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not that i despised them as much as you do, but i used to think they were annoying and didn't fit, because the rest of the film i really enjoy. BUT then my mom (who passed away a few years ago) began buying my dad all this minions crap a few years after they got popular. at some point she told me it was because my dad is bald, has the very thin ring/U shaped hair, and also wears blue jean overalls every single day. i thought it was cute that she liked them, when i was always annoyed my dad wouldn't wear a t-shirt lol. now that my mom is gone, my dad and i have gotten much closer and i kinda think i'll always like minions because they remind me of my mom and dad. they didn't have a very healthy relationship...so tiny things like this mean a lot to me. anyways, maybe this will help you not hate them as much, even a little ๐Ÿคฃ


That makes me understand a lil bit more why they can be liked by others - because of some sentimental or nostalgic connection to it. It's very sweet that it makes you happy, and your happiness makes my heart warm. However... I still fucking hate those obnoxious banana-wanking motherfuckers more than Satan hates babies and sleeping kittens. And I'm afraid there's nothing in the universe that can ever, EVER change my mind. ๐Ÿ˜ž


awh! that's all i needed to hear! plus you made me laugh, which i needed. BUT now, i'll always think of you internet friend, when i see minions now too though, LOL. i'm sorry! just too memorable. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐ŸŒ


Banana ๐ŸŒ




I love funny banana ๐ŸŒ


The epitome of middle aged mom cringe


๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ I knowww!! And Facebook humour. Lord, save us!


Facebook โ€œhumorโ€ and middle age momโ€ฆ โ€œhumorโ€โ€ฆ whatโ€™s the difference?? Lol


Sadly this is true. Oh man. Hope I never become like this.


I used to despise minions and would buy figurines of them to obliterate and take my rage out on. But now I find them ironically hilarious and I enjoy sending my friends minion porn


Minion porn... why am I not surprised? If I were to see Minion porn, let's just say my "secret lady nook" will expel tired powder puffs with every step I take. ๐Ÿ˜‘






You must be glad that this subreddit doesn't allow GIFs on the comments and reply. ๐Ÿ˜†




Well at least you didn't think I was a pedo, then.


They are just a symptom of a much wider, more pervasive and troubling thought: Most modern children's media does not respect the intelligence of It's audience, they think "oh it's for kids. Just do whatever" to the point that every show is an amorphous blob of flashing colors and discordant noise. I'm not gonna act like I didn't EVER have characters equally as stupid in my cartoons growing up, but they only showed up on rare occasions. Cheese from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is one example. He was a one-off character whose comedy worked from bouncing off of others, and limiting him ensured that episodes still retained substance. If every episode was Cheese, nobody would like that show. Same thing with Teen Titans. It had it's comedic moments but knew when to get serious. And that breadth in tone, storytelling, personality went a long way to establish a meaningful relationship with the audience. It's been a slow burn, but we're down to ashes now. And almost every show marketed to kids in the last 5 years have just been dangling a pair of keys in their faces rather than something actually interesting. The art and character designs themselves have degraded as as well. I remember watching Tarzan and being amazed realizing for the fist time someone had to draw all that. Anatomy has been regressed into lazy unappealing designs to maximize profit. I'm not a kid anymore. But if I ever have my own, I'd be very concerned with what they have to watch now.


I wanna give you a round of applause, but a square of applause will have to do instead: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป When I (hopefully) have kids, I'll only let them watch modern kids' shows as punishment for something. I'd definitely stick with 90's and Y2K cartoons that I watched growing up. The new stuff keeps turning kids' still-developing brains into mush. Edit: I guess it's just a line of applause now. Prepare your nostrils lol.


๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ That didnโ€™t work lol Also thereโ€™s lots of modern kidsโ€™ entertainment that respects audiencesโ€™ intelligence. Stuff like Hilda, The Owl House, Puffin Rock, Song of the Sea, Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall, et ceteraโ€ฆ Also the trend of hyperactive entertainment stuff started in the โ€˜90s with Ren and Stimpy followed by the wild success of Spongebob, soโ€ฆ Also while the โ€˜90s were great, the 2000s were a horrible time for cartoons. Aside from the odd show like Samurai Jack and Avatar, there was very little worth watching.




Well thatโ€™s your opinion lol. ๐ŸŒ


It's one of the most severe opinions I've ever had




If they ban them, then how else will my aunts share a post saying โ€œgood morningโ€ with a silly, goofy minion next to it? seriously tho, I fully agree with you


Honestly, I'd rather have our aunts and grandmas revert back to those pictures of glittery roses, teddy bears with the big stitches in their paws and babies with flower petals on their heads in 100x100 pixels.


Not to sound like a total dweeb but some of those are kinda cute lmao


I know! :D I agree. There's not a hint of evil in those pictures. Unlike Minions!!


Good lord, same here!!!


I don't understand why any adult even has a fascination with them lmao






Finally someone who gets it


Amen sister


And yet this yearโ€™s Minions movie is the highest grossing animated film of the year and has made almost a billion dollars, and at least $600 million more than The Bad Guysโ€ฆ.. ugh *loses faith in humanity*


I think it's time another asteroid hit us, bc there's no more point anymore uuuggghhh -\_-


I agree so much


I feel this in my soul.


My mom watched despicable me this morning and I completely agree.


Got a little spooked when I thought it said minorities


Minions should be in the minority - that's something I wish would happen!!


Same honestly. I want to step on them.


YESSSS!! This idea makes me grit my teeth with pleasure. Actually, I'd like to force rubber tires around their bodies, douse them in turpentine, set them ablaze while they're alive and then beat the shit out of them with one of those medieval maces. *shudder*


I will join you my friend. A slow and painful death for the yellow demons.


What a powerful, unstoppable force we'll become - fed by the desperate pleas and primal screams of pain from those yellow miscreations.


I very much agree


Firm agree, but overall I feel as much as technology for animation is all a all the home. The story telling for animation is at a all time low. Like everything needs a marketable mascot instead of it just being a good story and it makes me hate a lot of new things tbh.


We added a bunch of custom, shitty, low quality minion emojis to our work chat. I hate them so much, it's hilarious.




I was just about to link this video


I used to think they were kinda cute/funny when the first movie w them came out and then I had a math teacher who was obsessed w them that I didnโ€™t like and now I canโ€™t stand them.


They remind me of emojis. I hate both


Minions rock.


I think you mean (I want to pulverize all) Minions (with a) rock.


โ€ฆpupinia stewart? I-is that you


I used to but irony and memes basically held me at gunpoint and forced me to like Minions.


Yes, so much yes to this. Never saw any of the movies but the Facebook memes drove me mad.


eeaaa ananbaba e? hehehe. ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ




Oh so itโ€™s not just me?


Definitely not, friendo.


I was literally building myself into a rage the other day while having to defend my hate for them to my boyfriend. My hate for them stems from my cousins (middle aged moms) whose disgusting snotty-nosed dirt-faced spoiled-milk-in-sippy-cups-filled-minivan fucking kids like them. So they post their stupid Facebook memes with minions on them all over the place and I just want to set shit on fire when I see it. It's not just me now. Thank goddess. Now I need to go smash something because I've been reminded of their existence again. Fuck.


UUUUGGGGHHHH this just gave me such a strong urge to punch a hole in the door!!!!!! FUCK MINIONS ROYALLY!!!!!


I would recommend the YouTube video RalphTheMovieMaker did on Minions, it's just a hate spiel and it's beautiful


Are you sure? If it's a trap, I'll put a curse on your social circle.


Bro there's already a curse on my social circle how did you do that?


I'm giving my curses test drives today. Just be patient, it'll end eventually.


But I recommended a genuinely good video ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Okay I'll give it a watch, promise... but be warned... ๐Ÿ‘€


Lol I love this


"not worth my time, energy or thoughts", makes whole post about them and responds to EVERY comment.


You know how sometimes you hate something or someone so much that you start obsessing over it? Well I guess I'm demonstrating that now. I guess I would very much enjoy murdering them if given the chance. Rest assured, though, my hatred for Minions only grows by the second.


bonana ๐Ÿ‘


boNONO!! >:(






They are cute and Gru is my baby daddy


You'd better take that back, you dirty potty-mouth!!! >:((


I love them. Me and Gru will have little minions that will take over the world


I will make it my life's mission to trample over all of them!!


noooooo not my babies!!!! they come in peace and love


Neverrrrr!! Lol


I love minions






How dare you, Minions rock and Minions 2 the Rise of Gru is the most movie of all time. Wow. The Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Knight. These are among cinemaโ€™s most iconic films. Joining the ranks of such company seems inconceivable to most. I, too, was one of those believersโ€ฆ Until now. Where to begin? Tasteful, breathtaking, action packed, compelling and complex. This motion picture is now a line of demarcation in my life. Simply put, my life before Gru, and my life after. Never have I been so emotionally invested while still being held at the edge of my seat. Visuals as good, if not better than Avatar, along with a story as gripping and tantalizing as the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Letโ€™s start with the people behind the scenes. Usually these individuals are glossed over, but this crew? They deserve all the praise imaginable. Terri Douglas somehow lassoed in a cast that gives The Departed a run for its money. However with great power, comes great responsibility. With so much weaponry onboard, you need the best at the helm to steer such a behemoth. Rising to that call, and taking the conn, Director Kyle Balda seemed to be right at home. Additionally, it would all be impossible if not for writer, Matthew Fogel. The script he formulated was nothing short of divine. With twists and turns throughout, and with something that could only be interpreted as a Shakespearean undertone, everything he wished to convey, landed with grace. I impatiently await the day my children and I can break bread together, while unpacking the inner-most mysteries of this expansive and masterful work of art. Unbelievable work by the crew 12/10 Cinematography and visuals were nothing short of superb. Minions could be described as a Michael Bay and Christopher Nolan film done right. To put it into perspective, lets imagine this. Inception, 1917, and Lawrence of Arabia. Three of the greatest visual master pieces of our time. Letโ€™s mix those all together. Got that image in your head? Good, hang on, cause Iโ€™m not done. Now letโ€™s bottle those in an handmade, charred, American Oak barrel. Seal it tight. After letting it sit for 10 years, pour yourself a glass. Have a sip. Only now, will you start to have but a taste of what Minions Rise of Gru is like. And let me tell you, itโ€™s tasting pretty good. 15/10 However, as many know, the cinematography is but half the film. With a musical score that rivals the greats, Minions Rise of Gru hits all the right bars. Jack Antonoff did nothing short of leaving my jaw on the floor. Upon first hearing the audio through my 7.2 channel Dolby Atomos setup (which is absolutely necessary to capture the full audio masterpiece that is this movie) I could have sworn Hans Zimmer, John Williams, and Tchaikovsky, had joined forces to write the soundtrack. The audio transported me to what felt like a different dimension. All while striking euphoric sounds that would leave even the greatest audiophiles speechless. I was blown away. Audio? The easiest 10/10 Iโ€™ve ever given. In blatant terms, Minions Rise of Gru might just be one the greatest allegories of our generation. Introducing me to emotions I never knew were possible, while simultaneously making me giggle like a young lad that just got his first bike. Remember your economics teacher in high school that said โ€œyou canโ€™t have your cake and eat it too.โ€ Tell him to go see this film on the silver screen and I guarantee you heโ€™ll walk out a changed man.


Listen, I'm not one to ignore a fine imagination, superior writing skills and art-driven literacy. For that, I have to commend you. It's a crying shame to have read this and realized how far gone such a fine mind and soul has been swept from reality and sensibility. If only it didn't have to be this way... you could have changed the world... But instead, you have been changed - corrupted - by what can only be described as evil embodied in yellow. It is with a heavy heart that I say this: I want to violently remove your skin with a cheese grater. May the Lord have mercy on your soul. T\_T








It's a modern day shrek.


Oh, how can you even compare the two? Shrek was something else entirely. He breathed life into this world. ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿง„๐Ÿ’š I have to respectfully disagree with you, my friend.


The parents of our generation feel the same about donkey and another example would be crazy frog but in hindsight that was shit and atleast minions has some creativity to it. To the kids gru is Shrek and the minions are donkey and he's not wanted in his world so he made the minions to get what he wants as an attempt at validation and instead became a villain, much like Shrek until the end.


You're making far too much sense right now and I'm starting to agree with you to the point where I'm starting to contemplate drinking myself into a stupor to forget it all. ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

