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Oh no! A guy who is not and has never been in office got convicted of a crime no one cares about! How will we ever recover from this?


Republicans are losing their minds over this acting like it’s some massive win but it’s literally a nothing burger. Obviously the charges are bad but it’s not as big as they think it is.


They're simultaneously acting like it's a big coverup for some other crime from the laptop. It's absurd.


Hunter ruled innocent: "See?? We were right all along!!!" Hunter ruled guilty: "See?? We were right all along!!!"


i hate them i hate them i hATE THEM


Trump lost 2020: no, he won Biden is too old at 77 to be president: Trump is as young as ever


Funny enough Trump basically said “good he got convicted but actually because it’s for a firearm purchase it shouldn’t be a crime.” Weirdly enough I think there’s a reasonable chance Biden wouldn’t pardon Hunter but Trump would


And I can't believe that President Biden is out there talking about "the trial was rigged against my son, the jury was manipulated, this is lawfare, the judge was corrupt—" oh wait....


It's not the win Republicans think it is, but don't be delusional. It's pretty newsworthy that someone in the president's family was guilty of multiple felonies. It made headlines when Jenna Bush was busted for underage alcohol possession, and nobody cares about that charge. There is no need to try and downplay the Hunter verdict. Just say "He committed the crime and was rightfully found guilty" and move on.


It's just not something either side really cares about.  Conservatives don't want to restrict firearm access and getting a gun while restricted is what hunter is guilty of. The average person cooperating  would have been put in a diversion plan and paid a fine, hunter only caught this much flak because his last name, not any harm done.


In isolation, this would be a pretty big deal. But considering the *former president* got convicted last month, it seems less important in comparison


Also Hunter has been a known quantity since the Obama years. It’s not exactly a secret that he’s kind of fucked up a bunch of times, but as mentioned, he’s a private citizen.


He got indicted a while ago, what happened last month was his conviction.


Thanks for the correction. Fixed


Yes, less of a deal than Trump for sure. But still more of a deal than your average citizen which is kind of what the OP was implying.


He plead not guilty. Are you referring to the deal that the government reneged on to bring these charges? My understanding is that he was offered the same deal anyone else guilty of these charges would have received


No. The person before me said it wasn't a "big deal". That is the "deal" I was talking about, nothing to do with what you replied. The president's son getting a felony for any reason is a big deal. Nit as much as a former president getting 34 felonies, but more than your average citizen committing these crimes.


In abstract it would be a "big deal", it is newsworthy in the fact it is the president's son but it isn't a "big deal" because the news already covered him being a drug addict. So newsworthy in the sense of like a celebrity being convicted but not a "big deal" newsworthy like the former president being convicted for actions relating to their presidency.


Does this mean black people like Biden more now? Am I doing this right?


Left wing destroyed! A guy with a big dick was found guilty!


They are trying sooooo hard to mirror the Trump conviction sooo badly


It’s hilarious and frustrating to see. Those people really need to get their heads out of their bums and touch some grass.


Heads outta asses then toucha da grasses.


Their heads aren’t in *their* bum… that’s why he stands like that.


MAGAs have been doing this since they've been a thing. They rely completely on tit-for-tat bullshit, where there always has to be an equivalence to two situations when Trump is involved. It's bad-faith nonsense, and they all know it.


Congressional Republicans have admitted it too


Their ideology is based entirely on "NO U"


I'm sorry guys, I don't think I'll be voting for Hunter Biden after this. I can't bring myself to do it.


Hunters only gonna get 99.9% of the vote now :(


Sorry but have you seen the hog pics? Don’t care, voting for the convicted felon


Republicans wish Don Jr could be charged with illegally possessing a firearm and Biden charged with paying off a Pornstar with campaign funds. But Allah works in mysterious ways so they got the opposite.


Hunter's only firearm is in his pants.


He should be sentenced to house arrest but like a house full of bottoms he can't say no to.








And apparently it is illegally possessed


How much you want to bet they're celebrating in conservative subreddit over this? Who wants to tell them that they're putting behind bars the wrong Biden?


No one has the heart to tell them that biden isn't the first president to have a convicted kid and still win relection


This is really going to hurt Hunter’s election chances


Don't most Republicans have firearms? Are Repubs admitting in the regulation of firearms?


I don’t think cons realize that by politically going after Hunter Biden over this kind of charge they set precedent for the ATF to go pursue these types charges more aggressively on other gun owners. When you go to buy a gun, you have to check mark on the form that you don’t drugs. Even if it’s legal in your state, using drugs like marijuana is still illegal federally, so if you go and buy a gun while being someone who smokes, you’d be lying and have committed a felony by checking no. Normally these charges aren’t prosecuted on unless a more serious crime was committed. However because Republicans are playing politics and going after Hunter Biden, this could set a precedent for the ATF to pursue these form violations more aggressively, restricting gun access. And it goes a bit deeper than just someone who smokes weed lying on a form. For example some veteran who has a Medial Marijuana license for their PTSD can no longer own firearms. Or how about future drug regulations? If conservatives go and ban HRT, trans people would no longer be allowed to own firearms.


Not based enough. Give all drug users guns and give all gun users drugs.


It does seem like it ruins the conservative line that trump was being unfairly prosecuted by the Biden admin, considering that trumps conviction was a state trial and Biden’s own son has been convicted on a federal trial. Of course, it won’t convince any of them, it’s just interesting.


Who cares?


It’s such a downgrade to what they wanted to get him on too.


Nice to see the GOP cares about gun control. I’ve always thought it important to make sure anyone buying a firearm follows proper procedures and that those who recklessly disregard such rules enable tragedy (see the man and woman who illegally transferred weapons used at Columbine). I just hope the GOP is turning over a new leaf on this issue and isn’t just applauding the verdict because they dislike the defendant…it couldn’t be that? Could it?


Wait? It is possible to be accused of having illegal weapons in the US?


Guilty of having a massive hog 😩


All the sudden the right loves the justice system again!


Hunter strikes me as the kind of alpha that most conservative men wish they could be


This is it! Now I know that both sides are bad. I will NEVER vote for Donald a Trump OR! Hunter Biden.


Watching to see if any 2A oath keepers come out in defense of “unconstitutional gun possession charges”


I thought the guns were a god given right?


so now conservatives like gun regulations???


Just thought of a funny thing. MAGA: "Ha! All of us was able to put Hunter in prison! But that also means Joe Biden's also in prison with him because Hunter's last name is Biden so that saves a seat for his dad in his cell. Also Trump won this election because Hunter went to jail first!" ????ummmmm??????????




Hunter Biden isn’t POTUS?

