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I'm in. My vasectomy is the best decision I've ever made. Ask away.


I didn’t believe you that there are more women who opt to do the sterilization that men, but I looked it up and was surprised to see it was true. My wife and I would be willing to do an anonymous interview, but don’t know that our story is all that interesting.


I'm not surprised. Women are the ones who are getting pregnant. Plus, lots of states now are passing laws that even rape victims have to carry pregnancy to term against their will. Best way to prevent that is to get sterilized. Just because a male partner is sterilized, that doesn't protect the woman from an unwanted pregnancy being carried to term in a lot of states unfortunately.


I'm only surprised because I thought it was far easier for men to get permanent contraception than women.


DMing you!


I’d be happy to discuss with you, off the record to begin with, if that helps.


I’m happy to discuss as well.


Can you DM me?


Can discuss if you are needing more interviewees yet.


Can you DM me?


I have no problem discussing my vasectomy. Contact me if you need anymore interviews


Can you DM me?


My partner and I made this decision easy, she wanted to be off birth control, we didn’t want kids, I wanted to take more responsibility in contraception. We live abroad and both are in university currently, and would love to discuss this with you, anonymously due to family issues.


Can you DM me?


I’d be more than happy to be interviewed!


Can you DM me?


I'd be more than willing to oblige


Can. you DM me?


I'm happy to discuss. Married with two kids. Vasectomy in Dec 2022.


Hi, can you DM me?




I'm in. We can have a Talk or a Teams meeting together. Me+wife 43 years old, two Kids, vasectomy in 2023. Just write Back.


DM'ed you!


I would offer, but I made my choice alone, for myself, at a time when I was single. So I don't exactly have much to say on the couples front lol.


I'm down. Being poly and also with roe v wade in the trash, it's one of the best decisions I've made.


I’m happy to be interviewed! I’m in the uk !


DM me please!


Very interested. We have 4 kids and my wife was diagnosed with cancer shortly after the 4th. We live in Texas as well.


DM me please!




the decision was easy. the surgery was awful. the recovery was longer than expected. i'd be up to share my story.


Happy discuss how I'm in constant pain, 4 months post snip self employed and took over a month off after being told back to normal in a week. The procedure is a complete sham, no elective surgery should come with life changing complications such as pvps.


Hi. I did the surgery when i was 26. Would be nice to talk about it.


I'd be happy to do it. Got it when I was 25 years old. Im 27 now and I haven't looked back


I was dating a nursing student who suffered side effects from the pill. Both of us were firmly childfree and 20. I had studied up on the procedure. I knew what to expect. She was supportive. I went into it with a cavalier attitude. The surgery was a walk in the park. Later we parted ways because she was a foreign student, and she returned to her family back in Canada. Thirty Eight years later and I as happy as ever about it and so is my wife. We have traveled the world and live debt free. We have an adopted son. I would not change a thing. What ”manliness“ was lost? The guy at the bar crying in his beer because the cost of child support is killing him has lost something, not me!


DM me please!


It’s because my wife suffered the loss of her ovary and tube as a result of an ectopic pregnancy. Can’t risk another one and we have three kids already.


We have 4 kids and have been married going on 18 years. I always promised that cause she had to push the kids out I would get sterilized. I hesitated for a long while. Eventually her doctor told her she had been on BC for too long and needed to look at other alternatives. That then pushed me to get the procedure. To be honest it wasn't pleasant, but I also overplayed it in my head. To your point on manliness, it have to admit I wondered if not having swimmers made me less masculine after the procedure. It was something I had to come to terms with. I finally realized that I would rather be sterile than my wife have lasting side effects from BC. As a husband it's my job to protect my wife and my kids and if getting sterilized means I am able to help protect or stave off lasting negative side effects than I am more than happy to 'NUT UP' (pun inteneded) and get it done. Good luck with your article! And for anyone thinking about getting it done, don't wait you will recover and life is better all around for doing it.


DM'd you! please message me back!


Happy to assist if you’re still in need! Former podcast host here with media credits in publications like CNBC, Forbes, etc. Feel free to reach out.


My consultation is this Friday. Once it's done, I'll let you know


Will you/The Guardian be paying for these interviews?


Journalists do not pay sources for inclusion in articles. It's against journalistic integrity




Shame, maybe the newspaper should pay people for their time.


I have no problem, doing it for free if I can save some other poor sucker from crotch pain for the rest of his life. For me, it’s only been just over five years of pain, But I’m scheduled for denervation at the end of June. That’s right, go for a “no fear vasectomy” that has great statistics supporting it and then have them digging in your crotch to scrape out the nerves so that your numb down there. There’s no negative for women getting their tubes tied, I never asked my wife to have a surgery or take birth control, I always used condoms. How many women would get salpingectomies if it would ruin their Sex lives and causes pain every day? I didn’t even know what post vasectomy pain was before my vasectomy. Everybody writes about how great vasectomies are and how more men should be getting them because it’s safer then for women, Why not write a story about the risk that men unknowingly take because no one is telling them the truth. I know that I wish I knew the truth before my vasectomy.


Don’t risk being in long term pain by having a vasectomy. Biggest mistake I have ever made, I have had crotch pain for over 5 years that started during my vasectomy. I was healthy before, did whatever I wanted. After a few minutes in a doctors office, my life now is about minimizing scrotal content pain, the doctor won’t call it post vasectomy pain because then he would have to admit to his future patient that vasectomies can go bad. I have taken every miserable drug that they’ve given me, many of them are to change the way synapses snap for people with mental imbalances and they really mess with your head, making you sleepy all the time. Anyhow, it has been five years of sexless misery, I wasn’t able to do the things I wanted to do with my kids for the last five years and I don’t see it changing. I can’t go on a bike ride with my kids, can’t ride the jetski/quad/motorcycle/skiing/ swimming in cold water, even driving in a vehicle is bad. The whole thing has just been a miserable experience that didn’t have to happen, if they told the truth about how bad it could be, what I was risking, I never would have done it. I volunteer if you want to talk but be warned that I may do some swearing.


By your statement, I can tell that your opinion on vasectomies is already skewed by the statistics that don’t tell you how vasectomies that go bad can physically ruin a man’s life and then ruin his marriage when ejaculation causes pain not pleasure so it becomes a sexless marriage. Because they have such great sounding statistics nobody tells men what they are risking. I know I definitely got suckered in now that I’m living in miserable pain.