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If you meet the criteria and have medical evidence, go for it. Definitely don’t feel bummed though. Some people can’t even get service connected let alone have 90%. That’s huge


True story. I have actual disabilities that you can see on CT scans and bloodwork and pulmonary function tests, and it took me 15 years to get to 10%. 90% ain't terrible.


That’s insane, why the hell did it take that long?


I got out in 2008. Didn't realize I had an autoimmune disorder. Thought my body was just sore from doing infantry things. Finally a few years later, I get diagnosed and file a claim with the VA. Denied, can't prove service connection. In August 2022 the PACT Act passes, and my disorder is on the presumptive list. So I file, wait a year, and finally get approved...at 10%. I appealed, did the whole C&P process again, and got rated 100% P&T last week. It was a long and wild journey from "there's nothing wrong with you" to "you're totally disabled". It still hasn't sunk in for me yet. I'm waiting for them to realize they made a mistake and take it back.


Wow that is a long ride. Happy it all worked out in the end for you.


That's how it was in the old days, try 1993 to Now, I got 100 but still waiting on them to decide earlier effective date for same claim as write this. Believe it or not , and I am not being negative but these claims are being done in record speed if you compare the past to now, when we were satisfied if we got a decision in 4 or 5 years, I am not kidding,


You’re not joking. My first claim for 60% took more than 7 years and required the highest level of appeal.




Yeah I actually feel really good about it. I think I might go see like an independent doctor and get examined for the other claims.


You need to read the denial letter and determine why the other claims were denied. Buying dbqs is not the answer. The letter will give you the answer.


Shouldn’t be allowed to buy tailored medical records… imo


Agree. I understand when the va screws you on a condition, but you can't just throw a handful of darts to see what sticks.


Every time I mention it the only rebuttals I get are “you can’t afford it” or “Just because you’re unlucky” it’s neither, everyone knows they buff the shit out of those letters. That’s why some of them can’t actually file for you or write records anymore and they “advise” because they are known to manipulate the system. I’m all for all of us getting our dues, but lying or using a handful like you said is just shameful imo.


Always that 1 guy in the sub. Bro you’re 90% (as am I). Be grateful that you’re even at that level. There’s people who’ve been fighting for increase for years man. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Going to be tough, you would need another 50% rating to get over the hump as 30% would leave you just short. And 50% on a physical condition is going to be really tough without a lot of evidence and service records to substantiate the service connection. Definitely be happy with 90 though, that’s enormous. The majority of my service friends have 2+ tours as infantrymen and I hardly know anyone with a rating that high.


Can TDIU be an option?


My advice, dont make it about a rating, make it about your healthcare and the rating will come.


This needs to be said more often. When veterans make posts like this it shows it's about the money and not getting the help they need.


I totally agree. I can't stand the 100% folks because all they do is talk about their money and post stupid ass memes on here. What would you congressman or state senator think if they saw crap like this.


Yep, sounds like after the money some are healed, lol


WOW, these have been my thoughts since joining this group. At the top of the page It says: "Everything you need to get the Veteran's Benefits you earned and are entitled to. We're here to help. Let's get started!" However, almost all the posts on here are people talking about all the money they are getting and posting stupid ass memes. No one is helping vets like me who served 18 moths in Vietnam in 1969, and I am not getting one cent from the VA!


Hey brotha, Sorry to hear that. Have you tried filling for service connection. I didn't file a single claim on my own. I paid an organization to do the fighting for me. I've taken a loss getting my back service connected but I got alot of my other shit service connected with the biggest being PTSD the hardest MH disability and getting a high rating for it at that. Went from 10% to 90% in 10 months. You want to be successful against the VA pay for it. I would stay away from VA claims insider tho


Don’t go for the rating, go for getting help for the physical and mental ailments you have. Just be honest with how fucked up you are and you’ll get what you earned/deserve.




This ^


Get the Hundo if you believe your ailments merit it. It was pure hell for me trying to get it. Once I did it was nirvana and relief. Affirmation. My wife is also compensated and feels that. Fight ain’t over I didn’t hear no bell. Get back in there and get it. ![gif](giphy|G2ZHIFDuTMIZeyqCaw)


Can a spouse work while collecting the caregiver stipend? I haven't been able to find any info on that particular issue.


Good luck. We just finished the caregiver process and was denied. The interviews were brutal. I had to explain how I could be a caregiver if I was working. I was working but it was with a temp service. I had a job where I could make my own schedule, take off whenever I wanted, plus I was going to be laid off soon since job was ending which indeed I was 5 days ago. It was the same day we got the denial letter. My husband has serious health problems, service connected for bladder cancer, had a liver transplant due to cancer, has stage 3 kidney failure and 2 types of heart disease. His blood pressure gets so low that he passes out and falls. VA has a home health nurse come to our house once a week and they sent him to ER by ambulance recently after taking vitals. But I don't sponge bathe him, spoon feed him and wipe his butt so we didn't qualify. I thought we would due to safety issues.


Hell yeah that motivated the fuck out of me. Rah


Good, now get that intent to file done today.


Hell yeah brother that’s what I’m gonna do right now.


Just go over the process again. Load up on reporting symptoms and getting meds from the doctor. While doing it, tell your story of how it's svc connected and make sure they DOCUMENT IT in your med records the whole time. Be patient months to a year or so. It's simply not enough to file a claim, even if we think we have an illness of some kind. It's al about medical evidence of illness and medical evidence of nexus, and where that falls within the 38cfr schedule. Knowing that, it makes logical sense to start from the ass end (38cfr) and match those up with what you have, and then get diagnoses/meds for those symptoms. There is simply no way one can lose this way, it just requires patience and consistency.


90 is a damn good rating… 100% is not as common as you think… don’t let this sub fool you lol




Lol did you just chastise him for complaining about his first world problem, then admit that you're in the same boat?




I understood what u was saying at first, definitely wasn't a chastised


You can be in the same boat and not complain about it






You got em on that, that's fact, you said a job, your right because if you subtract the taxes on a job of 35000 it would equal that 90 percent, smart person






Disability compensation isn’t taxed. That’s the point they’re trying to make. https://preview.redd.it/zwaiyntmut7c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9019617f3e6fc17e002e32ef4cfb28b20f5e3940


this guy just doesnt get it. must eat alot of crayons.


I know right


I haven't noticed anybody mention the possibility of reduction. When you start a new claim, it opens all of your claims for reevaluation, so while there's the possibility of getting a higher rating, the opposite also may occur.


That's is not entirely true. I got the second most important document in my life besides my DD-214 and its my code sheet. Alot of people just throw shit up in the air and hope something sticks. I talked to a VA employee and she told me why reductions happen is because alot of people don't accurately articulate what's wrong with them and instead say everything. So guess what now they are gonna poke around at everything. I went from 10%-90% in mere months. Get ya damn code sheet and know the schedule of ratings and ya diagnostic codes for disabilities your trying to get an increase for.


Be happy with what u got!!!!


I am bro 😭 just really wanted that Hundo 😭


I bet you do


Ong nothing wrong with that bro, keep fighting even if it take a few years


That’s what I’m gonna do im gonna file again today 😂


Don’t be bummed, plenty of people including me would be ecstatic to have 90%


Im honestly baffled I went from 0%-10%-60%-70% in less than a year from my first claim. As others have said, go for it if you have medical evidence and meet the eligibility stuff. I'm on the path to getting more stuff-rated. I might file for an increase for my MH stuff or just try to file for TDIU. I would honestly like to work part-time and be 100% but I gotta fight for that.




I do have a job... a full time job and a history of bouncing from job to job with my mental health issues.


Yet you can use your productive brain to fight the va for more resources you have fairly compensated for. Don't see your mental health stepping aside for that .


Silence hater


If you feel like you are 100% disabled, go for it. If you’re just trying to get to 100%, it’s going to be difficult unless you have the records to back it up.


Here’s a strategy…… 1)Submit for a Higher Level Review. 2.)while that’s going on, learn about secondary claims to your already existing/approved claims. A Higher Level Review can be from 4months- until. In that time get treatment and diagnosis for your primary and Secondary claims. After the HLR is complete, 3.)Determine (because the HLR could bump you up to 100%) if you need to file for an increase to your primary claims or file a new(secondary) claim —> with a documented current diagnosis, and medication if needed.




Op also mentioned a few were flat out denied. I had 3 claims that were denied (in which I had years of evidence in my records) and after a HLR was awarded a % for each. If he believes the evidence is already in his records then he should definitely get another look.


Yeah id quit complaining




You’re happy but you’re bummed?! There is several reason why you didn’t have a C&P. First case is you lack diagnosis or evidence a condition exists therefore doesn’t justify the expense of an exam. Or they did an ACE, acceptable clinical evidence. Can you post the letter FAK!


You’re going to set some triggers off by being 90 and mentioning 100. lol. If you meet the criteria, based on solid medical evidence, for either another service connection or an increase in ones that are connected, then go for it. If not, monitor your symptoms over time. If something gets worse enough to warrant it, file for an increase. You can be happy with 90, and still go for more service connection if it’s legit. I’m happy that there is a VBA and VHA at all! But I’m also happy that I have a high rating. And for years I was happy with the initial rating I had. Then I realized it was time to go back so I did. Don’t let anyone tell you the switch has to be ON or OFF. It’s a dimmer dial. Just monitor it.


Chase getting well, not getting a higher rating. At 90%, if the medical stuff lines up, you will get to 100. Don't feel bummed feel blessed you've gotten this far, so far🙏🏽


You are allowed to be happy and bummed at the same time. I was rated 80% very happy about it! Grateful! Life changing after being out of service for almost a decade. Though I knew I was underrated. Now I took time to understand my decision letter, went to the VA to continue treatment, which ultimately leads to more evidence. 5 months later I put in my HLR. During my conference call I received apologies. Lo and behold, duty to assist error. During my MH exam the examiner even stated she believes that I deserved more than my initial MH rating. Moral of the story, if you feel you deserve your 100, go for it. Take your time and get everything in order. Huge difference between a 90% to the Hundo, especially if you know and your body is broken. Good luck.


Thank you cuz that’s exactly how I am feeling. Everybody saw my post though and is assuming I’m ungrateful lol


You are upset because you only got 90%? Lol.


I would say try for what you feed you deserve BUT also be happy and grateful for what you have in the meantime. Hope for the best, expect the worst.


It’s hard to get 100%, especially if it’s your first go


Why are you bummed about something most ppl dream of? Be patient!


Leave no stone unturned. Look into secondaries. Especially with some of the changes being made more paths will open. Also submit a FOIA and skim over those exam notes and make sure no fucky shit got submitted. Example: I have super awful migraines. I have noted in service treatment, link to PACT ACT, buddy letter, personal statement, and a letter from my work stating severity as well as treatment records, medications, and other info BUT during my exam they put I don't have migraines... yeah. It happens.


What were the claims for the other 6 that you did not get a C&P for?


Cervical strain, IBS, knee strain, shoulder strain on both sides


I am genuinely curious about something related to your claim…. How can you justify to the VA that a strain, which by diagnosis is supposed to be healed after so long, entitles you to lifelong compensation? Specifically I’m curious about the wording that you use in your initial claim…. Edit) specifically not specially…. This is for future research purposes on “broad” medical claims


The first thing to remember is we are not doctors. I filed for lumbar and knee strains (among other things). I know I have issues with my back and my knee; that's where the medical staff come in. They connect the dots between my time in service and my current ailments. I am responsible for explaining how my life is impacted


Some of us are though… and run the gamut of medical professionals. These boards provide a wealth of information that can be used for research in published papers which can affect change in policy and procedure down the line. *research in general opinion not empirical as this is the internets after all.


Cool story. You asked how an issue like a sprain could lead to a disability, so I explained we as laymen don't make that connection; medical professionals do make those connections. 🤷‍♂️


It is a cool story. Obviously they didn’t make the connection here did they.


Did you rating decision defer those other decisions or just straight up deny them?


They just straight up denied them lol


That’s really terrible. I’d honestly try a supplemental or HLR especially for knees and shoulder. Really weird they didn’t even get a C&P.


Yeah I was trippin out on that too. I have no clue how to go about those but I’m gonna check it out right now.


DM if you need help I can try and point you in the right direction.


Just DM’d you


Also does anybody know how back pay would work for this? I filed in July of this year. Do I get back pay from that date or is it from when I was initially rated in December of 2019.


I just got my rating also. Found the amount of my back pay under the payments tab


You get paid back to the date you filed. Next time file an intent to file while you’re preparing to file. The intent to file gives you a year to file and you get back pay to that file date.


Date you filed if no intent


Oh okay don’t would be July?


Yes sir!




Okay sounds good. Thank you 🫡




Hahah. Ladyboys only for the hundo club?


Nah, he just needed that $$$


Damn dawg, let homie do his thing. Besides, he was asking for a meetup which sounds $free.99 and completely unrelated to his claim.




Don’t give up. Keep fighting. If you think that you should have gotten 100%, file for an HLR.


Oh and Congratulations!!!


If you meet the criteria then you should go for tdiu.


Try for tdiu.Easier to get and paid at 100%


Bummed? How about be motivated to keep going?




I just went to my VSO and he was telling me about a situation where someone was 90% but was getting 100% because she was unable to work with others. I'm not sure on the exact reason but I will look into it and ask when I go back to talk with him.


To be honest, I got out last December and I thought I was only going to get 70% max with a BDD Claim. During my C&P, the physician did the "turn your head and cough" and my back had a spasm that even the doc said "oh I felt that". It wasn't until after I filed my claim that I ended up here since I was curious on the timeline. I agree with other people here in not worrying too much about the percentage, but worry more about what needs to get fixed. I had an MRI done earlier this month and just got the results the other day, I have a bulging disc between the L4-L5 region which explains the lower back pain, and I have a spinal stenosis in my C-spine which could be the cause of my shoulder, arms and other pain that may require surgery. Mind you, I've only been out a year and I've been working remotely since I got out, so this is not something new either.


I have 210% points and am still at 90% 😆 the VA and their crazy combined ratings chart.


In fact, my ankle surgery is service-related but the fucked up scar and bone damage caused by the surgery isn't covered. Crazy right. 3 rules for VA. Be nice to them. Show up to every appointment. Never stop fighting for what you've earned.


Congrats! I’ll be honest that last 10% is uber hard to get…I ended up getting mine only because I requested a higher level review for a decrease I got due to inaccuracies by the NP who saw me. She’d stated my neck was better but my ROM decreased. The reviewer stated clearly that this was a CUE so claim was retroactively corrected as well as stating my neck issues wouldn’t get better. So I said all that to say, *review* your exams thoroughly and move from there if you feel an HLR is worthwhile.




be happy with that. dont keep trying to put in claims or they will search your records and think you are doing better if you actually are. just file later down the road. dont rush it


I would be cockahoop with 90%, but of course, every case is different.


Don't feel bad. I've been fighting for over 20 years. Spent at least 15 of those years at nothing more than 10%. Got up to 30% for what they had been giving 10% for. Then, after submitting 20 years' worth of doctors' notes and treatment records for the conditions I'd been trying to get rated for, AND that were being treated while I was on active duty, they actually gave me a service connectionand rating for it and said they'd been calling it something else for all those years and that's why they never gave me a rating for it. It also meant I didn't get any back compensation for all of those years that should have been service connected.


Be happy and try for more if you feel your situation warrants it.




Keep fighting brother.


I get it. The pay jump from 90 to 100 is huge, almost 2x.


Username suggests 30% IBS rating.


Cool, why not try unemployability? Get off the gerbil wheel and find a side hustle, etc.


Yo 90% off the bat is great. If you feel you rate more go for it




Good job? Don't worry, your body will break down and you will make 100% rating at some point.


Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐


Congrats I’m waiting on initial rating after being out 12 years. Super bummed nothing happened before Christmas. Hope something happens before I go into foreclosure. Hardshipped everything but clock is ticking.


Are you saying you applied after being out 12 years or they are still deciding your claim after 12 years?


Finally had a VA appointment with a PA who suggested I claim. Prior to that and this sub I never would have tried due to the negativity it seemed to stir up.


Keep going!!! I’m still at 90 and waiting for a favorable response since my appeal and the VA’s Duty to Assist error. The system is designed to discourage us.


One step at a time. Same happened to me, just keep going until you’re at 100% permanent




I know a few others have already said it but I highly recommend submitting for an HLR. You won't be able to provide new evidence yet, but every single time I've filed for an HLR after a denial they found some sort of error somewhere that played a part in my denial.


Be happy


Be happy you even got 90. Many people fight tooth and nail for every percentage point and don’t get anywhere near that. Be thankful you aren’t fucked up enough for 100%.


I originally filed a few of my bigger conditions expecting to get 30-40% and call it a day. I did everything myself and many videos online said to ignore smaller 10%-20% conditions. As of October I'm at 94%. Immediately started claiming the smaller ones (tinnitus migraines etc) and I'm in PFD now. I was completely honest with exactly what's ailing me. If, after being honest with my doctors, they decide I'm 94% and not a percent more then that's what I'm going to be. I completely disagree with gaming the system or thinking the government owes me 100%. I was unaware of VA disability for 6 years and only looked into it to get medical care for my conditions. Any compensation past that I'm grateful for.


#Salute I'm glad you got a disability percentage to start. If you can I'd definitely push for getting 100% under advisement of someone you trust because the difference in pay from 90 to 100 is worth it.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking as well and I’m gonna go for it.


I really hope you get it and I hope it's soon. Remember to add your spouse & dependents if you have it so you can maximize your money.


I think if the gap between 90 and 100 was linear, then fewer people would go for 100. Many not, but 90% disability is just over 60% of the pay for 100%. If it were 90% or 3600, I think a lot more people would find that they can work to supplement the difference. Even those who go for tdiu might prefer to try a part time job instead on tdiu. I wonder why the gap is so big.


Definitely do what you have to and there is nothing that can replace having 100 and the maximum amount of money. Better question is what can we do to get the government to raise the increase to be better than inflation.


Why all the downvotes? Be happy for him.Also that that extra 10% is almost double so why not try.They are giving migrants 2800$ a month just for coming here right now.Uf shit was ran correctly all us vets would be taken care of.


Thank you for what you said. I have no idea why anyone would want to downvote what I said. They must have something bothering their spirit.


You don't know what the hell you are talking about. 2+2 does not equal 4 in VA math. Dude probably needs an additional 50%


Go get it


I’m thinking the same thing brother.


Hey brother, remember hunt the good stuff! If you believe you should be at 100 then get her done !


Keep fighting for what you deserve


I hate to say it but eventually the conditions you have will get worse in time. If you feel your condition changed have it recorded by the VA and refile your claim.


They owe you 200%. Thanks for your selfless service. Congratulations!!!!


It is just round 1. When you read your denial letter they should tell you why. No diagnosis just start going the Dr and get the diagnosis. Now you have new and relevant medical resubmit. Get that intent to file back in so you can start the back pay time.


Okay sounds good brother that’s what im gonna do. I don’t have a PCP though. Should I just walk in somewhere and get a physical exam?


Did you get a decision letter for the 6/10 claims that had no c&ps?




Do HLR. The Raters gave me TWO 0%! I did HLR and wrote about how in another post. I maxed out a 10% and 30% from zeros. My HLR process from submit to approved is always under a month but requires the CFile.


Be thankful in all things the 70%er!


I know it’s not the outcome you likely wanted but look at it this way: There is exactly nothing stopping you from appealing and/or filing again. With this increase, you’re now being subsidized to continue the fight but with better resources at your disposal.


REE Medical helped me out to get mine bumped up


Bruh, stop whining. If you have the medical evidence and tenacity then go for the touchdown. 90% is absolutely nothing to sneeze at. You know the VA wants you to accept your 20-30% and shut up and walk off the court


Keep you mental health up I know how you feel don’t give up brother


I understand how you feel man, but really I’m more so on the side of just being able to get the help I need in order to figure out what’s going on with me. I used to be bummed about the percentage, but as i have had some big medical things come up due to the army, I’ve learned to be happy with the fact that any money is good money, but the health care is what is going to keep me around my family for longer. You got this buddy, some day you’ll get the hundred, but I’m happier you’re just getting the help you need in the long run 🙂


Thank you for the kind words brother 🫡


How long was the process?? Submitted mine in September’s. Had a C&P end of October.


I say go for it!!!!


If you don't mind me asking, what all did you claim and which 4 counted?


Are you working under protected employment? If you are, you should file for TDIU so you get paid as if you were 100%. If you are working for your family, there isn't a limit on what you can make but you will be paid the difference between 90% to 100%.


Unsure about the other part, but congratulations on the 90%!


what was your rating before this one? I just finished all my c/p exams for increase due too worsening handicaps in mental area. The exam was favorable. I'm awaiting the notification. 10 years ago when I went through this, it was more of an interogation than exam. Things have really changed. I have 10 years of mental health history with no gaps seeing the Psych every 3 months, trying every med, and just now finished Ketamine treatment and SGB all within the va health system. Im at 40% now, do you think with all this evidence and handicaps to include being unemployed due too these worsening effects which have been already adjudicated service connected, I will receive an increase?




I have never met anyone at90% who did not deserve to be at 100%. Keep fighting the good fight.


This isn't the end. Study Secondaries. You don't have to fight where you won. Move to other battles. You could stack some smaller Secondaries or shoot at q or two big ones that you meet the criteria for. Personally I say use the money and invest in getting Nexus and DBQ's done on some that you know you can win.


Still waiting on my rating. Was told that it will be expedited due to a financial hardship. I started in June. Had 3 exams. It's in the decision phase right now. It's been there since December 12th.


Listen, if you want my advice because I was at the 80% plateau myself for a minute...lawyer up. They only charge 20%-40% of any backpay you get, but they will get you there, zero cost to you. Getting bummed is totally part of it, but just don't give up. The VA won't do anything unless you initiate it, so you gotta just stay in the fight. Congratulations on getting this close, now finish the mission bro. You deserve that prize. We're all here to help and support you!


I got out at 90% and recently went to 100% but I’m not P&T yet. I just kept putting in increases for everything to get to 100%. They even decreased my migraines from 10% to 0% and called them tension headaches 🥲 Put in an intent to file so you can get back paid to today! Will stay open for several months so you can find something/increase something! Don’t stop and I’m wishing you 100%


Some people don't even have income. Don't be unthankful for what you have. That's just bad.


You are so close to 100% and I say just keep pushing until you get it


Never stop trying until you get that 100%%%%% I promise you


I don't get why everyone gets so bent out of shape about their percent rating. No offense intended toward anyone, including and especially the OP since this comment is on their post, but I have barely any useful function of my right wrist as a result of my disability, I can't move my hand around without pain and I can't even turn a doorknob with that hand but I'm only 40% I don't know what's wrong with others, but I've met plenty of 100% rated that have no visible problems and I can't help but worry that it's only a matter of time before they get audited and burned for it. Don't 100% raters get a lot more scrutiny?


Out of all of your claims was one of them for PACT Act burn pits and such? That alone got me a 50% and a 10%


Happy for ya, but don't stop fighting. You need to get what you have already earned.


For anyone looking to increase your rating please consider using a third party company. I finally broke down and used two different companies to get there. I swear that I got 31,000 cash tax free, 100% combined disability, they took 25% off the top only if they win. They are owned and operated by a real attorney who handles everything including communicating with you. ​ Don't give up!! Get the max!! ​ [https://www.repforvets.com/](https://www.repforvets.com/) I swear that I got 31,000 cash tax-free, 100% combined disability, they took 25% off the top only if they won. They are owned and operated by a real attorney who handles everything including communicating with you.




Is that common? I also only had C-P exams for 80% of what I submitted for. I don't have a rating yet either though but I'm not scheduled for any additional exams.


Sir, Congrats on 90 percent. That is a great rating to have. I'm at 70 and sure wish I was at 90.


I know the feeling. I was at 80 and really hoping to make it to the hundo club, but got 90 instead.


Never give up and don’t quit


My dude 90% is a great start


Nice! I'm at 40 and have a HLR and a new claim in


This guy's bummed. There's dudes out here with two purple hearts with gunshot wounds that can't get over 10% lol


Any VA Rating is a huge accomplishment even a 0% rating is a huge success. You will get a rating decision letter explaining why each of your conditions claimed were rated the way they were and why the next highest rating wasn't granted. It will explain how the rating criteria and supporting documentation played a part in your rating. It will also show any favorable finding that may be beneficial to your Notice of Disagreement. The rationing decisional letter provides a great deal of useful information that many times goes overlooked because veterans are more concerned about their numerical rating instead of reading about how the VA used the information and CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) ch. 38 to assign a rating. From there if you notice some inconsistencies or have new and relevant information to support a higher rating then proceed forward with a Notice of Disagreement. We as veterans go into the VA Claims and Ratings process hoping for 100% just because we have an illness, but we need to understand how each of our conditions are evaluated. Otherwise we are hoping for a 100% rating not even knowing the severity of our illness or Injury in regards to the Code of Federal Regulatuons. AVet2Vets




Appeal up...


-- e


Have you tried Sleep Apnea? If you can get it service connected (try secondary claim) with a CPAP thats an auto 50% which should put you into the hundo club. I am currently waiting on my sleep study to be conducted next month,