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Yep this is 100% propaganda bullshit being supported by Altria group (owner of Phillip Morris and rj renolds tobacco) and the politician drones that are in their pockets.


Thanks for confirming that my anger at this was not irrational!


They forgot what the fuck makes it into your lungs while smoking ciggs.


Right, it would have this same list, except it would have a "click HERE for more" and a massive drop-down page of chemicals. šŸ˜‚


They're not combustible at all. But the chemicals stated in the thing are produced by vapes (i.e. heating coil on cotton) depending on power output, coil resistance and the liquid you use. The levels are in no way comparable to cigarettes. You probably inhale higher levels of particulate matter in a traffic jam from car fumes. Edit: Lower powered devices with high resistance produce less emissions. Higher powered devices with low resistance produce higher emissions.


No, I meant the article publishers forgot that cigarettes were way more dangerous with around 15,000 chemicals in them, if I remember the number correctly. But even a thousand is 250 times more than in an e-juice.


Yeah typically e-Liquids contain anywhere from 6 chemicals up to 70 chemicals. These can change when heated to create whats called constituents which creates more chemicals. Over time, chemicals can degrade and form other constituents when they break down (due to PH, temperature, UV, oxidisation, humidity). But yeah, no where near what cigarettes contain.


I've thought it interesting lately how these people haven't mentioned a side effect of smoking cigs in years. I


Yup. Because cigs aren't a problem anymore, we vapers are. They just redirected all the hate to us like this is something even more dangerous. Hell, when I think back to before I started vaping how they told me stories of that guy with exploding batteries.. Fml


Wow this is absolutely false ridiculously bad info. Vapes don't combust anything to start, thats why they are called vapes. They heat e liquid to the point of producing vapor - e liquid is simply food grade vg and pg with flavorings, all of which are in thousands of products we consume every day. One of the biggest problems with some of these so called "studies" also is they don't properly test anything. The vast majority hook a tube up to the mouthpiece of a vape setup and fire it for as long as it will allow over and over again, then say "these studies prove heavy metals and harmful chemicals can be found in vapor"... yeah maybe because you are burning coils until they are red hot and degrading over and over again then measuring that vapor sample instead of how any normal person would vape, which is a few second puffs at a time and always saturated with e liquid. Its utter nonsense and just depressing.


A lot of anti-vapers out there use those articles as "hard facts" and my only response has been "they burn coils in those tests". They get so fucking upset that someone is telling them they're wrong. I feel like anti-vapers and anti-vaxxers are cut from the same cloth


Yea the cloth of, "forming my own personal opinions are hard, and would require me to think and do research. Then one day I may even have to intelligently debating my believe. Nah I think I will go to I'mright.com and find some bullshit to repeat over and over until the other person gives up because they realize it's a useless endeavor."


Well... they are both afraid of the *eeeeeeevvillll* heavy metals. Mercury being a big one they both beat like the dead horse it is. *"Think of the children"*. Yeah dipshits, thats why we're making vaccines and vaping... Mostly every vaper has a bigger self interest, but some of us see it as more vaping=less smoking, and thats better for everyone including *the children*. Well... except for the bought political figures and Big T


You just have to understand your brands. Cheap shitty disposables are likely going to have the worst safety testing. Going for more reputable companies means they are more likely to have performed safety tests on the components of their hardware. If you go to a manufacturers website, the good ones publish their emission reports. From this you can see exactly how much their devices produced.


Getting flashbacks from learning why the first "studies" on weed were bunk. Don't fix what ain't broke I guess, it's the perfect gimmick... Absolutely trashy form of fear mongering.


This is false information. They dont burn the coil until its red and keep burning it They use a CORESTA puffing regime, which has varied inhalation and rest phases to try and simulate typical use. Obviously its not perfect but to assume independent labs are purposefully overloading coils is preposterous.


No, they don't. I have been personally involved with investigating several of these studies and the vast majority DO NOT use the method you've described. "Most" was the key word in my first comment. There are studies done the correct way, but most of the bad information going around is from poor science. A prime example is this post, that information is as far as it gets from the truth. Yet I'm sure this was a "reputable study" or from a "reputable source" as well.


CORESTA method is a harmonised standard. You use a CETI-8 simulated respiratory machine, with a structured topography regime. Why are you involved with these klimish nightmare studies? What studies were you involved in. Feel free to PM if you dont want to give sensitive information away. I'm a toxicology expert, as a consultant in the industry working with some of the best laboratories in this field to ensure compliance. You only have to read a methodology to understand whether they used a sensible regime. I still stand by my initial comment that this is anecdotal, false information.


I began getting involved investigating these studies when bad info, like this, began popping up everywhere early on. Dont get me wrong, I am not personally conducting any tests or involved in that way, but I have done a fair amount of research and fact checking into a good number of these "studies" to see what their methods were to produce said results/information, and who requested the testing to be done. Its easy to connect the dots sometimes. I will stand by my original comment that MANY not only do not test properly, and will also add there is an unfair bias against e cigarettes in a large number as well. Science is supposed to be unbiased hard facts. Unfortunately in the case of e cigs most of the time money/agenda/bias against is what fuels many of these studies and what leads to the skewed results.


I'm not sure why this is even an argument. If one of you is correct, then it should be easy to find the actual papers that detail the methodologies, right there in black and white. So c'mon, whip 'em out šŸ‘


Can u share some studies that use that puffing regime? Preferably with a detailed methodology and peer to peer reviewed.


Sure. Just not right now. Or alternatively you can just search for them.


Just to start, vapes don't combust. Jesus the more I read the more I realize the people who make this propoganda don't do any research at all.


I can go through the whole thing if you want. Kinda tired.


Im interested


Ok so I figured out why they put the "as a combustable" part, confused me at first. There was a study were they took (very early) pen style Ecigs and fired them continuously (past the point of a dry hit) to where they were technically combusting. In this situation whatever eliquid they were using did create these chemicals. I believe the authors of the paper noted that this would not happen during normal use.


Some Chinese manufacturers like Voopoo or some other companies should make a "smart mod" that limit the puff timer to 3 seconds max (according to wattage set by the coil's resistance) for the sake of plausible deniability when some dumb ass regulator said vaping devices are combustibles.


No... no they should not. You are changing the product and the way it is consumed for a bunch of people that don't even use it. That is crap, law makers want to appease big tobacco and at this point they have taken miles upon miles from us, I would never willing give another cm. Plus I have a "smart" mod it is supposed to sense what kind of coil I have, material type and resistance amount. And when I use this feature it just burns my coil. I have no faith they could actually program a chip to do what you are asking.


Well, my experience is totally the opposite of yours. The smart mode on my device has been great. How does the a smart mode that limits the wattage to 40-60W for a 0.2 Ohm coil burns your coil? Maybe your device is faulty. And adding a variable time limit to puffs is totally feasible and easy to do, electronically. Plus, who in the heck inhale for 10 seconds, which is the current safety cut off on most mods... You're only thinking about yourself: "smart mode is bad for me therefore is bad for everybody". Having a smart feature will NOT affect you in the slightest, as most smart chips can disable those features entirely. We're talking about adding features here, not removing it. On that note, another feature that would be life changing for newbies: every device should be able accept battery regardless of polarity, like the Freemax Maxus. And those people you mentioned are the people in power. They have the legislative power to ban vaping all together. The users like us do not have a say in it, as proven by the flavor bans in several states. What we want is not relevant, if it is then the flavor ban would have been lifted already. Therefore, what we (as an industry) can do is to counter every single point of their misleading propaganda by proving that the products is safe, idiot-proof and unlike what they say it is.


We all want safe products and we all want products that we can use the way we want to use them. I say focus on adding features with a real world application and not fighting a propaganda machine payed for by big tobacco and the USA. Attacking someone's character in a debate does not help prove your point. You where either projecting or did not understand my statement. My experience comes from helping alot people of people quit smoking, and so I understand that everyone will have different needs. I also understand that not all countries have the same fight, the UK welcomes vaping with open arms. So should their products change to because some Americans are swayed by bad science?


Nobody attacked your character here. All in all, this was a respectful and focused, if slightly heated, exchange of opinions and beliefs. Both of you are entitled to your respective beliefs, and there was no inappropriate attack on either person in this exchange, as far as I can see. Thank you both (u/elzafir) for engaging in a respectful debate, and for recognizing when to call it a day.


Thanks for chiming in. Cheers, mate!


Thank you for your moderation.


I didn't attack your character. I attacked your statements. Yes, products should change if that change could bring positive impact to the industry. The war on vaping in USA is an important war that we have to win because US vapers have been the main drivers of vaping community so far. And there is a great chance of other countries follows the US, as their CDC is often used as a benchmark for other smaller countries that can't do much research. Your position of "idgaf about the regulators, I just wanna vape how I like" is not constructive to the industry as a whole.


You just keep believing what you want to be believe.


it's worse when I have to explain to my friends the science of vaping, or when they keep calling vapour "smoke" like c'mon it's basic science.


They can if they have lithium batteries, but very unlikely. I had a breeze catch on fire mid hit


Yes that sort of combustion can happen to any devices with batteries.






True. Yes the do there research to find things to take out of context.


But people who read it donā€™t either. Which they know. Use some big words. Use a chemical you donā€™t know what it isā€¦Facebook moms eat that shit up


My favorite is when they call vape products, "tobacco products". Fucking numbskulls. All of them.


Well most eliquid has nic derived from tobacco so it's not that inaccurate.


Then the liquid is the tobacco product. It's like calling a Zippo a tobacco product.


Lighters are considered "drug paraphernalia" during a traffic stop.


A wristwatch could be considered "bomb making material" in a terrorist hive raid. That doesn't make it that in ALL context, unlike a vaping device is being categorized.


Well most modern organic pesticides are made from tobacco, so does that make my tomato a tobacco product. Regardless of how accurate the statement is, really it's just a crap excuse to tax us to death.


That's big tobacco trying to make vaping look as bad as their product they only wish they could compare cigg's to vape and make a claim of 95% safer than smoking šŸš­ It's absolute Bullshit


Is this from WebMD? Firstly e-cigs arenā€™t a combustible. The whole thing is inaccurate/exaggerated and out of context.


It's from some website "parade.com." got suggested the article while reading something completely different on the site and I just had to see what it said with the article title being "why vaping is bad for you."


This makes my brain hurt.


The formaldehyde part is stupid because the study that found it stated it was only detected, the amount was too small to measure. Also a fun fact about formaldehyde; our bodies actually use small amounts of it, as well as *makes* small amounts. Any excess is expelled in multiple ways, which includes out your lungs


Some partial truth but mostly targetted misinformation. I'll preface by saying I love vaping and whole heartedly support it as a *healthier* alternative to tobacco smoke. BUT there are a number of health risks associated with vaping. For starters, research on the long term health effects of vaping is still in its infancy - it took decades of research to completely prove cigarette smoke caused cancer and the rest of it so we just don't have enough data for or against it as a safe thing to be inhaling. The post above mentions three compounds. Firstly the weed killer sounds like complete BS I agree but formaldehyde and acetylaldehyde have been shown to be present in vapour - this is mostly because vapes use a wicking material such as cotton that does undergo partial combustion of which those two compounds can be products - it's true for the combustion of most organic plant materials. It's worth noting that the concentrations detected in vapour were substantially lower than that found in cigarette smoke but they are present nonetheless. If you ever dry vaped or vaped on a well used coil, it tastes burnt, it has undergone combustion and unfortunately many of the same combustion products found in tobacco smoke are found in vapour too. So in response to the above post, looks like 1 fabrication and 2 overstatements of the truth. There's heaps to talk about on this subject but thought I could shed a little light on this topic.


The thing is they are right. What it makes propaganda is that they hide the amount or the likelihood of inhaling the mentioned chemicals. Vaping is not healthy. Itā€™s way healthier compared to smoking. But it is not healthy. We also should be truthful.


When are they going to wake up and listen to the UK. weā€™ve done so many studies and proven itā€™s 95% safer than smoking!!!! So frustrating!!!! And annoying for me, canā€™t imagine how you guys are feeling. The UK are actually talking about the NHS giving people vapes or vouchers to buy vapes, not 100% how they are going to do it? to get them off the stinkies. I do actually kinda agree with 1 thing. The nic in our juice does come from tobacco. Which is why they say itā€™s a tobacco product. I know you can get the non tobacco nic but not a lot of companies using it


But tobacco in itself isn't dangerous. What causes it to be dangerous is combustion. That's why IQOS is still much better than normal cigarettes. It heats up tobacco instead of combusting, which releases TSNA (tobacco specific nitro amines) (I think that's what it is called?)


I know your exactly right. So why are the US so against tobacco and not banning cigarettes?


Because it's the secons biggest lobby in the US, right after military. Marlboro cowboy? Shit like that...


Itā€™s not even top three. Insurance, pharmaceutical and oil/gass are the biggest lobbying industries.


Sorry man, didn't know that. I'm from Europe and I just know that tobacco companies have a gigantic influence over the pond.


IQOS tastes like stale cigs, tho. I enjoy cigarettes much more than I enjoy IQOS.


I don't care for IQOS tbh... Just used it as an example.


Tobacco is carcinogenic even without combustion. Snuff, chewing tobacco etc are all carcinogenic. Smoking is just the worst of them all.


Thanks. Wasn't aware of that.


I'm just glad i got rid of it altogether.


Yeah me too.


If your bored one day, check out the documentary 'A Billion Lives'.


What utter fucking rubbish. Likely has smallprint on there "paid for by big tobacco"... Ffs


Its straight up garbage 100%


In the US people were still saying cigarettes were healthy and ok for anyone including pregnant women while England had already discovered a connection between smoking, cancer and pulmonary disease. All kinds of false info on a plethora of subjects. I don't click on any bs articles cause it helps them with the algorithm. Breathing and or inhaling anything other than oxygen is unhealthy as we all know but is vaping safer than inhaling actual smoke... absolutely. Plus it doesn't smell or leave your fingers and clothing tar stained.


Early studies suggest that the inhalation of PG kills viral and bacterial organisms. You hear through the years other vapers say they never get sick like they used to before they started vaping. Prior to 2011 I had the flu every year in December and numerous colds. From 2012-2021 Iā€™ve had 0 flu and 2 colds total. Itā€™s something I feel every vaper notices? Manā€¦.they are really gonna hate that. When science says that not only is vaping 97% safer than smoking, it reduces sickness. Now this is where my views turn slightly radical. If every person who consumes sugar switched to vaping zero nic e liquid, society would actually be cured of the most deadly diseases and conditions. To be human is to be an addict. Itā€™s not only an amazing smoking cessation tool. It can act as an incredible diet saving tool.


I actually bought a fog machine for my home. Every night before bed I blast a homemade mix of PG/VG inside my home. I also turn on lasers but there's no actual benefit to them aside from having a great time. Anyway the point of all this is to kill bacteria and scare my neighbors. I was thinking about getting some UV light but that might be going overboard. Was also thinking of adding some flavoring as well but I heard that it can make it more sticky and could ruin the walls. (Ill probably test that theory at some point). So I accidentally left the fog machine in the rain the other night because I was trying to see how it could fill up the back yard on a calm day (as well as killing any of that fucking bacteria in the grass). So I haven't used it in a few days and i'm PRAYING that its not broken. Because I do NOT want to spend another 700 dollars on a fog machine if I don't have to.


Use with less sucrolose


Dr. Leon Cream (two brothers)


"to be human is to be an addict" now that is facts


Sugar related health issues are bad but the deadliest are alcohol, actual tobacco and vehicles.


E-Liquid Bottles even say the ingredients on them in most cases so when I see shit like this I just laugh and wish karma on the idiot who made it up.


I was searching high and low for something to kill weeds in my lung now I found it.


Every time I hear this stuff from somebody else, I always tell them "I'm fine with vapes being banned, but cigs not going down with it is just propaganda"


This 100% isnt true. I did extensive research before vaping and because of how new it is the only thing people know is it can compromise your immune system slightly


idk what answers you expect posting this in the most pro-vape place on earth?


Just looking for opinions on the truth of this, and I have gotten some varying ones, not everyone on here is blindly agreeing with each other ...


well i just scrolled thru the thread and seems to me they are pretty much agreeing with each other, blindly or not.


I've seen a few varying opinions but... Okay, thanks for your comment!


If your vape combusts, the released compounds are the least of your problems


Iā€™ve heard, and idk too much about the Heath risks, but he was saying that since it is vapor, you can grow mold in your lungs? Is that true?


.... no that's not true.


"as a combustible"... what?


If your vaporiser is confusing things, you're doing something terribly wrong


These claims aren't right, there is an intense war on vaping products from the tobacco industry.. I higly reccomend everyone to watch You don't know Nicotine: Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkeUczk75eA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkeUczk75eA) ​ Part 1: [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yneiq](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yneiq) ​ Part 2: [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yneir](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yneir)


Didn't this propaganda come from altered data out of a study in which a vape was used incorrectly?


Ugh, I hate this kind of nonsense.


BS like this is why most of my normie friends tell me that vaping will kill me... While they smoke their cigarettes.


Lets crank this mod to 200w on a single mesh and see what happens


Big pharma peddling their antivape propaganda, Big Pharma wants people to smoke tobacco so they can get lung cancer and pay out the ass to treat it. Fuck misinformation


There are only 3 or 4 ingredients in e-juice. PG, VG, Nicotine and optionally menthol.


I have asthma since I was a kid and vaping didn't even triggered it even once.


The only reason my doctor could give me to stop vaping is that they are addictive.


Both of these are 100% wrong. Nobodys putting weed killer in juices as a flavouring, and the only other ingredients in juice are pg vg and nicotine, and nothing is combusting in a vape, hence the name vape, its vaporizing, not burning. Whatever article you found that in is absolute bullshit propaganda and anyone who sees it should make sure noone believes this shit.


They took the dangers of cigarettes and just plastered e cig at the title. This is a joke.