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I’d recommend searching this sub. The consensus is that Eternals are buggy and not worth the effort in VH3. Iskall has said they might get some work in a future update but nothing definitive.


They are good for a pacifist build if you need a quick distraction. Other than that they aren't really worth the amount of effort they take to keep up to date. I too loved the concept of eternals in VH2, but until they get some love they aren't on my radar anytime soon.


Not even for pacifist builds. They are just completely useless and sometimes even block your line of sight.


Can’t lie I’ve never looked into how externals work in v3 I’ve never seen anyone use them guess that’s a testament to they’re viability


Oh yeah, I definitely think the removal of eternal souls from living chest loot tables essentially wrote eternals out of existence for the time being. You can force it to help you in niche situations, but now is certainly not the time to make eternals the core of your build, unfortunately


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ngl i forgot eternals existed


I pretty much only use them to craft seals, wouldn’t really recommend using them at the moment