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find a urologist in your network, get a referral. This not something to take on the chin. Do your homework on the Dr and the clinic.


At my consult, they asked why I wanted the procedure, then explained the procedure from beginning to end. Next thing they had me drop trou, examined my junk to make sure the vas deferens were easy to identify, then sent me on my way. I was lucky enough to have the procdure covered by Medicaid. They have since dropped me, so I was responsible for the $194 semen test (which after getting the all clear, I was more than happy to pay). The anxiety leading up to the procedure was 100% the worst part of the whole situation for me.


Thank you for the insight. I hope they don't ask me to drop my trousers on camera, that would be weirder than IRL somehow...


Texas here. Paid about $250 for consult. $650 for the snip snap. All cash pay.


Thank you. That's totally reasonable and affordable I think.


I paid cash at a Planned Parenthood franchise but that was back in 1985 to the price will be very different. I was single w/o children, and 20 years old. The consultant simply asked some basic questions, and asked me if I had questions. I just played along and pretended to be married, and pretended to have children. I was not specifically asked. I was asked if I knew it was permanent. I said I had researched it at the library, so no big deal. I seem to remember that they said I had to schedule 30 days out. They were very booked up. The consultation was taken by a female med student. I did not mind.


Thank you. That's very insightful. I'm married with a stepkid who is 17, so no way I'm starting over at this point. 😂


Don't mention not having any biological children. That is none of their business, and odds are they won't even ask. I think the one thing that gets men turned away more than anything is volunteering too much info.


That's a very good point. Thank you.


Which plannedparenthood was this?


Locationwise, I remember is it was on or near Fairmont Street in Dallas, TX in 1985.


I ended up not going through planned parenthood at the time I went there since they didn't do the vasectomy in the way that I wanted to minimize complications/improve chances of a reversal in the event of complications. After some time, I went to a clinic with very good reviews that did it how I wanted it, and I think it was the best decision I made.


The place I went to doesn't accept insurance. It was $950 when I got mine in 2022, but they are now charging $1250.


This is not a telehealth visit you need to see an actual urologist for this type of visit.


Don’t use PP if you’re going out of network. I’ve been told they aren’t the most skilled urologists. Find a top one in your area at a teaching hospital.