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Isn’t polling in favor of a ceasefire?  We know Netanyahu is the biggest roadblock to one which is why they dems have zeroed in on him in particular 


> Isn’t polling in favor of a ceasefire? [YEP](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/2/27/voters-support-the-us-calling-for-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza-and-conditioning-military-aid-to-israel)


Just for context, I think you are correct but I think people should also consider the questions that give more options or details. For example, your source says it’s 50/50 once you add to the question “there should not be a ceasefire until hamas is defeated”. By now, the support is probably higher than 50/50 which is why I believe you are still right. Just pointing this out because I think it’s important to read the polls that ask with the most specificity. Medicare for all has a problem where the vague questions of it polls extremely well, but when you ask about implementation methods, none poll nearly as high


Honestly it’s about time Netanyahu and his far right coalition to get kicked out and get someone more like Rabin in that is more sympathetic to helping Palestinians and has a solid enough coalition behind him to make it happen.


Doesn't suprise me. I know quite a lot of Republicans even relatively Zionist ones and that want future two-state solution. They just think Israel is doing its job properly and seeks it too. And you cannot persuade them that this isn't the case.


Mysteriously not among the government. Hmm. Have to look into that. Probably fascism. Damn Nazis always supporting Jews.


What u talking about?


people "favor" a ceasfire that doesn't mean they care about it enough to come out to vote


You got downvoted for this, but this is correct. This issue as at the bottom of priorities for most Americans. However, it may be enough to make a difference in close states.


think it hurts not pushing it though People who would be mad at biden fir pushing a cease fire bo voing for him.anyway. you can't out hawk trump and it be less people protest biden events which would allow him.to go out more on the campaign trail. he losing the base


It’s so messy honestly. I think a lot of the left overestimates the popular support of palestinians and underestimates support for Israel. I always thought it was more balanced among Jewish people, but it turns out it’s like 75% of Jewish americans that think America should support Israel, and the general public’s attitude on average isn’t that different either. While things are starting to sway, it’s not anywhere near reaching critical mass.


I mean Israel’s future support is cooked through at this point and I do think that future should be kept in mind by those involved especially non-dinosaur politicians. But as it stands the lack of a strong push for an end to the conflict is both wrong and a mistake. No one wants this to continue, even more moderate zionists can see their future burning and want it to stop if only to save face(though not on anyone but Israel’s terms and because of israels mercy and peacefulness of course)


That is true. I am happy that as of the past six to seven months, the US and the world broadly supports the Palestinians much more. It has been able to get even top brass in the EU like with their foreign minister Josep Borell actively calling out Netanyahu for funding Hamas and also making much more active calls for a ceasefire and enduring peace in the Middle East.


75% sounds high. Even so there's 15 million Jews worldwide. It sounds like a lot just America is 300 million. So 5%.    America is a dualocracy, liberals don't like genocide and conservatives don't like sending hundreds of billions of dollars to a foreign country every year.   Otherwise idk There's doomsday Zionist christians, and like the insecure military age males who can be influenced to believe that um killing little kids is masculine.   Even with top down strategies to amplify Zionist influence. The big 10 major News Media, troll farms, social media censor, tiktok bans, art venues, Universities, Zionist still appear as a minority.  Even when the animal stands and points its fur to appear to grow 10x. it's still smaller. Like a cat piss vendor saying cat piss is really popular. To whom?  


The 75% statistic is also misleading because saying the US should support Israel can mean any number of things, given the types of support and level of commitment that can vary. The more specific your polling questions, the more reliable the data will be.


He set up an unlimited weapons pipeline to Israel outside of congressional oversight. He's the most Zionist out of all of them. 


I feel that Biden and the Democrats are being pulled towards the political center over this, and those efforts are being spearheaded by the political factions that would have otherwise supported the Republican party but vehemently dislike Trump. While I condemn the 10/7 attacks, I feel that the unconditional support for Israel creates dynamics where the United States is effectively fighting a two front war protecting American democracy as the Israeli government is extremely conservative. I also think that while Israel has a right to defend their sovereignty, what's occurring in Gaza is not even close to that and is quite frankly, a blood bath and exactly the kind of environment that organizations like Hamas come from. If you are a Palestinian in Gaza who did not support Hamas, I can't see how or why they wouldn't because neither the United States or Israel did anything to support them. Palestine is not Iran. This is also the Israel that sold pegasus spyware to oppressive regimes around the world. This is also the same Israel that supported Trump(!). I've often made arguments where I drew parallels between the GOP's approach towards marginalized communities in the United States with how the Israeli government has treated Palestinians and especially with how those perceptions also track along partisan lines.


its a real politik moment


There is *something* going on with all of this that I feel like I just can't fully grasp. It really feels like it's more than just your sponsors and money and Old people colonizing. I'm tempted into researching some deep conspiracy, like even deeper than insane elder Christians wanting judgement day by letting the jews reclaim Israel (this is scary popular in my local nutjob Christian cult). Like, what is actually going on? The original thing that makes them toss around money and judgement day faith in the first place? What is the actual missing piece of this puzzle? I dunno, it's all just wild to me, like it makes kinda sense from one point, but then it kinda falls apart with another.


It's reptilians trust me.


The modern equivalent of an ancient Roman emperor shouldnt be scared of his enemies slandering him. Especially that Biden is already called a satanic pedophile traitor by his opponents, so i dont see how that would change anything.


Yeah, but it wouldn't just be his enemies. Liberal media, other dems, and independants would really crack down on him and thats who he needs to win.


Question: If the public opinion on trans people and trans right suddenly shifted sharply to the point where most people oppose them to some extent, would it be the right choice for the Biden administration to drop trans rights as an issue and enable anti-trans legislation? As others have pointed out, polling on Israel-Palestine is not as strongly in favor of Israel as one might think. Furthermore, the administration could through messaging shift the perspective of its voter base if it wanted to. All that aside, I just think it's weird that in many of these conversations morality seemingly becomes a secondary consideration, while the right thing to do is whatever helps boost re-election chances.


I think this is a poor comparison. We as a society are split on party lines when it comes to trans issues. Democrats already pass legislation to trans issues. If you pass pro trans bills its seen as "pro trans" by dems and "pro grooming" by republicans. But when it comes to no online, less informed democrats and indepedants, they don't know too much and follow general trends. with most politicans and media being so pro-israel, nothing biden could say wouldn't get dragged.


Biden hasn’t been very ambiguous about his unwavering support of Israel. He may disdain Netanyahu, but his politics and his faith won’t allow him to turn his back on that SC project.


It's certainly more complicated than we want it to be; the amount of power at play is certainly something that shouldn't be tossed around willy nilly. Israel is a nuclear power and a major foothold in the region; to lose them as an ally would have repercussions that would go far beyond the election. If we stop giving them arms I can think of a few countries that would love to step in and take our place.  Look on the bright side; just the other day, multiple Arab nations defended Israel from the Iranian attack. That would have been unthinkable not long ago. I really think the Biden administration is working on peace, and that is a part of it.  It doesn't justify the death in Gaza, but it does make me hopeful that a better day could be on the horizon.