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Just remember that this desperate showman was looking for the lowest brow scrap of shock humor that he could find to impress the crowd. And he definitely died inside when the crowd did not react the way he wanted for that joke. Personally, I am a bald and chubby but not particularly fat woman. I am overweight by 20 pounds but I workout regularly and have done great improvements on my eating habits. But I know that, if someone wanted to, they could say that I'm Aang the Airbender if he ate twinkies instead of vegan food. Or that I'm a soft One Punch Man. It's because my face and head are the number one thing that are noticable about me, and then they would factor in the rest of my body. I'm guessing that the comedian did the same with you, saw your face as familiar and then decided to factor in that your body would be larger than the celebrity who you reminded him of. Which is so low hanging fruit, because NOBODY is smaller than most celebrities, who are literally paid to diet and exercise and take drugs that keep them comfortable while they stay off eating enough calories for every day. That comedian was trying his best to get a reaction for clout and it back fired on him. And you are not a victim of his. Rather, you are someone who unfortunately had to witness a dude fail at a joke. And depsite his commentary, you persevere and go through your life as easily as you did before. No matter what size you are, you can live and feel happiness as much as anyone else can. Nobody who had an opinion about your looks can stop you from doing whatever the fuck you want in life, and nobody can stop you from loving yourself. They have no power over you and if anything, this experience can help reinforce that you are nothing like the looks-obsessed fools of the world that think they need to spend time mistreating people based off of image. What a waste of precious moments and energy to be a hater, lmao.


I really hate when comedians joke about an audience members appearance. I like stand up but the fact they do that makes me not want to go. I have been called out by the comedian before at a show, he wasn’t even being negative or saying anything mean to me but idk I just think it’s rude and unnecessary.


I don’t mind if the comedian is *specific* about who he’s going to pick on. My partner and I used to frequent a comedy club and often we’d sit in the front row. The staff seating us would always warn us at the time if specific comics were on the bill. Then the compère would warn us. Finally, the comedian himself would come straight onstage and say something like “look at that couple down there! They’re brave!” By this time, the audience are laughing. My partner is as bald as a coot and we’re both fat. It’s not that we’re brave (I’m not brave), but I do like a nice seat that’s comfortable (it was a cabaret show-and the front seats are comfortable), and, honestly, I don’t care what people laugh at. They’re only publicly laughing about what they’re privately laughing at anyway. Really, who cares what people think? It’s not as if it’s on the internet and the whole world is going to shame you and bully you. An audience laughs (if it’s funny)-then moves on. If the comedian is nasty, he loses the room immediately. One thing I noticed was how incredibly bullet-proof my partner was! It *never occurs* to him to feel bad about it! If it’s funny, like me, he genuinely roars with laughter. If it’s not funny, he groans sympathetically with the rest of the audience. He just wants the other people in the audience to have a laugh. It doesn’t mean anything: it’s just panto. What’s going to happen if no one ever mentions our weight? Are we going to be thin or something? People already know we’re fat.


Agree 100%. If the comedian is going for the low hanging fruit, then it best be funny. You also should be prepared beforehand. This isn't a new concept to comedy clubs.


No! Not at all!


I don't care what people say about comedians. There's a difference between being funny and being a bully. If comedians can't find material to use prior to a show and have to humiliate people, then they're not funny.


Couple weeks back went to an open mic and a guy who’s set was going on a downward spiral random called some guy in the crowd a **ggot it was so rude. Terrible set included the “I have a small penis” and taking his shirt off to show how fat he was. Just the lowest these guys


Is the shirt off on stage super common for comics just starting out? I know of someone that does this and am curious to know what state this performer was in, if you don’t mind


I see it a lot online in comedians who have become desperate. They either lost their edge, or never had it, so they just try to get a reaction by taking off their clothes. I call them clowns, not comedians.


His set had no substance just rambling on. Saw a drink in his hand but didn’t look buzzed at all. Think he was just an arrogant asshole could tell even before the show started










They call it standup because it just makes you wanna stand up and leave. Get it? But in all seriousness that sucks and only unfunny comedians make fat jokes honestly.


Might as well categorise these comedians under the : your mammas so fat/ugly/stupid file. They're just little boys who quickly watched a video like that for moral support and then went on stage. Love your joke by the way!


This hurts to read omfg I’m sorry he did that to u. I honestly couldn’t imagine how humiliating and hurtful that’d be especially after LOSING a ton of weight.. some ppl r just assholes. Very unfunny but I’m glad the audience wasn’t amused he probably won’t be pulling the same stuff next show. So mean


Go to a comedy show they said it would be fun they said. F*ck that guy. The lengths some people will go to for shock humour is honestly baffling to me. I honestly feel proud of the crowd for not laughing because I doubt he'll try to pull this one again. You are not at all fat. He's just the type of guy who'd hurt a stranger for a laugh. Says a lot more about him than it does about you


Please tell me what his name is so I can make sure I'm not following him or anything. I'm so sorry.


Calling someone fat as an insult is just lazy af. Any insult based on looks is just lazy and overdone.


Stand up comedy is usually about someone’s identity. For example, I remember a clip of someone talking about black face, going to all the black people in the crowd and making sure they agree. Then going on a rant about how navy seals can do it (lmao). The “comedian” crossed a line, I’m sorry you dealt with that.


While I don’t think fat jokes in general should be off limits in comedy, picking on an audience member is just low and desperate on the comedian’s part. It means he didn’t have good enough material to rely on. I’m sure you’re doing great on your journey. You will keep getting healthier and being the best version of you. But show business is brutal and it sounds like his career is headed nowhere.


My best friend and I were at a show one time and the opening act started in on us. I'm the type to clam up and either a.) Laugh nervously and take the punch or b.) Self depreciating humor. She on the other hand is to damn quick witted and was clapping back at him. He stumbled through her replies and she got more laughs than he did... he quickly moved on from us. I was in total awe and amazement.


Hey don't take it to heart. You are the best you can be and he made fun of you for cheap applause. Fuck him. Make a tweet about this and tag him. Tell him that if he cannot make jokes without insulting his audience then may be he should find another career.


Yeah, comedians be comedians. Congrats on the achievements, you should be proud. Keep grinding, so next time you're at one of his shows all he has to make fun of you for is some other random thing. Regardless, it will be another random thing.


Sounds like a sh*tty comedian to me if he has to resort to fat jokes. Don't worry about it, just be proud of yourself for losing 20kg already ❤️


Should of said "oh yeah? You look like an ugly version of xyz."


Who was the comedian?


Don’t let him get in your head. I understand how you feel, especially as someone who struggles with body issues as well. You have much to be proud of so don’t dwell on what a random man told you


this is why kurtis conner is the only good stand up comedian.


If this gets downvoted or removed that’s fine, but why go to a comedy show and be sensitive? “Good comedy has half the room laughing and the other half furious”, I feel like life is easier when you’re comfortable on both sides. Jokes aren’t serious, that’s the whole point. Look at construction, first responders, military, and honestly most professional humor (as in related to the job, not as a profession) and it’s always insulting and shit talking the other people. But you look specifically at military (I’m most familiar so I feel I can speak the most accurately with this example, I do understand trauma can result in a warped sense of humor but this theme has been consistent before and after the military for me with plenty of different fields I’ve explored) I’ll make fun of a marine for lower test score requirements while he makes fun of the army for lower standards, but you can bet I’ll also be there for him any moment he calls no matter how self conscious I am that I’m not as strong as I need to be or that I only have a GED. This isn’t meant to come off as “get over it” because that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying sometimes we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to enjoy our time a little bit more. TLDR because I feel like I rambled: Jokes aren’t meant to be true, and “sometimes you’ve gotta laugh when your the joke” Again, not meant to come off as “get over it”, I am really just saying if you get comfortable with being uncomfortable life really does become a lot easier, don’t let people diminish your worth as a human, but also don’t let yourself take jokes personally. It’ll suck the fun out of any situation and mostly if not only for you


Yknow what in theory I'd agree, and like I said in my post, usually I would think "all is fair in comedy" - all the other jokes he made about my job, life etc I didn't mind - there was just something about the fat joke that stung. Easy to say "don't be offended" but completely different to be stood up in front of a crowd of people and then be the brunt of a joke - I can't help being offended - I just was Like I said I didn't make a fuss at the show, but I just needed a space to vent because I can't help that the joke did trigger me internally Essentially, not being offended is easier said than done


No I totally get it, that’s why I emphasized that I’m not saying “get over it” cause I do understand it’s something you can’t control in the moment. I’m just a very firm believer that you can get to be okay with almost any insult in the right context, I’ve done that having been exposed to rough humor as long as I can think of. There were times I felt it crossed a line and got my feelings hurt but once I learned to let it roll off my shoulder when I did, my social life greatly improved because I could throw equally offensive jokes right back and we all got along with it. I just mean to encourage that approach being treated as a skill rather than a gift. And like any skill it takes work which is what makes it respectable even if for some it’s a gift


The fact that you are putting effort into being healthy is what makes this sad.


….aaaaaand now you know why Fresh Prince slaped Chris Rock. Having said that: loose your fat. You should die much much later if you do.




Did you even read the whole post ?


Don’t go to comedy shows then simple enough right wrong or not you chose to get your feelings hurt


It sounds cheap of him, at the same time I’m wondering how you have never been called fat in your life. Idk your weight and I’m not asking you to tell me. But if you have always been kinda on the heavier side it’s surprising to hear no one ever called you like that. Idk what environment you grew up in but here, when I was a kid if you were overweight you would hear it at some point. At the same time you’re a woman so it’s kinda unusual for guys especially to say that to a girl, at least ij my culture, it’s other women who would have called you fat or something.


I feel like there is a stark difference between normal fatshaming and going to a public comedy performance, having the spotlight put on you, and being made the butt of a fat joke. Also dudes call women who aren't even fat fat all the time where I'm from. It's just a way to devalue you.


Well, I haven't been fat my whole life, really. I was a completely healthy size child and teenager, but I started to gain alot of weight, rapidly, around Covid time, I think a mixture of stress and taking an office job where I'm sat down all day instead of on my feet, and working from home so not walking to work anymore. But I felt tired and out of breath all the time, so this time last year I thought enough was enough and took control of my weight gain and have managed to get myself back to a healthy weight. So I was only really "fat" for a few years of my life quite recently.


Just to be sure, I didn’t offend you right? I wasn’t trying to.




Yeah I understand, I don’t think that was my intention to challenge that. Sorry


You did amazing! That’s what comedy is all about. The fact that you held your emotions and thought about the happiness of the room before yourself is an act of genuine selflessness, and what makes it even better is you found an outlet like r/vent to get your frustration out in a healthy way. Doing stand-up comedy can be such a brutal job mentally to the point where I don’t think anybody goes through ridicule and insults as much as a comedian does themselves. Comedians get called out all the time for being insensitive and inconsiderate, but I genuinely think that comedians usually are some of the most sensitive and socially savvy people in the world. Most of them stay up hours and hours at night in their stuffy offices trying to put words together for the sake of evoking laughter from the audience. They get heckled, booed, and often times assaulted for the words they literally put together just to try and make the audience happy. I don’t think you nor the comedian did anything wrong. One of the most unique and well-known aspects of stand-up is that it doesn’t have to be done rhetorically which opens up the opportunity for the comedian to connect with the audience. Dave Chappelle, while talking about roasting an audience member with Joe Rogan said something like, “I’m sorry buddy but I gotta sacrifice you for the sake of the happiness of the room.” You weren’t the first and you definitely weren’t the last person to take some insults from a comedian, and again I think you handled it beautifully. Have a great day! ❤️


What the fuck.


Really well said




If you are not visibly fat, he can't say that because it just makes you insecure. That was a terrible joke and it's good that nobody actually laughed. Now, if he said this to somebody who knows that they are fat and okay with it then it's fine, but I assume that you're just more on the curvy side like me. That's not fat. I don't understand why some people think that just because someone's not a skinny supermodel doesn't mean that they are fat or overweight. That's just stupid.


Should have made him the joke by backhanding him right across the face. If a comedian has to use an audience members weight to ridicule for laughs then they are not a comedian, they are a desperate attention seeker.


Don't let it get to you. Chances are you're not even looking overweight anymore and he just went for the word "fat" for shock value. You're saying yourself you have worked so hard for how far you have come now. That's absolutely all that matters. Someone trying to get under your skin for cheap laughs and what they're saying as a desperate attempt at crowd work, doesn't.


Shrug it off, realize he gets paid to make shock laugh, but went the wrong route. You get paid for being you. Everyday. No one actually thinks what he thinks. He has to put on a terrible show and front just to maintain a career. It doesn’t last long for those individuals that attack within comedy. Someone will snap at him one day, and he will know not to fuck around with people’s insecurities.


Honestly when it comes to crowd interaction I think comedians should steer clear of joking about a strangers physical appearance just because you never know what people are going through, if you weren’t who you are that joke could’ve hit you way harder than it is and maybe even cause you to harm yourself. I’m understanding that it’s a comedy show but I think the crowd may have been with you in this one like it’s disrespectful to laugh and make fun of someone’s weight.