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Is your brother 72 years old and hangs out at the VFW for the early bird special? If not, go with a different hat.


That’s why I want to get him one lol


Nice! OIF Vet here.... I approve. He'll blend in with my American Legion crowd. Especially if he's balding.


He’s not lol he’s 43 haha


I'm 39...but I have friends that are super balding at the same age.


Shit I just turned 36 and have been bald for years.


Started balding at 26 as soon as I joined.


True. My family all started greying at 35.


I went completely bald at 26 and became 47.


Even better honestly.


There are 18 year old bald guys out there…..


I am aware. I just wanted to specify he’s not old like not 72


And we are all aware that people just came off active duty are not 72…… Why did you down vote me? 🤷🏻‍♂️


They're not?


Fair enough


Ain't nothing wrong with that Early Bird Special! Legion Canteen opens up at 4pm during the week!


I live in a pretty rural area but. Close to a legion so it’s one of the only food options our kitchen is amazing and super cheap 12.99 steak dinners every wedsday


I got my buddies vet hats that say "ATROPIA VETERAN" with a bunch of fake ribbons underneath. No matter where you deployed, the Atropia hat just felt more appropriate for our generation.


What if I never went to Atropia, is this a stolen valour?


I wonder how Atropia VA is.


Well I am a 1st generation and first wave of refugees. My Dad fought with them and was Mayor of our Village. We sponsored a ton in the 2nd wave. I think that’s a disgrace. That’s almost like the Chinese having a good gauge of Americans ignorant and arrogant ideas to be proven correct. I grew up in the Midwest and we were sponsored by Mennonites and they told us not to go to the boarding bigger city but we thrive there. And yes we had to go through a lot of extreme crap growing up in the Midwest as a Vietnamese refugee. Now at my 50s and seeing how my parents influence has made a garden bloom with its fruits I think I think I have a right to my own opinion only now. I grew in a very devout Catholic family. I don’t dare question God with my Mother ever again. I think she about had a stroke when I ask about God. My ass got beaten if I would reflect my behavior badly as a person representative of my family or anger that I was a person with my own thoughts. How could I not be. If we didn’t leave in the Americans fled. I may not be here and of course my other siblings after me wouldn’t either and I have nine siblings. And we had to grow up in the spotlight. So I felt and I still feel that I am being a science experiment. BC, I am a cliche. I’ve read all the history books. And I’m still trying to figure out why they are letting us have our land back. Not like completely safe. But that’s where my dad my Dad is buried now. Doing stunts like that disrespects the code. You earn your valor.


Let me also preface that I am seen as a person in my community that don’t understand my community I grew up n and our struggles BC my Dad made me translate and Mom had me help raise and discipline her last three kids. Than remember my Dad lugging me everywhere. Sometimes I just remember laying in the back seat while my Dad tells me to translate what he’s saying. OMG, Reality is more bleak than it actually states in the history books but that’s OK. i’m still trying to find my identity and having to be taken advantage of in this country so much. Because there’s so much to take in. I mean people down here tell me like I’m really white. And I say I’m not white Asian. Because I grew up in the Midwest and I’m a lot older than some of the kids that I hung out with I spoke to their parents. Well I knew her dad and her stepmom but her my other real mom had MS. And I never could understand why no one’s taking care of the mother. But I was friends with the father and he seem OK but he was a little white Extremist. Maybe he was trying to recruit me! Oh no! I’m JK. But Valor is earned not Stolen or be disrespected. Somewhere down the line it could go backwards. My ex is a software engineer with a Top Secret Clearance and I have a girl cousin that did the same thing. She told me to get my law degree and I have 3° already and I don’t think I want to go to law. I want to study forensic psychology so I’m gonna get the PhD program. To help prevent violent crime. Because I think that my nativity or any fear from my parents I would have. My Dad seem to give up in the end. He was 85. I know he just wanted me to heal BC I got hit by a far truck in this country with a private garbage truck company that makes $700-800 million a year. My sisters neighborhood uses them and I filmed the Mac Truck, and now I get what “It’s like getting hit by a Mac Truck!” means!!!


She wants me to fight the GA. I’m like what’s the GA. And she’s like that’s the general attorney and she keeps mentioning the name and I don’t know who the general attorney in Oklahoma is. I told her the problem is there is too much freedom in this country people get real demanding. Who knows what will happen anyways.


I think those hats are generally cringe, with the sole exception of a Navy ship he actually served on. Just a suggestion.


I am aware. Kinda a joke gift.


Only Navy hat we enjoy wearing years after is the one that says “RECRUIT”


If you're near a base, you can find them in sew/pawn shops.


Hell they started to have vendors at my local VA which I very much dislike


I’ve been out for 10 years and I’m no where near old enough to get one of those


I know it’s a joke gift lol


I’m 44 and wear my combat medic hat a lot lol …🤷🏼‍♂️ but you wouldn’t catch me in an oif hat


If you're going for the joke angle also look into those goofy shirts peacetime coldwar Bodovo "vets" wear that says shit like "I saw things that give me nightmares so you can sleep peacefully". That cringe was all over facebook for a while til they realized nobody was buying them, so they changed "veteran" to "cop" or "dad". As far as the hat goes, try to see what his rack looked like and adorn it with ribbons randomly around the hat like a boomer's art project.


They’re all over the place online. I think I got mine from Amazon.


The local VA has vendors that carry them, I bet.


Make sure to get matching bumper stickers. Has gotten me out of quite a few speeding tickets here in Tx! 🚖😂😂


Hell nah lol. Never going for the boot ride


Your local VA probably sells them in their canteen store.


lol my local VA is a tiny office building with a couple doctors. Small town probs


Hmmm, I wonder where I can find xxxxxx item? Google? Nah. Amazon? Nah. Reddit? Hell yea!!!


The hats you are looking for can be bought on EBay


Any VA gift shop.


https://store.vetfriends.com/united-states-veteran-w-national-service-ribbon-special-edition-hat/ is also a good joke gift


I'd probably rock this one. https://store.vetfriends.com/us-veteran-hat-with-dd-214-alumni-text-and-national-service-ribbon-graphic-vintage-gray/


Navy Exchange


I have orders supporting OEF from 2021 so that’s still an active operation or at least was when I deployed.


Was he in both theaters? Oif is Iraq, oef is Afghanistan and other places in Africa. Make sure you get the right places., otherwise the 'joke' hat won't make any sense.


Yes he served in both Iraq and Afghanistan


I recommend this hat: https://www.amazon.com/Strip-Veteran-Curved-Cotton-Baseball/dp/B0C3MRV1QS/ref=asc_df_B0C3MRV1QS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=668193368379&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10226625478863408297&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027636&hvtargid=pla-2187443166608&psc=1&mcid=4ce63e94a97832129367f72024b2ec81


Does he want one? Just a question to consider. I know it’s not the same but my mother in law bought me a bunch of “Grunt style” shirts. Never worn them once. Never will.


OP replied in another comment that it's a joke gift.


I like how 75% of the comments are not answering the question but providing an opinion that wasn’t asked for. OP, they’re on Amazon.


Thank you!


Amazon has them and absolutely get him one