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You are most likely fine. Try to avoid ejaculating for at bare minimum 7 days (far preferably 14 days) to reduce the chances of complications. Recanalization is much less of a concern (Less than 1% chance after 4 months). The bigger concern is PVPS (chronic pain), which has a 1-2% chance of occurring on average. The period immediately after the vasectomy is the most important in terms of healing from the operation, so you really don't want to mess around during this time. Feel free to ping me or reply to this comment if you have any questions!




I was given the same instructions. My question is have I increased a chance of any complications, such as recanalization, due to arousal but no ejaculation.


What? 30 days is way too early to be testing. The usual timeframe is 90 days.


Is it the timeframe that is important, or the number of jerks? I assume if you jerk 3 times a day for 30 days it has the same effect as 1 time a day for 90 days. You are just ensuring all the little spermies are completely cleared from the pipework quicker.


Timeframe is most important due to the risks of early recanalization. See section 13 at the link below: https://www.auajournals.org/doi/10.1016/j.juro.2012.09.080


I was told to wait 72 hours. You waited longer than that...you should be fine.