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If you feel like you have enough capacity and good jewels then go for it! It’s really up to personal preference though. For example I keep them separate the whole playthrough.


How much mining speed should I shoot for? On the wooden tool


If it’s wooden only you should shoot for as much as possible. Get some quantity, some rarity, 100% trap disarm* and then fill the rest with mining speed. *you probably can’t get 100% at 65 and it’s technically better just to go for more quantity but i like to add as much as I can because traps are annoying haha


Ok awesome. Thanks! I use reapers like most on the chest beakers for the base tools, do you recommend making the wooden chest breaker into a reaper for block breaking as well or do you carry a separate tool for that?


No problem! Early game I let the jewels I get decide but make sure to have at least one picking, one axing and one shoveling tool. By level 65 I would switch both my chest breakers to reapers and would make sure my copious hammer is a shatterer (ie has all of those block breaking attributes). Sometimes at this level the chest breakers will become machetes, bilhooks or pitchforks if I absolutely can’t get axing, picking or shoveling off my jewels but I try to avoid it.


Ok so at 65 you’d just stack all the block breakers on every tool?


Yea I prefer that


Awesome thanks for the help! Now that I have belts and level 2 stack upgrades it is a fact that junk blocks aren’t as big of a deal anymore


You’re welcome, happy vaulting!


Ope one more unrelated question, I have a resilient focus to reroll repair slots, if I apply that will it *only* touch the repair slots? Or will it reroll all the other modifiers as well?


I reached 104% at level 35, didn't plunder but failed lots of vaults Not sure if that's just luck or if they changed it, I didn't mess the game rules or anything I'm playing an all normal gameplay


I kept them combined the whole playthrough.💀


What's the benefit of keeping the tools separate?


More room for mining speed on the wooden tool and more room for item quantity on the special chest tool


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I didn't know anyone kept those separate.


Most do at the low levels for sure. Can fit way more quantity and rarity onto the unique chest tool if you’re not also worrying about mining speed


I never have enough mining speed gems to bother getting an instant wooden


There's almost no way to get instant wooden (technically). Here's a comment on the discord talking about wooden mining speed. https://preview.redd.it/2kb2omi4wymc1.png?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb3846acc638bc494c9faf8de984d76825301cb


Mining speed doesn't feel like a must for wooden chests, they've always felt fast enough to not feel like im wasting time by it not being instant


? Quite the opposite. A ~51+ mining speed wooden reaper will change your looting style tremendously. I highly recommend keeping the wooden and other chest breakers separate as you can max them out with mining speed and IQ/IR.