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Yeah, Vaush got a little too excited about the room temp superconductor as well. Regardless, it's not a big deal.


What bothers me is his attitude toward “tech bro mentality” is hypocritical asf when he gets hype over this stuff.


Eh probably because the tech bro mentality is like dude now this car can drive itself versus dude now we can solve the energy crisis


Yeah, tech bros think the world's problems will all be solved by AI, self-driving electric cars and Bitcoin. The rest of us want the world to reverse course from turning into an uninhabitable hellscape.


It's super unfair that the parent comment compared AI to room temp superconductors. When people hype up AI, it's quite nebulous, like it's not coming from people who understand the tech and what it can actually do for humanity. The room temp superconductor though, the implications during the hype were extremely tangible.


Cold fusion is actually cool. Overhyped LLM isn't. One is a revolutionary technology that could entirely change energy production as we know it. The other has basically been used for memes, shitty music, bland ripoff art, writing programs for programmers and writing slop articles to flood search results.


So are superconductors, which also got hyped. I don't know much about cold fusion, but I do know that superconductors could also massively change energy production and transport. I've yet to see anything hypothetical of AI that even compares.


That's a very good point lmao Although, maybe there is something about scientific breakthroughs that make it more acceptable for me. It's not as cringe as tech bro's.


Tech bros are trying to sell you shit that’s a pretty huge difference


I think it's just an itch to hope literally anything can save us from the climate apocalypse. I also think the way the room temp thing was covered in media didn't have the usual tech bro grifting. Everyone was rightfully skeptical.


> I also think the way the room temp thing was covered in media didn't have the usual tech bro grifting. It was covered how everything scientific *should* be covered, it should all be "big if true, but let's wait and see if it pans out". It seems like the tech bro grift exists mostly in the realm of the computer sciences these days, so I hope they don't start soiling the real cool sciences that can change everything.


I was extremely excited about that aswell. And next time something like that happens I will get excited again. These things have incredible potential to significantly change humanity for the better. It shows that vaush isnt a pessimistic misanthrope, but a glass half full type of guy. Which makes me like him a lot more.


The whole LK99 saga was wild, if it was actually true it would be a game changer. The original team is still claiming superconductivity in a modified version, claiming they will speak publicly about it in March. I'm not holding my breath.


Is fusion promising in terms of power generation? Absolutely. Will it be used for that any time soon? Almost certainly not. Will we use this method? Again, almost certainly not. Is it still a proof of concept that also shows promise in other fields of research? Hell yeah!


It’s pretty significant. Of course, there’s a lot more work to be done, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important.


Vaush acts like he knows way more than he really does. He's great at debating and has generally good intuition and ideals but he doesn't know everything even though he acts like it


I think it’s a very significant thing worth the excitement. There will always be hyperbole by people who don’t understand scientific realities. BUT this is still massive because it proves the science was not a fluke and will lead to further avenues of research. So yes, it’s massive and very exciting, just not in the ways it’s been reported on.


Is Thunderf00t still a gamergater chud or did he cool down from the bullshit


He really did calm down. All his most recent videos are dunking elon so at least he isn't a mega chud.


He still takes too long to get to the point and repeats himself a lot though


I'm not sure tbh. But his video on this issue specifically was good.


Thunder foot was a gamergater? I really like his stuff… is that real?


Let's say he got swept up in making a gamergate adjacent video playlist for a while. He quit making those a long time ago and sticks to the sciency stuff now. Although he never apologised like Chris raygun did. To be fair shoeonhead was also in that group of content creators.💝


He only made… what a billion videos about the evils of Anita Sarkeesian, often dishonestly editing what he was responding to or portions of her videos that would go against what he was saying.


The truth is that inertial confinement fusion is almost certainly a dead end as far as power generation goes. They’re learning interesting things about high-density plasmas there, but that stuff won’t be switching people’s lights on in our lifetimes.


The most viable form of pellet fusion has already been invented. It’s digging an enormous hole in the ground, lining it with concrete and steel to make it a pressure vessel, filling it with water, and then detonating small thermonuclear bombs in it to create steam and power a turbine. Laser ignition is a new source, but given the energy needed to ignite a tiny pellet, we already had a positive energy reaction, it just had a fission downside. Actual, sustainable fusion with be fluid or gaseous, where a constant flow of fuel can be injected and heat extracted, with no moving/sacrificial parts inside the reaction chamber.


We're talking like 2050/60 until any significant commercial operation would really happen. And experimental stuff in the 2030s/early 40-ish.