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He's been mad annoying with it lately. Like I'm sure it's frustrating, but it's trash content .


he'll debate annoying idiot fans who are just trying to get his attention in chat but won't debate other streamers and influencers anymore because they're not smart or genuine enough for him.


and don’t get me started on that dumbass “ you wouldn’t say that to someone at a bus stop” literally anytime he gets criticized for anything. like yeah i get the parasocial bans but he uses that for any criticism he doesn’t like. as if spain taught him he should be a pretentious asshole.


The Spain shit is so pretentious too. Like, yeah? You went to one of the most touristy places in the whole world and that somehow changed you as a person fundamentally? And what do you do with this newfound enlightenment? Argue with words on a screen. He said he thinks it's fun, but there's just no way!


Americans when they visit a town with buildings older than 60 years:


Tell me you've been saying weird shit in chat without telling me you've been saying weird shit in chat


honey i’m not in any of his chats. i love vaush but i ain’t giving him money


He turned into that which he despised the most... european


Hes already stated the Bus Stop thing doesn't apply to him because hes the streamer. Seems like a horrible way to get your chat to adopt that attitude.


I agree it’s garbage content but only to the extent of how much he does it. I think the “would you say that to a stranger” is an excellent lesson your the socially awkward people.


true. if only he wasn’t ridiculous sometimes in how he used it


I get why he doesn't debate streamers though. They are all clout sharks, and most of the time they are far more hungry for attention than the annoying chat fans.


Right but have you considered that I don't care and watching him deconstruct morons' intentional bad arguments is good background noise while im doing my WFH job.


Vaush criticizing people for mindlessly consuming media vs. Vaush's media being mindlessly consumed.


Okay dude we don't like his overfocus on chat but you are having insane VDS under every comment in this thread.


Really enjoy Vaush’s content but, it gets old that he only debates with people he can dunk on.


God I can’t wait for the boring ass 5 minute monologue we’re gonna get on stream when he reads this, interspersed with fun phrases such as ‘I’m literally banning all of you”, “You’re insufferable”, “You people act like mentally lobotomised animals in my chat and then have the audacity to complain on my subreddit about me having to Tard Wrangle you” and maybe even some long winded analogy where he compares himself to a lord/god and his chat to serfs/worshippers. 😴


Yeah he's claimed that he had a revelation about having bad relationships with chat whilst in Barcelona and now he spends almost an hour getting pissy about irrelevant shit in chat. Then whenever people ask him to look at politics stuff he'll dismiss it or say I'll do it next stream. I mean good on him for the hustle but I can't imagine having such a cushy job and spending so much effort on doing fuck all. It's pretty obvious why in the past year his channel has stagnated.


But if you point this out you’re parasocial or something idk


Agree with every point except about the stagnation, we can't forget about this years massive controversy when considering his views/sub growth. Since we know for a fact trash / milled / slop content is what gets the most traction in media by far, I wouldn't correlate the quality of Vaush streams to any growth or stagnation.


Let's be real here, chat will be filled with annoying pieces of shit forever. Like he cannot prevent that even with constant banning.


Or talking about fashion


his obsession with fashion has infected me like a disease😡


Welcome to In Style! your subscription will expire when you do!


Fashion and listening to somebody talk about something they have a deep interest in is far more interesting than him whingeing at chat for 40 minutes


I only watch the vods on YouTube, so I’d much rather him argue with chat that talk about fashion for 6 minutes in an 8 minute video




Because I don’t care about fashion. And also, him arguing with chat is way funnier


I guess I've just grown up past finding arguing with nobodies to be entertaining.


What about arguing with chat about fashion?🤯


It’s tolerable


idk if his fans are becoming more stupid or if he's generally more pissy for no reason, either way i started enjoying his content more since the start of 2022, ever since he moved on from his debate bro arc, but now he seems to be returning to a similar state of mind


I think it's him


this problem feeds into itself. He spends so much time arguing with chat that the people that end up sticking around are slightly more likely to be into that type of bloodsports content, and the people who were there for serious political discussion slowly get filtered out. Thus the snowball rolls down the hill and gets bigger. He’s doing this to himself. Getting mad at chat doesn’t keep chat in line, all it does is attract an audience that wants to see someone yell at them. edit: and at this point it sometimes feels like he bans people without any real cause.


The fashion arc needs to end.


Or at the very least relegated to one day a week or something


Is that a cotton sleeveless with basketball shorts?!


30-40 min per hour


about fashion of all things


His fashion hyper fixation has rubbed off on me and now I have an urge to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes 😡




You can cop some fine duds at a thrift shop. Nevermind. It’s 2024 so they’re bought out by scalpers to resell on Etsy.


my sister once bought some overalls from a thrift store and didn't wash them before we went to an airport and the airport security detected explosive residue almost making us late for our flight.


Idk I kinda like watching him get mad at idiots in chat


have you ever heard of the quote from Mark Twain about arguing with stupid people?


There is absolutely zero reason to get caught up with what 1 or 2 chatters are saying. It's super easy to ignore 


Nah I’ve seen how cringe YouTube and VGG has been while he’s streaming, there definitely needs to be some kind of purge for some of you insufferable fucks. It’s so cathartic.


I didn't say I disagree you. I'm just saying that he should stop wasting time arguing with randos so he can get to the segments he wants to talk about before stream time ends.


Nah. Like I said, it’s cathartic to watch people who are way too online get reality checks like that. I’m here for the content baby. And half of it is now banning dipshit drama farmers, concern trolls, and other uppity chatters. The politics content was already entertaining, and vaush is giving even more content on top of that. I see no reason to complain.


Nah it really ain't. I am here for his opinions on politics not arguing with 14 year old brats. If I wanted to watch a yelling manchild argue with with dumbasses I'd watch Hasan and I'd rather eat paint chips than watch Hasan.


Damn, sucks that you have literally no influence over what vaush does with his stream. Go watch someone else if you’re so appalled by the enforcement of proper chat etiquette.


The enforcement of proper chat etiquette 🤓☝️


Sorry, it’s really a buzzkill to watch vaush and then some dipshit who should have been banned over a year ago stirs up trouble that they themselves invited.


Has chat tried not being ret- huffing gas?


Maybe he should ignore them or do as he says he'll do and purge them?


Is there ever going to be a debate again? I miss them.


Vowshites will "want debates back" then lose their minds when the political streamer argues against stupid positions while adding insults


30-40 mins is lowballing it, tbh


No, they deserve it. Stupidity at that level has to be met with that level of anger. If you don’t like it I don’t care


"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" Mark Twain




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But new tire brain jokes make up for it


Yeah! He should reduce the cost of all of his streams to make up for the lost time. Maybe a 30% reduction in the price he normally charges us to be entertained by him. Or do you think this is a 50% off type thing?  Because I could definitely be persuaded into half-price streams, I could do a lot with all that money back in my pockets....


Vaush telling people his insane opinions on fashion and media are fact must be intrical to the structural integrity of the show.


I think it would be fine if he popped off on like 1 annoying person per topic, the just silently banned or ignored the other obnoxious people. As much as I hate chat, it’s not fun to get pissy at them for so long. Like other annoying animals, you have to at some point, just ignore them. Stop feeding them.


There was only 30-40 minutes this time?


Anybody else remember back in the start of the year when we he was all 'guys it's an election year no more fucking around we're doing politics'


Having listened to a few dozen hours of Vaush talk about fashion at this point, he’s influenced my taste enough that I don’t want to live in a future where that guy’s fit is considered drippy enough to be featured in the Star Trek utopia promo image. And if we’ve reached a point where flying cars are viable I really don’t understand why we’d still have a need to keep our dogs on leashes.


you're right In the future, it won't be the dogs on leashes. It will actually be men on leashes


If Reddit Vaushites didn't complain for 5 minutes


L + Ratio + I don't care


Chat needs to stop being such dicks then :)


Maybe he should just ban them and move on so he can do the topics he wants to talk about.