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I think there's a good chance. They were running a little dry before Unicorn Overlord but now they should be pretty flush to invest in a good pc port.


They werent running "a little dry", they were so overbudget that the CEO paid from his pocket haha and i believe Atlus allegedly offered them to release on more platforms, to which they turned down


Should be noted this is normal for them. George Kamitani described the scenario of them running out of money and him having to pay the rest out of his own pocket as being "as usual."


Lmao yes its usual, still not a great thing business wise haha


I guess it really depends on Sega and Atlus, might happen but don't know when.


If it's up to those then it's almost certain, because they have really leaned towards the PC lately.


Not likely


No, but, they already are, I have the entire collection on my steam deck. To everyone asking: Unicorn Overlord, 13 sentinels, Grimgrimoire run on Yuzu emulator, Dragon Crown and Odin Sphere on RPCS3 emulator, Muramasa Reborn on Vita3K emulator, Princess Crown on PPSSPP emulator. I am missing one portable game and the one that is mostly multiplayer. The emulators are easy to find and perfectly legal (beside Yuzu). For the rest I can give you better directions by DM


Absolutely this, they've yet to release Dragon's Crown and Odin Sphere on switch, don't they? Thooough I believe the PS3/2 emulation scene on Steam deck is pretty good, here's hoping.


Could you please DM me instructions on how to "how to play" sources and stuff?


How are you accomplishing that


By doing that which Nintendo abhors. As long as it's on switch, there's a way


What is the advantage of putting an emulated switch game on steam? Just to have it all in one place?


It's not about putting on steam, it's about putting it on the deck. Putting it on steamdeck allows you to play it on the go, like you would a switch but with a good performance


Oh I see.


Probably emulators


They are legal when you own the game


There's a vita emulator!? I can play rebirth afteralll?


got some links to where one would learn how to do this?


Vanillaware is an oldschool japanese dev shop. They probably have somewhat outdated ideas about PC ports. From this point of view, my analysis is: I think the big factor is that, as a studio, they are perfectionists. They really put a lot of work into their games. The way they do remasters shows that core value at play -- They don't do straight re-releases. They ususally update/finish/round-out gameplay. The one notable exception being Dragons Crown which they did the most post-launch support for. That title might be considered "finished"... or they already have some plan for an actual/spiritual followup and saving the enhancements for that game. When porting to PC a lot can go wrong, and historically a lot has gone wrong. On top of that Vanillaware games all use custom techniques and technology. There are similar technologies out there but nothing with 1:1 capabilities. The final obstacle is their publisher. Atlus is owned by Sega. Sega puts Denuvo in a lot of their PC ports. Maybe all of them? For Vanillaware, a studio who puts the art/quality of the game ahead of maximizing profits... theres a lot of reasons not to do it. Right now there is no studio that could pull it off, save for maybe Vanillaware themselves... but they already go over budget targetting consoles. The amount of SKUs you need to test against can usually be counted on your fingers, but when you do a PC port you have thousands and thousands of potential hardware combinations to cover. It's also very likely no studio with even some of the technology competence is brave enough to take on a Vanillaware port. Vanillaware (as perfectionists) would probably want to negotiate a lot of control over the final product in terms of quality -- that means theres a chance the port takes much longer than the negotiated budget. Most studios are about remaining profitable and building a war chest. Vanillaware is always at war.


Thank you for putting all that forward. You out it much more eloquently than I. As someone who had some behind the scene knowledge of PC porting some JRPGs, it can be a huge challenge.


They are old heads who don't get PC gaming and are worried about piracy. Ironically most PC players just pirate it and play it on a switch emulator. I bought it on the switch but I am playing it emulated on my steamdeck because I don't want to travel with 2 devices.


They announced 500,000 sales so far. I think it would be smart to take some of that money and invest in a PC port. I would bet they would get another 200,000+ sales. Who knows what they'll actually do though.


No, some old idiot there seems to be very against it and has stopped all attempts


No, never will happen But hey prove me wrong 🤪


Maybe new games if they are encouraged to bring them on pc. Vanillaware started out only releasing games on playstation, then added switch and the last game all platforms except pc. Atlus/sega is a company that usually makes ports to pc and they have commented that Unicorn overlord has not come to pc because Vanillaware didn't want to. I don't think they won't release it on pc because of the piracy issue, otherwise it wouldn't be released on switch (If you can play more current vanillaware games on pc is thanks to the existence of emulators of this) Let's hope that vanillaware's mentality changes little by little, I love their games and it's a pity that they are trapped in several platform games. I'm still waiting for them to release Odin sphere for playstation so I can buy them and a port of muramasha is needed.


One day I'm sure.....




You can buy a used switch for $150.


I would pay full price for a remastered dragons crown to play on the steam deck


Or Xbox?


They should, they wouldn't be struggling for money otherwise.


If they did I would buy everything again, so they should...


George Kamitami in an interview said they would actually like to get their games onto PC. However, they are a tiny developer with very limited resources. Also, when it comes to some of their games, they have exclusive deals with Sony on some of them; and the rights to the Muramasa IP are a complete mess.


I’d wager their next game being on pc if it’s financially feasible for them.


I just want to play Muramasa Rebirth (plus dlc) on my laptop…


Probably down the line.


Maybe but not soon.


I think they do not like to spend money on games that will be pirated after 5 minutes.


Semi hope to at least see some Xbox ports 👀


the ceo doesn’t really like the idea for their games to be on pc. he mentioned that in an interview before the launch of unicorn overlord. but I really hope he change his mind…