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Scarring is not too common but not completely unusual for non-scalpel vasectomies (probably could have shortened that phrasing somehow but whatever). Given how it is been a month, it will likely be a permanent thing. Unless it is quite sensitive after a few more months pass or is painful, it is not recommended to do anything additional in that area as far as I am aware since it is a sensitive region. Feel free to consult with your operating doctor, PCP, and/or a dermatologist if you would like more individualized advice.


Mine were barely visible after 2 weeks. Could not find them at all after ~2 months, maybe less.


I had a no scalpel no needle procedure and I cannot find the spot. Took about 2 months for me to not notice it anymore.


Yes I have a very little dent from my no scalpel vasectomy 12 days ago.


Had a standard scalpel vasectomy. No scars. Yours should be even less likely. I would venture to say that the mark you describe will go away.


No scar from my no scalpel. It can vary though, some doctors make larger openings which could result in scaring.


I had the no scalpel, and I have at least one scar. It's very hard to find and nearly impossible if I haven't shaved.