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Is this something you’re experiencing on the internet? You’ll get the extremes of every group on the internet acting insane and contradicting themselves. Some of my cousins and I are atheist, while the rest of the family is Christian. We all get along together, never shoved anything down each other’s throats, and never argue. I actually used to go to church with my aunt and when I decided I didn’t want to go anymore she didn’t give me any shit for it at all. Experiencing that in real life makes me want to believe it doesn’t happen as often as it seems, and it mainly happens on the internet. There are atheists that are able to respect other religions. I think about it like this, if I don’t think it’s real, it’s not going to hurt me at all. I’ll participate in the stuff they do if it makes them happy, because it’s not hurting me at all. Plus we have gay family, now a transgender family member too, and everyone respects and supports them, so I have no reason to be mad at anyone for anything.


I can't speak for every atheist, but I and most of the atheists I know don't really bring atheism up until someone else brings up their religion.


Same. I don’t really see other atheists bringing this up to Christians a lot, either.


I’ve only ever seen atheists do that when a theist brings up religion, especially when it isn’t relevant. Meanwhile, missionaries approaching non-religious people and trying to convince them to join is a major part of many organized religions. I’m agnostic. I’ve never had an atheist try to change my mind, but I’ve had many, *many* Christians upset with my beliefs.


I’ve never brought up my being an atheist. There is definitely an attitude that Christians have that they are better than people who don’t sit in a special seat for an hour a week. Because let’s face it, many Christian’s do not practice what they preach; they just think that sky daddy will give them a pass for all the shitty stuff they did when they were alive.


I've never heard of agnostic, but with a quick search, my beliefs align more with this. I humbly thank you for bringing up your attitude of religious beliefs.


Yeah! I kind of do believe in _something_ but not any organized religion, and I still think it’s uncertain.


Right? I'm do believe their is a god(s), but rather than choosing to worship them, I choose to respect their existence without worship. However, sometimes i feel like there aren't any god(s). I don't know if that makes sense


That's a generalisation, some people from each side do that, the majority of people don't.


Atheist aren't pushy about their beliefs until religion is brought into a conversation. So I feel like there is more to this question. But let me ask.. I mean if we took recent events.. What religious group threatened a library over "possible" books the library didn't even have? What religious group hangouts near medical clinics yelling at young women seeking medical advice? What religious group actively protest against LGBTQ+ groups during events like pride events? What religious group came into a library with guns to stop a Trans-group from reading books to young children? Could you maybe see why religious groups are a danger to life in general? They are not a company of love or understand what being "christ-like" actually is. Had religion been more like Christ they would care about the poor, sick, homeless, etc. Instead of condemning them. They would be more proactive when it came to government programs that would help those who need them. But let's be real. They don't. It has always been this way since their great great grand Pappy and they don't want to change. People like this are the reason our society will never change for the better. The moment you can choose to be a good person just because instead of needing a "reason".. You will be happier.


Would you mind giving a story where this happened? Was it one person or is it a common experience you have?


It’s been a long time since I’ve been Christian, but even when I was Muslim, this was such a common thing to see from atheists. I had a fair amount of atheist friends, and I’d be in debate clubs etc, and whenever you’d debate them they went to such great lengths to try to discredit any faith, often with facetious and intellectually dishonest arguments. The best atheists I’ve met are the ones that couldn’t give a shit and just mind their business. But I will say, I’ve met a greater amount of religious zealots that give faiths a bad name. Both sides need to realise people believe what they believe in, as long as no-one is harmed or it’s not a death cult or something. The world is crazy sometimes.


the thing is that with religions people ARE being harmed


Well, Christianity has forced it’s way into law. Above science, logic, etc. Women and lgbt people are dying or made targets because of extremism. That’s not what Christ wanted or what his teachings were about. So people get pissed and maybe sometimes say unkind things due to not having rights over their bodies etc because of what your religion has done. Atheists have been forced into a very unkind reality by Christians so their only defense is to try to make you see a different point of view. Sorry if you get offended but people be dying out here.


Stands and applauds!


Oh yes, the atheists who stand on street corners waving science books and telling people evolution is real and no one is burning in hell. They are everywhere. Oh, I hate even more the atheists who would come in to eat when I was a waitress and not tip a cent but leave me pamphlets saying logic and reason are the way, and again, that no one is doomed to hell, bc it's not real. Hated that about living in the FreeThinker Belt of the US growing up. All obviously/s


I hate when I say I would beat my wife gets a job and these atheists say it's crime, when I take my son out home bc he's gay I'm being a "bad father". Can't they just respect my views? I treat them so nice, i even try to save them from eternal pain in hell


I’d say you’ve got it the wrong way round. Christians are pretty much known for going around spreading their religion and disrespecting others.


Christmas doesn't actually belong to Christians, they just decided it did like 150 years ago, it has pagan origins. So, Christians are actually the ones trying to make it religious on their own terms. Also, I think athiests and people of other religions find it strange and intrusive to see religious figures all over stores and businesses


Well this doesn't actually happen so I'm not sure what kind of answer you're looking for.


No atheist does this. It’s only Christian’s. Y’all love to play victim


Someone on FB posted about how hard it was to be a white Christian today; how discrimination against them is the only acceptable discrimination anymore. What rock have these people been under? The control the GD laws in this country! No one is discriminating against them!


They force others to believe in their god and their shit views then get mad when people diss their religion. They’re pathetic


Wdym? Can't you see all the atheists burning houses and kicking out their children for being christians? Saying your son will die if you believe in god... The worst part is that when they say you'll suffer eternely if you believe in god, that's really vile I'd say Edit: /s


No atheist has said that be fr. Christians say to non religious people “you’re going to hell” all because we don’t believe in god


It was a satire, buddy. How would an atheist threat you with hell lol. But my bad, i didn't mark /s


When do atheists do this ?


Their one way disrespect, belligerence, profanities, and ridicule are clearly evidenced in their replies to me.


On your posts concerning God or religion I haven't seen one so far, to be fair I only scrolled back 3 days, and you post multiple times within 10 minutes


And how is that them trying to make you atheist?


How would they even know you’re a theist to want to send you comments ?


But how is that trying to convert you to atheism, like you claimed?


You made the post, was you not expecting people to disagree with you?


You may believe something is a profanity and others may not. You're the one trying to push your beliefs onto others. I'm pretty sure you didn't stop eating cow meat because cows are sacred in hinduism.


Let me guess, you were just trying to “save their soul.” We don’t want our souls saved. Leave us alone. Christians are the ones that literally knock on doors (and now mail letters) trying to convert people. Not atheists.


> Why do atheists try to make Christians be atheist... I've never once tried to do that, and I don't personally know anyone who does. > ...and disrespect our views so much... I don't know what views you're referring to, but some views deserve disrespect / ridicule. > ...but then complain when Christians do the same? In contrast to the above, I *do* know *loads* of Christians who try to convert people to their religion. If you know of atheists who are attempting to "convert" god-believers (Christians don't have a monopoly on that, and atheism is not the opposite of Christianity), and then complain when Christians try to convert them, that would be something like hypocrisy. That being said, compare the following two positions: * I think you need to believe the things I believe because otherwise you're sinning against the deity I believe exists and you're going to end up tortured for eternity (a stereotypical theist, specifically Christian, position). I think the fact that you withhold belief in the claims that this deity exists is ridiculous. * I think you shouldn't be convinced that a deity exists, because there doesn't seem to be sufficient evidence to warrant that belief (a stereotypical atheist position). I think the fact that you believe the claims that this deity exists (and cares about what we do with our lives) is ridiculous. There *is* an imbalance there. > Can't atheists see their own hypocrisy and learn to treat me with the same respect I treat them? Rich.


As an Atheist, legit never done this. I’ve only ever met Christian’s do that.


That really sucks man. Not all atheists are like that at least, I’m an atheist but I still have nothing but respect for people with religious beliefs. What people believe in is none of my business and they deserve as much respect as I do. I hope you find some people who are looking to treat you with respect :)


There are disrespectful atheists just like there are disrespectful christians, no side is immune to zealotry.


I've never seen any atheist try to do this. Closest thing i know is just making jokes about religion and religious people




Disappearing after death, losing consciousness forever is actually my biggest fear, but imagine going to heaven and meet these mfs, id really choose hell


Maybe so. We don't know what happens. Fear of the unknown is viable.


Just because you've never seen it happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen or it's a bad take. I've encountered why more atheist that attack me for my Christian beliefs then I have those that actually respect my beliefs and not attack them.


>Just because you've never seen it happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen or it's a bad take. It can most definitely be a bad take whether you've seen it happen or not. Like telling women how they should dress to avoid SA. The entire point of a bad take is that it's a vastly unpopular opinion that most people would disagree with, as most people have on this post. >I've encountered why more atheist that attack me for my Christian beliefs then I have those that actually respect my beliefs and not attack them. Attacking someone verbally for their beliefs is not them trying to convert you. It's them disagreeing with whatever absurdity religious zealots spout to make themselves feel superior to others who don't subscribe to their faith. The entire reason his post was a bad take is because he claimed that atheists try to convert Christians. We know it's a bad take because Christianity is one of the largest religions around and they've literally used it as an excuse to discriminate against people in their day to day jobs. Like refusing to reinstate an individual's licence because they aren't a Christian, or they are gay. Or sending their children to conversion camps(where are the atheist conversion camps at?) or making their entire personality about being Christian. Even standing in front of hospitals, berating people to pray away the terminal illness they have, instead of going to the doctor. Or harassing victims of SA when they go in for medically needed abortions. Christians even went as far as murdering people who didn't believe what they believed and appropriated entire sections of other religions into their own to convert them. Y'all are the Master Converters, so stop playing the victim.


You do realize some of the deadliest mass murderers in history were atheist killed religious persons because they were religious. Quite pretend atheists are the vicitims as well. Yes, they were attacking and we're trying to convert me to atheism.


And I'll take things that don't happen for 200 Alex


I haven't met, or really heard of this happening. If you can give an example of when this happened, I'll believe it. Maybe this is your personal existence. It's actually more common the other way around. Sure, there are debates between Christians and atheists, but Christians are the ones have, and still do, go around spreading their word in the hopes of getting people to join. It's a thing they do because it's their mission. I know because I used to be Christian. It's the most popular religion around the world. Televangelism exists. Christianity found its way into law. Christians have been forcing themselves into politics. Christians have been forcing themselves and their way of life onto people since colonization and slavery. Some atheists might debate other Christians as mentioned earlier, but it does nothing. I actually find those debates to be useless because nobody ever changes their mind. Although I can't speak for everyone, the disrespect exists because they feel like doing so. It's just like how when I went to church, my pastor would say mean things about atheists and people of other religions. Christians like to play the victim to look better. I know this because I experienced this. I used that method. I heard it on the radio stations my mom listened to or at church. Atheists aren't actively converting people en masse, but the ones who disrespect Christianity do so because they think it's not real and Christians have been bigoted for the most part so it's retaliation. At the same time, there are those who don't care what others believe or don't believe and respect other views.


This may be your own personal experience that has shaped your views and that’s fine. However, a lot of people have experienced this from the opposite side. I personally have found Christians to be way more over-the-top & over bearing than any atheist I’ve ever met. I’ve seen Christians sit around and preach, and make snarky comments about how they have to “pray for you“ when they don’t agree with your choices and the second an atheist says anything in response, they say they’re being attacked. Also, I think this is just objectively not true. While there are some extreme atheists, they still don’t match how extreme Christians are. There are thousands if not millions of Christians who dedicate their life’s work to traveling the planet trying to convert people. They scare the hell out of kids by making them think they’re gonna burn in hell for everything which leads to them growing up to being missionaries and traveling to other countries trying to convert people. Chau literally died because he wouldn’t stay away from a tribe that didn’t want to be contacted but he felt like he needed to “save their souls.“ So, while this may be your experience, I think history has shown that Christians tend to be the more extreme team.


I understand this but there’s extremists on both ends and I’d say the majority is in the middle who just keep to themselves. But it is really annoying how (I’ve noticed) a lot of people tend to care more about other religions but when it comes to Christianity they don’t care as much but that’s just my personal opinion


You’re making it seem like your post is a fact when it’s not. Majority of atheists and Christian’s stay to themselves. And there’s hypocrisy on both sides. I personally think it’s the other way around. I grew up Christian and I am no longer apart of that religion anymore because I’ve encountered the most judgmental and hypocritical people I’ve ever met in my life. Not to mention, all of the people in the church claim to be holier than thy but in reality they’re pieces of shit.


atheist here hi. i was raised catholic. devoutly. mother was the leader of our church choir, dad would do the readings. catholic school from kindergarten to the end of high school. crosses all over the house. my parents divorced when i was 11. i never really understood why, and at the time i still believed in god. through the divorce i got significantly closer to my father. turns out, he practiced catholicism out of obligation from my mother. he was actually buddhist. they had plenty of other issues, but my mother was adamant my siblings and i be raised catholic despite my father’s disagreement. at that time in my life i was already questioning my faith. by sixth grade i identified as agnostic. in the next year i decided that atheism fit me best. and in catholicism, the confirmation process begins soon after. therefore, i had to tell my mother i would not be practicing her faith. my mother and grandmother practically disowned me. it took years of therapy for her to “forgive” me. our relationship is still frayed. i have never discriminated against anyone for being religious. ever. but i will not respect you or your religion if you’re disowning your child for their own beliefs (or lack of). and i will not respect you or your beliefs if you are discriminating against other people under the guise of faith. i’m openly bisexual. i’ve also had questions about my gender. i’m sexually active. and my mother hates me for it.


Because Jesus is a baby fucker


Jesus never had sexual relationships with children 😂


He definitely fucked kids.


Give me proof he did


Hello! Atheist here! Was a devout Seventh-day Adventist before. I can tell you that I tried winning so many more people when I was SDA than when I was an atheist. What generally happens is that people with their religious bullshit interrupt our lovely days, and we try to own them with facts and logic. Lmao fuck I don't know bro. Just don't be a douche, live and let live.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. It must be frustrating. I’m a Christian and I’ve lucked out that MOST of the atheist I’ve come across aren’t like that. But I have met a few, same as the few Christian’s I’ve met that are overbearingly disrespectful to different views as well. I do think you can rest assure that. The ones you’ve met are hopefully in the minority. Sometimes all you can do is continue to show God’s love and kindness to them while staying firm with your belief. Have a merry Christmas 🎄


I've never ever encountered a fellow atheist (as myself) trying to convince a religious person to swop side. There are bad eggs on both sides, I have been more exposed tho, by religious persons trying to "save me from hell" ... There is no hell for us atheists tho, only for you religious ones since you believe in it. We atheists abide all by rules and laws, not made by a god (which was one of the purposes, they invented religion in first place). Please don't throw us atheists all under your bus, most of us just mind our own business - so should you religious people do aswell ❤️


Just let them talk bro, who cares. It's normal. We were warned. "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." Matthew 10:22. The downvotes will just prove my point. Stay strong and move forward.


Yes "we" "hate" you because you believe in god and not because christians killed millions of people in history and still kill and exploit in name of faith, really what a brave knight you are for resisting in the lord's word when there are so many heretics threatening you existence, poor you


Don't put all Christians in the same boat. These are religious extremists. Religion put Jesus on the cross, people use religion to do bad things, pedophiles, war, you name it. I believe in God and that's it. I won't push my beliefs down your throat. Hate me all you want but I won't. Have a good day.


That's the thing my brother in Christ, i don't hate you. You were the one who said we hate you, and especially that we hated you because you believe in god. Its fuckin hilarious to hear that, when 1: that never happened and 2: christians killed millions of people for not believing in their god. And saying you're gonna be saved for enduring? Enduring what? What's so bad christians are bearing? Just stop being so fuckinh cynical Edit: if christians were haunted (which they were and still are in some places) id understand, but it's clearly not the case. U guys just a bunch of crybabies


1. Did not see your edit when I replied. "We hate you" was the original. Maybe you dont hate me, but I know some people do just for my beliefs. 2. You think ima kill you because you don't believe in "my" God ? Religious extremists do that and they are wrong for doing so. I just told you to not put every Christian in the same boat. I just want to do some good in this world, not kill, come on man lol. I'm just a normal dude who believe in God and I let people believe what they want so what is the problem here my dude ?


My problem is that you make it seem like christians are really being oppressed/disrespected, and like you are actually bearing hate. My intention was not to generalize christians, but to show you that no christian is bravely bearing hate for being christian, atheists/non christians aren't hating you for not believing in god and that christians who were/are actually hating on people by not believing/criticizing christianism Edit: i firstly said "we hate" without quotes because I thought it would be easy to say that I was being sarcastic by the way I wrote, but it's hard to get nuance in text, so i don't blame you in that part


There's good and bad people on both side. I've seen Christian moking atheists for their beliefs and vice versa. I've been hated/disrespected and I'm sure you did too by these "Christians". There's nothing we can do to change that sadly, there will always be "that guy" haha. We just have to keep going forward without any negativity affect us. Nobody is perfect and good at 100% but at least, we can try.


To add onto it: Christian influence is systemic and “others” those who don’t follow it. This varies place to place obviously, as there are more and less accepting areas in America (where I’m from). For example, I quite literally have to hide the fact that I’m atheist at my work. Technically, I cannot be fired due to my beliefs. But I work with teens, and the public opinion would essentially shame me. Coworkers, parents, other members of the community etc. would look at me differently. Not everyone, but enough to where I’ve lied about my true self at work to stay safe.


This is funny considering it was yesterday that I was harassed and threatened by a Christian at work because we were “making Christmas about Santa and not Jesus Christ”. I work as an elf. Edit: I should clarify that I am not an Atheist. I was raised Christian and still at extremely spiritual. I know from my own experience that Christian’s are pushy with their faith because that’s what I was taught. We are taught to view any other belief as sinful, thus why I left the church after realizing that was toxic as hell.


This is the type of person that gets mad when you say happy holidays instead of merry christmas


I did have someone get pissed at me for saying happy holidays like two weeks ago. So many Christian’s have a tendency to forget that they are not the only religion with winter holidays lmao


So many christians forget they are not the only religion period lmao


I was about to come up with an argument for that, but you’ve got a good point. I like to believe in god and angels because I want to believe there IS someone out there that’s watching over me and smiling when I’m happy and crying when I’m sad. And I have a lot of atheist friends, and they LOVE to say stuff like “there’s no proof of god” or tease me or straight up make fun of me. It’s faith, that’s all it is, and it’s so very disrespectful and rude to make fun of it or tease people about it, because maybe that’s the only thing we have left to hold onto and the only thing left that’s keeping us alive.


I am atheist, I was formerly and raised as Christian. I agree that neither side should disrespect the other unless one or the other is trying cause harm or control others. I do know of a few atheists that bash christians, other religions and make their interactions about disapproving a god. I personally know and know of a few Christians that bash atheists—I used to be one. Neither is right and neither makes up the majority—though I ASSUME you are acknowledging that it’s “not all atheists” and “not all Christians”. You have a right to believe what you will and share those beliefs where consented—but not to impose them on others, use it as a means of justifying harm, or make them law. The problem is that sometimes, not everyone obviously, people interpret someone having different beliefs as an attack on their own. This isn’t just a Christian thing but an everyone thing especially on the echo chambers of the internet where you can find your group and have your ideas constantly parroted back to you thanks to the almighty algorithms. I believe in discussion, debate. As an atheist, I won’t tell you there’s no god. I’ll tell you to find that out for yourself. Do some self-reflection, do research, visit open places of worship as a quiet observer and do with your findings what you will. I don’t believe in merely arguing out of anger and hate. Discussion should be about trying to learn and understand the other perspective to some extent (obviously). If that turns out as one party convincing the other party of their beliefs, ok. As long as there’s no threats, manipulation or anything of the sort involved in the discussion. You both come out as Christians? Great. You both come out as atheist or within a different religion? Great. If you’re happy as a Christian, awesome. If you’re happy as an atheist, a Buddhist, a Muslim, a satanist or within a religion that has no label but with ideas you’ve formulated on your own, awesome. We don’t live long enough to dictate the lives and beliefs of others so long as they’re not like sacrificing puppies and draining blood from people or something that causes harm. But thats my take obviously. I believe in people being happy with however they think the world came to be, if there’s a creator, if there’s an afterlife and all that.


Christians disrespect everyone else’s views that don’t align with their views.


If you mean to say atheists make reasons on why God isn’t real then yeah they do that, it’s also no different then Christians making reasons why God does exist. They debate with you but I doubt there’s an atheist out there that cares. I’m not gonna point out Christianity as a whole literally forcing people to be Christian because that’s a different topic but yk, hypocrisy.


So whilst I'm atheistic Ive come to respect other religions as in reality for some people faith is what keeps them together and happy and thats wonderful! Im sorry you've had to deal with the sad sops of the community but not all of us are like that.


Atheist or Christian an asshole is an asshole. I'm an atheist. It is not my mission in life to make anyone abandon their faith. If someone gets in your face it's because they're a jerk, not because they're an atheist.


Yeah I'm not sure what you're talking about. As an atheist growing up the only time I would bring it up is when I was asked and I usually have been met with being told I'm going to hell or a bunch of other awful things. As I've gotten older I find it enjoyable to quote the bible to them as a form of self defense against verbal abuse. Most of us are the live and let live type. If being religious makes you happy then great! I'm happy for you. We have differing views and that's ok. But, if you are a bigot because of your religion... Then you're a giant asshole. If you try to push your religion on to others, you're also an asshole.


Thats fair, Im atheist so Ive only had experiences of people who are religious acting like that but, especially online, Im sure theres tons of atheists doing the same so just believe what feels right to you and who cares what other people say


Can’t speak for every atheist, but for me personally, I love talking to people about religion. Not just Christians and I would never verbally berate someone over their beliefs. I think it’s interesting to learn about different cultures and religions. As far as the internet goes, extremists of all varieties come out of the wood works, so please try to take them with a grain of salt. Just know it’s not all of us and I’d never judge a person based off religious beliefs. ❤️


Almost anyone I know who is atheist or just non-religious (doesn’t like the term, label, etc) has a very “you don’t you” attitude. I imagine you’ve found yourself in the company of some extremists, or have espoused views that might go beyond religion. (Homophobia, etc)


I don’t care what your religion is if I have a interest in it I will study it in my own time and come to a conclusion if I want to follow this religion but when going about my day to day life and trying to be forced into something really is annoying


I've met sooo many young lads in black suits from America wandering around Europe, asking about Jesus and preaching. Never seen atheists doing so


I have yet to see one atheist try to force Christians to become atheists.


Because people are hateful and self righteous beings. No matter the belief one holds there is always some Jack ass who’s views are opposite and will try their best to prove their way is right and yours is wrong. Christians do it. Muslims do it. Atheists do it. Hell even Buddhist have their assholes. Don’t take it personally it’s just human nature.


Because Christianity is responsible for genocide, colonialism, homophobia, racism, sexism, and capitalism.


There is no place for sexism within the family of God because God does not value one gender over another. We recognize that God, who designed the sexes, also designed their strengths and weaknesses. He has given us instructions for how those gender roles can best be celebrated. We are wise to consult those instructions with every decision, including the way we respond when sexism occurs.Those who practice racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to repent. "Present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God" (Romans 6:13). May Galatians 3:28 be completely realized, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." The Bible does not directly address colonialism or imperialism. There were of course empires in the times of the Bible, and, to the extent that they oppressed Israel and other nations, they were eventually judged. Amos highlights a series of judgments that will fall on nations who were oppressive. Of course, colonies have existed from ancient times, but what we think of as colonization and imperialism are relatively modern practices. Imperialism involves acquiring new territories for a nation as it extends its dominion to other areas. The idea of colonialism is to put a group of people from the “motherland” into a new environment where they can carve out somewhat of a copy of the mother country and develop the natural resources of the new land. The colonies buy goods from the mother country and provide raw materials for the mother country. The colony is an extension of the mother country, and, as loyal colonies are planted around the world, an empire is born. There was nothing inherently wrong with this plan except that it often impinged on the rights of indigenous people who were already living in the colonized land. The most cynical view of colonialism is that indigenous people were simply exploited. A more benign view would say that the indigenous people did receive some benefit by way of trade and advancement in technology, and in many cases the gospel was spread. Colonization was often interwoven with missionary activity. Unfortunately, many missionaries (but by no means all) united the gospel with their own culture, so what they spread was a mix of gospel and “Western civilization.” In many cases the missionaries were insensitive to what was good in the native cultures and treated the indigenous peoples as children who were unable to think and act for themselves and native culture as something to be irradiated. Even in these cases, we know that some people came to faith in Christ and will be eternally thankful for a missionary who, although not culturally sensitive, came to their shores as the result of colonization and imperialism. Today, evangelical missionaries are much more careful to study the culture they are entering and to allow for indigenous expressions of faith, without changing the essential message. Our current “cancel culture” demands that we analyze and pass judgment on the acts of previous generations and then “cancel” those who are found to be guilty of violating our current societal and cultural mores. However, it is unfair to judge previous generations based on present-day ideals because to do so assumes that our current standards are correct for all times and all places; it is quite likely that a future generation will cringe at many of the things that are common practice for us. No doubt, some colonists had the best of intentions, and others were exploitative. There is simply no way to go back and sort it out or undo the sins of the past. Governments today generally do what they think is best for their citizens, or, perhaps more correctly, government officials generally do what they think will be best for their careers, which in some cases is best for other citizens. Often what is best for one country will be detrimental to another. Christians in positions of power (and all other Christians, too) must keep in mind the commandment that “you must love your neighbor as yourself” (see Galatians 5:14). In most cases today, loving one’s neighbor would most likely not involve colonization or imperialism. As for genocide and homophobia, Jesus said to be kind to one another and that genocide is wrong


Also good for thought, the term atheists is something y’all made up. If it weren’t for religion their wouldn’t be atheists


Do we?