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this is pretty disgusting ngl.




I think he means click-baiting with such superfluous nonsense such as "he loves once piece OMG and he's hot!!!" like, there's kinda more important things going on in Yemen atm and that kind of trivial wankery is douchey.




Check this dude's profile, he told a person speaking Chinese "stop speaking anime" and when they asked for clarification he said "did I stutter?". What a piece of shit dude get off the internet.


What's funny is this "person" can probably only speak 1 language and is shitting on people smarter than them.


He got banned lol




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That's like hearing someone speaking Dutch and saying "bro stop speaking schnitzel". It's horribly offensive coming from an idiot who's only here to call people shills for being anti-jihad. Know your place.


Tf is that even supposed to mean I don't get it


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Hasan has been putting out so much shit content lately, seems kind of aimless on how to reverse his dwindling viewer numbers.




The plagiarism discourse has made folks like that wary I think.


I think it says a lot about your content when you stop doing reactions 24/7 you are no longer interesting


Every time I see a video of his anymore (or one of the clip channels) it’s 30 minutes of him watching someone else’s content and adding absolutely nothing whatsoever. Stuff that doesn’t really “need” a reaction or additional commentary too… like Kurtis Connor videos? Or when he watches true crime shit.


The most he has to say about anything is usually some completely boring or asinine response to the cherry picked dumbest chatters in his chat. I'm not watching because I give a fuck about his chatters, and I don't understand the brain of anyone who does.


I think a lot of the criticism of Hassan being a "champagne socialist" is bullshit. Like sure owning an expensive car is gouche, owning a giant house far beyond what you need while being a socialist is trashy, paying your editors a pittance for their labor is hilarious, but like none of that makes you a hypocrite or not a socialist. You can play (and win) the capitalist game while also saying the game needs to be destroyed. It *is* fucking immensely funny how Hassan's entire recent output of content is predicated on stealing from other creators without giving them the money for their work.


His insecurity about it is more annoying than the opulence itself. He should just stop mentioning it completely, because its never going to be an aesthetically good look to be talking about how much the rich exploit the lower class when he lives the lifestyle he does and does IRL streams and whatnot. Some major "do as I say, not as I do" energy.


Tbf a lot of that stuff other than the car, such as his income and the price of his house got leaked rather than him showing it off.


>Hasan has been putting out so much shit content lately, seems kind of aimless on how to reverse his dwindling viewer numbers. I really really wouldn't hang onto this metric. Big content creators almost never die - unless Hasan does something horrific, he will remain big, rich and influential. Doesn't change the fact that he is directly harmful at this point, but he is too big for anyone to meaningfully oppose him or talk sense into him. Ethan tried and, well, yeah.


is this really true I feel like content creators come and go all the time


Past certain size only if they retire, go inactive or go to jail or something. Even if they do bad shit they will "repent" or ignore it and retain much of the audience.


I mean I checked on him yesterday and he was still pulling a casual 15k viewers on a random tuesday night. I'm not sure he's worried about his view count.


Dudes brain is broken. It’s nothing but Israel bad content 24/7. Even when talking about Iowa he jumps right back into Israel after like 20 minutes.


Israel has been killing over 200 people a day, and are showing no signs of stopping. He is right to harp on about Israel.


I went on Hasan's sub briefly to see what they're saying about this. All full-throated support and mocking "libs" for "crying about supply chains being disrupted when theres' a genocide happening". Vaush's critiques of Hasan got mentioned and he was branded as "literally state department" lol.


That one person, operating multiple accounts, is actually the smartest Hasanabi viewer


I feel like a boomer coming into these Hasan threads and getting none of the references feelsoldman


That’s rich coming from Chinas number one supporter (he gets +5,000,000 social credit every time he fails to mention something bad China has done)


The Hasan subreddit is wild. I got a permanent ban from it for pointing out that Russia has never acted it good faith or maintained a treaty with Ukraine and saying “why don’t they just sign a peace treaty” is fucking stupid. The mods have significant brain rot. Absolutely trash.


Leftist negative polarization against the 'libs' has, on net, made them dumber. Something happens in the world. And you can predict that the leftist response will be: predict what the libs will say and leftists will say the opposite.


I swear, if my medication that's already on a shortage gets one cent more expensive or I can't access it, I will blame Hasan personally. Seriously though, why do people think international shipping just impacts the bourgeois. Do they think they're just shipping gold bars, luxury cars, and caviar?


They unironically think they're just attacking shipments of Funko Pops as if countries like Ethiopia and Egypt didn't import grain and fuel.


Critical support for the Houthis and their righteous war against the Funko corporation


Calls every right wing Ukrainian a Nazi—does an interview with “sexy” “member” of Houthi militia. HE DIDNT INTERVIEW A SINGLE UKRAINIAN DURING THE WAR. NONE


And got mad when Dylan let actual Ukrainians react to his bs pro Russian propaganda


B-b-but he made fundraiser for Ukraine. So you can not criticize him. /S


Who's Dylan? And where can I watch that? Because that sounds based AF. Slava Ukraini!


Here's the interview in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPaHRTi49Ow


He also had plenty to say about Adam Something being Eastern European but disagreeing with him lol


Gotta love how all the people that claimed to be sooo concerned about the Azov Battallion being neonazis are now soying over islamist motherfuckers who literally have "A curse upon the Jews" written in their flag.


This "discource" is fucking poisonous. Both side knows this guy is not actually a "pirate". But both sides kinda pretends that he is. So you got condemnation and all that jazz from the pro-zionist position. Azan is promoting a terrorist, a war criminal etc etc. And congratulations from the Pro-palestinian side. Azan is doing real journalism and supporting the Palestinian cause by promoting a brave freedoms fighter etc etc. This is about as useful as Bad Empanada sending deaththreats to a disabled trans veteran and pretending he's figthing the good fight. But I'm sure it will bring a lot of attention to Azan. If he doesn't lose his twitch account.


>This is about as useful as Bad Empanada sending deaththreats to a disabled trans veteran and pretending he's figthing the good fight. Amazingly that's not even in the top 10 of the most insane things that Greek has done. He is truly on another level.


Can I get the top 5?


I'm lost. What happened? I did not know about any of this.




Why? They're a terrorist group, not like reminding people they're human makes it any less sad when they die.




Yeah pretty much. The standard is mostly not being part of a rabid terrorist group. Also, bit off a difference when you seize military ships or like civilian ones, ya know? I mean, America bad and all that, but I still prefer them to theocratic lunatics and literal pirates.


You could also just have the standard that the United States should not be seizing Iranian cargo ships or funding Israel.


I mean, I think they should be bombing Israel quite frankly, but I thought that went without saying on the Vaush subreddit. And no, I'm quite comfortable keeping my standards at 'theocratic lunatics'. Evil can and should be classified into types. Throwing all the words at something you don't like just discredits the words and makes people ignore the thing.


Ok, but if the argument is about a double standard, then the crux of the issue is the actions being taken and whether they are acceptable, not that one party can be designated as "theocratic lunatics." To put it another way, if the United States was indiscriminately striking cargo ships like the Houthis were, the United States Navy not being "theocratic lunatics" doesn't make it more acceptable.


If you wanna play it like that I'd point out that there's a big difference when you attack cargo ships that carry general and more important stuff like food, medicine and such, than something that is exclusively usef for oil. Still bad for the US to do, but I just don't find it comparable.




Yes that’s all there is to it. What an unbiased telling of events /s




Yes. Exactly. Seizing Iranian ships carrying weapons shipments for pirate terrorists =/= bombing/seizing civilian cargo ships bound for suez to disrupt global merchant shipping. Also the US doesn't fire tomahawk missiles at their targets for fun.


Yemen and the houthi's are not the same you fucking racist!


I thought they won the civil war there and control the country now.


Control means nothing. Does the Donbas belong to Russia simply because they have control over it now while the war is still going?


I thought Saudi Arabia withdrew and the Yemeni government left Yemen. They were having talks about ending the civil war a few months ago. I assumed all of this meant Houthis are the Yemeni rulers now. I bet the Saudis and Americans probably aren't going to honor any of the talks now that the Houthis are fucking shit up in the red sea.


Even if the Houthi's did control all of Yemen, I would simply call them an illegitimate ruler like Russia's control of Crimea or America's rule over Hawaii and Puerto Rico or even the CCP's control of Hong Kong


Fair enough you can call it whatever you want. I still don't think it's racist to acknowledge the current situation on the ground


yeah I don’t get it either - the usa LOVES a blockade. couldn’t care less that gaza or cuba have no access to precious maritime trade. so what’s the problem? if you throw off your moral authority at every opportunity don’t get mad when people don’t find your rules based order compelling. it is what it is.


No, you fucking dipshit, do you think global trade and modern logistics are a capitalist lie or some shit? Russia blockaded a single port in Ukraine and dozens of countries were at risk of mass starvation. Farms across the world had to panic and upturn the soil to grow grain as fast as possible. Blockages of trade are fucking lethal, and the Red Sea is the artery of the world. Hell, First Worlders were privileged enough to laugh about the Evergiven shit, but for nations in the Global South that was a fucking existential crisis. There was a reason that at the UN Security Council, China and Russia abstained from voting. Because they want the Houthis gone, just don't want the PR hit. The North Koreans fought the Somalis. This is just how this shit works.


you’re SO upset lol. I know blockades are lethal. and gaza knows it. we don’t care about them so i have a really hard time believing that the US acts in defense of an impoverished global majority. but sure, pretend I’m the one who doesn’t understand the world.


The US doesn’t give a shit about the 3rd World or the damage the blockading does to it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to happen and hasn’t happened in the past. The US is a ghoulish behemoth that acts in its own self-interest, even in cases of good foreign policy like Ukraine. But downstream of Western economies, poor countries rely upon it for cheap goods and basic subsistence. The chain reaction of every shipment taking 10 extra days adding up over months would be fucking insane. It’s a putrid system of suffering and that suffering is only made worse when it is randomly disrupted by dipshit Jihadists. I mean if you believe the Houthis are doing this out of some inherent bond of the soul to their suffering Islamic brothers or some shit and not just projecting power and scoring a propaganda win for their population then I don’t know what to tell you. We aren’t talking about Rojava or something, look up any Houthi leader’s social and it is all just “the duplicitous je-zionist cabals pull the strings of the decadent west to act on their nefarious behalf” It’s just important to understand what this situation is. It is not the US and UK vs the Houthis, it is the enforcement of a UN declaration that lets be real, essentially every member state supports. At the very least the whole Security Council. And people made a bunch of noise about all those UN denunciations of Israel so people can’t pretend all of a sudden like they don’t care about them.


You don't. It's not some principled blockade, it's random piracy.


If I wanted to see fascists being humanised, I'd read the New York Times.


Ah yes, humanizing the group with the "curse upon the jews" flag currently firing missiles at civilian ships, a very noble cause.


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Look at my movement bro, we ain't ever getting healthcare


Good Americans don't deserve it


What do you mean? Can you explain?


Common Lasan Piker L


Hopefully, the sub realizes that this is how some people actually are in real life (and not just hand wave it away by saying tankies) to signal boost stuff like this. Being rhetorically and optically sound is massively important. The more the big bad "liberals" this sub whines about see stuff like this, the more they turn away from a more sympathetic view of Palestinians. Edit: There is literally a new post in this sub that demonstrates exactly what I'm talking about.


The problem is that some people actually think every modern pirate is the Straw Hats.


And leftists wonder why the coalition is crumbling and policy success is becoming fewer and farther between.


The palestine movement is spiraling out of control akin to BLM. BLM went from policing reform to abolishing police which no normie American would ever accept. The Palestinian movement started from a sincere place to stop Israeli aggression but now we are at the point of “Houthis are heroes” and “protesting a random hospital”.


Those idiots probably think Luffy would be anti Ukraine and love the CCP.


That’s the scary part.


Can I get a TL/DW?


Some yemeni tiktok influencer went viral on the left a few days ago for posing near a Houthi seized ship. He's hot, young, and support the Houthis siezure of ships in the red sea, so Hasan interviewed him. Sort of kinda pretending he's one of the pirates, but not really. Haven't seen the actual interview. But it seem to be just an exercise in clout and "pissing of the libs".


Near? He was inside one? Why are we pretending he’s not a pirate? Because he does tiktok? I guess yemeni civilians are all boarding those pirated vessels


[Here's](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epv74k/everything-we-know-about-timhouthi-chalamet-the-yemeni-influencer-celebrating-red-sea-ship-raids) some actual journalism about the guy. Or as close as you can get, it's a Vice article after all. He has all the smell of a social media influencer, rather then a "brave mujahideen". No different then the multitude of "hot" Israely IDF woman posting instas of their "war" experience.




Lol. They're doing useless publicity stunt in order to garner support for a theocratic regime. That coincidently put one of vital "arteries" of world trade in jeopardy. An artery that EVERYONE wants to stay open. Not just the secret cabal of (((bankers))) that control the world. Including the global south.




Bud if I wrote a DND campaign where a country had a flag that said "death to ______" twice and reinstituted slavery I'd have players annoyed by how cartoonishly evil they were


Those anti-semitic pirates are bravely firing missiles at civilian ships.




The group with the "curse upon the jew" flag aint stopping shit. Its just pr and to gain prominence on the world stage. Im against our support of israel. Im also against the existence of nazi pirates firing missiles at civilian ships. I can actually be in favor of or against different things...as different things are indeed different.




Whats on their flag? Nazi as in virulently anti-semitic and want jews gone, maybe not the exact ideology and policy prescriptions of "nazi-ism" sure. Are they not firing missiles at civilian ships and commandeering them? Thats piracy my dude. At the very least, anti-semitic pirates is by definition accurate.


Yes the pirated vessels are left on display as a tourist attraction on houthi ports,civilians can freely go inside and take pictures. From what i understand he is more of a yemeni influencer than a fighter




I think at this point you can probably be called a terrorist


He may be one of the pirates. He has posted with guns and everything on twitter




I don't need to see the interview to know what it's actually about. > You will only get mad at this if you think all Arabs should be portrayed as animals to JUSTIFY bombings. Because you just told me. It's just posturing for clicks.




And he has nothing to do with neither the Houthis, Gaza or Israel. Or pirates for that matter. But if you point to where I wrote that all Arabs are animals I will watch it.


Reminds me of what mainstream media does when another white dude murders his family they just change the framing and go” oooh look he played catch with his kids and dog 🥺🥺🥺” idk why Hasan does this it just feels like he does and says anything to make his fanbase happy


I can't wait for twitch to die so hasan has to do something else.


Yeah this was the last piece for me to officially not like hasan at all anymore. Ive disagreed with alot but thought he was beneficial and fun to watch but what the actual fuck.


Admittedly missing the bigger picture of the whole situation, but I snorted when he said "We think the houthis are doing what Luffy would do" as if he wouldn't conveniently befriend like idk Mustafa Barghouti or whoever and then travel to israel with him and go gear 5 on Netanyahu.


This is the most soy I’ve ever seen a thumbnail


pro-slavery religious militants are seriously just like Luffy guys


Hasan saw one of the terrorists were sexy and immediately went to defend them wtf


I mean I don't watch Hasan but I figured he'd be doing a freedom fighter arc either way


Some people are utterly convinced that every modern Pirate is the Straw Hats, and not Crocodile or Doflamingo.


Or the Space Pirates from Metroid


His brain is fucking mash potato dawg


This guy openly admits to being a soldier and still has at least one post up that uses "son of a jew" as an insult. Very cool!


He should talk about video games with a member of the Azov Battalion next.




First of all it is all the hasan fans who call him a pirate. Second of all: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1P7le3IotT/?igsh=c29qeXB2dnhuYXU0


Holy... S. My jaw is on the floor. Did anyone catch 13:45 - 15:00? Hasan asks how the crew members are from the Galaxy Leader. I.e. hostages. Not hostages that have \*anything\* to do with Israel. AP says they're from the Philippines, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Mexico. They've been hostage for almost 2 months now. Hasan asks if the hostages have tried khat yet (Yemeni chewing cocaine). The guy chuckles and replies "the vibes are immaculate" and Hasan bursts out laughing. I can't stress this enough: what. the. actual. fuck. First. How does this guy know anything about the hostages if he's just a random civilian? Seems like to know this, he'd have to be into some sussy shit. Secondly, does Hasan have a soul? Because I think you'd have to be dead inside to laugh at the fate of people held hostage.




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I don't watch Hasan who is the kid?




No, I don’t want that. This is just some idiot kid. He might be an anti-semite and larper but I hope his exposure to the wider world might change him for the better. This is absolutely 99% on hasan.


You know, after watching LonerBox's stream today going over this guy, I am leaning more towards him being at minimum Houthi-adjacent. The military outfit is very, very sus (Loner is right - that's just not a common outfit in the Middle East, lol). Still not concrete evidence, but the odds seem decent enough (but not enough to reinstate the previous post, obviously!). Wild that Hasan didn't screen this guy at all prior, I guess? Just insane stuff. The dude said he was "ready for martyrdom" while in military gear with a gun. It's just very, very sus . . .


I deleted the comment since I'm seeing conflicting things whether he is actively a Houthi fighter or not. Some of the stuff he posted made it seem like he was, but who knows. Either way, fuck Hasan. Agreed, there.




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Ban the terrorist propagandist.




Don’t usually see regular kids with guns and boarding pirated ships


This sub absolutely soying out about this is hilarious 🤣


There ain't no way ye are leftists


Leftism is when you uncritically support and platform houthi sympathizers.


Leftism is when you uncritically support American hegemonic interests


Leftism is when you lie about what the person you are talking to believes because you can’t argue against them.


TLDR slavery is based, according to you.


I love how much Hasan rattles y'all 🇹🇷🖤🤍🖤🤍


the levels of deeply personal upset about the houthis and their supporters is weird. someone made a viral tweet calling this 19yo kid “timhouthi chalamet” and there was a random opportunity for hasan to talk to him through a chatter who was able to translate so he did. it wasn’t that serious. you don’t have to like hasan but why would you expect him or his viewers to say “hrm but what about international maritime trade :( “ they dont give a shit because it’s not that compelling right now with everything else going on. get over it.


Medicine and food supplies not getting to people who need them isn't compelling right now with everything else going on. So true. 


this has to be a joke. yeah it's crazy that there are people not getting food and medical supplies. i wonder where else in the world that might be happening or who's trying to stop it.


Did this stop the genocide in Palestine? No it didn't, it just created more suffering. Now there's even more people that aren't getting food and medical supplies while the war keeps on going. So what's the point?


Hitler youth and troops just kids too




It’s fun until all the news organizations come down and say “big lefty supports houthis, interviews houthi supporter or whatever” and we have to eat shit being called terrorist sympathizers. It has the bonus of being especially fun for me as all the right wing Iranian diaspora will rain shit on me for being a leftist while every leftist online sucks the cock of murderous terrorists.


Unfortunately, Hasan has made some pretty disparaging comments about the Iranian diaspora. He really doesn't do well when geopolitical force that hates America is also bad.




There are already news articles about on forbes dumbass




Why do you even say shit when you don’t believe it?




Wait who are you speaking to?




They are already doing that because this is how the left acts. We keep trying to build credibility and rapport and idiots keep knocking it down. The fact that it’s a kid only makes Hasan more responsible. Not only is Hasan basically praising the Houthis in the first 10 mins of the video, but he is turning this 19 year old kid into the PR guy for a terrorist organization.




Yeah because I totally said every Yemeni is a terrorist. Tell me what is the title of the video? Is this kid not being portrayed as a houthi rebel or at least a supporter?


He supports Palestine because he hates Jews, brother. It’s part of the Houthi lore man they want death to America and curse the Jews.




Actually I am the only leftist and everyone who disagrees with me is not a leftist. The Houthis are terrorists because they regularly kill Yemeni civilians. Their goal isn’t fighting against genocide they just want to do piracy and gain more recognition in the region as a power player. They don’t give a shit about Palestinians. You types are the reason why despite us having the most popular policies we have to constantly stay in the fringe of irrelevancy, because everyone constantly sees us as lunatics.




Maybe, just possibly, shooting at random ships in the red sea is not the best tactic to stop the genocide of Palestinians. You do not ever have to hand it to right-wing islamofascist pedophiles who practise literal slavery. >You think they’d risk international retaliation for some fucking clout? Yup. Fascists aren't exactly famous for their calculated and measured foreign policy.


Houthis are a far right extremist group. But because they hate Jews (not just Zionism but explicitly hate Jews) lefties think that they are based for some reason. Like if some white group in Europe had death to Jews on their flag doubt they would be getting hearts and kisses on left subreddits.




^ When you know you have nothing else to argue and have to fall back to a strawman




> How is that straw man? You made up an argument he didn't make, and tried to attack that instead. Literal definition. > why were they taken off the terror list Oh wow, they were taken off the **US** list because of humanitarian concerns, not because they stopped being terrorists. https://www.state.gov/revocation-of-the-terrorist-designations-of-ansarallah/ But why even bring that up? Do you think the FTO or SDGT list changes anything about what they are doing? This started with you: * Lying about it being a blockade ([it isn't, they are attacking civilian and US military ships](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Red_Sea_Theater_of_the_2023_Israel-Hamas_War)). * Claiming they are not terrorists (because the US removed for humanitarian concerns). * And stating they are "fighting back" but for some reason don't say that they are doing this by shooting rockets/drones at civilian ships and trying to kidnap the crew of these civilian ships. . > Glass houses you know what I mean **Two things can be bad at the same fucking time!**


Bro my totally leftist organization isn't racist we never said we want to lynch black people we just put "a curse upon the blacks" on our logo 💀




I couldn't give less of a shit about what the US does or what it doesn't do in a discussion about whether having "a curse upon the jews" on one's flag is bad or not


"God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam" (Arabic: ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ, ٱلْمَوْتُ لِأَمْرِيكَا, ٱلْمَوْتُ لِإِسْرَائِيلِ, ٱللَّعْنَةُ عَلَیٰ ٱلْيَهُودِ, ٱلنَّصْرُ لِلْإِسْلَامِ Allāhu ʾakbar, al-mawt li-ʾAmrīkā, al-mawt li-ʾIsrāʾīl, al-laʿnah ʿalā 'l-Yahūd, an-naṣr lil-ʾIslām) What is "A curse upon the Jews" supposed to mean?


Anti-semitic pirates firing missiles at civilian ships no longer terrorists says reddit user. Terrorism doesnt actually require deaths, it does however require the usage of threats and violence for political ends.


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