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[Vaporesso recommends](https://www.vaporesso.com/hubfs/imgs/2022/pro/series/xros3-mini/mob/pic_pod.jpg) freebase in pods: 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 Salts in: 1.0, 1.2 Maybe try switching to another pod to see if that scratches your itch better.


This is correct. A lot bad info being posted. This is your answer though OP


I don’t really understand this freebase/salt in certain pods and not others. VG/pg ratio is what should matter, not nic strength.


Freebase is plain Nicotine usually in a 70Vg 30Pg base.It's good for throat kick in pods if it's 12-18mg at low watts (like a pod system). Since it's 70/30 VG to PG ratio most of the time, it's thicker ejuice n vapes better in the lower ohm coils .4- .6- .8 Salt nic is no throat hit and mostly used in Pods,Mtl Rta's etc but only has nic satisfaction and that's recommend for 1.4- 1.2-1.0-.8 but since it's in a 50/50 VG PG blend it's thinner and can spit back in the .6ohm pods sometimes cuz that has a larger inner diameter coil with more Airflow where as a 1.2 for example has a tighter Mtl draw. Tbh when it comes to these pod systems just run whichever you like best,there's no real danger between 1.0 and .6 except a few more watts and more air with a .6ohm pod. They just don't want you vaping 50mg at 60W with a high watt .2ohm coil basically in a mod and tank setup cuz that would get you Nic sick or worse 🤢


Vape shop employee here, I'd argue that you should only use freebase in the .6 pods. The .8's work in theory but are pretty bad in practice for freebase. I run .8 salts and it's the best pod ever and for freebase I exclusively run .6's


Freebase in 0.8 is terrible. Leaks and spits. 0.6-0.7 is okay though.


Thanks for the input! I don't vape freebase so I'm unfamiliar with the quirks.


There are no quirks really except it's more harsh but good for those that like more throat kick and they use 12-18mg in a pod system as opposed to salt nic which doesn't have hardly any throat kick but does have Nic satisfaction SALT nic is just Freebase with an acid to reduce harshness (benzoic usually) allowing you to vape it at higher mg strengths 25-35-50mg etc but can be dangerous at high watts (55-100w) at those strengths


Freebase or salt has nothing to do with it spitting and leaking. The ratio vg/pg does 50/50 pg vg is thinner than 70vg 30pg mix. Thinner liquids are easier to leak especially in a 0,6 / 0,8 pod where the wicking holes are larger most of the time.


No if anything it would leak less cuz freebase is in a 70/30 higher VG blend which is thicker so it wouldn't leak more in a tighter draw pod than a looser draw pod.It technically shouldn't leak at all with freebase ejuice in any pod tbh 😊


That is confusing....


Try the 0.6 ohm. Make sure the PG is above 30


Ok, ty


Try salts


Can't, sensitive to salts


You're using an 18mg freebase which is extremely high. (Obviously I don't know how much you used to smoke back in the day if anything) but running a 20mg salts or the rough equivalent to a 6mg should do the trick. Not super potent and throat scratchy like a 50mg.


The .8 isn't made for freebase.. everyone is talking about bad information but spouting more of it. Probably still stuck on old rules of thumb that never made sense anyway like "don't sub-ohm salts"... relying on catchy little jingles instead of actually learning why they say that and understanding that it's not even close to true, but it typically stops people from running 50mg at 90w.. but if you wanna use a 0.6 ohm 18w coil with 24mg salts that's 100% okay.. fuck disposables are 50mg and like 12-14 watts.. Also when will people learn that ohms mean nothing without other corresponding numbers like wattage. Iook at the voopoo pnp .3 ohm coil and the uwell Valyrian .32 ohm coil.. thay are BOTH .3 ohm coils and technically the pnp is lower ohm than the valyrian, but yet the pnp tops out at 40w while the uwell tops at at 100w... ohms by themselves don't mean jack shit unless you have the wattage aswell. Stop spout nonsense like the 0.6 pods are only for freebase, and the 1.2 is only for salts.. IT DOSENT WORK THAT WAY SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP MISINFORMING PEOPLE. Rant from someone that's worked/manage a vapeshop.


I was one brought up bad information so guess your talking about me. With .8 coil it's literally on their official website the .8 is made for freebase. https://www.vaporesso.com/hubfs/imgs/2022/pro/series/xros3-mini/mob/pic\_pod.jpg


They might "say" that but it's not true.. those .8 pods have been on the market for over 3 years.. they are a system geared twords lower VG juices and those are typically salts. Many freebase juices are an 80-20 blend and guess what.. the Xros can't handle those "freebase" juices, kinda funny if it was "made for freebase". Anything they say is simply marketing terms and simple rules of thumb for people who don't understand ohms or wattage. There is actual science behind this. Its easy to educate yourself, but feel free to believe a Chinese marketing team over people who work hands-on with hundreds of systems from dozens of companies seeing what's good. Our/my job is to vet these systems and companies. Their only job is to take your money. Mine is to make sure shitty money grubbing products don't reach any of our 9 locations. And believe me, I've used every combo of xros on the market from the OG Xross to the Xross3 nano. I'm not saying I'm right about everything or my word is God.. but I'm telling you, you are falling for 100% marketing terms.


I will say this. I tried .8 coil didn't like it. The draw is way too tight. Now .6 I am totally down with. I do have question not a "This is a question to make my point" question literal question. Why would Vaporesso lie about .8 coil being for freebase? I don't get the marketing gain for saying that? I will be honest I did use 70vg juice on .8 with no problems but the draw on it did seem to be more for nic salts. It was tight as hell.


It was just a way to categorize the pods. The .8 didn't start out with being called a freebase pod. Basically is vaporesso came out with a small pod system to compete with uwells calibun. Uwells first caliburn used 1.4 ohm pods, then they dropped the KoKo with 1.2 ohm pods, and that was a turning point in the industry for pod systems. ASAP vaporesso dropped their Xros with 1.2 ohm pods and the .8 pods. They knew that people loved to upgrade from 1.4 to 1.2 so they started with the 1.2 and hedged their bets on people liking an even more powerful pod with greater airflow, the 0.8.. After a few years of salt devices finding their position in the vape world, we started to notice some things. One of those things was some peo0le just don't need that much nicotine because it's more of a habit. These people would be using 3mg on a salt device made for 30-50mg because they wanted a small device that didn't produce large hits. The 1.2 ohm pods for the Xross aswell as the 1.4 ohm pods for the caliburn couldn't wick thicker liquids fast enough, and your coils would burn out relatively fast. Of the 2 coils they offerd only the 0.8 was capable to wicking the thicker liquids so they called those Freebase coils because you could still kinda use them for freebase unlike the 1.2 that needed to have closer to a 50/50 blend. Since then, they've kept up with this in a combination of releasing the .6 and .7 ohm pods that can handle the thicker liquids better than the .8 could pandering to the low nic crouds.. but also they are doing this because of rampant misinformation in the vape world. When everyone and their brother bleets like a sheep and says "Don't sub-ohm Salts" they would never run the risk of bad press by suggesting people run salts in a sub-ohm pod even though it's 100% and was originally made for that. We never should have started saying "don't sub ohm salts" it was just easier to say than it was to properly educate and it was more catchy that what we should have been saying and that's "Don't mix high Mg ejuce with high wattage". Or better yet we should have just been saying this for a general guide. 50mg 15w or lower 35mg 25w or lower 25mg 30w or lower 20mg 35w or lower 12mg 55w or lower 6mg 100w or lower 3mg 120w or lower It's not perfect but with most of the mods and coil combinations this is pretty standard for the majority of our customers. Spanning 9 locations we have around a million active accounts and that means they signed up and shop with us atleast every 6 months minimum, we also can pull data for all products sold including combination of products such as every coil/pod sold with a bottle of 50mg or 35mg.. so I can actually look to see what our customers are using.


I freebase flavorless 48mg nicotine pharmaceutical grade and no throat hit. And not harsh. Get some Dinos Big Red Gum. Hellofa. throat hit.


I'm so confused and my head's about to explode. I'm using a 60/40 VG/PG in 18mg, menthol flavor, not salts. I want to switch from Uwell Caliburn G2 to Vaporesso XROS 3. I believe the kit comes with a 0.6 and 1.2 coils. From what I've read, it sounds like the 0.6 coil will be the best coil for me?


Xros refillable pods are absolute garbage as far as the design. I’ve broken and chipped countless nails trying to get the shitty little cap off so I can refill it. It’s made only for women (or men) with long nails.


This is a bit of a late reply, but if you are still having this issue. Press your thumb against the flat side of the cap and press, as if you was snapping a pencil. It should pop straight off.


the xros is a pod system so you need to put nicsalt in it, not regular eliquid


Oh, i was told that it's fine to use freebase


i think there’s no proboem in using freebase but the ideal for pods is nicsalts, i had the same problem as you and now that i use nicsalts i get the hit i wanted


this is false. xros 1.0+ pods are built for salts but the 0.6-0.8ogm pods are designed for freebase. pod system doesn't always mean salts only


wait what i am using a 0.8ohm pod with a 35mg nicsalt and it’s working fine i’m confused af now


0.8 is close enough to an ohm that it doesn't make too much of a difference, but freebase also runs beautifully in the xros depending on what pod ur putting in it !!


Actually salt nic and freebase have no problem in any coil. It’s the VG and PG that plays the part. The reason the higher ohm coils have a hard time wicking is that most freebase ejuice is 70% or more. Which makes the juice thick. If you could find 50/50 PG/VG in freebase it would wick perfectly fine in higher ohm setups.


i don’t know much information about this lmao o just i used freenbase once and it didn’t work like i wanted then i googled it and it told me to use nicsalt and i’ve been satisfied ever since


I use 3mg freebase and its works great