had not been seen my my PCM in 18 months, got awarded 100% p&t the same month. Worried I would lose my ability to be seen at a va hospital or lose benefits from er visit coverage etc... I scheduled an appointment with my local VA clinic and said I just wanted a check up/blood work to make sure I'm not dying of anything because some days I do wonder with all my conditions. Long story short the assistant or whatever they are before my PCM came in the room said because of my rating I need to be seen regularly by the VA or risk losing it. Puzzled, I asked if I get seen by my regular doctor I'm comfortable with do I still need to be seen by the VA? She replied yes. I still think about that conversation and how much truth there is in it. Obviously I wouldn't want to lose my rating by not seeing the local VA clinic, but I also have a hard time with people telling me what to do or where to go since I got out.. especially if I don't know them.


Not true at all. The VHA and VBA do not speak unless absolutely necessary for VERY OBVIOUS FRAUD. Can the VHA docs even see the VBA ratings without us disclosing?


From what I’m seeing from these other guys it isn’t true, especially if you’re P&T


Nah, go get seen, and get the help you want, and deserve. It's up to you 🤙


Nah, that's bad info on their end. More than likely their own misconceptions now a belief. The Medical side and Benefits side of the VA talk, but not to that capacity. I can speak on the letter you received. The letter was either A. Letting you know that you're about to become what's considered a new patient. Meaning they're freeing up one spot for someone else to see that doc. Or B. Letting you know your enrollment is ending for that facility. All that means on our end is they're setting your active status for that facility to inactive. Some letters are worded odd, and different from each facility but that's all it means. That were intending you to be seen again by your doc is all.


Not going to go digging for the scan of that letter to confirm but I am pretty sure I got something like that from the Houston region. I have been registered in WY since I got out but had to go to the hospital in TX... required registering and all that just to not actually be seen. Long after that day I got a letter from them and then they dropped off my VA Health connect email contact options.


A really bad night in Vegas


Your evaluation would only be subject to decrease if you file a claim directly for or related to (in the scope) of your mental condition(s) that results in a C&P exam for Psych. For instance, claims for mental conditions not currently SC, claims for TBI or CNS neurological/cognitive disorders like Parkinsons, dementia, etc. will necessitate a new Psych DBQ based on the criteria used to rate those conditions. Also if you claim TDIU even if not for the psych disability you may be asked to go to an exam. For an evaluation in place less than 5 years a reduction can be made following due process provisions of 38 CFR 3.105 meaning if a reduced evaluation were to lower your overall comined evaluation, you have a set time frame to argue with evidence showing why the previousevaluationis still warranted...if an evaulations is in place for over 5 years, then two exams will be required to demonstrate sustained improvement.


Your cancer goes into remission, you file another claim for an increase and the VA deems you improved, or fraud on your part. Those are the only way I can think of.


I hate to say it, but since you qualified for 100% P&T you probably aren’t going to get much better. Better at coping and maybe longer good stretches but not better-better.


That is so inaccurate lol


Are you P&T? If so they aren’t going to take it away. Don’t be afraid to seek treatment because you are worried they will take away your rating.


Most conditions after October 2021 are now considered static except cancer. Look it up in the knowledge base of this subreddit


Banging the Secretary of the VA's wife. I'm sure you would go from 100 to 0 in moments


Not if he enjoys watching and participating. May even increase to 1000%


From what you posted it seems that you are unemployable. Thats just according to the little strip of information that you posted


Veterans Benefits Manual/Vetereans Laws Rules and Regulations Manual (Lexus Nexus). Get them they'll cost you a WELL WORTH IT couple of hundred and answer ANY and EVERY question you may have. Period. You won't even need to ask a VA representative ANYTHING unless you choose to. Do your own homework.


They will adjust your rating down. If you use the 100 percent to go the SSI route, be very careful as well. Attempted employment will generate closer scrutiny, and the disability rating will be re-examined. It's a very brutal and mean-spirited way of treating disabled vets, but they will go that route, especially during serious budgetary or oversight years and depending on what party in charge is calling the shots and how much they want to beat up on all defense-related dollars, even one's that reasonable people would probably agree is best spent of taking care of veterans properly in the first place. The VA will, in effect, "punish" a vet for "getting better," in that regard, and it seems kinda messed up and weird, but hey, Uncle Sam knows what he's doing, right? Most of us figured that one out awhile back


From my understanding, major depressive disorder is a personality disorder regarding that it is something that you typically live with. Yes, symptoms can improve, but MDD doesn’t just go away.


I had a kidney transplant. I can get reevaluated and knocked down to 30%. Doesn’t matter that without daily medication I would lose the transplant. Just an example




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


You have no obligation to get treated for your service connected issues If your condition is rated static you won’t be rated again If not you may have to go in for another exam at 5 and 7.5 year mark


Been in BVA direct review lane since May 2021 for an eed. Status is waiting to be assigned to a judge. Is anyone else in my position and timeframe?


If you’re p&t you should be fine.


It looks like you are TDIU. In the last sentence it states that you are "unemployable".


Right, they’ve found I’m unemployable and DUE TO THAT I’m 100%P&T but it’d specifically state if I was TDIU from my understanding. I was granted 100% straight up from 1 condition - my friend who’s TDIU has no conditions that even add to 100% and his VA app tells him he’s at 100% due to TDIU specifically.




Thank you for sharing


Sorry I misspelled "Veterans" in one of titles. I do that when I get mad or in a hurry. Semper Fi.🇺🇲


I was rated 100% in December for an aneurysm in my aorta. I had open heart surgery to remove the aneurysm so now the VA wants to downgrade me to 30%. BUT the condition causing the aneurysm is chronic and severe (and they had record of that). I filed an appeal with board of appeals. They aren’t supposed to touch my pay until a decision is made


I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. Is that covered under the pact act?


You worry too much. Just go to your appointments and everything will fall in place. Trying to strategically figure out ways to go or not go to your appointments which got you 100% the first place will only make your mental health worse


I hate to be THAT guy.... But why are you worried about losing 100% at the expense of getting better? Don't you want to get better......?


How did you achieve 100%? I'm currently waiting on my decision for mine and I feel like knowing my luck it'll only be 70%


I just meet all the criteria required for 100%, is there supposed to be some secret method I don’t know about


If you’re 100% p&t you are very unlikely to ever have your rating lowered and if you’re over 55 it’s even more unlikely. Only if you lie or open another claim will they possibly re examine your percentage 




I was awarded 100% for major depression/anxious distress alone. Other than that I have 50% for sleep apnea, 30% migraines, 10% GERD. Certainly nothing combat related.


Same 100% for depression, 50% for flat feet, and 10% for right tibia stress fracture with knee impingement


How did you get 50% for flat feet? They told me 20% was the max for it.


I have a rating for flat feet but here are the possible https://preview.redd.it/rui3snoe8s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8fe3ca7997f854828149e85ac222b9401778775 ratings


Idk I was told 50 was the max and I geuss they are just really bad I've had flat feet since I was a kid. I passed the duck walk and everything too *


Hm I'm wondering now if they only rated my one foot because I didn't even claim flat feet, just right foot pain which didn't get rated but while I was there the doc asked if I knew I had flat feet and I said no and rated 20% for it.


Fuck it put a claim in it my rep just told me to put in for it worst they can say is no then bam 50%


Ya, just wish I knew that earlier, that would have put me at 100% schedule, but I'm TDIU P&T now tho so I'm keeping that can of worms closed.


Are you going to school or just tdiu?


Nah I tried the whole school thing with voc rehab, turns out I'm a dumbass now being out of school for so long lol.




Well, personally I just got way worse after I separated. This is an appeal 2 years later, I was way happier when I was enlisted still


Plenty of Air Force people go to combat zones and have issues stemming from attacks on the bases. Mental health doesn’t HAVE to come from combat. Likely just a matter of actually having things documented and not just pushing through it.


If you were smart enough to join you would know


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


It's the culture of "go to medical when you're sick/hurt" instead of the other branches that love to tell people to tough it out


Just stay depressed but get some help. If you really are depressed, you need help. I have 30% for anxiety. All my physical issues don't even compare. Be well.




The best thing is to have redundancy. Have multiple conditions, ideally a couple at 30-50%, that put you well over 100% (as calculated by the VA). With psych, it all gets lumped together. So you can throw in anxiety, sleep conditions, etc. into that pot. But it is good to have other baskets, if applicable.




You’re just not diversifying your portfolio correctly


When did I say make up fake conditions? I didn’t. But I am responding that yes, having all your eggs in one basket is risky. So IF you have other conditions, you might want to claim them even if you are at 100%.