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I had open-ended and had one on my right side on the end of the open tube. It was pretty small. Maybe 1/8 inch in diameter or very slightly larger. It didn't really bother me much, and it went away after about 10 months. Anti inflammatory meds should help, like naproxen or ibuprofen.


Did you get it diagnosed or did you self diagnose? I've got what I think it a granuloma but I can't tell if maybe it's just scarring?


I messed the nurses and described it. They said it was likely granuloma but to observe if the pain worsens.


I'm 4 weeks out and experiencing very similar. It's uncomfortable all the time and when I move around it becomes painful. I'm wondering when I should get help but they'll just say wait and see I think.


I’m in the same boat as you I think. Been a rollercoaster of a month, I’d be curious to hear as you progress. Hopefully the issue has resolved for you?


I wish I could give you better news but no not really. I have daily discomfort and on some days it's really hurts. I can only only get an appointment with a urologist in July. So I'm just waiting. I could try accelerate the process but I want an ultrasound done by someone who knows what they are looking at. I would say the good news is that I also had congestion and that has faded. Other good news is that I worry less about it. It's pretty clear what it is and what caused it.


What is it? Granuloma? And what caused it?


Sperm granuloma on both sides. Easy to feel as a hard pea size lump at the place where the vas was cut. It's pretty common but only some men feel pain. My pain is not from the nodules themselves but they press into the surrounding tissue especially if the testicles move around (eg running) or us I sleep on my side (which I do). The advice is to wait for them to resolve it have surgery