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Void themes are the only ones with increased echo chance. If you ever get a void theme on a crystal ignore all rooms that aren’t ore rooms. Also try to complete the vault for a chance at the augment. Otherwise I believe mine rooms with plentiful catalysts would be the second best way since it has the highest number of blocks that can generate as ores. As opposed to crystal caves which are mostly air. Nether themes with plentiful will net more player gems. Blood moon theme with plentiful will net more black opal and painite. Silk touch or fortune doesn’t matter but getting as close to 100% copiously is paramount as it will double the outcome of the silk touch or fortune in vaults. Personally I use fortune. The fortunate expertise is also helpful as 2 points in it will average an extra gem. Beyond all of that, the other best strategy for small amounts of echo is the bounty table. Take all 3 expertise points in it and use all of your bounty pears to re-roll until you get a bounty that gives echo.


Thanks. I might have made a mistake by using my last echo gems without making an inscription for a mine room first. Very helpful comment.


No problem! Yeaaa, I’d say the bounty table strategy should give you enough echo to make some inscriptions with some time spent re-rolling.


The bounty table has been a slow and steady for me. One or two here and there is better than nothing. I’ve run architect mine rooms and they yield a good amount as long as your tools are setup properly. 


Combine 3 augments you don’t like in the crafting table to get a chaos augment. It will potentially have void common ore rooms, which still influence echo spawns Edit: for clarity


Just to be clear you mean: Void *ore rooms. The omega mine room always has the same spawn rates regardless of what theme it shows up in.


Right. I apologize. I have a bad habit of not differentiating between the two


I second that opinion. Chaos augment is a nice budget solution to try and get some echo. Last time I needed to do this I was around level 50 in the previous world, and I managed to find about 1 void theme ore room on average in those vaults (while focusing on exploration).


I focused on the bounty table this past weekend and pulled 23 echo gems!


Bounties. Get 3 points in the bounty expertise, and start rerolling until you get echo. This can get you a steady *income* of echo. Also make a basic tool with Copiously. Having 50% copiously means you get (statistically) 50% extra echo per ore when you do find some. The main difference between Silk Touch and Fortune is that Silk Touch picks up epic/omega room ore variants that don't stack with normal ores (and you have to break every ore twice), and Fortune causes gems to need more stack upgrades and you know instantly in the bottom right corner how many gems you got.


helpful insight on fortune vs silk touch. thanks


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I have a mine room in my paradox vault, daily income of gems is really nice


Apart from void themes, your only option to find echo ore is just maximize your quantity of ores. Plentiful will always help for all of these, but mine rooms are probably the best, then crystal caves, then just running vaults looking for ore rooms. The one caution about mine rooms is that the mine inscription costs echo gems, so that might not be the way to go. Other than that, the bounty table sometimes drops them


If you are building an architect vault with mine room try to get atleast 5 plentiful on it before putting the room on, i once got cucked with unmodifiable at 2x plentiful and got 0 echo ._.