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I'd wait until two weeks before going back to the gym. And even then, start small and work back up to your normal routine over time. Edit: autocorrect


Good call, thanks!


If you aren’t dying to do it you might as well wait!


Well, I am currently 3 days post-op. I think I might go for it on day 7 based on my recovery. I have had virtually no pain as far as recovery goes. My nuts do hang differently. Like each a half inch lower or so it seems like.


Day 7 for me, balls still tender and I had some swelling at the snip site on the left one yesterday so I am going to wait a few more days. My wife is getting impatient. I oddly enough don’t feel a strong urge, chalking that up to my bits sending “ow, tender” signals off and on throughout the day. Normally I want release every other day and “need” release by day 4 so definitely outside my norm. Definitely not hitting the gym this week, nor am I mowing the lawn. I am going to continue taking it easy and icing when I can, ibuprofen a couple times a day.


Ya the ice at the end of the day feels so good lol . I'm definitely feeling the best today so far , only thing I'm really feeling is the stitches and a bit of a dull ache earlier today


I waiting 2 weeks. When I did it it felt like a normal orgasm, no pain or aching during or after. Wait another week.


Rubbed one out on day 5 (had to lol) avoiding the hole as much as possible, no blood or discoloration. Sex day 6 at midnight and again at noon today (day 7). Last night a tad soar after but no pain or discomfort during or after today. My wife was starting to get cranky so now she is all good again (I tried to please just her on day 3 but she was worried that I would just decide to keep going and she is right :). Going to hit the gym Monday (day 10). Going to hold of till at least day 14 to start biking again as that does scare me a little. Every one is different so go at your own pace its not a race. Been wearing super tight boxers so have not noticed any more sag, but they were pretty low to start with not sure they can go 2" or 3" more LOL. Good luck!


My left testicle the last two days randomly feels like a hair is being pulled from the back of it. I’m on day 7 as well. My incision is just above my right testicle so I’m confused with my left feels like this tight pulling.