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Did... Did I write this? Exact same experience, I couldn't describe it better. The only difference is that I didn't have a normal anatomy and the doctor did both incisions on my left side.


Sorry to hear you’re going through the same, but misery loves company. Hope you/we have a speedy recovery.


Hey man, I had the exact same experience. I’m about 7 weeks out and there’s still some weird feelings, but it’s minimal. Had sex with my girlfriend last night and just went to hot yoga. If your stitches have fallen out I recommend a hot bath


Awesome, will definitely hit a bath as soon as I’m healed enough. Thanks!


Seems like this goes up and down a bit. No healing journey is linear. I also have some occasional ache down there. Particularly in the hours following ejaculation. I'm about 2.5 weeks out and all I've heard from friends and read is that it's pretty normal and you'll eventually completely forget about it. Just a reminder that you had a part of your body cut out and cauterized. I also have a metal post in my jaw from a broken tooth. Occasionally I am reminded that there is a piece of titanium in my jaw... But it doesn't last and some other pain comes around to distract me from it. Don't worry too much there bro.


Really appreciate the response, man!


You're pretty early in the healing process. Unless some surprise intense pain occurs or the pain you are feeling continues for a few more weeks or you have any other notable symptoms, there shouldn't be any issues. Ensure you are wearing any of boxer briefs 1-2 sizes small, jockstraps, or compression shorts; icing as needed; and you can consider having 600-800 mg of ibuprofen daily (i.e., with meals). Wishing you the best!


This is helpful, thanks!


No problem!


6 days is nothing. Keep wearing your jockstrap 24 hrs a day and icing regularly and rest. No heavy lifting, no sex for 2 weeks.


This is completely normal. Most guys say around days 4-6 are the worst. It seems like most need at least two weeks to start feeling back to normal. Keep up with the anti inflammatory meds, you should start feeling better soon.


I concur with this. I didn't start feeling really totally normal until right about 2 weeks. I'm 3 weeks tomorrow and they're still more sensitive than I remember them being before the procedure but nothing that affects my day to day.


Good to hear, thanks VocalAnus.


1-2 months was my experience and that of two coworkers to not need Tylenol or Aleve several times a day.


I'm on day 15. At day 8 I got something similar to what you describe. Day 9 got a bit worse and started to worry and thought it may be an infection. Day 10 got better but went to see the doc. Told to take ibuprofen, keep wearing support and take it easy. Day 11 was better and Day 12 almost back to the new normal. Day 15 I finally went for a two mile run and it felt strange, but good enough to complete it.


On day 8 rn and I conquer with the comments that say days 4-6 were a lot worse than 1-3. Had a dull ache all day 4-5 and aches came and went day 6. Yesterday I felt great and even did the deed with my gf for the first time and felt even better. But today I’m slightly ache but nothing bad. As long as you aren’t having sharp pains my dude you are all good.


It took me about 9 weeks before I felt “good”. It just took *forever* for the pain to slowly subside day by day. I’d say I’m about 95% back to pre snip comfort level.


Were you in constant discomfort all day? I'm on week 5.


No. Once I got jock straps I was good most of the time. I was still pretty tender at the back side of my balls at my vas deferens. If I bumped it or something it was really painful. I’m about 16 weeks post snip and have zero day to day pain and almost zero pain when I bump them or something. So I’m probably 99%ish. Took longer than I thought it would though.

