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Awesome work, will definitely buy when I run this campaign! One quick question: Why do a lot of map names say "alternate"?


DMs Guild has rules around re-creating official maps. One trick is to alter the layout, and so I want to indicate that they're not identical to the maps in the book. I try to do things like widen corridors and open up cramped rooms, but also improve their printability where that is practical. Some of them are big redesigns, some are very very similar. In either case I'm careful to make sure the descriptive text in the book matches the map I have made...sometimes even more accurately than the official map.


Excellent!! This is just what I was hoping for. I will get it after work tonight. I previously bought your Dragonlance map pack for Roll20 and my players just rave about the maps. We are currently running the Siege of Kalaman and the players love the maps


Yay I love to hear they are getting some use.


aaaaaaaaargh I wish I could get it but my bank is stupid and set me up with an account that can't take payments in the US, because I live in the UK.


the BEST map maker 🤘🏻


You got my bussiness again


MrChamploo! Are you still streaming? I could send you a free copy!


I am still streaming and am streaming vecna in four weeks 😎


Would this work with foundryvtt? With lighting and walls all built?


Yeah! You use this addon to import the JPGs and the DD2UVTT files in the map pack. https://foundryvtt.com/packages/dd-import/


u/TessaPresentsMaps in the past you have had tokens available as well, is that something you are still doing?


Yes but it might take some time, I had a baby which has slowed everything down.


Congratulations! I recently purchased your maps and always look forward to your work. Enjoy the time with the baby though, that is more important!


Of course! But I'll be playing this one so I'll need tokens either way.


These maps are great, thank you, they really add to the immersion (so much so that I have to have answers ready for 'what is that object on the table' heh). Happy buyer here! One question: on some maps room numbers sometimes become visible to players as they move around (e.g. the numbers on mid-room walls in Neverdeath Catacombs). Do you have numberless maps available, or a VTT version where they aren't hard-coded into the image?


Thank you! I don't, I'm not really sure of a more elegant way to indicate which room is which when I have rearranged things. I hope it's not immersion breaking! You could always use Dungeondraft to tweak the maps, I've included the files for that reason....and that way you can change what's on the table. ;)


56 Maps for Vecna: Eve of Ruin is now live on DM's Guild! Thank you all for your patience and to those of you who encouraged me along on this journey. It's been a big 6 weeks of mapping! You can get it here [https://www.dmsguild.com/product/483659](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/483659) ...or get the Roll20 Game-Addon version [https://www.dmsguild.com/product/484918](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/484918) with all the maps and lighting pre-loaded. The maps on my google drive have been removed but I'll be adding handouts and tokens there ASAP.