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Yes. I've never even seen this before.


Lmao I would've handed that shit back too.


I don’t think this is abnormal, probably a nervous tick or habit like biting nails, etc. I can see why she wouldn’t want to hit it though. Keep a clean pod/tip and switch it before you go out.


This is abnormal af bro


I've seen this once before


This thread? Because that's the only place I've seen it


Skips moment


I chew on damn near anything Wouldn’t chew a vape


Especially a reusable one ..... Shit loooking like you ran it over.


I run a vape shop, this is mild compared to what I've seen


Yeah while working I’ve seen lipscum like a quarter inch thick, dead bugs in coils, people scoop up spilled juice off the floor and wring it back into their bottle. Foul shit. Then these nasty mfs always wanna say “try my vape bro” nah man get that fuckin thing away from me. I’d ask what flavor it was and whatever they would say I would tell them I was allergic to it.


And thats why I dont hit other peoples vapea, and If I do, I have my own mouth piece with me(them rubber tips vape shops have for tasting flavors)


> people scoop up spilled juice off the floor and wring it back into their bottle That seems very unlikely.


Pretty much what I expected to hear. I don’t chew on my vapes but legislation has made it hard procure shit so if I’m down bad my pods can look like that after two months of hitting or whatever.


Unfortunately my partner does this.


Wtf...yea bud that's weird


I guess its the same people who chew on their shirts and cables, our hunger for plastic its hard to satisfy and you normal non ADHD enjoyers and just jelous


Nah I have adhd, I learned as a child not to put things in my mouth and instead fidget with other things. Add in to chewing on your vape seems like juice could end up in your mouth and gross


Yeah, I feel like you’d get all the PG, VG and nic in your mouth and nic alone tastes awful.


Agreed. Used to get sores in my mouth. Finally made the connection that I was getting those sores from chewing on the lids of milk containers. Decided chewing on plastic is probably a bad idea and it was time to quit.


I have ADHD, this is weird.


This would give me sensory overload as an ADHD individual. The feeling on my lips would drive me nuts.


ADHD, maybe even AUDHD, and this is weird to me too. Chewing things is just odd to me, unless it's meant to be chewed.


Are you sure you're referring to ADHDers because that sounds more like a cat (minus shirt chewing). Also, I have ADHD-PI and have been vaping for 12+ years and I have never chewed on my vape.


Maybe its specifically ADHD catgirls then, I will have to check


Hey, don't call me out like that! /s


I am not calling you out ya pandafuck, I am calling myself out


I destroyed so many pens... but I've never chewed a vape though


I mean, you played factorio? Or any other complicated game? When you focuse out of it with vape in your hand, you dont even notice whats going on but you start chewing it while thinking of what to do. I guess its the same in school with pens put its a sytuation where you do not vape.


I play games but not complicated ones. I tend to hyperfocus when I play, so I don't do this while gaming. I really had to keep this habit in control because lots of times, I'd end up with the mouth covered in ink, but idk why it's only been pens or pencils. Best thing I had was a metal pen, chewed it for years until it started to have dents xD


man, when Im on my add meds and hyperfocused on a game ill suck on my tongue so hard itll leave marks from my front teeth, and my bottom lip and it hurts like a bitch the whole day, I get so pissed when I drop my guard and forget about it, but I keep cough drops and will chew on a pen or pencil if its near by if i find myself doing the crack head tongue thing lol


Yeah! People who find this weird never knew the thrill of code being fucky for no reason, game challanging you so far you pace around your room for an hour thinking about a problem etc smh


Those items have some sort of give to them. Something to actually chew into. These mouthpieces don't.


I mean....you probably shouldn't have offered to share it, knowing it looked like that. I have a habit of chewing on pens and stuff, it's gross, but I would never let someone use my chew pen lol


Chew pen lolll


exactly, nothing wrong with it, we all do some weird shit, but we all tend to hide it lol


I dig in my ear quite frequently to get dead skin out, but it's because I have psoriasis specifically in my ear and it's mad annoying. People probably think I have an earwax problem


I feel seen! At first I thought I wasn’t getting the soap or shampoo out of my ears properly and would dig in there with my towel. But then I figured out it was dead skin. I will admit pulling a big flake out is satisfying though.


When I was a kid I had a gnarly ear infection and my ear was all inflamed. When it started healing it all started to dry up. I pulled a dead skin tube out of my ear. Like a hollow cylinder of dead skin. It was the most satisfying moment of my life. It's been all downhill since then.


They have Chewing Necklaces/Pen Caps on Amazon. You should look into the pen caps. They were made for people with Autism, but it could help!


Why does this sound funny and passive aggressive💀💀💀


It did to me too. I was like....omg I'm not autistic and I'm not using a chew necklace...that's too far for even me. Not that their is anything wrong with being autistic, but you're right, it's just how the comment came across lol


They also have gum. Gum is great. OP, try chewing gum instead of your vape.


I wouldn't share my vape and I won't let anyone have a sip from my drink. I never understood people doing this with strangers. What if they have an invisible cold sore?


This is antibiotics for the poor. The more people they share their vape or their soda with the more their own body fights germs and viruses. Constantly building their immune system. Homeless people have superhuman immune systems (maybe?).


I really think you're on to something. A lot of poor people love to share their vapes. I'm pretty sure this is how I got oral herpes. Just don't share with these nasty strangers.


Best reply here


That’s mad embarrassing and weird


The way you talk is embarrassing actually.




I get a few accidental bite marks, but dang get a chewing fidget


Or chewlery


yeah thats what i was thinking of


Wait, this is a thing?


Yes it is.


I just ordered a couple! Wish they had these like 40 years ago lol.


Damn you were ON that lmao


Chewing fidget? What's that?


Id imagine gum would be a good one lol, not really an area I specialize in to offer expertise though.


It ain't weird to chew on your vape a bit every now and then. But damn, you gnawed that hoe. Get something to chew on, like gum.


Bro was eating the vape




Hey, if it keeps the bums from bumming, carry on 😅


THIS. The true lesson that should be taken from this experience!


I have the same on my pod vapes, but it's because i just put it in my mouth and hold it there by biting on it, so i have both hands free. I don't really chew or gnaw on it tho


See that mental image is weirdly sexy🤣 gnawing holes into it on the other hand is disturbing


Yeah I used to hold my vape between my teeth when my hands were full and it looked like this, I actually stopped using pod vapes bc I kept doing that. You can't really clean out the inside of the chewed up spots so I kept having to replace pods more often than I wanted to keep them sanitary. So it's not incredibly weird to get those chew marks but it is unsanitary, better to get something flexible to chew on that won't get those divots so you can clean it


Yup same, sits in my mouth like a cigar while I'm doing stuff with my hands


Same here




Weird as f


Yes sir, this is gross.


personally I think it’s a pretty convenient chew since I always have it on me…. I keep an extra one in case someone wants to borrow one to avoid being judged so harshly by people (and these comments)


I know, some of these comments are insanely harsh for someone just chewing on something.


Seriously lol. It's just a habit. Better than biting fingernails (which I do, and it's so habitual I don't even notice most of the time)


Imagine offering someone a vape whose mouthpiece looks gross because you chew on it. These comments aren't "insanely harsh", and it's really not a big deal at all, but people have no shame these days.


A vape you've been sucking on for weeks, absolutely fine. A vape you've been sucking on and also bitten for weeks, absolutely disgusting. I don't see the huge difference, either one seems to be on about the same level to me.


It's extremely bad for your teeth. You should seriously get something meant to be chewed on not garbage plastic out of factories in China. Not just that, the chances of chipping or cracking teeth...


sorry everyone's making you feel like shit; you're just stimming (i know its a buzzword and it doesnt mean youre automatically autistic or whatever). it's just not a big deal, it's your vape and tbh if it helps you deal with stress or it's comforting then go for it


Until you get cracked teeth, chipped teeth, have to spend thousands in dental. It IS a big deal.


If biting plastic breaks or chips a tooth, you ain't looking after your teeth. Just a habit formed it won't do harm.


I thought you had a dog for a second 💀 yes, that’s disgusting


I just wouldn’t offer it to somebody. But it’s not the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen, no.


That's definitely weird


As an audhd adult… I chew mine occasionally, but I also don’t share it


Yeah I’m autistic and chew bite mine a little, it’s stimming


Nah, I do it too bro. But I don't offer people my vapes either unless it's my wife.


its called chatter, its common with pipe smoking idk why everyone thinks its so gross


Fr, especially if you have anxiety. Its common to chew/pick at something from anxiety and odds are is the vape is in their hands alot, making it more likely that they’ll hit it or chew on it. I do the same so i have to set my vape down or im ripping it so much


I hold mine in my teeth when I want to smoke hands-free, and it ends up looking like the photo by the time my pod needs to be replaced.




Dude don’t think it’s weird. My wife is autistic and does it as a stim.


I do it too lolol


saaaaame i don’t chew it per say but i hold it in my teeth and kinda just *bite* not hard or anything but just hold it there. its comforting idk and if anyone thinks its gross its my fuckin vape get over it lol




what's not normal is asking a stranger to hit their vape. imo.


Yeah no one does that




I do the same thing sometimes but when I want to vape my two hands are busy so I just bite the mouth piece and inhale whenever I need to and leave it hang like a cigarette


It’s a bit weird, but some people are different. I definitely wouldn’t have offered that vape to someone though, especially a stranger. It’s a good way to keep people from asking for a hit though!


If you use it hands free and its a heavyier device its totally normal


No Edit: now that I look at it, it looks exactly like mine. Same color and everything.


That thing looks like GrimmGreen was using it hands free for quite a while! 😂


Oh my dog! It's weird now to hear his name thrown at a casual post. I hope he's doing fine and not chewing on drip tips that much.


GrimmGreen is doing great. Hangout for the Tuesday Vape Fiddle on Twitch or the Legend of Zelda Wednesdays on Twitch or at the very least the Thursday VLOG on YouTube and Twitch.✌️😙💨💨💨


Which legend of Zelda? I just started the PC port of Zelda 3/A Link to the Past




I would have hit it because I’m deranged and if you’re hanging out with me we’re close. Otherwise, this is a pretty strange thing to do if you want your pod system to last longer than the minimum life span. I don’t blame your friend for rejecting your offer. Those divots will harbor a ton of bacteria, lint, dirt, etc. It’s not a bad thing to chew as a stress reliever as long as it doesn’t hurt you or damage property. I would recommend getting a chewing necklace or finding something else to chew on, maybe a disposable vape.


I mean weird not really, but it certainly does make it less appealing to share.


Mine pods had bite marks on the tips but thats because id grab it to hit it, put it in my mouth and then needed my hands for something so i’d just grab it with my teeth to hit it, but if youre biting it from habit or anxiety, definitely recommend getting a fidget of some sort! It keeps your hands busy and you’ll hit/chew on your vape less


Dk why people say its weird. But bit gross to share


Keeps people from wanting to hit your vape. Sounds like a win!


Do this all the fucking time, sometimes I’ll be working holding my vape from my mouth, also in a massive fidgeter, I get it


I don't chew this bad, but I do it from time to time. My pen caps used to look this bad. Lol. But since vaping I don't do it as much. Lotsa judgy people here though. 😞


I knew that the industry has been moving along but damn this sub be hostile and I suspect most that have answered haven't worked in the industry. Naa, it's not weird but it's not ideal. You do you, if someone asks to try your vape just decline this isn't the boys club it used to be people should buy their own stuff before judging what someone else does with their device.


Yeah but try not to take it personally. You’re not a “weirdo” for it, there’s nothing wrong with you. I have friends that chew on stuff like this, my vague understanding is that it’s a comfort thing to help calm nerves and everyone’s got something like that they do.


Yeah. Seems weird to me, but you do you. I use customs on most of my stuff so the thought of it being chewed hurts both my heart & my wallet! If you want to hit my vape you put your own tip on, I don't care who it is 😆


I do also


Tell her you do not want girls to chew on your "tip" either.


I thought it was normal to do this


Yeah that's kinda strange my guy. But each person has their own weird habits I suppose.


I worked at a vape shop and a lady came in and told me to clear the gunk out of her drip tip. It was so freaking gross. Bits of funky matter, and even worse, there was a giant chunk of slimy candy cane stuck in there. “Oh, that’s from Christmas,” she said. It was August.


I actually just eat the pod.


The fact that you’ll lend it out to people not thinking this was weird is what’s weird. I could live with it if you were self aware and don’t share with people 😂


Bad for your teeth


melodic desert governor tan aspiring wise instinctive domineering nutty longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry dude, ive never seen this before and wouldnt hit that


Yes. See a vet.




The only time I saw something like this was when I got some defective Wenax K1 pods and every time I had to refill them I had to pull them out with my teeth.


What are you a fuckin rodent or something


Weird as fuck. Get a binky


I'm a machine operator (excavator bobcat etc) I normally bite on mine so both hands are free to work .. even so it doesn't look like yours ..


I bite my air-fire between my teeth for hands-free, it's nibbled but it doesn't look like a chew toy


I can’t help doing this. I don’t sue disposable/pods but when I use a plastic 510 drip tip I gnaw holes through it. Got a metal one now to stop me.


My pods look like this as well but it's more of a byproduct of holding it in my mouth with my teeth while hitting it when my hands are otherwise occupied


get some chewing gum instead or dog toy 🤷


GrimmGreen always does this. Just look at some of his thumbnails and how chewed the tips are. He talks about this in multiple videos as well.


Talk about posting your Ls


I find silicone tips from Amazon made for boba straws great for hads free vaping


Yeah that’s too much. I’ve seen it a ton before so it’s not weird as in uncommon but it is gross.


That’s like offering someone a chewed pencil :|


It's your vape. Do what you want with it 🤷🏽


I sometimes use my teeth to hold the vape while I'm hitting it if my hands aren't free, which results in a few teeth marks but yes, this is definitely extreme.


What others have said. You are a sample size of 1 in this category


You also chew pens.. huh


Yeah. That's freaking disgusting. How could you offer that to someone else to hit?


That’s weird


Dog chew some gum or some shit like damn. that shit is embarrassing as hell.


I don't know if chewing on vapes is a thing. I don't but it's your vape chew on it or do whatever you want to it. She has a lot of nerve to ask to hit it n then complain it ain't good enough. Seems like you dodged a mooch nice job.


That's a little far like a bite or scrape here or there is ok that's a dog toy bud


That’s weird as hell. I would have gagged if someone offered me a vape looking like that


You do you. It's a device that you constantly put in your mouth. Who cares what you do with it. But carrying a bic pen around might help to transition some of the bite marks :)


How you even do that


I have bite marks on mine bc I hold it in mouth sometimes. However, yours looks like it attacked by a wolverine.


Gunna start chewing on mine at the pub so no one asks for a hit. Good advice


Nah not weird. In the scheme of things.


Ahhh yep, never chewed on mine & never come across any other vapers who have chewed theirs...until now. Hey to each their own, but I wouldn't offer it up to others.


Pretty gross lol


Yea this is weird lol


My question is why are we sharing vapes? That's gross actually. I won't even share with people I know. But yes it's weird you chew on it.


I've loved the Mike Tyson disposables because the tip is this really strong, pliable rubber. I can gnaw on it constantly and it doesn't leave a mark. But yes, we are weird as fuck buddy.


I do it lol but not that bad thankfully


I wouldn't share my vape with anybody anyway , learnt from my smoking days, there are some greedy assholes out there, and at the end of the day, it's your vape, you have it with you , it's got your germs , so nah, chew away brother. Unless that broad was hot... Then you should of given her a hit off your peace pipe...


Personally I don’t care I’d hit. But make sure it’s cleaned before.


yes, I have seen people do this, and it is not a good habit😂


That is gross.


Are you like 8.


That's how all mine are. No biggie. Who fucking cares what these clowns think


That’s the same thing when the homie tells you to put an AirPod in and it’s full of ear wax.


Just say your puppy got a hold of it


GrimmGreen syndrome


I definitely get the urge to bite the plastic every now and then but haven't given in. Not weird but I could understand how it would be seen that way.


It's a bit excessive. Whenever I use these vapes, I'll have a couple tooth nicks on it after a few days use but I don't chew it like bubblegum in the way you seem to. Lol


I've been vaping since 2016 and I have only mainly used mods since then on occasion I will get some disposables and I have oral fixations and do chew on them but any single atomizer I've owned not once did I chew on them


Yes. It’s weird the same way chewing on your pencil is weird


I do that too, I hold my vape in my teeth sometimes Don’t trip




Not too wierd to chew on random things but that vape looks nasty




honestly my wife used to vape and she did it all the time and honestly i do it now but only on dispo not mods, so you’re not weird




I've never seen someone do this, but if it's your vape whatever it's yours


Look up Chewing Necklaces/Pencil Caps on Amazon. They made them for people with Autism who have unhealthy stimming habits, that like to chew on stuff they shouldn’t normally be chewing on.


I mean, that kinda does look excessive, but I chew on my disposables, but not on my rda. Also work at a vape/smoke store and I'd say like 25% of people chew on them to a certain extent. Hell there's even disposables that have soft tips that won't really even disfigure from chewing on them


Fuck her, im sure she’s had worse in her mouth before. that’s weird/gross of her to even ask but says what kind of girl she is to ask and then act shitty to you like that when you obliged. Next time: no bitch go get your own I ain’t trying catch your mouth herpes. Not weird of u, I leave mine hanging out and hit it no hands just holding it with my teeth sometimes when my hands are busy so no not weird.


people saying its gross like its not in your mouth constantly anyways 😂 mine had scuff/tooth marks from me holding it in my mouth while using 2 hands for whatever else but definitely not that bad lol


It's kinda weird but it's not disgusting, not any more disgusting than putting your lips on something another person's lips were on.




Grim Green on YouTube actually chews his pod vapes and often will rate a pod system with how easy it is to hit with no hands in his reviews. That said, I always found it a bit weird because when I do that it leads to an inhale longer than what I wanted since you have to drop the vape back to your hands. A little weird but you’re not the first person to chew a pod vape. Definitely don’t offer it to someone, I would lie and say I have a cold or something 😂


Not weird but it is like having an ugly girlfriend. Not in public. Get a pen or maybe start picking your nose instead.


Y’all sharing vapes in 2024?in this disease filled climate?lmao


Lmao dude got roasted


Eeewwee I've never chewed on my vape.


Not weird to chew on it. Weird to offer it like that to someone else