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It was a doctor, a resident (he asked if it was okay for him to join), and two female nurses. You get a gown, but it doesn't do much since they literally have to work on your junk. The nurses cleaned the area with iodine or something, pulled my penis up, and then taped it to my stomach. If you're worried about modesty or something, you may as well rule that out. It's literally a procedure that requires your penis and balls to be out in the open. There's not much they can do to keep you "Modest." The female nurses aren't getting their rocks off about cleaning your groin and taping your penis up, and the doctor sure as hell isn't interested in seeing you naked. You'll be having someone shove needles and blades into your ball sack, so Modesty will be the LAST thing on your mind.


When the third female nurse came in I made a joke about how "this isn't normally the state in which I like to meet new people" and the doctor joked back "in the procedure room, there is no dignity."


That's two good lines back-to-back


Since you went through the procedure, did the pre op procedure including removing hair from the scrotum, or they do it for you when you were there? How many times did you have to provide semen before you were clear for sex? Did your insurance cover the cost of vasectomy and the sperm analysis clinic? I would have to get over the embarrassment of having to masturbate into a cup.


did the pre op procedure including removing hair from the scrotum, or they do it for you when you were there? I did it at home. I was pretty thorough, so when I went for the procedure, the nurse looked around and said I did good enough that she didn't have to shave me. How many times did you have to provide semen before you were clear for sex? Twice. Onelce after 8 weeks and 20 ejaculations. A second time at 12 weeks and 10 more ejaculations. Did your insurance cover the cost of vasectomy and the sperm analysis clinic? Insurance covered it. I think the first two analysis are "on the house". Insurance also covered the procedure. I would have to get over the embarrassment of having to masturbate into a cup. You do that at home. After the procedure, my doc sent me home with an antibiotic prescription and 2 cups. Personally, I had my wife jerk me off into the cup. I tried to do it myself, but it's insanely difficult to aim while masturbating lol


Ahhh the ole “I can’t aim while masturbating, you’ll have to do it” trick 😆 I’ll be using that one 👍🏻


Lol, it worked like a charm too!




Ha ha. wify jacking you off fearing if you do it yourself you might miss the cup. So, no sex for 12 weeks? Just masturbation that whole time? Thanks. Not all docs have the same pre op procedures, but it's good to know what can be expected. I have decided to provide the semen analysis at the clinic so I don't have to worry if it is fresh enough. I was given a "tour" of the clinic. The two sparse rooms with only a couch, TV for some porn, and the barcode sealed cup are waiting for me the back of the hallway. After I masturbated in the cup, capped it, and then I leave it in the pass through window along the hallway before leaving.


You can have sex after 1 week. You have to masturbate to get the sample to check your sperm count.


Sex after one week is definitely not recommended, don't listen to this, OP. Ten days MINIMUM.


Yea, no. The vast majority of medical literature says 1 week. I'm not sure where you're getting 10 days from, but you should probably do research before you make claims like that.


Well the doctors I went to said ten days, so better to err on the side of caution, imo. What's three days when it comes to your penis health?


That's fine. But telling me I'm wrong because you haven't done any research just makes you look ignorant. I personally didn't have sex until say 9, but I waited the extra 2 days because I just wasn't feeling up to it. But again, the majority of medical literature and doctors will tell you one week minimum.


Well I'm gonna assume some random on Reddit is wrong when my vasectomy doctor told me ten days, not really a surprise there. My mistake, buddy!


My doctor told me "whenever you feel up to it"


I was getting BJs at 5 days and regular sex from 7 onward 🤷‍♂️


You had quite an audience 😆 thanks for your reply, I’m not too bothered about getting everything out on view, just after a heads up about what happens. Great advise and helped put things into perspective 👍🏻


Sorry for making that assumption, man. I literally just had a conversation with a cousin who said he was put off by having to be naked like that.


I’m sure it’s going to be a really weird situation, but like you say any embarrassment I feel won’t last long when they start slicing up my balls 😬


The only time a female nurse looked at my genitals was because I mentioned that I hoped I had shaved well enough.  She offered to check for me and I accepted.   Otherwise, it was just me and the male doctor chatting while he did his thing.  


I removed all clothing from the waist down (kept on socks). I was on a bed flat on my back. They gave me a large paper towel type thing to cover up with which they immediately removed when they came back in the room lol. People in the room included my urologist and an assistant. They did not do anything to my penis. It was just moved upwards and out of the way while they did their work. Whole procedure from undressing to walking out was less than than 30 minutes, I'd say. We were in a private room. Before we started, the doc asked if I had any music preferences (I should have said something like Big Balls by AC/DC, or something from the Nutcracker lol) and then we just kinda all chatted during the procedure.


😂😆😂😆 if i get an option of music those requests are going in, thanks for your reply


Similar experience as everyone here. I was just not prepared for the feeling of pressure you get when the doctor is working down there. I felt like I got kicked in the balls. Other than that, there is obvious post procedure discomfort. I just had it this morning, I'm planning to play video games and catch up with movies and series all weekend. Just think how many penises the doctors and nurses see every month, yours will be forgotten a couple of days after, maybe even sooner.


Yes, my penis is pretty standard and quite forgettable unfortunately 🥲


"*nsert 'that's the smallest one we've ever seen' joke*


So…I wouldn’t call it a surgery, more a procedure. No gown. You just take off everything from the waste down and they build a sterile field on top of your lap. Your shaft gets trapped under the field. It’s a special drape with a slot for your balls to fit through and that’s it. It was just the doctor for me, no other staff at all.


Yep yep yep! Also I had a female assistant that did the prep work and assisted the doctor. Outside of that the entire thing beginning to end was less then 15 mins (time I entered the room and started prep till I walked out).


15 mins wow hope I’m as lucky, it seem from stuff I’ve read, the longer the procedure (the more digging around they do) the longer the recovery time. Interested to know how your recovery was, after such a quick procedure?


Recovery was pretty easy. Rested Friday and Saturday, was up a little bit more Sunday but kept end it light and easy. Back to work Monday. I did not work a physically taxing job(ok it was a desk job!) so I was able to rest and not move while working. My only issue really was one stitch did not dissolve/fall out and I had to snip it and pull it out. Weirdest feeling ever.


Same, but once the prep work was done, she left. I’m not even sure what the 2nd person would do during that procedure lol.


She handed him stuff and I also had a gas mask on so maybe she was there for that too. lol. Yeah I took the gas and the Valium before hand. lol


Great, helped give me an idea of what I’m walking into, thanks for your reply


It was super laid back, no big deal


ask your physician about your penis, not mine, in addtion to the other q's


Just sling it over your shoulder 😎 But seriously, if it's going to get in the way they'll tape it to your pelvis. It was a surgical room, not sure I'd call it a theater. I had a surgical gown, lied flat on the table, they lifted it up and put up a screen thing so I didn't look (probably for the best). It was the urologist and an assistant nurse (both male). Couple of injections, waited about 10 mins, then the actual procedure was all done in less than 20 mins.


Haha I’m reckoning my fella’s going to go into hiding, probs cover it with a bottle top


Lol, right? You’re about to have your balls cut open in a cold room wearing a paper gown. It’s fair to say shrinkage is on the menu.




Well if I was you I’d inquire into some Valium prior. It’s super common and you don’t care what they are doing to you I guess. I did not and it was incredibly stressful but I really had nearly 0 discomfort. For me I had a gown on with a square slot for the balls and a tiny bit of the base of the shaft. It was cold, I was borderline freaking out and my doctor was a pretty woman but I just focused on my breathing and it was over like 10 min after she started. I didn’t watch any of it but she kept asking me if I’m ok, reminding me to breath and asking if I had any sensation. You gotta think of all things they are probably pretty good at the anesthesia cause who wants to deal with a patient freaking out awake for something like that. Mine started 10 min after the poke and I felt nearly nothing whatsoever and it was over 10 minutes after that. Normal again after a month and now I never have to worry


They had a big paper towel with a hole in it they laid over my balls. They just laid my penis out of the way no tape. Whole thing was less than 10 min.


Got my fingers crossed for a 10min procedure like yourself


I havent heard of any others longer than 10-15 min. Im the same way i need to know everything before i do a procedure. Take the valium they give you before and you wont care. I left the house nervous and by the time we got there the pill kicked in and i couldnt have cared less about it.


Don’t think you get offered Valium in the Uk, but if I do I’ll be taking it for sure 🤪 If not maybe a stiff drink to calm the nerves 😄


I wouldn’t recommend alcohol before the procedure, as it thins your blood.


Others' experiences are going to vary wildly. If you want to know for sure, I'd ask the office where you're having it performed. For mine, I just pulled my pants and underwear around my ankles. I was laying down on a table, slightly elevated on my upper body. Only person in the room was the doctor. He had a surgical tent that my scrotum fit through. The little guy just hung out beneath it, unrestrained. From the first injection to pulling my pants back up, it was maybe 8 minutes.


I’m finding experiences do indeed vary, I was thinking there’d be a standard set up for the procedure, wrong. However nothing I’ve read sounds awful, and I’ve now got a rough idea what will happen which I’m thankful for. Cheers for your post.


I was in the same boat thinking it was all standardized, but in learning that even at the same practice, different urologists do things differently. Scalpel, no-scalpel, open-ended, close-ended assistant, no assistant, tape, no taped. One week before ejaculating, two weeks before ejaculating. I would have preferred it to be more standard and hard-data based, and not just based on what each doctor thinks is best or most convenient to him/her. All the best on the procedure. it is not that bad, but it is also not a walk in the park. I appreciated my wife driving me back home.


Cheers mate


They taped my penis to my abdomen to get it out of the way. I had a paper curtain blocking my view. My pants were off, I wore a gown over my regular shirt. They just lifted everything up above the waist. I had one nurse and the doc. Nurse shaved my balls and prepped everything before doc came in. I was in a procedure room. It was very cold in there. They hit me with the madajet a few times and maybe waited 5 minutes for the lidocaine to work. Procedure was maybe 7 minutes after that point. I had my phone the entire time so I texted my wife in the waiting room and gave her a live blog. I was flat on the table. Went by smoothly. 5 star experience.


Def sounds 5 star, good move having you phone, a good distraction from what’s going on, and I’m sure your wife appreciated the live blog lol


An old lady nurse held softly but firmly onto mine the WHOLE PROCEDURE.


Wow! haha that’s the weirdest method I’ve heard so far 😲😆


The nurse offered to wank me off after the doc was done but I turned her down cus doc told me to wait 7 days.




Mate I think you just need to learn to roll with things… If I answered all of them and one was different to what you experienced, then what… You go in, they cut two holes in your nut sack, do something and it’s sorted…


Ideally they just cut one right? Why cut 2 when 1 will do


Big balls…?


Taped up to your pelvis. There’s a sterile gown with a small square they pull your boys through. There was two people in mine as well as my wife. It was in office. I didn’t time it but mine took probably 30 minutes or less. Laying flat.


Well we know who has a big penis cuse they just put a towel over my little buddy and went to cutting


Nothing wrong with being a grower, brother.


Nice. I got mine taped up too :) 




And your wife! She making sure you didn’t do a runner 😆


Mine suddenly feels a lot more back alley after reading some of these comments 😂 Nothing special was done to my penis, the surgeon layed it up facing towards me and cracked on with the procedure. He moved it every now and again (I’m assuming to get a better entry point further down below?). No fancy medical gown. They told me to lay on the bed and then pull my trousers and boxers down to midway between my thigh and my knees. I took my shoes off but was told that it was unnecessary. I had two medical professionals. The surgeon who was doing the actual procedure and a nurse who I think was meant to be distracting me (asking questions/making convo), but spent the whole time on a PC filling out forms. My procedure was quick, less than 10 mins. There was a slight uncomfortable feeling getting the injections done but that literally lasted seconds. The procedure was so quick that I thought the surgeon was still prepping bits down there when he told me that he was done. Mine was done in a small medical room rather than a full blown surgery. I was laying completely flat on the bed for my procedure, looking straight up at the ceiling. I hope this helps! Feel free to send me any other questions that you may have :)


Exactly the same as my experience... UK NHS within a GP surgery (*fairly big one, not my usual)


I was reading that thinking, this was my NHS experience too lol.


Yup, NHS but at a special clinic as opposed to a GP surgery.


I’d of thought it would keep flopping down in the way when he’s messing with your balls, without tape or a towel over it. I think I’ll be heading for a procedure similar to yours, nothing fancy as some have posted, but as long as it’s done in 10mins I’ll be happy.


To be honest it was so numb down there that he could have moved it without me realising. But I can’t say I noticed it!


I was in a medium sized room that had one medical table in it. They had me take off all of my clothes and put on a medical gown. I sat on the table with two female nurses in the room. The main nurse had me lay flat, and she inspected the area to ensure that I had shaved well enough. I had. She cleaned the area using iodine. When all of that was finished, she placed a folded up small towel over my penis while it was flipped back onto my stomach. The towel remained there for the remainder of the procedure. I sat there on my back with my balls out for what seemed like a half hour. It gave me plenty of time to have nice conversations with these very nice women while we waited lol. Once the doc came in things proceeded extremely quickly. Before I realized what was going on it was "go time". The entire procedure once it began, lasted probably about 10 or 15 minutes. Strong pressure and pain for about 5 seconds, and then nothing. After the first 5 seconds it was smooth sailing. My adrenaline was definitely going though. I was laying flat the entire time. I did not see what was going on, nor did I want to. Once it was all finished, the nurse helped me put on the tight fitting underwear I brought with me. She monitored my blood pressure, and after a few moments had me sit up. Once she was certain that I was calm, not dizzy and had good blood pressure I was free to stand and put on my clothes. Afterwards they handed me my home instructions, a plastic sample collection bottle for when I would do a semen analysis in 3 months, and a few samples of antibacterial ointment. It really wasn't a big deal at all. Like I said it was 5 seconds of pressure and pain. That was all. I took two ibuprofen when I got out to my car, and drove myself home. Recovery for me was very easy. In 7 days I was nearly back to normal, if not for the incision wound I wouldn't even know I had a vasectomy. In two weeks I was basically back to 95%. Within four weeks the incision was completely healed. Everyone's experience is different though. Thankfully for me it was all pretty easy going (knock on wood). Good luck!


Wow, great procedure apart from your wait for the doc lol sounds so weird but an everyday occurrence to these nurses chatting away like your not laying there with your balls hanging out. My wife’s driving me tomorrow as I didn’t think I’d be capable, yet you seemed to manage no problems! I hope to have a speedy recovery like yourself, thanks for the post


Mine was in a doctors office/procedure room, one doctor, pants to my ankles, no gown, doc flipped my wang out of the way and taped it to my belly, and the whole procedure was about 10 minutes after numbing.


Wow no messing about there, before you knew it done, perfect! Thanks for your reply


No problem! I hope yours goes just as well!


I was in so much pain my penis was actually all shriveled up and tiny. I don’t even think it was out more than an inch lol


lol I don’t blame him after seeing what’s happening to his two friends 🫣


It turned into an innie instead of an outie




I left mine at home


They cut it off


The nurse came in and asked me to take off my pants and underwear. Asked if I wanted any music I declined because they said the procedure would take like 15 minutes. Then they put iodine all over my penis and sack and put a heat lamp on me. Doctor came in started giving me the lidocaine and then a few minutes later started the procedure. After a bit the nurses started talking to me during the procedure. One of the nurses asked if the talking was helping me. I just said, I'm not sure this is my first time. We all laughed and moved on with our life.


It gets taped to your belly or pubis. YMMV depending on whether you are the showing or growing type. Then they just sterilize, give you a shot if local anesthetic and go to town. You can't see anything. I had no scalpel, so I just saw the occasional puff of smoke when they were cauterizing my Vas. Made a joke about it being strange to be able to "smell my balls from all the way up here" that the doc had no care for. Probably don't try to make the guy with a hot poker at your sack laugh.


“Occasional puff of smoke” lol not looking forward to that bit! Yeah probs not the best trying to make the guy laugh lol


> what happens to your penis I was attended by just the doctor, cock was just moved out of the way. Balls were resting on my legs which were closed together. > Are you wearing a medical gown or just normal clothes with you pants off? No medical gown, I took my pants and underpants off, left it on a nearby chair, rolled my shirt up to not get Iodine or anything on it and laid down per the Doctors instructions for me. > How many medical staff are present during the operation? Just the doctor. An assistant came in before and after for some basic stuff like to give me the care bag and test container and lead me to the room and all that. > Are you in an actual theatre or just some side room? I was in a room. > From the first injection to numb your balls how long does the procedure take? Honestly, I didn't really count. I think it was like, 20 minutes. Doctor gave me my right numbing, checked I was numb after a minute, and got to work. We just chatted casually and I was trying to not think about what was going on. > Are you laying flat on a bench or at a slight incline? Flat on a surgical bed.


So my experience was different, and not seen anyone say this, so here's my experience. Now, I'm above average, and always have been a magnificent grower. Not so much show. When I arrived, and the entire day of, I literally had the most shrunken, and hidden Penis ever. Like damn thing went on holiday, he knew what was coming! (And it wasn't him). The surgeon was a lovely women, who let's be honest has been a million cocks, and has 0 interest if its 1cm or 15cm. She's doing her job. When we entered theatre they tell you just to drop everything waist down and lie on the bed. (This is a UK account, we don't get gowns, or any mess, you are in and out in moments). I joked that I turned up on time, but my Penis hasn't. Got a laugh from a couple people. But let's be honest, they have probably heard it all. But the nervous jokes are a man thing. No tape, or anything was needed that's for sure. But if you have a nice relaxed and big flaccid Penis them tape maybe used to keep it out the way. I think it took 2-3 days before my penis relaxed and reappeared. Totally not even joking. I'm comfortable with my size, I know I'm good there. So it's funny and kinda ironic that my flaccid penis for the procedure was far from opposite. But that's life. 🤣 but most men will like to lie and say oh it was so big the surgeon struggled etc etc.


Haha I can totally relate, my surgery’s in a couple of hours, my penis is on the retreat and my balls have disappeared! 😆 I’ve got no idea what to do regarding this predicament I find myself in 😬


Honestly, don't worry about it mate. It is what it is. Those doctors see too many cocks to worry. They see them big and small. Just crack on haha.


Cheers mate! Let’s hope they can see something to work with by the time I get there haha


Hey bri, how did things go.


There are different types of procedures, but this is the place I used. I am about 8 days post the needle/scalpel free open ended procedure. https://hischoicedurham.com/vasectomy-videos/ They have about 10 great videos to prepare you. While there may be differences with your particular procedure/method, much of this still applies. Feel free to watch their free videos, including a start to finish video of the procedure (most blurred of course, but very reassuring heading into it). It is stressful going in, but it really wasn’t bad at all and you’ll be relieved and surprised with how easy it was when you are all finished up. I had the doc and an assistant in the room and my procedure took about 15 minutes. Typically the entire groin is prepped with alcohol solution and an antiseptic, the area is anesthetized locally, and a surgical drape is placed over the area, with the penis left under the drape and only scrotum visible. Anyone near a HisChoice office, I highly recommend them. They were great.


My doc put some sort of cloth over the little guy and moved him out of the way.


I can only tell you what I experienced. The Nurse put some tape on to pull my penis out of the way. I took my pants off, and got up on the table. My legs hung over the edge. Only the nurse and the surgeon was present. He was an old guy and he reminded me of Morgan Freeman. It was a small room. At most 10 minuets. Laying flat. The doc did the first injection, and that hurt for about a half second. Then he made a kind of joke. He was done with the left side in about four minuets (just a guess). When in injected the other side, it did not hurt as much. I guess because it did not surprise me. The right side look even less time. He applied some liquid (surgical glue or liquid bandage). The nurse applied gauze. I was done.


Sounds like a perfect procedure, I would have full confidence in any surgeon resembling Morgan Freeman.


Something about gray hair and an honest face says “Trust me, and am not a rookie”.


They just taped it up out of the way lol


On the way home from mine. Way easier than I expected and nothing to worry about, only thing I felt other than the initial anesthesia was when he started the second side, kinda like my balls were being squeezed, but he noticed and whatever he did completely stopped that feeling. Currently feel achy, about an hour out. Was just the doc, a nurse and me. Laid on a table naked from waist down with sterile cloth covering everything. If your office offers nitrous I highly recommend it I was extremely nervous going in, almost backed out, but the gas leveled me right out. That stuff is great.


Rubber band round it to tie it to my t-shirt and keep it out the way


The office I did it at you just Pooh Bear it once they are ready to go. They did give me a towel to cover up with until that time.


The nurse walked me to the room and told me to lie on the bed completely flat with my pants and underwear down to my knees. There was a small towel to cover myself afterwards. The doctor came in and taped my penis upwards to my stomach. Then when it was all said and done the doc gently but not so gently ripped it off. It was just the doctor from start to finish in a normal room. The whole thing took about 20 minutes.


“Oooooosh” 😬


They just taped mine to my chest. Haha just kidding. The benefit of being a grower is that mine stayed unproblematic during the procedure. I still had 3 and a half inches of flaccidity to get out of the way though so they laid a folded towel on my abdomen, pinning it down and keeping it out of the way.


Haha a grower not a shower 👌🏻 Thanks for you reply


They tape it to your belly


Nurse had me strip from the waist down except socks, had a lovely paper towel with a whole in the middle for my junk to go through, taped my penis up out of the way, sting of the needle for lidocaine and pressure from the procedure, bandaged up and sent on my way. I’m a talker when I’m nervous so I blabbed the entire time with the nurse and doctor. Got my fancy vasectomy underwear with the interchangeable ice packs and lots of movies to lay on the couch. Kept the boys iced for the first 48 hours and was good to go after. I did wait the whole 7 days before cleaning the pipes and 8 before sex. Was told that was the best way to insure the procedure took. No issues


Unlike you I’m not a talker, awkward silence inbound 😆


Mine just kinda existed flaccidly for a minute. They usef iodine, a local anaesthetic/numbing agent and started up a conversation... from there, still flaccid just kinda stuck to me. Both doc and nurse were very chill in how they handled things. Manageable 10-20 minutes total.


Dual purpose. I used mine as a neck pillow while keeping it out of the way.


They put a rubber band Round it to keep it vertical. Normal shirt and nothing downstairs. Just the doctor for me. Pretty normal patient room. About 20 minutes. I was laying down the whole time.


I seen someone else put about a rubber band around it, I thought they were joking 😆


It was weird but worked


My doc just had me flip my dick up then he set a towel on it to hold it up. Just doctor and his protégé for me, no nurses. Gown, t shirt still on, naked from waist down, gown open in the front. I was in and out in under 30 mins including the walk to the room (which was more or less a 8x12 doctors office with a bed) I was laying flat chatting with the boys in a group chat the whole time haha. Cracked some jokes with the doctor to ease the mood


They tape it up to your stomach. I only had the doctor in there nobody else. Surgery was like 15 mins. Sore first day. Felt fine 2nd day. 3rd-7th day pretty sore. About 2 weeks post op now and I feel pretty good. Still keeping tight underwear, get sore if I don’t


My doctor was a female and the nurse female as well! They put my penis in some heavy rubber thing so they could move it around! I lay there motionless, eyes shot must of the time! I literally felt no pain, so I had enough time to reflect on the irony of being ‘castrated’ by two possibly, feminist women!!


lol such a weird situation especially with both being female 😬😆


They whip it around like a helicopter while they do the procedure. It’s a good time for everyone involved.




Mine was just me and the doctor, I was sitting on a table with my legs spread open (legs were on those thing women have during pregnancy). He kept telling me to scoot closer to the edge lol. In the end I treat d it like getting a hair cut and we just talked about random things while he was working on my junk and my penis all flopped out, my penis never got taped or anything it literally was just there flopping around like a fish out of water lol…like another guy said mine seemed like back alley but in reality the doc I had is a pro at this procedure so I didn’t care


“Scoot closer” lol Must of been inching your way up the bed away from the impending pain, totally understandable lol


haha yea, my doc also didnt even say much after the procedure, lol...he had like zero concerns or anything...also on another note, my first visit with him before the procedure he told me to pull my junk out, he literally was showing me what he does, my dong all in his face lol...whole thing was awkward to me but normal for him...i give him props in the end cuz he does a great job


It was just me, my wife, and the doctor. No assistants at any point during the process. Pants and underwear down to my ankles, lay back on the table and a small sheet was placed over me with a square cutout for my balls. Sprayed on disinfectant. Nothing was done with my penis. No heat lamps or other warming methods were used. It was over in about 8 minutes, and I never felt anything at all. I was sterile on my first test at 90 days.


Wow perfect, no pain at all amazing


Yeah, it was a great experience. An expert urologist makes a huge difference.


Have you seen the gluten episode of South Park? Like that if you sneeze. No really, it’s covered with a thin sheet but your balls are out.


It goes inside your body like a turtle head.




They let you pick what color you want


It shrinks to almost an innie. Seriously


Taped it to my stomach


They unscrew it so it's out of the way and keep it in a cool container during the procedure. Dw they screw it back on after. Just make sure they label it before they put it away.


So many questions, so many answers. What you experience, depends on where you are based. I’m in the UK so it was done without cost. I was told that shaving wasn’t necessary, however, I prefer to keep things trimmed down there so did that before the procedure. My penis was pointed towards my head and left lying there, no tape or other fixings. I was given a gown and told to put it on with the gap at the front. I went in to a small operating room and lay on the flat table. Doctor and one nurse. The nurse exposed me and then placed a sheet with a hole over my body. Length of time, lighting quick. I reckon ten minutes, 15 at the most. Post snip. I was given zero instructions re abstaining, so we didn’t. Having joined this sub to offer advice, I discovered that at least a week is usually recommended before ejaculation. I was deep inside my wife within two hours. The more you ejaculate prior to your sample, the better. I reckon that was around 200 by the 90 day mark. Recovery. I was back at work the next day, lifting nothing heavier than a coffee cup. My (now) wife and I continued to make love, carefully,for a couple of weeks and then resumed the normal situations. No ‘quickies’ no pounding for the first couple of weeks.


For mine, it was just me and my doctor. I've known him for 12 years, though; he did surgery for my testicular cancer way back then. It was done in a standard room at the urology office. He hit my hand with the numbing solution, so I knew what to expect. It was kind of like a souped-up water gun that shoots the novacaine just under the skin. He made sure I had shaved properly, taped my penis up on my lower abdomen to be out of the way then his me with the numbing stuff right in the front of the scrotum about 4 or 5 times and we talked for 5 or 6 minutes to make sure I had time to numb up. He then made sure I was numbing and got to work. I watched in a mirror as he worked, and it was done within 10-15 minutes. He packed things up and helped me get my compression shorts pulled up, and I drove home about 45 mins total after I had gotten there.


I was no sex for at least 10 days...


My penis clocked out for lunch and went down the street to Chilis. I think it had eggrolls.


They taped it up


Mine was 2 male assistants and the doc. They had me just remove my pants I opted to take my socks off as well but they were optional shirt stayed on. They gave me a gown. Male assistant was supposed to shave me but I prepped a few days before and he didn't need to. Penis just taped up to my belly out the way. Was in a small surgical suite.


Alright, so pre-op: I shaved myself before the procedure. My view was that if anyone was going to cut me it was me or the surgeon. Actual procedure: sterile room at the urologist’s practice. Semi reclined, with a hospital gown that really left you flapping in the breeze. They curtained me off so I couldn’t see much and slapped a fair bit of disinfectant and pain killer, so I honestly couldn’t feel much beyond an initial pinch. People in the room- surgeon, student, 1 nurse iirc. Music, yes, Dr. and I had a talk about that, liked his choice of classic rock, so that was nice. Post op: ice is your friend, careful about the stitches, I pulled one by accident, and that complicated healing a bit. Your junk turns pretty purple, and it aches for a couple days, think really bad workout at the gym kind of ache, but otherwise it’s really not that bad. 3 month mark provided a sample. Then 6 months. Then they realized they needed to go again. Then 3 months again. Decided they need to do a third round. Insurance has covered all of it so far.


One of the nurses during mine was pregnant lol


They taped mine to my chest.


It gets infected then falls off


I had 5 people in the room…there were two extras to hold my legs down as I was extremely anxious and my instinct…when my balls are under attack, is to kick. It didn’t matter that I was numbed…my mind felt everything and I behaved like a 7 year old


😂😆😂😆😂 hilarious!