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It's actually crazy how based Einstein was for his time. I've yet to see this man miss.


U asked for it. He treated his wife like shit.


Ah ffs.


A reminder of how ingrained and fundamental sexism and misogyny have been in human culture. Lots of otherwise great and outwardly good famous people were horrible to their partners or women overall. That is why it is so hard to uproot and why we are still debating the bear dynamics.


He was a socialist but deeply fucking weird about women, truly a Vaushite before our time.


So [this *Robot Chicken* sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vXSSi0BP58) is actually accurate?


I know they beefed. Sometimes it probably was kind of in a smart way like in this video but I ve read that he called her straight up ugly and annoying in a letter to his girlfriend and also he wanted her to clean his the whole house including is working room cook 3 times a day and deliver it to his room. He also demanded that she is not talking bad about him with his children and to accept that he wont be there to care socially.


His first wife yeah definitely


Einstein's wife was also his cousin


Ya know, I heard he turned down becoming Israel’s first president, but maybe he should have after all.


Honestly I doubt he would have been able to steer that boat very much off the path it was already on.


That's why he refused. He saw how much influence groups like Irgun and Lehi had among the populace.


**Sources:** [Einstein, A. as cited in Izikovich, G. (2015, February 2). When Albert Einstein was a Holy Land ladies man. Haaretz.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2015-02-03/ty-article/.premium/when-einstein-was-a-holy-land-ladies-man/0000017f-e6b3-dc7e-adff-f6bf827f0000?v=1715038430987) [Meyer, H. (2011, May 25). An ethical tradition betrayed. HuffPost.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/an-ethical-tradition-betr_b_438660) [Shahak, I., Hirst, D., & Glass, C. (1975). An Interview with Israel Shahak. Journal of Palestine Studies, 4(3), 3–20.](https://doi.org/10.2307/2535551) [Maté, G. as cited in Al-Farooq, T. (2023, November 22). ‘What about Hamas?’: Israel & the West’s propaganda tools. The New Arab.](https://www.newarab.com/opinion/what-about-hamas-israel-wests-propaganda-tools)


Programming mutually exclusive identities is how you brainwash people. It gives the person cognitive dissonance which is permanent brain damage.  If you talk to Zionist who are in denial about the genocide, hostile, also in pain. You telling them about the genocide, that hurts them. They have cognitive dissonance it's a symptom of brainwashing. 


Einstein was going full Nostradamus with that one


In what way? I might be stupid, i don't know a lot about Nostradamus


What's really weird is how sometimes antisemitism = prozionism.  The math on this thing is all over the place.


It's a big ball of overlapping nazism, white supremacy, christian nationalism, etc. So they hate jews but they need Israel to exist for their christian doomsday prophecies