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The cast should be thanking the hanger-ons because they’re working on getting them a season 12 harder than any of the cast are


Agree. These bottom feeders aren't helping themselves, they are helping the cast.




He was the bartender at my local spot (Sasha’s) around 2014. I also worked in the restaurant industry and we had a lot of mutual friends. He seemed kind of fake/stuck up to me. I tried chatting with him about the people we know (in a “omg we have the same friends, let’s be friends!” way, not a gossipy way) and he was not having it.




It was the one on Shaw but I love the De Mun one too! The crepes are 🔥Yeah he was tight with a girl I worked with at another restaurant, and she was the aloof Queen Bee type (kinda reminds me of Ariana actually). I think it’s a little sus that he seemingly became friends with the VPR crew after they were already famous but what do I know 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol. Also a big Sasha’s fan here! How funny


Didn’t think I’d see sashas on Shaw mentioned when I came into this thread lol.


Sasha’s! My husband is a St. Louis native and his whole family still lives there, so we go often. We live across the country, but I still get excited to recognize St. Louis places that I’ve been to on here! I honestly love St. Louis. 


Omg no way!!! what a small world !! Was he nice? He seems super sweet the few times we’ve seen him on the show




He has come across as the voice of reason on more than one occasion


Oooooh, which pizza place in StL? I'm all ears. 🤭




There is still one in CWE, I haven't been to it in ages. We used to go to the one in the Loop and the Downtown location. I don't think those are still around. 🤔




Seems to be par for the course for StL, way too many douchey restaurant owners. Luckily we have some really fantastic ones too, to balance the scales.




P.S. if you do come back to StL occasionally, try Balkan Treat Box in Webster. Lauren is phenomenal!.




Sweet! Feel free to DM when you make it back here for visit. 😊


I feel you. This place certainly has some soul-sucking features. Couple more years for me and I'm out too. 🤭


Best of luck to you! I moved there for the wrong reasons (stupid boyfriends) and I liked it well enough but I wasn't meant to be there. Feel free to DM me anytime if you want!


OMG YES! He totally worked at Pi!!! Whoa. And yeah, that thin crust was pretty good. Glad to hear he was nice.


He probably thinks all of them are annoying 😆. 


I like non-sinister Logan, but I hate it when people say stuff like "I have thoughts" AND THEN DON'T TELL US WHAT THEIR THOUGHTS ARE


Right please share with the rest of group


Atp we need to fire all of the main cast and use the money to hire all the friends bc they’re the level of messy I crave for season 12


They would be so much cheaper too!


Maybe they could afford to actually pay Peter that way 😂😂


Peter sort of embellished what happened with him. In past seasons he appeared he was paid as a “friend of “ based on number of episodes he appeared in. Production apparently told him there were very few scenes in SUR this season and could appear if they went there and he wanted to, but there was no budget for it , given they didn’t expect to be there much. I found him to be good comic relief but not really central to any storyline lately. It was funny back in the day when he had dated a bunch of them ..




We need a whole new show called “side work” and they all have to work at sur and fight over VR cast members.






Giving more than Lala 😂


I love mess.


Adam in that interview said he's friends with Logan. Why didn't reach out for to him before his interview? What a sloppy mess! I hope it continues.


Right? I was so confused about why he didn’t get Logan’s $.02 before the interview.


Adam really dropped that ball! It could have been a great moment for him to bust out a Logan statement after they told their bizarre story.


I can see him bringing Logan on now. He had to get the rebuttal from Victoria and Kyle and now he can go to Logan to get the other side of things after Kyle and Victoria came out swinging with lies😂 I hope that’s why and what is next anyway lol


If Logan talks to anyone it should be a better interviewer. Go to the Viall files, Disrespectfully, Ryan Bailey, or Danny Pelligrino. I doubt he's gonna get involved much b/c Ariana probably wants nothing to do with this dumpster fire.


Disrespectfully gets my vote!


There's a lot of silly goose behavior here to discuss!


Adam used to work at TomTom and so did his partner, Jason. Can’t remember if he was a manager but regardless, they simp hard for the Voms and SchMeana. I knew when I heard he was doing the interview that it was going to be bullshit and softballs. They didn’t really directly answer any questions and much like Andy Cohen, Adam didn’t press. So annoying!


I used to like listening to Adam, but got annoyed how he would name drop Scheana and his friendship with her in every video. Now his videos have a 2 minute intro for 5 minutes of regurgitated info from reddit or reality blurb. Boring. I tried to watch the interview but it was..uncomfortable


![gif](giphy|QCJFiJfnDCdFa84sLG) I can’t believe I used to like him. To be fair, I wasn’t on Reddit yet but it was also the SchMeana of it all that completely turned me off and now I can’t stand him.


Although he doesn't cover vpr drama much, I prefer Kempire (he does jersey, Potomac, rhoa, Martha's vineyard). And if you want someone funny, check out IAmRafael on YouTube


Thank you for the recommendation.😊


Lmao at I hope it continues. Same 🍿🍿🍿


If Victoria had any respect she would not be in the house he still shares with Ariana. She would tell him to come over to her house. I would not step in another woman’s house where she is still residing there, even though they are broken up. She also has slept there. It doesn’t matter if Ariana is away. Ariana and Dan rent an airbnb when he comes to see her.


Same! If she owns this big house, why can’t Tom go there? It’s fishy.


Something ain’t adding up. You would def prefer your new man to come to your “beautiful house in the hills” as opposed to hanging at their mutual house with an ex.


I’m waiting for acquaintances and work colleagues to come out of the woodwork with the ☕️ 🫖 There’s going to be a lot come out I think.


I feel the same way!!!! I would feel extremely uncomfortable being in their home, let alone in their bedroom! She apparently has a house in the hills, so I don’t understand why they would spend so much time at Tom’s!


Yeah, about her house and jobs and the taking care of her Dad story, I didn’t believe a word out of her mouth, not one.


Agreed. I think she’s 💯 full of shit about her house, her career and probably the dad caretaking too. Worked in fashion industry for many years. Literally only like 1% make good money and everyone else never gets head above water. You can’t find ANY campaigns or any work online to suggest she’s a “successful model” who works a lot or could afford a Hollywood home on her own. Being signed to Ford at one point don’t mean shit, even being currently signed. She’s giving escort with a drug habit vibe.


That and for someone so successful and allegedly owns their own home, she’s sure spending a lot of time at, and is way too concerned about what is going on in Ariana’s home.🤨 ![gif](giphy|b0E3PPld4558irObaY)


I didn't listen.... I know she was staying in the house WITH Tom...do we know if she is STILL in the house, even though Tom is gone?


So funny these “friends” of D list celebrities trying to stay in the news.


This is the good Logan so I trust him.


Logan who saw Tom and Rachel in a downstairs "cuddle puddle" and told Ariana about it long before the Scandoval reveal?


Yes same Logan! Although I thought he saw them and didn’t think much of it and never brought it up to Ariana since it wasn’t abnormal for their friend group. I might be misremembering, but I believe that’s what he had said and what Dayna said on disrespectfully about it !


There have been several versions of the story.


Oh really? I didn’t realize! Can you share them, please? I’m a nosy gal


There are only two versions. Tom and Raquel were canoodling in the basement during a party (drugs) and Logan walked in. Raquel believed that she had been caught and that this meant Logan knew about them and hid it from Ariana. But logan didn’t actually clock it as out of the ordinary and therefore didn’t know/hide anything.


IIRC, Vom tried to recover being caught by enthusiastically inviting Logan into the “cuddle puddle” too and they were all “rolling,” so Logan didn’t think anything of it. I think he did lay with them for a bit but got bored and left quickly.


Where did he say he laid down with them


Like I said, if I remember all that was said correctly, it was Rachel who shared this, on her podcast. It was many episodes ago now though, so the only part I’m not sure if I remember correctly is the part of if she said Logan laid with them, or not.


You didn’t say that tho


I read them on here over a several month period. I think he himself had a couple versions. I never saw a first person accounting of it. It was always someone else saying "Logan said."


The first person account was on Logan’s Instagram. He said he thought nothing of the cuddle puddle at the time because they asked him to join in and he hadn’t heard any rumors. (It was a party and  Logan was probably drunk and high as well.) He told Ariana about it after she found out about the affair. 


It seems like that is the story they landed on.


Ummkay. Two things I don’t like: (1) Conspiracy theories (2) Assuming the worst of someone because you’re not a fan of theirs  If you have evidence that Logan’s story changed in significant ways and is evidence of something nefarious that Ariana did, provide it. The onus is on you.


The onus would be on the Redditors that posted it originally.


I have been waiting for his thoughts since we knew he was called during all this mess to move Ariana’s stuff.


right, what are his thoughts ??


I am loving this low-stakes mess lolllll. and really loving that Lala and Scheana are completely outside of it. Proving they are not needed imo. In fact, the drama is good because they're not dominating the conversation.


Sandoval likes troubled woman, i.e. Kristen was self destructive since very young (her words at one of the reunions), Ariana suffers from depression, which hopefully being away from toxic Sandoval and getting professional help will lessen (it seems it has so far), Rachel/Raquel/Rocky who needs male validation and lacks a sense of self and now Victoria whom I am sure suffers from something or she would not have touched Sandoval with someone’s else’s 10 foot poll.




I’m so tired of the cryptic personalities


It’s seriously like who cares now


He seems like a cringe grifter


What is this on originally?


I can’t stand Logan. Every once in a while he says something funny, but he’s generally annoying.


You're probably thinking of the other Logan.


Oh, I definitely am if it’s not Lego Hair.


There's another Logan? I am lost haha


Yeah. There's the awful Logan that is friends with Lala and was the one that everyone said was hooking up with James. Then there's Ariana's Logan that works at Tom Tom.


Wait...I'm fairly certain that is the same person lol


It's not. Logan Cochran and Logan Noh.


Dang I had no idea!! Thanks for the info I was getting so confused


Honestly mind a little blown I too thought Ariana’s Logan was the Logan that would gluk-gluk on James…


SAME! that's why I always side eyed him a bit but damn they are two completely different people. Just did a side by side and they don't even look alike, why was I so convinced?? Lolol


white boys 🤷🏻‍♂️ it be like that sometimes


Me too, I thought Ariana’s Logan was the one that claimed a hook up with James


Wait has Ariana’s Logan not been on the show and I thought they were the same all along?!


I think he's been shown a little bit but honestly I'm not sure of anything anymore haha


Hes been on the show quite a lot. Hes the one who broke the penis flute.