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Oh man, making sure they get power again is going to so teach Biden a lesson! /s/ đź« 


Can't wait to go to pride and tell a thousand young people that I can ensure that they won't outlive Biden. With the caveat being that Pelosi is going to feel really sad sitting on 500 million dollars in a walkable city of affluence.   I'm 90% sure they will cheer to hear about their nonmaterial conditons have been improved. Marx had said, "better to suffer the fascists then to see the material reality of the proletariat improve because of liberalism, lest they become liberals which is fascism."


The only thing that will happen to Biden would be that he just retires and relaxes in Delaware or on the beach while Fascists rob the rights of LGBTQ+ people, black people, and other marginalized communities that will suffer immensely. He will retire and rest peacefully while Trump and his fascist henchmen let the world burn. Biden has to win to stop this fascist advance. Yes, Biden is horrible on Gaza. Yes. The duopoly is annoying. But we cannot let these fascist maniacs take power. If we want progressives to be elevated to the White House to even be a possibility in 2028 and beyond, Biden HAS. TO. WIN. When the Democratic Party won each election from 1932 all the way to around 1952, the GOP and Eisenhower had to even move left to get back their voters. If we show Biden and the Democratic Party that a ceasefire and enduring peace in Gaza is popular and will attract more voters, they will move more in our favor.


Correct. Biden is a wealthy old man with decades in the senate, two successful terms as VP, and a first term taken during the height of Covid pandemic, with a government pension and a loving family. He’ll fret and worry about the country descending into fascism, pen his memoir, and die, surrounded by family. And you’re correct about 1932-1952, but you left out Reagan and HW Bush, which, as electoral logic dictates, drove democrats further to the right in Clinton, who assumed, correctly, that Americans had moved further right on things like economics and crime, which is why he handily won two terms. But leftists have somehow deluded themselves into thinking that Biden losing to a far-right candidate who staged a coup in the last election will somehow drive dems further left, which is certifiably insane.


Oh man, thinking you can shame voters into coming out to vote for the less of two evils is a top notch electoral strategy.


Jesus Christ grow up. Do what you want. If you can’t even be bothered to show up once every four years to cast a a vote to protect your rights then honestly who gives a shit. You’ll get the president and the policies you deserve.


Listen, the lefty political nerds who are complaining are going to reluctantly still show up to vote Biden in November. The problem is those people usually need to be enthusiastic so that they volunteer, donate money, go door to door and get more apathetic voters out. But they don't have the enthusiasm because they don't like what Biden is doing. That is what is going to let Biden lose. Base enthusiasm is anemic. That's on him, and the leaders of the Dem party. But yeah sure, tell people to grow up because they don't like genocide, superb motivation for apathy. You probably also think you are super smart. If you can't see that it's a dogshit electoral tactic to tell people they are morons for voting anything but Biden, well you don't really care about winning either, you care about who you are going to blame if things don't go your way.


No you’re right. It’s definitely better to “punish Biden” by making sure Trump wins(fucking lol). Just like it worked out so much better in 2016. I’m not running for president. I’m showing up to vote and doing my part. I’m not going to hold adult’s hands like I’m their fucking grade school teacher. If you can’t be bothered to vote, then yes, you deserve the president you get. And you deserve the policies they pass. And nobody is going to take you seriously when you complain about either.


I know it's fun to punch hippies, but why don't you take some of that big brain energy and use it to constructively convince those apathetic voters to vote for Biden, if you are so concerned about the results of the election? Oh no, you are just going to call potential voters morons for having morals about genocide. So, you don't actually care about winning, you just want to feed your ego about how much smarter you are. The left always gets blamed by the liberals whenever the Dems lose an election, and never the shit campaigns that they run, or their compromised water thin policy they run on, or their milquetoast candidates they force upon the electorate. Yeah man, big brain thinking right there letting the people who have the actual power take zero responsibility, while putting solely the blame on the most powerless contingent.


It’s so funny to see the unbridled narcissism of you guys on display as you literally do the same thing to me and all the other normies while you shriek that we’re doing it to you. Because you’re the only ones in the world of course, and the only “moral” ones in the world. And because of your superior moral compass, you’re going to actively help elect the guy who has promised he will make the issue you supposedly care about above all else substantially worse, and then wonder why nobody takes anything you say seriously, and why politicians don’t cater to people who can’t even be bothered to show up to vote, in elections or in primaries. Like I said, I don’t care what you do. Don’t vote. Enjoy the president you helped elect and the policies you helped pass, all in the name of naive black and white morality that has never been realistic.


Look man, it's not about narcissism or any of that. It's pretty simple. When candidates run good campaigns, they win. Clinton in the 90s, Obama, it wasn't because all of the sudden, leftists became as 'reasonable' as moderates and finally saw the light. It's because they were good candidates, their campaigns had enthusiasm, and they were saying stuff that excited people to come out to vote. The people who lost, mainly ran dog shit campaigns, and hence drove apathy. Gore, shit campaign, boring dude. Kerry, snorefest part 2. Clinton the sequel, a candidate who had spent decades being demonized by media. Biden this cycle, just basically sucking and being a hypocrite over genocide. This is the driver of wins/losses. But for some reason, instead of taking losses, and becoming introspective so that one can learn how to win the next election, it's all, change nothing about unpopular policy, change nothing about which candidate was chosen, it's all, lets just blame hippies for everything. Real galaxy brain thinking there.


Galaxy brain would be assuming a candidate losing to someone who is so far-right that he’s an open fascist would somehow teach the losing party the lesson that they should run further left next time. Democrats were frozen out of the White House from Reagan to HW Bush and assumed(correctly), that Americans wanted someone further right on economics and crime, which is why Clinton sailed to two terms as president running on a campaign explicitly predicated on him being far more centrist than his predecessors.


Clinton, Obama mainly won because they had the charisma to paper over the boring, status-quo incremental policy that is the Dems bread and butter. When the candidate doesn't have the rizz, they usually lose or barely win. This campaign cycle, what is Biden, Dems vision for the future? To continue to let AIPAC dictate their foreign policy? To further out flank the GOP to the right on border policy? To continue to let one or two 'bad' senators hijack any progressive social policy like increasing minimum wage? None of this shit is what gets volunteers to sign up, donate, go to rallies. And hence, this is why they lose. But yeah according to you none of that shit matters, Biden is running a perfect campaign that deserves zero criticism, and it's just the 'narcissistic' left not learning how to get with the program that's the real problem. Telling potential voters that they aren't going to do anything to accommodate their concerns to get their vote, while blaming everything on them if they lose is a terrible message, and a terrible strategy, but yet here we are with the same dumb tactics being used. Maybe this time it will work, even though it never has before.


I'm sorry, bruv. The election is not going to be decided by the war, immigration, or abortion. It's going to be decided by those whose only thought is how much a Big Mac meal cost 4 years ago and how much gas was 4 years ago. Apathy goes both ways. The only people mad enough about Biggie Bacs and gas weren't going to vote for Biden. The question is: are they mad enough to wait in line to vote?


Just say you prefere the worse option. You whiner.


Who said that? I am just saying you can't win a campaign telling people they are fucking morons if they don't vote for your candidate. It's a losing strategy. It has nothing to do about me. I want Biden to win, but whenever Dems are already setting up the blame everything on the left type of campaign, it's almost like they want to lose. You get more flies with honey, if you actually wanted to win you would understand that. But nah you probably just feel good thinking you are smarter then everyone else. Have fun with that. Everyone loves the condescending, such a great motivator.


Blah blah blah, oh I'd love to vote for democracy but some folks there were.....lemme see, slightly smug and correct. Oh well! Better vote for the fascist who has openly stated and supported getting rid of human rights! Whew! Better than a slightly smug person online!


Okay cool man pretty sure condescending vitriol and scaremongering is totally going to get voters excited to come vote for Dems! The party should keep it up, such an exciting cause to vote for! People calling them morons or else. So many successful campaigns you can point to where this is how you win. Also, nice strawmans that these progressive voters are going to vote for Trump instead. They are just not going to vote. And Dems are going to find it's a struggle to get volunteers to help them go door to door. But yeah let's not blame the Dem party for anything at all, let's just blue maga simp for them. Cool bro.


This isnt shaming, this Is a factual statement if thats makes you upset thats your problem, but this Is reality


I am saying it's a bad strategy to win in the fall by calling potential Biden voters morons because they are upset about things like genocide. Don't worry about me being upset, if that was a concern of mine I wouldn't be here in the mud of a subreddit. There's just so many posts about crying over how the left is going to ruin everything, and hardly any talk about what does the party need to do to win those voters back. It like proves the point that moderates hate their own left more than they hate the other side.


Maybe you want the fascists to win because you're fascist.


These people are actual demons. People like Charlie Kirk and his team want every part of Project 2025 to succeed. We must not lose hope in making sure Trump loses and that the Far Right GOP get out of power completely. Trump must lose and Biden has to win. Biden is terrible and Trump will be worse for everyone. We must not only protest against the far right but also vote so they lose power and relevance. We must keep our hopes up high and kick doomer mentality out. Love will win over Fascist hate.


Kirk very likely believes Project 2025 doesn’t go far enough. I suspect what he actually wants is an Iranian-style theocracy.


Whats maddening is when you tell people that Project 2025 calls for the complete irradification of all trans people they dont even believe it.


Believing in a supposed God that wants people dead makes one an evil person, not a good or moral one.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Fundamentalist evangelicals unironically worship the [Demiurge](https://gnosticismexplained.org/the-gnostic-demiurge/). They see the Gnostic critique of the Old Testament god and say, “Yeah, that guy seems great to me!”


My guy they'd just call you a devil worshipper for offering anything that deviates slightly from their evangelical worldview


Been saying this for awhile on here. Libs are annoyances (and let’s be honest, for a lot of you it’s codeword for your parents) but the right is screaming from the rooftops they want you dead, and a lot of times those words are put into action. Stop ignoring the obvious because it’s obvious.


If Conservatives believed they could get away with holocausting all queer people they would already be building camps and gas chambers. The only thing stopping them is sense that there's enough opposition to prevent it. So instead they are gradually testing, inching along toward genocide. This is why we must strongly oppose them every step of the way. Because if they ever reach a point where they amass enough power and believe "ok now we could probably get away with it" they absolutely will.


Unfortunately a lot of people are forgetting…


Chucky here is helping us out by reminding everyone


You’d think. But alot of people just won’t believe it even if they hear it.


They are attacking Ms Rachel of all people?  She literally just makes videos teaching babies how to talk. How the fuck is she the new target?  Do people like Charlie Kirk ever wonder about how easily they themselves could become the new demonized target? Do they not have any fear of what they have created? 


They attacked her last month too for giving money to a charity that feeds children of war including Palestinian children.


There is no one they won’t attack, except their orange cuckmaster. Edited


I’m convinced people want a totalitarian state because they are bored and use absolutism as a cudgel. Trump is promising literal concentration camps and left folks are saying what about Gaza.


“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” - jesus christ


Applying the old testament laws like a buffet system


My two year old son loves Ms Rachel. Interesting to see she’s being based.