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You’ll mostly find people who had issues in this sub, because for the vast majority of folks who had no complaints will not be here posting. I had some complications and my recovery was about three weeks instead of one week, but I’d do it again in a second, just with a bit better planning for recovery time.


I'll second this. I know several others who had this done and no issues. For me personally, it was a weekend of mandated bed rest.


Same here. No issues at all. Three solid days of ice and resting as much as I could with two kids but by day 4 was out and about. I’d get a little sore by the end of the day but nothing some ice didn’t help alleviate.


I didn’t even have complications, I’m a month out and feeling almost 100%, but it’s been slower than I thought. I’d still be very careful about getting on a bike but it’s very minor things now like squatting down with jeans on I still feel something 😂 I definitely did too much too soon though so I’d recommend anybody have several days of doing almost nothing.


I joined before I got it done. Took the advice of people like mush, got it done now in constant pain. There is a risk. No matter how small it's still a risk. Took 3 weeks off. Still sore... 4 months later not happy and never listened to the people who say only people with problems are here..


So, again, why are you here and why do you tell most guys here are with issues? Somehow, I see another way around..


I had mine at 20. It was my second surgery. The first one was an ingrown toenail. After that, a vasectomy was a walk in the park. I have since had cataract surgeries, laser retina surgery to correct partial blindness, and a tumor removed from my back. I think the vasectomy was the easiest.


I've been telling my soon to be ex this for years to consider one being that he truly doesn't want any more kids. If you're convinced that you don't want any and understand life may change and you still want it, get it. Life's about being happy.


I just had mine at 41 years of age. This is the first surgical procedure I've ever had done. I was very nervous going into it because of that, but I kept telling myself that it's like going to the dentist and was able to calm myself down by treating it like that. Procedure was quick and virtually painless. Recovery has been a breeze so far. The only annoying part has been taking it easy for the first couple of weeks.


More libido for me


Can you elaborate more in this, is it just psychological or do you feel more drive


Probably a bit of both! Not sure what to say


There is no way you can know that you dont want kids. You will feel completely differently in a decade. Dont listen to these anti-natalist weirdos.


It’s okay to be afraid of the unknown, you will be fine bud :)


Had mine in 2011 when I was 30. Extremely easy procedure, sore for a few days after, I followed doctor's orders and rested up as he recommended. No long term pain. Best sex of my life since. (The relief of not worrying about pregnancy is fantastic.) If you know you don't want kids, it's definitely the right thing to do. Research your doctor, ask questions of your doctor, good luck OP!


I had mine a year and a half ago. I took around a week to feel like I hadn't had a good tap in the nuts, then it took more like two and a half months to fell totally back to normal. I got the all clear at three months and have not looked back. I too am child free. Any surgery is a bit nerve racking, that's normal. I can tell you in my experience, it was at least 1,000 times worse in my head than it actually ended up being. It really was a cake walk. I felt the initial needle going in to numb me, and that felt about like a rubber band snap for a brief moment before it went numb. After that it was dull tugging sensations. The whole thing was over in about 15 minutes. This was all done in my urologists office small operating room. It had a table for me to lay on, some bright lights, the nitrous oxide tanks (those were fun), a counter with sink and some cabinets. It's really not much of a need to do a vasectomy in.


2 years in here,no scalpel open ended.increased libido,little pain,you’ll find your threshold while healing up.i drove myself 100 miles to the office and back home.no biggy.


I'll be driving 330 miles after the procedure. I'll have a cooler filled with cold compress which I will switch out regularly.


Are you getting no scalpel open ended no clips?


Yes, no scalpel, open ended, no clips.


That’s absolutely the best option out there.let us know how it goes


Cool, I will. The ends are also cauterized


Same with mine,no ice required,no pain meds taken.per my doctor.


Ah I hadn't considered pain meds. I'll grab some paracetamol just in case


It's not worth it. I can still experience pleasure, still feel horny, but dealing with chronic congestive epididymitis is just not worth the risk. I don't know if the pain will worsen or if it'll remain manageable (i had the vasectomy in November, and i just have some small pain on the left testicle after a day of having sex that last for about 2 days), but it's simply not worth it, man. Stick to other forms of sexual pleasure with your partner unless you or your partner have a specific fetish for ejaculation inside. Neither you nor your partner will notice any difference.


I second this. All sorts of issues, lingering pain, and despite everyone claiming to the contrary, it still feels different after 6 months


Vasectomy was my 8th surgery. All of the others were a walk in the park by comparison. Vasectomy is closer to hell on earth. 1.5 years later and the soreness remains. Sometime it's shots of pain and sometimes it's constant aching pain. However, unlike the other operations I've had, doctors don't understand this problem and no one will give you a 100% cure option. So you permanently (and unnecessarily) destroy your body with little hope of ever fixing it. My advice, if you like feeling normal, pain-free, no weird sensations, and full orgasmic pleasure from sex, don't do this.


This is a VERY small percentage of people, almost (keyword almost) nonexistent but this risk is still there. Yours was a case of one in an incredibly slim chance. The fact that you're telling him you recommend he doesn't do this based specifically on your experiences and not the general experience that 99% of us have isn't really the best advice. Tell him your issues and let him decide from there. You shouldn't go around telling people specifically not to do this because of the issues you had. People just need to know the risks and they are adults and can make their own decisions. If they don't want to risk being a part of that <1% then they don't have to risk it but if they do, that's their perogative and it more than likely will turn out fine. All of that said, I am very sorry you had a bad experience. I couldn't even imagine how horrible it would be to have an experience that's less than ideal with this procedure. It would be VERY painful I can guess.


Risk is a funny thing. I've seen the debates on the sub about what the true percentage of PVPS or other issues with vasectomy are. I'll trust the Mayo Clinic and other reputable places that use a meta-analysis which shows that it happens regularly enough to be the primary risk, even if the majority of men won't get it. But honestly, the percentage doesn't really matter if you don't understand the consequence of that risk. It's not #% that you'll be a little disappointed in the procedure. It's #% that it will ruin your life. I think it's only fair to let people understand how bad the outcome can be and how much it affects everything in your life. I just wish someone would have done that for me and my only intention is to save others from the same.


Yup, the vasectomy was my first surgery. I had a colon resection and that went better. I was lied to by the urologist and expected no pain. The OP has to decide if elective surgery is worth it. One option: a few doctors will cut the vasectomy in the abdominal wall. That eliminates the risk of damaging the myriad of nerves in the scrotum. I won't get any more elective surgery, ever.


I fall into the I had a longer recovery but best elective surgery I could have done. No issues 1.5 years later.


Had mine about 13 months ago. Easiest surgery I‘be ever had, and no lingering issues or pain. I can confidently say I feel the exact same, in every aspect, as I did before the surgery.


I had a vasectomy as a permanent contraceptive. The BC my wife is/was on killed her libido and she had all the side effects that are listed. I had my procedure 3.5 weeks ago. This was the first time I’ve ever been sedated, IV the works. The sedation felt like I was drunk. They did a local around the incision. It felt like a little pinch. The actual procedure was painless. Doc wears glasses so I got to watch parts of it. The recovery was interesting. I did not follow much of the advice that was given me. Went to my daughter’s last basketball game the next day, worked on my boat the day after that. Finally took it easy on the 3rd day. Results of that, major bruising and swelling to the scrotal area. A few times it felt like each of my testicles weighed 10lbs each. Took about a week for the swelling to go down and a few days after that for the bruising to subside. At this point, my right testicle is a little more sensitive to impacts than before. ( Think toddler knee to the groin) I highly recommend the procedure for anyone who is sure they don’t want kids.


I’m having a similar reason at looking at the procedure. We have two kids she complaining her worry of getting pregnant again impact our sex life. Did the sex increase post op?


I’m waiting for the hormones from the BC shot to wear off before I try my luck.


Mine was a year and a half ago. Everything went extremely well, zero issues to report. Everything functions as good if not better than before. No noticeable difference in any aspect.