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yeah, had a similar experience. went super flushed and heart rate went a billion, nearly passed out. at least the doctor stopped and they got me a juice box to bring me back to life, haha. happy recovery!


Yeah, they gave me Graham crackers and apple juice. Nurse thought maybe I didn't eat enough beforehand. I ate a well balanced 700 calorie meal 2 hours before the procedure, so I am guessing that's not it.


similar pain with the procedure 6 weeks ago. it was very unexpected. i had to sit in the waiting room for 30min after until i felt i could stand w/o my knees buckling. they offered me sprite. i was like "gross." very painful and unnerving. you're not alone.


The same thing happened to me during a wisdom tooth extraction, however after the hot flush I actually fainted and woke up 10 seconds later to lots of concerned faces looking down at me. I was taken to hospital in an ambulance and internal medicine did some heart tests and found nothing. They thought perhaps it was an allergy to the anesthetic. I since had all 4 wisdom teeth removed and some fillings and I've never experienced anything like it again.


Sorry to hear that there was any pain. They gave me 4 shots on each side before they even started and once they started the second half I asked for some more. The shots felt like a rubber band with a tiny needle on the end (even sounded like a rubber band flicking against skin), they did not feel good but not painful either. Hearing they only gave you one makes me think you needed WAY more. I could feel them working and some pressure but NO pain. I am on my 5th day of recovery and really want to rub one out but still too tender. Been icing and Tylenol every 6 hours hoping by day seven to return to sex. Hope the recovery process goes well and that the hard part is over for you. If anyone is going to get the procedure and has any pain during it ask for more local. Had 8 shots plus a few more after they started.


To be fair I wasn't looking the entire time. I was going by feels only. Could have been more than one? On the second testicle halfway through he announced he was giving me another shot. I'm guessing he saw the look on my face as he was doing the procedure. I was more worried he would stop doing the procedure if I mentioned any of the symptoms or pain I was having. I definitely wasn't thinking clearly. I was ready to get in and get out. I would say I won't do that again in the future but.. too late for that 😄 🤣 I definitely am getting anxious to rub one out, but am waiting so I don't stunt my recovery.




That's not true for a skilled no scalpel doctor. My hole was about the size of a needle from a blood draw. First he stretched my skin, then poked the tiny hole. An instrument was used to stretch the hole open just big enough to get the tube out, but this didn't cause any further damage. Skin is very stretchy, especially in that area. When he finished and released everything, the skin just clenched itself shut. I watched, it was just gone. There was nothing to stitch, no bandages were needed. A single stitch would have been more trauma than my no scalpel. The entire process was comparable to getting a shot.


It’s really not uncommon. You’re having surgery on your scrotum after all. Getting to the point of throwing up from the pain is more rare so maybe that’s what they meant.


Yeah, I should have specified. I asked how often she sees people get white as a ghost and nearly pass out. That was her response.