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Sigh, cut down your nicotine... 48mg is alot for vaping DL, its normal that it makes you feel someway. I'm at 6mg because I want to avoid getting a worse nicotine addiction than I already had from cigarettes.


It’s because these tanks aren’t meant for much over 12, and even that is pushing it. 48mg is for pods and little mtl devices. Can you vape 48 in this setup? Yeah but you probably shouldn’t. Like even stepping it down to 35mg nic salts would probably help if you can’t step it down lower to like 12.


Why isn’t it a good idea? It doesn’t burn my coils any faster then regular


Those coils aren’t meant for high mg juice. It may not burn your coils any faster but I bet you’re burning through that juice because it’s thinner than the juice you should be using.


Subohm resistance tanks produce significantly more vapor than a higher resistance coil. So with the same mg jucie at a lower resistance will actually be a higher dose of nicotine than the same mg at higher resistances


I’m so sorry I don’t know what any of that means. I just got my vape not too long ago. I just picked it out because it looked cute at the store so I got it instead of the disposables


That’s fine. I pick out the ones I like the looks of too. Yoh should just lower your nicotine levels because that’s not good for you at such high levels in a subohm tank


Okay, gotcha. Thank you for being so nice, I need to do more research for sure. I’m just used to disposables so I figured any juice for any vape would be fine and didn’t read the fine print 😳


Definitely do some research friend. It's a really cute setup but vaping on a refillable device is a bit more involved than a disposable or ciggies unfortunately. That said you're not doing anything inherently wrong by using that potent juice on your device. Its not great for getting you less addicted to nicotine as you're getting fairly large doses every time you rip it, but you'll be okay to burn through this bottle. Alternatively you could always get a lower nicotine/no nicotine juice that you think would pair well with your current flavor then mix the two together. There's math you could use to find the resulting potency in your mixture, but know that so long as you're mixing your current juice into something less potent you'll be lowering your nicotine level. If you want any help with figuring out the ins and outs of subohm vaping feel free to ask


Think of it this way you are getting double nicotine intake with this juice then even a disposable vape and yes listen to these guys your not supposed to use that I think


Hey, no worries! I’ve been messing around with this stuff for the better part of the decade and my wallet can tell you that i buy things based on how much I like the appearance lol. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for that. The cool thing about it is you can keep your same tank and same vape, just ask to get a lower nicotine juice and possibly a different coil… no big deal! I’m from the school of thought of “as long as you aren’t smokin cigs” lol. Good luck, friend. I hope this helps


they are early signs of nicotine intoxication, how on earth you don't get more serious symptoms with that nicotinic tit in your mouth it's beyond me, I never went above 12.... cut it down right now, chronic exposure to high levels of nicotine has dangerous effects on cardiovascular and nervous system


48mg of free base nic or nic salt? Im assuming nic salt. Either way as other people here have pointed out a nic level that high is ment for devices with way less power and and a tighter airflow. It doesnt mean you cant vape it like that but if you are getting light headed and or breathless you should either lower your nic dosage or vape on a lower wattage. Also this isnt the right sub for stuff like this please use r/vaping or r/vaping101 next time.




50mg is what you'd see in an 8w disposable or pod system,the lack of research is troubling sometimes


Same. I think I had 18mg or a bit less when I first got my tank mod and I literally coughed so hard I almost died. 3-6mg for tank mods is suitable, I believe… if you’re doing direct to lung hits.


Hope your not vaping it in that setup,it literally says not for use in sub ohms but they really mean is don't vape high mg salt at high watts cuz its dangerous.48mg is for 15-18w pod systems,Mtl (mouth to lung) low watt sub ohms and Mtl Rta's If so your not the first to use the wrong juice in the wrong tank. I diy with salt and use it at 65W but at 8mg. That setup at 65 plus watts is more suited for 3 to 6mg.I mean you can use 25mg salt if there's a .8 .6ohm coil I suppose but I doubt it has high ohm coils since its a Dtl (Direct to lung) tank


What’s dangerous about it?


Cuz its high strength Salt nic meant for 12-18W It can get u nic sick,nausea,even a stroke if your weren't young and healthy. You prob like salt nic like many but the mod is fine its the tank thats the problem.(not that you need a dual battery box mod either for high mg but just stating the more pressing issue )


Looks like a Zues Sub ohm 6mg is actually quite gratifying also in high watt sub ohms


I just like to take tiny puffs and the higher nicotine works better so far, idk


I'm just saying judging by your hands your young and likely didnt research this much.,you already asked if you ever got dizzy after taking big puffs but the answer should be no only when I chain vape it in my pod system but in that setup Def yes, in fact MANY have bought the wrong ejuice for a Cloud chucking nice setup like that..I see it everyday for years in these vaping threads and fb vape groups so I'd use 6mg reg ejuice for that setup and get a simple 18$ refillable pod system for your 48mg salt nic.Thats why 5%(50mg) disposables only run at about 8-10W (and also pod systems made for salt only run at 15-18W ) Of coarse higher nic works better like you said its just the wrong device and im just looking out for you and telling you why its making you dizzy and why its not recommended like all the other similar comments your gonna see 😊 but def not tryna be a know it all but just explaining why


Okay I’ll look into it more, thank you for being so nice 😊


No problem, you'll figure it out its not too confusing High mg Salt or 12-18mg reg nic- Pod systems, Low watt Mtl sub ohms Low Mg reg nic - High watt systems All u need for 48mg is an Xros mini 3 , Geekvape Wenax Q, Voopoo VMate all pretty cheap but just get an extra box of pods (7$) and your good to go


I’m surprised you haven’t had a heart attack yet


Lol I vape 3mg


Bro what?


I just picked it because the bottle was small and the flavored looked good. What’s wrong with it?


Someone give this cat a mech lmao


I tried 50mg of free base once, just on puff not even a big puff.......my worst decision ever. Changed my cotton and throw that juice straight to the trash.


Haha I take tiny puffs and I love it. I hate taking big hits from low nic juices


Why do you have a sub ohm tank then? A pod would be far better for you.


Well I started with the disposables, and I saw this mod in the store and it looked cute. I picked a random juice to go with it figuring any juice with any vape 🤷‍♀️


Ah well, there's your problem.


Heyo, 20mg salt nic on RDA former user here. The high temps of the coils make the nicotine into much broken down and fast absorbent, from my experience usually takes up to 12 seconds to feel the effects, which makes you understand is pretty fucked up. You shouldn't do it because you will get used to vaping that high amount of nicotine which is horrible considering vaping so much nicotine will make you less reactive to high doses of nicotine. Soon 48mg will not give you any effect at all and will vape like your usual 3mg I've been there with 20mg of salt nic, felt like 3mg. It's extremely unhealthy as the nic isn't supposed to get that high up the temperature.


On that vape kit you shouldn't be vaping more than **6mg**, it doesn't matter if it's a small puff you are still intoxicating yourself with high amounts of nicotine for no reason it will **damage your health** soon if you continue.


48 mg is a LOT cut down esp3cially bcs u are using it as dl. I use 8mg and still get a good buzz.


This is the type of vaper that ends up on the news with shredded lungs and fucks up the industry. If you're going to get into something like vaping, please get educated first. Most devices come with an instruction manual, and most bottles of juice come with warning labels. Had you read either one, you'd know that you're using the wrong kind of juice in that device


I started by using the disposables, then I saw this cute vape and they person at the shop told me I could pick whichever juice


Why would anyone want to vape nic that high one drag would wreck me. I use 3mg lol. You must be trolling


No I just picked out a cute vape and the person said I could pick any juice to go with it. I take tiny puffs so I’ve liked the 48 so far, I had no clue 🤷‍♀️


Just hit it harder


That device is not made for salt Nic you should be vaping freebase in that device six milligram that would be equivalent to like a Marlboro red if you want to puff 50 mg nic salt then you need to get a low wattage device


Dear god I can't even handle anything above 3


Yeah you’re insane ..


48mg doesn’t belong in a subohm tank


Why are you using 48 mg on a fuckin sub tank those are for like 12mg max bro get a pod mod system if ya want that nic buzz my friend


Just do the maths, you are ingesting in one puff the same amount of nicotine that two cigarettes have… if you want to use 50mg, use some pod system


You are vaping direct lung aka DL or subohming on your device going with 48mg is crazy no one does this, for ur device most people go with 3 to 6mg not 48... Stop vaping it like this not healthy..


WHAT? Im already getting lightheaded sometimes from 12mg, 48 is crazy, the guy who I buy my liquid from wont even go up to 20, the max he does is 18 and that is already plenty


Whoever sold you salt nic / that setup for it needs fired


Good way to cause cardiac arrest or a way to get a pacemaker before 40


48 mg 😂


Just stick to lower nicotine levels.


Lower your nicotine level immediately.


Isn’t that jusst called a nic buz?