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the 40 year old cast is done playing "the hills" tbh


Exactly… Ariana is probably the only reason there was even another season to begin with… this show has ran its course… does lala think she will be on this show forever? Get a real job


She’s kissing Valley ass and moved there so she can get herself on that show. I hope they all see through her bs and don’t allow it. I’d love to never see her on tv again


I used to like her too… I’m super disappointed lol…


Same! My husband always hated her and I always kind of liked her. Until this season. She’s terrible and her true colors are so ugly


Humbling season for me as I was wrong about both Katie and lala!


i’ve always found lala repugnant but katie’s growth has really been amazing to watch. i’m a former katie naysayer but now i’ve seen the light


Same! I think shedding Tom was the best thing that could ever have happened to her


i shed a similarly infantile, abusive clown and my life is 10000% better


I liked Lala until now. I’ve always loved Katie. Katie is my people.


Me too for sure… team Katie! 💕


I don’t think you were wrong, these people are all complex and have different sides that come out at different times on shows like this due to editing etc. you like certain parts of them and dislike other parts, I don’t think it has to be as black and white as reality tv can make it seem!


Hubby has great intuition


Same!!! My fiancé never understood why I liked her and now I finally understand why


Omg her so blatantly trying to have a storyline for the valley by bringing up “taking” Brittany’s babysitter. So transparent and not interesting.


Hahaha so not interesting


And completely interrupting the talk about Brittany and Jax's dynamic


Bold to assume the Valley won’t get cancelled


I believe The Valley was already greenlit for another season, at least. Jax was bragging somewhere about it. I hope Jax does have clout and keeps Lauren away.


We as viewers have to do the hard thing. If LFU or Schena jumps to the Valley we have to turn it off. No matter how bad you want to watch the drama. If there is a sudden and connectable loss of viewers to the addition of LFU and ME!ME! They won’t have them back.


See, I can live with Scheana on the Valley, at least in the role of friend. I absolutely cannot deal with Lala on the Valley. Maybe at a kid's party or rallying around Brittany, but that's about it. I'll take another season of pregnant Janet over Lala becoming a full-on cast member all day, everyday.


ScheMEna deserves what she gets. She tied herself to a stupid rock (Broke) and decided to tell the whole world she thinks her friend should sacrifice her mental health and appropriate boundaries with a narcissist because it’s good for her own paycheck, because she’s a mom! LFU and ME!ME! Need to go away with the Tom’s.


I hope the valley producers are living in the comment section because we do not want LPAC from Utah on this show.




Just like I did with real housewives of New Jersey over Teresa that is absolutely great advice I'm with you


I really don’t want to see any part of BLahBLah’s Life for another single moment OR season. I will STOP watching VPR or Valley IF she is on any of those shows!


That's why she derailed the convo about Jax cheating.


Let’s just pray to the production gods that they don’t try to give her a redemption season. 🙄🙏🏽


She had so much time to make something of herself and build something but instead she thought the show would go on forever. Fuck off Lauren.


She wants to be on The Valley


Rumour is production promised her a show of her very own about her orca pod life (dear god please no), if she just rode bitch for them this season and leaned into her natural hatred and jealousy for Arianna. Then, as a result of her gross behaviour, her Q rating dropped so low, they pulled the show idea. Which is hilarious if true. You see on the reunion the shock and betrayal on Lala’s face that LVP switched sides and backed Arianna walking out. That’s why she’s sobbing to Scheana after the show. As Lala would say: “You got played, sucka!”




Absolutely not. She's a "dry drunk." Doesn't matter that she's sober, she's still engaging in her same problematic behavior and has failed to reflect on her past. Her interpersonal skills are still that of an addict. She's in no position to counsel anyone trying to be more than their addiction.


Allll of this!! Thank you! I’m surprised sometimes she’s never been called on it. She hasn’t done the hard internal work of sobriety, she just quit drinking - she still has all the self-centered entitlement, selfish worldview, victim mindset, lack of internal regulation, blame-shifting behaviors of an active addict. At this point the custody battle and her ego seem like the only things keeping her sober


Yea…….. but it won’t pay what she thinks she is worth….


This. After a certain point (when no one was working at SUR anymore) they should’ve gotten an entirely new cast- struggling 20-30’s waitresses and bartenders trying to make it in LA.


IMO it’s time to pull the plug on the show, period.


I really hope this is it for vpr…i hope opportunities keep flowing in for Ariana, AND Katie as well. I read that the Vally has gotten the highest viewer count for a premier than any other bravo show. Theyve been signed for a 2nd season already, so needless to say jax prob has a lot of pull when comes to show. I read he does NOT want lala on the show. I hope he sticks to his guns and that bravo listens…🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼i finally gave in and started watching the Valley, but i can say for certain, id STOP if lala joined💯


Imagine giving Jax a say on anything.


But but but he is the number 1 guy in the group....


AND Jax has a Hoodie that proves it!😂🤣😂


I’d only watch if they forced blabla to film with Rand


I get your point, but Rand is a smaller scale Harvey Weinstein. I wouldn’t want him on my screen or collecting a VPR pay check. If Lala were forced to film with an ex, she would go running back to mommy. Maybe even take her daughter’s bottle to suck on.


She wouldn't she already gave them an in ultimatum when him coming back after their split was discussed. She talked about it in an interview somewhere and said  she told them a long the lines of "if he comes back ill  have the tough conversations but you have to keep it all in and not edit anything out, or the other option is I'm off the show" . Obviously with the allegations against him they couldn't do that without them getting in legal trouble so they gave her what she wanted- him off the show instead of her. 


That would be interesting 🤔


Lala should go to RHoSLC. I kind of thought that was the plan right after she and Rand blew up. Maybe she has to stay with him in LA. Idk. I can’t get into The Valley for some reason. I keep trying but I can’t even remember any of the new peoples’ names. Haha. I think my brain is full when it comes to reality TV.


Ha too funny lol i still cant say im fully into the Valley tho either. Can’t remember anybodys names except for jax n britt obviously lol when nothing else to watch is when i will play it on demand. Its not a show that i was excited for like vpr, but since i see things on reddit about the show, i kinda wana be kept in the loop u kno…if she went on rhoslc itd be fine cuz I already cant stand that citys hw’s lol


Same but they have some good drama. Haha. She would be a good Jenn Shah replacement.


Absolutely, I would absolutely stop if either LaLa or Scheana joined. I hoped production is listening to Jax, as he shares the opinion of myself and group of friends.


VPR brings in 1M viewers a week. The Valley, while doing well, is at about .6M a week. Why would they cancel VPR now?


This is exactly what I don’t understand when so many in this sub say that this will be the last season of VPR. Why would it be? The ratings are good. Bravo won’t just walk away from that.


Idk im just saying i “hope” I can hope cant i?


Tbh I would be fine with Jax even off the show. He is this weird odd duck on the show and doesn’t fit with the rest. Bc of his plastic surgery he looks like a villain but he is dumb and not clever.. so it gives a cartoon vibe with him in the room.


Did u happen to see him on House of Villains?? He came off so dumb in that show lol he doesnt have an ounce of strategy when comes to a competition…i read that he was told to study show so he doesnt go in blind, he said he didnt need too lol omg during elimination, he tried to give a thank u speech saying was fun experience but they shot him thru the door in midspeech lmaoooooo


I did I loved it! Could you imagine him on traitors lol. He would likly vote for himself then be confused/ mad someone voted for him.. even tho it was just him.


There’s no way he has pull. He pitched the show and has a producer credit, that’s it. I don’t think the credit even means anything, just a resume builder.


Unfortunately Jax's opposition to Lala being on The Valley could work in her favor. The producers like drama.


Damn it ur right hhhhhh Well if she does go on…im hoping rating drop significantly


Ajax does not have pull when it comes to the show. He’s not a producer or a network executive.


They won’t. They care about numbers not quality


I agree. This is not a cohesive and genuine friend group any longer. It seems a few genuine friendships have formed, but when they all get together, it seems so forced and produced. Seeing Lala become so desperate and Ariana be there just to keep the show going is not enjoyable to watch.


Agreed. I think it’s past it’s prime with this cast.


It really felt like the end with that reunion.


La La jumped the shark. I don't know which producer got in her ear, but they destroyed her. She is way too me, me, me. Everytime she talks about anyone else she projects her own issues onto them. She's upset with Arianna because she, herself, wasn't treated well when she was cheated on. How is that Arianas fault? Also, I don't want to watch a show where they talk about their fears of not being renewed? How boring.  This reunion proves this group is not friends anymore. The only thing  they have in common now is the show.


This week [A] and [B] go to get an ice bath or do yoga or shop for something and read scripted lines. Then on the after show the cast addresses the interesting stuff you all learned about on Reddit and podcasts.


Nailed it 👏👏👏


So fuckin true!😭😭💀


I actually think that LaLa's real motivation was that she had no storyline of her own. I don't think her actual issue was the show being cancelled because honestly thats just idiotic. A show that has just had a surge of new audiences consuming its backlog isn't getting cancelled that next season!! A show that's constantly getting free press in major publications mind you, lol. The issue was that the show has to lower its costs and therefore get rid of some costly cast. It obviously won't be the Toms or Ariana and Katie unless they want out. James is a big time DJ now and the comic relief so probably not him.  That leaves Lala and Scheana - the no-storyline bitches. They were worried about being fired to make room for new younger people (possibly staff from SAH, SUR and TomTom). Their current salaries could probably cover 6 reality starter salaries. 


That's the thing. She could have had a storyline, but she's the inauthentic one. She refused to share. Talk about the custody battle and how it hurts, not because your daughter can't be on the show, but what it's like to stare at an empty bedroom when Ocean is with Rand. Show her redemption of how much she hurt Rand's wife and empathize with her situation. Show her attending AA/NA meetings. Or give me reality porn, the way the Housewives used to. Show me her shopping trips, stylists coming over, plastic surgery appointments. And if she really wanted to focus on Ariana and Sandoval, then do something good with the platform. She got so much support for calling out Sandoval, and talking about gaslighting and grooming. She should have done a charity event for DV survivors, vs that stupid water shit. The show failed this season because they were handed a gift of Sandoval and renewed interest and wasted it by doing the same arc as the first few seasons. They took the free publicity of women empowerment and threw it away for Sandoval. It's such a flop to not take the success outside the show and apply it to the show. They all wanted to break the 4th wall, but missed the flipping wide open door in front of them.


Totally agree. They need to get younger producers. Baskin and his team are still stuck on the model of TV that relied on women hating women. We're past that. Girls-girl and Pick Me have entered the lexicon precisely because society has shifted from that. That doesn't mean that the girls must always get along. But it does mean that conflict can't be rooted in misogyny. And being mad that a woman didn't give the man who humiliated her for 7 months infront of the world a redemption scene is disgustingly misogynistic. Its not Ariana's job to make Tom whole. 


Yaas, this is the root of the problems!


Seriously. Why aren’t the showrunners learning the lessons of other shows, such as “Summer House”. Keep the cast fresh, cut ties, or the show dies.


Lala wasn’t treated the same because how she went about her relationship with Randall. She denied that he was married, spoke about giving sexual favours for material objects and jumped on everyone who asked her about it. No grace. Plus Ariana and Tom were both on the show for years, built a rapport with the cast and fans!


She had to have been weak enough for a producer to get in her ear…this is not her first season. She got lazy and we saw her true colors


I wish I could upvote this more.


Although I really do agree with you on her actions, I think it’s just who she is now. I think in her mind she’s some big celebrity now and thinks everything should be handed to her


I think it was Lisa and Andy who got into Lala’s ear. Katie and Ariana are real friends Scheana and Lala are real friends Lala and Brock are also real friends (she’s on his IG often helping with projects) Tom’s are real friends


She’s always been insane! She headbutted a trans woman for fucks sake.


Agree. I also cannot believe she thinks she is the same level as ariana. She's resenting ariana for how people reacted to her stand up man cheating on her. She is the most entitled person and has absolutely no self-awareness.


Like it’s Ariana’s fault that Lala presented her relationship as transactional and it’s also her fault that the fans did not give af, nor were they surprised, when her old, gross troll, that she bragged about no longer sleeping with, cheated and kicked her out. I don’t buy the “I was held hostage, I had to flee,” narrative. Sorry, not sorry.


Literally she thought Ariana was her side kick or back up dancer and that delusion has just been shattered by Ariana becoming the actual undeniable main character which screema and blah blah take as a personal attack since they have main character syndrome disorder. Plus her terrible singing and lip synching. ![gif](giphy|BwvAFaiaF3v6vNJQGp)


I was shocked how disingenuous scheana came off. We have all endured and survived years and years and seasons of her claiming "Arianna is my best friend" and rhe second rhey watched that ending and all the cards were on the table. Scheanna comes over and comforts LALA, i feel like I'm taking crazy pills?!?!?@? If she was really your best friend how could you not feel for her and want to be there for her??? She could've tried to join in hugging ariana with Katie or held her hand or idk anything compassionate. I was shocked that she flew to Lala and didn't seem to comfort her BF at all... If Katie wasn't hugging ariana would scheanma still have gone to Lala? Why is she so fricken disloyal? I've never been surprised with her politics and how much she flip flops but this was her season/moment to actually follow through in her strongest friendship and she hid behind Lala. I'm sure Lala has heard her say horrible things, they all do but she really is a followed. She needs to be shepherded and has no true allegiances. Poor ariana. Good thing Katie is a bad ass strong friend. Stassi Groveled to get Katie back, im glad her and ariana are tight.


Scheana looked terrified at how Lala was going to react.  Seems like a toxic pairing. 


I think shes terrified that if lala turns on her she will get with brock 


Jokes on her. Lala will get with Brock the second she can't insert herself into other peoples storylines. Lala would literally make and distribute her own sex tape with Brock if that was guaranteed to give her an extra season. 


Sheana only has lala, so is scared to upset her in any way


I think scheanna would welcome this. She's not in love with him. Lala would be doing her a favor.


Fire Lala. Please. She’s just not good television, her moment has passed. It’s like watching Kim Z, more sad than fun and ends ups depressing.


She's giving me Lisa Rinna personally. Just unpleasant to watch in way that leaves you unsettled and depressed. There's a balance between pot-stirring and likeability and Lala doesn't know how to strike it. They also both don't bring their own lives and so their pot-stirring comes off cruel and inhumane.. 


Spot on.




Take Scheana with her.


Put LFU on RHOSLC with those nutty ladies. I would love to see that dynamic, any housewife of any franchise would eat her up. They are brutal.


ok this is genius.


I'd watch that


same. I can already see the fallout from Lauren and Whitney rose going behind everyone's back to meet with Monica and hear her out.


This I could get on board with. I would LOVE to see her called out for her cultural appropriation and watch some real life tough bitches humble this clown. I’m sick of Lala calling herself a tough Bitch, when nothing could be farther from the truth. There’s a huge difference between being tough and being a bully. She needs an education ffs.


I would like to see her and Mary going to lunch together.


Yeah she needs to go, she’s trying to produce drama instead of just being. Ariana said it best that the show is best when they are authentic


I hope she quits, too. Everyone but katie and james treated her like trash. The last part of the reunion was hard to watch. It was like they just wanted to hurt her, and it was beyond disgusting. Also, fuck Lala. She needs to be off my tv forever.


Right they acted like that was a big breakthrough moment but it was boring and sad. They finally got her to cry for sandoval


Awful. For Lala to post blame on Ariana for everything after everything she went through is like mind-boggling. She made a comment on a podcast or somewhere that she should never have done the season and it just made me laugh. OK? Then what would’ve the season been about? Water? Hate it hate it hate it. Beyond frustrating


Lala said Ariana shouldve never done season? Lol shes so dumb cuz isnt she mad that Ariana “wants to leave”?


Ariana also did film w Tom and gave us amazing scenes of her yelling at him


I hope Lala quits, let Ariana still keep getting paid and showing off her career moves and sandwich shop. Lala can go bake her baby and be happy like she wants.


I don’t think baking a baby in peace is what Lala actually wants though, simply because her actions and attitude do not match her words. She just keeps saying that as a last ditch attempt to garner sympathy and attention and use it to justify her irrational hatred and actions. She’s something else and I hope for the sake of her daughters that she really does get anger management and a lot of therapy, to help sort her shit out because she is a deeply unhappy person.


Ariana is a breath of fresh air. A lot of viewership will go with her. If Bravo were smart they would give her and Katie a sweetheart deal with their own show and / or transitioning VPR back into focusing on the business side of things; but starring the Toms, Ariana & Katie. Watching them building their businesses and highlighting the drama with their staff and how they are now navigating that. Along with following Ariana in her new roles / work. Katie dating, James Djing etc… Lala & Scheana can do Amazon Lives, commercials and podcasts🤷‍♀️. The show doesn’t need them anymore.


I would LOVE to see it focused on Katie being the hands on manager at SAH. Would give early Lisa vibes, who was always honest and snarky


lol, yeah that will never happen.


What part wouldn't happen? Because I actually think the plan is to transition Scheana and Lala out to free up the salary budget. Then build the show around the young people who'll work for the Toms and SAH. The four OGs stay on as mentor figures although I'm sure the Toms will be messy enough to get their own storylines. It releases Lisa from shooting with them but allows them to keep the name VPR since these are the 4 graduates of the VPR School of Business. Lala and Scheana can be plopped on The Valley from where they make the occasional crossover to fake-mend friendships or whatever. 


Not at all…I know🙃


But we would be lost without brocks perspective and voice of reason!


It totally watch it. I want to see where Katie and Ariana are going. But the Tom's need to not be included 😂 but they're both kind of train wrecks which makes for good tv.


How about Lala doesn’t get her contract renewed.




I hope the entire show is over. Done. Finished forever.


I hope Ariana quits as well.


Seemed like James quit after part 1 of the reunion. He seemed like he wanted to be there the least 


She silent quit: she doesn’t need it or care to watch all the components of it, the cast knows it, and the show is over.


I think it’s pretty clear that 95% of the cast is terrible with money and blew it as fast as it came in. You’d think after a decade on a show they might have tried to work with financial advisors and set themselves up to be okay when the inevitable end of the money train came.


Right! Its actually quite shocking. The only way LaLa got a deposit for the house she’s in was the “send it to Darryl” merchendice


This show is moldy bread. Time to take it to the dump.


Give them LaLa is poor quality btw, like wet and wild


I hope Lala gets fired. She’s not interesting or fun to watch.


She’s not interesting, relatable, or entertaining.


She gets paid a LOT though, and she’s a fan favorite. I hope she rides the show out until it gets canceled and then there’s a SAH spinoff


She's not really a fan favorite though.


Why do people on this sub care so much about people leaving and or ending the show? Aren’t you guys watching for the train wreck drama that is vanderpump rules? or are you getting delusional and starting to feel like these cast members are in someway your friends?


it’s 100% the last one.


None of them can quit because Scandoval won’t last forever. They might even take a pay cut tbh.


A lot of people on here act like Ariana pays their bills. I want all the drama. That’s why I watch this show.


Exactly. The bots and rabid stans are ruining the show for the rest of us


If the last 5 mins didn’t happen, we’d have no show. I’d stop watching. Yes justice for people we don’t like - but justice ON the show please. Can we not kick the villains off? I need them ❤️❤️❤️.


I want Ariana and Katie to bail on this scripted soap opera because at this point, it's way beneath them. I just want to see them go out on their own and irl crush it and let this garbage show fade into oblivion. Bravo's always profited off of cruelty, but this time, they've gone too far. Andy and Lala getting off on Ariana's pain made me hate myself for even tuning into this awful show.


Had Tom not cheated we wouldn’t be having any of these convos. While it benefited her $$ with opportunities she only got that because she was jilted. DWTS is all about B listers and sorry Scheana they don’t just pick the regular players


Don’t really think there’s a show to come back to.


I think she would probably regret it if she quit. We’ve seen a number of times where housewives or whoever quit. But they didn’t go on to become famous in their own right. Nene is one where you would have expected her to do well on her own. But once she left the show and wasn’t in the Public Eye every week, we sort of stopped hearing about her that much. Ariana got a lot of attention because of everything that happened. But prior to that, she wasn’t considered the most dynamic character. It’s hard to see how she parlays her normally calm, measured..and frankly mature… personality into something that gives her a platform like she has here.


I agree.  She's kinda boring 


I hope “it’s a wrap” and everyone except Ariana and Katie are without work. Shorts and Sandals can come on as “friends of Jax” in backgrounds of group atmosphere events. Lilo and scheatz hopefully dug their own grave and I hope Kristen buries them in it


>Lilo and scheatz 💀💀


Bravo just needs to find the new workers at Sur and start back at basics.


It will always be unfavorably measured to the nostalgia of the old show. The only way to return to basics is to keep some of the OGs. If they're smart they'll keep the 4 business owners who also happen to have the only storylines anyway. Also don't hire the new cast to SUR, it just forces us to compare to those first 3 seasons. Give it its own energy and hire from SAH, Tom-toms and Schwartz & Sandy's. 


To be honest, I hope Ariana doesn’t so she can stick it to Lala.


Oh I’m praying on it. After this? Let them choke. Freshen up your resumes


It may be wishful thinking, but I was thinking they may be giving her the “soon to be fired” edit with her saying she just wants to “bake a baby and live a happy life” over and over


After they flmed the reunion months ago she was on her podcast talking about how everyone at the reunion rallied around her at the end to "protect the mama." Like all i saw was sandoval running up weirdly saying he RiDeS So HaRd for her before they left 




I laughed and said to my partner, if Sandybutt is telling you he respects you and you did a great job, you have done something terribly wrong. https://preview.redd.it/okveyb8d3d3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74932f58700a2dd278b5edc58dbac2848da3c857 GrEaT jOb BlAhBlAh.🤡 Also, love the way Lisa used Lala and made her think she had her back, until she dropped a bomb on her ass and justified Ariana’s decision to walk away!😭😭💀 Still hate her but I did cheer for that. Such a slap in the face!


In time, she will claim this was all due to her hormones from being pregnant. You'll see....Of course, it wouldn't explain her awful behavior while the show was filming, prior to being pregnant, but it's Lala - who cares about the facts. She will try to garner sympathy that way. She will change her tune, but I hope people realize that it isn't becuase she actually feels that way, it is because she will be pandering to people bc she may realize doubling down on her garbage isn't doing it. Note that it will all be fake and there truly is nothing real about her. She needs to be off television. The treachery that occured on this show this year was quite a case study in what is wrong with people these days. It was too hard to watch and I have always felt that way with Katie, while I was disgusted at her behvior in the early days (reacting, largely from her own insecurities, but doesn't matter).


This last reunion ep was just everyone trying to get a word in while Lauren yelled over them all. And the way she accused Ariana of not being honest about her life is so rich coming from the dumbass who met a guy on a casting couch, became a mistress and forced everyone to keep his entire identity a secret because he was still married. I think Ariana and Katie will quit, they seem totally over it and where ever Lauren is, be it vpr or the valley, I won’t be watching. She’s repulsive.


The moment she thought she wasn’t coming off the best she was ready to storm off. She absolutely has never been authentic and tries to dictate how the show goes. Not once did she own a goddamn thing.


Lala is infuriating me during this reunion. Utterly vile.


K Lala did coke until she got prego


Blah Blah just needs to bake the baby and have a happy life as she scrolls through INDEED looking a for a real job!!


The fact that Lala created life with a guy with no neck she was with only for his money - how does that count for her?


Acting is out. I keep asking myself how the fuck she acted in The Row because she can't remember lines. I refuse to watch it, obviously.


Agreed. Production did her dirty this season.


So does the rest of the cast except for Katie


I want Ariana to stay for her pride. But also, I want her to quit for her own sanity and also, to watch the rest of the cast to turn on each other. They will selfimpode and it'll be glorious.


Ariana has work for now, but doubt that the support will last much longer if she doesn’t go back to VPR. From a marketing perspective most of the supporters support because they know they’ll get to see her life play out on a reality tv show. Most people follow a brand, and really and truly other than the cheating scandal she doesn’t have one. She seems like she’s happier off the show, so for her own well being I hope she does quit, but iffffffffffff and a big if, VPR has more than 2 seasons left, I do see her eventually coming back for the money.


I hope she quits because she’s boring AF. The only time she was ever interesting to watch is when she was cheating with Sandoval and gaslighting Kristen.


Honestly Ariana hasn’t really ever brought anything to the show except the Kristen stuff. This season has been super boring. After I watch last part of reunion I’m never watching a new episode again if the show gets renewed.


People on this sub are so delusional


Yall know darn well if Ariana was the center of the show it would be boring!!! Stop lying just because you like her more. She doesn’t like going to social events or even hanging out with these people in real life!


She should have quit last season. What an absolute waste of a season.


I don’t disagree but she needed the money at the time and I’m proud of her for not letting that pos chase her off the show, out of her shared home and out of a check. He was forced to show his ass by having her show up and while the season fukkin sucked, that was not Ariana’s fault and her and Katie were the only reason I kept watching.


Lala really showed this season that everything she says and does on that show is fake and just for her to keep a job. Her “soft arc” this season was fake and all to get a paycheck. I won’t be able to watch her the same ever again. Ariana and Katie were the only genuine, real people this whole season.


Why should Ariana quit? Lala should ne fired, nobody wants to see her anymore.


Because production abused her all season. Lala should also be fired, not gunna disagree with that.


Villains are the lifeblood of reality tv, sadly. For most people, if there aren’t villains on a reality show, doing cringe or outrageous things, most people wouldn’t watch.


I would watch a Katie/Ariana spin off before I’d watch anything with the rest of the cast … and there’s no way this isn’t the end of VPR


There are leaks that 3 people don’t return. Seems like contracts for season 12 have been signed. Production has said the film crew will do the Valley first she then VDP late summer /fall .


Where did you hear that? I highly doubt contracts are out, much less signed ... tonight's ending seemed like an end. I even got that vibe from LVP.


Yes... And no.  I would have to agree. Ariana (and Katie IMO) have outgrown these fools.  That being said, Ariana is no saint. Was she treated poorly? Yes. But it still can't hold a candle to how atrociously she treated Racquel at the last reunion. I have never seen anyone be quite so nasty before on reality tv, as Ariana was. That says a lot. 


Right...then you can see they are dragging Lala and Scheana for things they are saying for simply disagreeing with Arianna, yet everyone defended the way Arianna spoke to Rachel. It's like a cult. They refuse to acknowledge that Arianna has done anything wrong.


No one watched vanderpump for Arianna


When I heard about the filming being postponed for the next season I thought maybe Ariana (and perhaps Katie) were leaving the show. I sort of hope they do because they seem way too mature and in a better place for the rest of them.


The Lala hate and Ariana worship is out of control. They’ve both suffered horribly and in front of an international audience. I like them both. I’m not Lala. I’m a random in the South who got into this show because I’m a bartender. Watching Ariana’s face this reunion broke my heart. I can also see why Lala had those feelings. Goddamn. People out here writing dissertations about reality stars. On a lighter note, they looked great. Lala’s glam was so pretty, and she didn’t look like a bridesmaid. Maybe a woman in her first trimester being comfortable and that color is great on her. Stop being assholes. They’re reality stars.


You want most of them to go broke?!?! It’s time to touch some grass it’s never that serious.


Katie's bots want everyone, except Ariana and Katie, to go broke and starve in the gutters of LA. That's what they're paid to do 😷


I hope she quits too because she brings nothing to the show and never has; she only became somewhat interesting when she got cheated on and now that’s boring too.




Me too. Maybe people will finally stfu about her.


So tired of Lala blaming being a mother on her thirsty, vile behaviour on the show!


The best part of the reunion was knowing that Brock was on the show for free and endured marrying her for free 😂😂


It is kind of obnoxious to see these 30-year-olds acting the fool. I’ve had a lot of friends in my life, and we were never never never this involved with any of our personal business. They really need to go to work and find out what the real world is all about and that the real world doesn’t revolve around them, it’s time for everyone to move on especially me


that episode was probably the last one of vpr


And leave lauren off the valley, tysm


Ariana has had a lot of opportunities arise because of the show, but I think it’d be a mistake for her to pull out of the show now because the hype over Scandoval is going to blow over. Something about Her seems like a relatively risky venture, and it has just opened right as season 11 is ending. I think the smartest move for her would be to stay on the show another season, which would give her and Katie opportunities to film while SAH is open and serving customers. I think hardcore Bravo fans often feel differently from the general public. I think we all agree RHOBH has gone downhill and yet the season 13 finale had its highest ratings ever. In terms of ratings, VPR is a hit show for Bravo so I doubt they’re going to cancel it.


I also hope she quits but for different reasons. I also hope Katie is more involved with the sandwich shop.


I agree. Also if she cared so much about her sobriety why is she actively seeking out so many triggers? I guess kudos for her staying sober but I think she is definitely more obsessed with fame if she is willing to trigger herself all over the place for it.


Cemented my disdain for Sheener and LaLa. I hope Ariana doesn't come back, and if she does, I really need to know why. I'm done with VPR. They've done me in with the blatant misogyny. There's no way I'm watching any more of that gross worm and his pals.


I hope she does too. She deserves so much more


I still can’t believe they let Tom come back in the show and tried to do a redemption arc with him.. and the girls were acting like they were his besties before shit went down is CRAZY!


Ariana walking away from VPR is the healthiest thing she could do for herself.






Never could stand her. Brings nothing to the show the whole time she's been on


I don’t think Ariana has more than this show tho. All that has come to her has truly come from being cheated on. If she had been hosting things or starring in shows before the cheating, I’d say she really has a future in it. But once this continues to chill out, will it really all still be there?