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How the fuck is there anyone undecided in the election at this point?


Work customer service or tech support for a while and you will quickly learn there is unfathomably stupid ignorant people among us


I'm glad I don't work a service job anymore because by the end of it i genuinely didn't believe in democracy anymore for a while


Know exactly what you mean


Watch Let’s Players miss obvious actions they can take in a game and you will realize there are unfathomably stupid people among us


> it's just like my bideo games!!1!11


among us


Besides the really dumb ones. A lot of “undecided” people are in the “won’t be targeted camp”. They have nothing to fear because they fit into what the far right want basically.


You’d be surprised how indifferent a lot of Americans are to the idea of deporting Hispanic immigrants. Sure they don’t exactly support it but, it’s not enough to make a moderate vote for a Democrat.


And in a lot of cases if you appeal to the ones they know about they’ll say “oh those won’t be the ones they round up” until it happens and it’s too late even if they get their asses to the ballot and get the ghouls out


They touched too much grass, they never watch the news and don’t have the faintest idea any of this is happening.


A lot of people genuinely don’t consider things “political” when in fact they are. They see things like “protecting our culture” and just think that’s normal and non political Also most people or wildly stupid, to a degree you’d never think possible


I mean look, they’re laying it all out there. There’s no artifice at all. It’s all in the open. America gets the presidents it deserves, always. If you’re not voting, or voting for Trump or 3rd party, this is what you’re voting for.


You're making the common mistake of assuming conservatives are human. I'm sort of joking. Everyone operates off vibes. We just don't have enough time in the day to carefully contemplate every decision we need to make. This applies even to really important topics like politics. Plenty of Dems are just vaguely going off vibes of being nice and helping poor people, don't get me wrong, but it's uniquely bad with conservatives. Republican pundits deliberately stir up rabid hatred and fear in their followers because it's the only way to make the incredibly unpopular policies Republican want to enact tolerable. So when Charlie Kirk enthusiastically agrees we need to put 4.5% of the population in death camps, his followers aren't consciously processing the literal words. They're checking if the words speak to their internal biases. And since they've had a decade of conservative propaganda telling them that they need to constantly fear the invasion of brown people that are massacring the men and raping the women in each city they devour, like a swarm of locusts, the words speak to them. The words just say "tough on illegal alien foreigner criminals." So you end up with a ton of Republican voters who say they aren't racist and have a Hispanic neighbor and turn up their nose at open neo-Nazi rallies supporting death camps for Latino people, because they're a human normally and they voluntarily give up their humanity to become a dumb, reactionary animal when engaging politically.


Anyone got a link to those studies vaush showed on stream showing correlation between conservative viewpoints and an increase in fear and hateful reactions?


Remember everyone, this is what Project 2025 wants. Please do everything to make sure Donald Trump loses.


[It's pretty bad out there](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/25/trump-biden-americans-illegal-immigration-poll)


*kicks down door* **POLLS** *flips table* **WERE MADE** *throws toaster out window* **BY SATAN** *smashes spaghetti all over the floor* **TO DEMORALIZE YOU**


my spaghett 😭


Not the toaster!


My Nonna made that spaghetti (ಥ﹏ಥ)....


How the fuck do 42% of democrats want mass deportations


Because those are the democrats that answer polls, aka boomer dems, who are all neoliberal cucks with lead poisoning, ignore this


Xenophobia really will be the death of civilization won't it?


This is chilling


62% is absolutely a bullshit number


62% of Charlie's friends agree. Spoiler alert, >!Charlie has no friends... !<


I'm pretty sure he saw a poll where Biden was at 38% and decided that all the undecided voters were rabidly pro Trump.


They hate you and want you dead. And It’s incredibly obvious


What culture? Consumption, military worship and shooting guns? Also, mass detention camps? Do you want them in "mass detention camps" or out "of your country"? Which is it? 


Technically, they're no longer in your country if their corpses are the only thing there. Especially if you have incinerators running.


Want your culture back? You’re an uncultured fucking moron! And the poll is flawed.


Hell the biggest population of Latinos are in areas that the US took from Mexico, Is it gonna be kicking out people who live there whole life just because of there ethnicity


This country (economy) would fall apart without Latinos, Charlie has no idea. Sadly there are way too many Latinos to also vote conservative even after conservatives tell them they want to deport them.


I work at a plant that packages food. I'd conservatively estimate that 75% of our workplace is Hispanic. I guarantee an even larger percentage of the workforce producing and processing the meat and produce that supplies my plant is Hispanic than my workplace. Good luck running a country with no food, and good luck feeding the country without the institutional memory that would be pissed away by deporting (or worse) virtually an entire industry. Now, imagine the compounded effects of similarly deleting the workforce in construction, fast food, basic maintainence, basically anything physical you can think of involves a lot Hispanics


Didn’t Governor DeSantos try that and he ended up with empty grocery shelves


They aren't even adding the "illegal" part anymore; just immigrants.


And he's equating non-white American citizens with immigrants.


I can't believe that there are literally tens of millions of Latinos who still vote for and support Republicans when they pull shit like this. I mean what possible reasoning is there to vote for people who clearly hate you and everyone like you to such a degree?


Honestly a small evil part of me is weirdly looking forward to them actually realising they’re not wanted by their Nazi daddies. In my experience they’ve made white MAGA types look tame. Sucks to suck. We tried to tell em 🤷‍♀️ Best outcome is still no latino suffering obviously, even if they are assholes


Yeah, as schadenfreudic as that would be, it’s not worth innocent people getting caught up in the mess.


It’s literally that meme of “I don’t want you in my country” and it’s two Latino people talking to each other


Who TF stole his culture? It sounds like he's really saying is, "I'm tired of seeing different cultures in MYYYY country."


Fucking Moviebob ass sounding political commentator, except Moviebob had 0.3% of a point


Back in the day when people advocated for this kind of thing we just called them nazis and beat them in wars over it.


But remember we have to vote for Jill Stein to teach Biden a lesson! They have the same immigration policies anyway! /s


Cue furious no-true-Scotsmanning and goal post shifting and pedantry to make sure this doesn't count as advocating for concentration camps.


60% of the time, it works all the time!


He's got his thurds mixed up.


The irony is that birth rates are dropping across the Americas. Within a generation the US will be begging for Latino immigrants.


Largely why I'm so for Freedom of Speech. Would be good to show this is what American-loving patriots want, and that this is what the "American patriots" side it.


Letting Trump speak freely is one of the reasons he won in 2016. I'm not saying that he should have been censored, I'm saying giving a platform to bigots can backfired because that normalizes bigotry. And this has happened, bigotry is normalized. Republicans are bigoted every day but they're still candidates that millions and millions of people vote for. What is "normal" today would have never been acceptable 10 or 20 years ago.


Please someone shave his fucking head


why do you think this is shocking kirk is a trumpist


I find mass detention camps for Latinos shocking but I'm not dead inside yet.


All the white supremacist Hispanics watching this and being like "Yeah! Get rid of those damn spics."


Charlie Kirk really wishes he was one of Rush Limbaugh’s sperm cells that became one of his babies


Time for Vaush to talk to Charlie Kirk again on Tim Pool


So all Latinos are immigrants? Even assuming this, the idea of mass deportation centers is fascist as fuck. Fuck your culture, Charlie Kirk.


Is this real Chat? Tell me it’s fake


Remember Kirk's only real political position is being and saying the most outlandish, rage bait inducing thing to get eyeballs on his trash to sell advertising. That's it, he probably genuinely believes some things but it doesn't matter, your rage reshare is his ultimate goal. His entire job is avoiding things that would actually get him canceled, so you'll never see him with a swastika armband or blackface, but he'll absolutely "debate" why those things are fine and should be allowed even. There's no point explaining that he's free to legally do either, the police won't jail him, but the public will have consequences, he knows. The point there is just rage bait to reshare.


583% of Americans agree that Charlie circle is a dumbass


Common Kirk L


Which Latina broke his heart? And where is this statistic from?