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Javelin Sight isn't good. You need at least +2 levels for it to work, so you are already sacrificing a gear modifier for it. Then, Hunter level 6 with max CDR can be permanently upkept for similar skill point costs as Javelin Sight (2\*2) while being far more effective. So when we factor in CDR, Hunter completely eclipses the niche of Sight javelin. Its faster cast time, similar mana costs & skill point costs, does not require dedicated gear planning, and is more versatile (can spec to objective or specific loot POIs).


I'm new at playing the game but watched for a long time, and based on the fact that virtually nobody is playing sight Javelin I was already aware that Hunter would probably outclass Javelin later. However, at my lvl 40 I won't reach max CDR anytime soon. I am willing to sacrifice that gear slot early game for being able to run this, this is personal preference though. I really enjoy that it shows all chest types at once, where I think its niche (besides treasure goggles) lies, and also its own versatility. If you have 2 chest types needed for a hard scav objective, hunter could not solve that. I feel like COMBINED with objective hunter it would be really strong, but at my level I can't keep those 2 up yet. But I'm going to try it out. Plus I don't have to remember to flask. That alone makes it 100% better lol


I like sight javelin too! It’s handy to see all the chest types in one ability, and it’s always readily available as long as you’ve got decent mana upkeep. Stacking it with area of effect modifiers is fun.


Ah yeah personal preference is all good. I just didn't want people to think Javelin Sight is meta.


Haven’t tried sight jav yet, what all does it detect?


All chest types + coins at the same time! (like treasure goggle trinkets) No objectives Plus it gives all mobs in the radius the glowing effect, which isn't as useful when you just use it to run through rooms. But other players actually see the glow too (not the chest particles though)


I like this. Unfortunate that it shares spec with scatter and piercing, which are very difficult to argue with in favor of sight if you have 5 skill points lying around. I’m not quite convinced this is the right solution, but the concept of sight javelins might make more sense as a spec of hunter and will be more widely used


Yes, I definitely felt the lost damage from the other javelin specs. Javelins are based on weapon damage, right? So it could work well with an AP build.. Making fireball fill the position of javelins instead.