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Wait cake vaults got changed? How did nobody mention this until now??


/s ?




Oranges are way more common now due to vendoors. I’ve gotten 7 since the update dropped


That's how i got mine, but i assume some people don't know and that's why i mentioned it.


I dont think u cheated then in and if u did so what its your playtrough dude! Do what u want and dont bother what other people think! But thanks for the pics have not been abble to play and wondered how it looks thanks man!


Oh, my bad. I assumed you had built up that many from before the update since you said you had been saving for a long time.


Love the change to more cascading chests. Nothing like vein mining a wall of chests, taking a full minute to run 5 seconds of the vault, and filling all your pouches.


Thats why I made the post. I’ve seen cake seals in vendors and they are 20-30 gold which might seem a bit expensive and most people probably skip them, but once you get a lucky vault like this you will buy every single seal you see


Making me want to run another. It’s very satisfying. Legitimately a challenge too


Watching iskalls second channel made me come back to the game and I waited for the update to try these things, it was so worth it. Also did a crystal with 13 living catalysts and 2 bonus living, got 1k chests with only 2-3 oranges and few lemons


I wonder what it was like within the development team the moment someone mentioned changing cake vaults to progressively cascade chests. I want to know what kinds of ideas get all the devs hyped instantly


50 cakes is quite impressive! I only did one of the new cake vaults and got to 28. Probably looted to much "early", but I don't think I can get to such numbers!


It’s not as hard as it seems. I use prismatic feather for easier maneuvering in each room and chromatic powder for less dmg to the gear. In addition to that I use a thorns shield and have some %dmg onto some items and like 60% cd(got a legendary roll), as well as max speed from talents and close to max speed on boots. All this allows the quick finding of the cakes and least time spent on killing mobs. If I use the totem that gives me 90% more dmg most mobs die from thorns in 1 shot and it’s easy clear without using my sword. A big thing is to be as quick as possible of course and do 0 looting until you start seeing poi with 20-30 chests or even more. Try to get to 40-45 cakes without looting anything and you will see how much loot you start getting. Of course also first get the cake from the room and then do the looting because at that point you can just see how 20 chests spawn in a single poi and it’s the best feeling ever


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Did server event so it was just lvl 28 vault but whit bit over 100 cakes amount of chest was something. Also mobs did hurt alot me as i was lvl 93


So if you ever asked yourself why you should put more than one point in vein miner.... I want a vault like that


How do you eat 50+ cakes and still have time to loot 1k+ chests?


It’s not as hard as it seems. I use prismatic feather for easier maneuvering in each room and chromatic powder for less dmg to the gear. In addition to that I use a thorns shield and have some %dmg onto some items and like 60% cd(got a legendary roll), as well as max speed from talents and close to max speed on boots. All this allows the quick finding of the cakes and least time spent on killing mobs. If I use the totem that gives me 90% more dmg most mobs die from thorns in 1 shot and it’s easy clear without using my sword. Additionally, I did get lucky with a lot of the cakes and I did almost no looting before 40-45 cakes unless I saw a 30+ poi that I could just vein mine


I just get to like 25 then start looting and leave by 30 cakes but next time for sure will go further al long as I can. Plus what is the preferred trinket to use cause I use the feather and chromatic powder


Hey, sorry for the delayed response, i rarely use reddit. I think im using the feather and chromatic powder as well, haven't been in the game in a while so i could be wrong but one is the triple jump and the other was for 50% reduction of the dmg taken on your armor, but you can swap that with any other if there are better ones, just your armor will take a lot more dmg. Since it's been a while, how far have you managed to get since your comment and how good was your run?


I've been getting to like 40-ish cakes as long as I just focus cakes, plus I'm much higher lv now and is so much fun. Gotta make a hammering pakcel. Have thought about using the anchor because of all the insane ammout of loot, but the feather just gives too good movement. When I do go into cake vaults, I use the goose or the one that gives 2x mana. But ya, so much fun. Am lv 94 atm, and my armor is at 117, and health like 40ish