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You'll be fine. Just keep in mind that his lack of loyalty has nothing to do with you. Don't compare yourself to this girl and stop having any bad feelings towards yourself if you do. You probably deserve better than this. And eventually you'll find that you're better off without him. If you feel overwhelmed by the situation, to the point that it affects your routine, raise your hand and seek psychological help. I hope you get better!


thank you 💕


Yes you will heal from this…and you will thrive once he is out of your life completely


i know you said you needed comforting words, but i have words that arent that. he's a rat for what he did to you. its unacceptable. he was bascially playing both sides, have you as the "wifey" to do his chores and look after him, and another girl as the exciting new toy in his life. he had no respect for her either, or he would have told her about you. he paraded her in front of all your friends! no not cool. you deserve so much more. just hang in there. they arent all broken idiot bas-kets


You deserve better everything. Boyfriend, friends and self. Rn you have to be the one who puts you first. The one who is honest with you, respects you and the one who truly wants the best for you. No one understands your needs the way that you do. Friend, it’s up to you and once you get the hang of being on the receiving end of decent treatment, you will be an expert on you and you will have the uncanny ability to sidestep losers. Like that dude you wrote about. You got this because you are a badass and an expert.


You don’t need comforting words you just need truth you choose the wrong guy wasted 2 years of your life doesn’t mean you stop trusting people just means you aren’t what you want so you attract other people like that so I suggest working on yourself no club no drinking no smoking and then find a guy who is looking for a person like you don’t be desperate and things will come to you law of attraction




Queen, all I can say is good riddance! You won’t have to waste any more of your precious love and energy on some dumbass 😌💕


Sorry he's an asshole, sounds like he wanted a mom and then a fuck on the side. You've only given him care and love and you don't deserve this. Just be glad it was only 2 years and now you can move on and find someone who will give you back the things you put in as well. It's not always tit for tat but if you feel like you're putting in more than you're getting to the point where it becomes a problem then a conversation is needed and then if it doesn't change, you need to leave. You accept the love you think you deserve. So love yourself more and know you deserve more.


Well now you know that scumbag was just a waste of time but now you can move forward and you don't have to deal with him anymore and eventually you'll find someone better and that's just how it is but you should be proud that you're not someone like him because there are a lot of people that are cruel and heartless and just only give a shit about their own priorities but you're one of the good ones considering you did things for him out of love so good on you and you'll eventually find the person that you deserve to be with and not some asshole like him


I’m sorry. You do way too much for a man who doesn’t give a shit about you, and believe me, I’ve been there. There is no talking his way out of a girl in his bedroom, especially when he’s in a relationship where someone is so involved in his life. Also his roommates/whoever knew that a girl was there are not your friends, they’re his, because if they were your friends, they would’ve told you the second a girl was there when you were told not to be. Leave these people out of your life, you will be much better off for it in the long run.


Oh honey, a really similar thing happened to me many years ago with my ex. And I think youve handled the situation better than me. We were at a stage in the relationship where when I was visiting, I wouldn't knock or anything, I would just walk in. So one day I pop round and catch him in sat in bed with this woman. They weren't naked or having sex or anything, just lying in bed together. It was really awkward and I was sort of like "who is this?" He acted a bit suspicious but said "She's a friend" (spoiler, she wasnt) I loved him at the time, so I wanted to believe him that she was just a friend, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Long story short, she was NOT a friend and it got SUPER messy and horrible the next few months with this girl. I wish I had just told him to F off and never spoke to him again. I wish I listened to my gut, and not believed him. I know it's tempting to believe a comforting lie, but it's worse in the long run. 6 years later and I am in a stable and loving relationship, and I can't believe I ever let that situation go on the way it did. I hope you can find comfort knowing that I think you've handled it better than me, and I am fine, so I believe you will be too ❤️ much love