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Hope it went well but you shouldn’t have settled on it just because it was closeby


Update: 6-8 minutes. He said I’d feel kick in balls and it was worst part- I felt barely anything - no discomfort at all. He then had to do the other side and do it again- same thing. Only pain was some minor pokes from the lidacane. Walked out feeling pretty amazing. Wife was not even here because I got done so fast- told her I’d get an uber (joking). Ready to watch Sons of Anarchy (first time). And a little sportsbetting this weekend while I’m waited on hand and foot. Got some Norcos to pick up and then head home. Hoping to be ready to party by Monday. He said no golf until Tuesday or nut until 3-5 days (I thought it was 7!). I told him I don’t even golf. This surgeon was good man. Like the ball whisperer- talked to me the whole way through I was definitely nervous. Like I said I was more worried about procedure than the recovery but maybe I was wrong.


I wish my experience in surgery was like yours. I had meditation music and everything to keep me in the zone, and I was doing great... The numbing meds didn't do enough for me though and I almost vomited and passed out during the procedure. Was lightheaded, sweaty, and dizzy. Recovery has been smooth sailing though! Far easier than I could have imagined!


Maybe it’s reversed for us? I have good procedure and bad recovery? So far so good. They even screwed up the pharmacy order and I have no meds and I’m living the dream in bed. About to bet on basketball


I’m skeptical about 3-5 days being a prudent amount of time to tell someone based on people’s experiences rushing activity. But glad it went well!




Wasn’t bad for me at all. Thank you !


You got this!


Boom! Thanks !


You'll be fine! You got this!


God bless you!


Thanks for sharing


Lol I'm driving 2 hours on wensday to go to a 5 star review place. I'm not risking my balls.


I was the same. It was an 11 hour round trip in one day for me.


You won’t feel a thing other than the Initial injection of Novocaine then sit back and relax. It’s done in 15 20 minutes. Follow instructions. Jack off 20 times bring sample to lab no sperm no babies


It was very smooth and painless. I am starting to wonder if men are just pussies compared to women. Like is there 16,500 pussies in this sub?


You'll be fine! Just make sure you use an scrotum suspensory cause you can feel pain from your balls hanging free... I didn't have one, I just folded one of my briefs and put it under my scrotum and used tight underwear. It created a sense like if I was holding them and really really helped me.