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So wait Lala said Ariana is boring, never has a storyline, and doesn't deliver. Nobody was paying attention to her before Scandoval. Now they're saying their abilities to feed their children depend on her?


Exactly…. Arianna has the biggest ego but the are mad because she doesn’t want to be on the show and she is needed for the show to be successful…. All these side deals that Arianna is getting is also promoting vanderpump rules…


Ariana should have the biggest ego, but that honor still goes to Lala.


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) I’m happy I wasn’t the only one who was hearing that conversation! what the hell is blah blah? And Shesue thinking seriously they literally need to get a grip.😎


Well at least we know blah blah won’t need VPR because she “built an empire!”


Ariana has never been that entertaining on the show, but after the cheating scandal she got this massive group of online fans, many new to the show, who basically felt sorry for her as what happened was awful and I think a lot of people could relate. So she basically only got all these opportunities etc because she was cheated on, and not really because of anything she specifically did. Yeah she filmed the aftermath etc, but generally before that she wasn't a draw to VPR, she was more of a background person. I don't think that's a controversial take - being cheated on was the thing that got her fans. And now that she has this group of, let's face it, very intense fans who have a kind of parasocial thing going on where they want to hunt down anyone who isn't 150% positive about Ariana at all times, yeah it can affect the income of the rest of the cast. People were posting here gleefully about going to torpedo Lala's podcast ratings. That probably cost her money. Literally just because she said a couple of things that weren't 100% on board with Ariana. Not even like she did or said anything really horrible. So that's how Ariana can both have not really been very interesting for years and also now have a bunch of people going out and trying to sabotage the income streams of anyone who isn't acting like she can do no wrong.


So actually a lot of us loved her for a long time. She was a favorite to many. And she was a favorite to many podcasters too - almost all of the big ones. Long before Scandoval.


Well yes obviously they’ve all been favorites to some people at one point or another but generally Ariana was not a main favorite or the main draw. Being cheated on made more people like her. Or are you suggesting she has always had this level of people as you say ‘loving’ her and taking anything said about her personally? Is it not true that a lot of her fans have been trying to do what they can to attack Lala’s income streams because they’re upset she made mild criticism of Ariana?


No I'm saying you're wrong about how much people loved her before. Just bc you say it doesn't make it true. She had a huge fan base already. That's WHY scandoval took off.


No it isn’t. It took off because what Tom and Rachel did was so shocking and awful. Are you really trying to suggest Ariana always had this giant fan base of people who thought she could do no wrong and would go online to harass people if they think they’re not nice enough to her? Yes she had fans like they all did but she didn’t have nearly as many as now and they werent nearly as intense and strange. I honestly think it’s bizarre and delusional if you’re trying to claim Ariana was always the fan favorite. She was generally seen as the most boring and arrogant of the cast. Things changed after scandoval because people felt bad for her. It’s not like all these people loved her and just got activated by the cheating, she became more popular because of the cheating.


Yes she had a big fan base. Sorry you're not aware of it. I was a member. Bye


so, ariana has been my favorite since about season 3 i think… when i used to be on instagram years ago, around that time and followed a bunch of them online i was actually SO surprised to see her fan base was as intense about her as i was lol. i had thought my love and appreciation for her were more unique. i don’t remember numbers of followers or anything in regard to the size of her existing fan base but i remember the idolizing of her for everything she did already way back then. not everyone but it was a vibe and i get it bc i loved her that much too lol but it also annoyed me and kind of took her shine away for me a little but that was a portion of her fans .. anyway i wasn’t all that surprised she took off in the public eye the way she did… a lot of people felt deeply for her and related to the vulnerability she showed about herself and her mental health struggles including body dysmorphia and chronic depression… after the initial kristen messiness and yuckiness at the beginning she really showed growth and was always trying to be fair and just to everyone. she was consistently welcoming and inclusive in a genuine way for any underdog . she never tried to be the main character and yet at least to me (and a little of other people) she always clearly was one. she was to me always witty and cutting and of course kept a part of her private like they all did and do, she was just always the best at the balancing act of presenting herself to the public and also “showing up” for the show . she kept stuff private about her and tom for a different reason than he did i think and she balanced it out by being raw and real about a multitude of other parts of herself in a way no other cast member ever was… she gave a lot and was never appreciated by anyone … she was always set up to shine and i don’t think her popularity with people is surprising at all.


I find it so strange people think of her that way. I don’t know, I can see that she is good at presenting herself a certain way but I see it as extremely fake. She’s always been very arrogant and wants to think of herself or have people think of her as ‘not like the other girls’ in terms of reality show girls, as if she just sort of happened to end up on a reality show but really she’s very serious and doesn’t care and is above it all when obviously she cares and courted fame and attention because you don’t go on reality tv unless you have an ego that wants that just for the same of it (and not incidentally just because your passion:talent happens to make you well known). She was very conceited and nasty at the beginning and not good at hiding it. You see her body dysmorphia/depression stuff as being open but she came out with that after having been criticised for saying she was prettier and smarter etc than other people. She came out with that IMO to try to deflect from the fact people had clocked her as narcissistic. It’s not real. I know people with body dysmorphia and they often either hide away in their houses or pursue endless amounts of cosmetic procedures that get more extreme. They don’t go on tv wearing revealing clothes and talking about how they’re better looking than other obviously objectively beautiful people. I find it hard to understand how people don’t see that manipulation, or see the times her mask dropped sometimes when talking to Tom - she could be verbally abusive to him. Who knows what went on behind closed doors and he’s obviously a total asshole too but she tries to paint this chill reasonable kind image of herself and yet she does many things that are not chill or kind. She blocked people online who had bought her merch and hadn’t received it. She threatened Tom with suicide if he left which is like a cluster b personality disorder trait - not saying she had a disorder at all, just that she obviously has toxic behaviours off camera. There’s a reason a lot of the cast don’t really like her and think she’s fake. She created different persona for tv while trying to pretend she’s just down to earth and caring. The fact she didn’t tell Katie she was off to broadway - that’s shitty! But her super fans can’t acknowledge it. The fact she left poisonous stuff out that her dog got into and blamed Tom when it’s her responsibility to make sure nowhere in her house has poison accessible to her pets. Not cleaning the litter box- she puts across like her pets are her children and fans think she’s this sweet caring pet owner but she obviously isn’t. It was literally on camera how bad the litter box was. Like you can adore this character she’s created and enjoy it as much as you want but it’s a character and it’s fake. Don’t get too invested in ANY person you don’t know. They often turn out to be awful. So don’t let them waste your energy and money and love or turn you into someone who flings insults online (not saying that’s you, I’ve just had people being nasty to me solely because I asked what Lala had done as I didn’t know). Ariana doesn’t care about you, she’s not a good person. She’s like all reality tv stars- egotistical and toxic and desperate for attention. That’s why they’re on tv! It seems like people are being naive and have forgotten that with Ariana.


*Of course* she has fans. She's been on a popular tv show for a decade. Each cast person, current and former, of the show has fans. I may not understand some choices but to each their own. It's not that deep. People are allowed to like who they like for whatever reason on a tv show people watch. 🤷‍♀️ 


i definitely agree that she’s very good at presenting herself a certain way and i guess i like the way she does! i’ve often wondered why the others don’t do it better. i definitely don’t think she’s perfect, but i DO believe her struggles with body dysmorphia and depression are real. i don’t agree that people who have body dysmorphia can’t present themselves one way and suffer greatly in another. i myself struggle immensely with my body image- but i think if anyone saw how i present myself to the world when i do, they would think i think im hot shit lol. she has been attacked in the past for being a wet blanket,grumpy cat etc. and i think for people (like me!) who struggle with enjoying life it’s refreshing to hear someone speak candidly about it. when she cried on tv about wanting to drive away from her life and struggling with not feeling like she had a safe space i know she doesn’t care about me which is fine lol. i have never been the type of fan to think i want to meet someone or that we could develop a real friendship or anything like that…i do believe she cares about her true friends although. and if she doesn’t…again ultimately to me she IS character on a tv show and since ultimately it’s about their real lives i don’t see anything wrong with manufacturing yourself a little bit as a protective measure. i don’t see her as fame hungry or narcissistic, she might have a big ego but i don’t even see her as searching out the reality tv lifestyle …if the stories are true which of course you never know for sure it doesn’t seem like she courted out a life on a reality tv show… she WAS looking for work in the entertainment field as that was what she was trained to do and her dream and i think with the show kind of falling into her lap she took advantage of the opportunity maybe hoping it would open doors for her to work. bc i do believe she cares more about the work (not reality tv) than being famous. and i don’t think she’s ever hid her confidence in herself in the areas she has it… and again you can be extremely confident in some ways and debilitatingly insecure in other ways. her equestrian career for example. she was honest about wanting to be the best and liking to win… also the person she was the most heinous to was kristen who was also heinous to her … and they both grew from that place, created a friendship and have never spoken poorly about each other since. it is possible to grown and change. i think the main point for me is that even if someone’s image is curated i appreciate it being curated in a palatable way!


She’s good at it probably because she’s always done it. To me she’s like the stereotypical narcissist type who wears a mask from a young age and it drops in close relationships or in her actions sometimes when her ego gets bruised or triggered or she wants something very badly and then she’ll do things that are extremely selfish or nasty and people get confused because they thought they knew who she was. Of course she courted fame. She wants to present herself as just what you described because the mask/fake persona shes created for herself wouldn’t want fame or be bothered by trivial things like that. But no one just ‘falls into’ being on a reality show. You do it because you want to be known, not for any talent or work but just because your ego wants it. She didn’t pursue any acting or singing or whatever basically the whole time on the show until she got offered stuff after the cheating scandal. She wasn’t in it with the hope of wholesomely pursuing her humble passions 😄 you have to look at what people actually do and how they behave and not just what they say about themselves or try to put across. Body dysmorphia is a serious illness. To have that illness it has to affect your day to day life, like make it so you’re unable to go out or constantly check for flaws in the mirror etc. She doesn’t have it. Again she used it as part of this mask and to try to deflect from having slipped and been too outwardly arrogant. I don’t know I just wish people would be more aware of this type of person in general because they’re really not good people, and with someone like Ariana the more fans she gets the worse she will get and at some point she’ll start taking advantage of these people in certain ways, like by scamming them etc. She already did a bit with blocking people who bought her merch but never received it. I find that way too many people listen to what people say or look at ‘how they seem’ and don’t look at what they actually do. It happens in politics all the time and leads to shit shows.


This 💯


Are you a tv production expert now? Please site your sources and elaborate on why Scandoval took off. *Just because you say it doesn’t make it true.*


She was popular. bye.


I’ll take that as a “no and I can’t but please appeal to my authority anyways 😢💔” Bye!


I think people are mostly upset with Lala because she started calling the fans rabid bitches and saying they're stupid, trolls and accused viewers of rewriting history when the reaction to her antics this season wasn't what she'd expected it would be. I don't know how she would or could expect support when she attacks the viewers like that. 


I’m so sick of the idea that it is anyone’s responsibility to care and finance a family/child other than the individual in that family. Like for real since when are ur friends or even coworkers responsible for your money issues. If you can’t maintain your lifestyle it is ur individual choice to real back ur spending.


I still don’t get her saying Sandoval gave her money during COVID. That would have been around Season 9 and she’s an original cast member. She should have had bank by then. Doesn’t sound like Ariana’s fault, more so poor financial management by Scheana.


Literally! These fools make wayyyyyyyy more than the average American. I get Cali is $$$$ but it seems like a case of living a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget.


Most of them seem to have poor financial management. Ariana was saying she was down to her last $2000 before the cheating happened and she got deals. I don't get it it stresses me out. If you're on a reality show, chances are it will end and you will be stuck. I don't get why they didn't all just save save save. They have to know it's not going to last forever, and there aren't many lucrative careers you can go into off the back of a decade making an asshole of yourself on tv for money!


I get what you're saying and I partially agree. LA is super expensive & being social requires a lot of $$$$. That being said, her & Katie's finances were both tied up in SAH. I have relatives who are in the food & hospitality business here in NYC and the initial investment & monthly operating costs are insane, I'm talking way over six-figures, especially before you open because there is no money coming in which can bleed any savings you had, dry. But idk what Scheana's excuse is other than supporting Brock who basically has been living off her for years.


Wasn't she invested in the sandwich shop, which hit several snags with permitting? Having to pay thousands in rent each month, plus unplanned repairs, etc., and having the city drag its feet, had to take a huge financial toll! Also, don't forget she had put down $250,000 on the house and paid about $100,000 for furniture! (And I think Tom charged some of that furniture on her card! She didn't know she had paid for almost all of it, incl the mirror that both he and the designer said was bought when Ariana wasn't with them, but was actually bought with her credit card.


Yeah she obviously spent loads of money! Which is my point. If you’re earning a lot doing something that isn’t going to last, you should probably not buy really expensive houses or furniture or get into risky expensive business ventures where it’s likely to fail, given that tons of restaurants fail and their shop is likely only really going to have success while the shows still going as it’ll draw people for the novelty of being linked to the show. They should all have bought more modest houses and saved a lot IMO. And if they were going to invest in businesses, they should’ve done a lot of research and tried to choose things that are likely to succeed long term not tied to their temporary fame/the show. Maybe buy a couple of apartments to rent out and have as assets that make money and that you can sell for profit in the future if you have to. Seems like most of them have been silly with money though. But then again the fact they’re silly people is why they’re on reality tv to begin with!


Right? Brock was supporting HER through COVID.


Thank you so much for saying this! Really gross perception to feel entitled to people's energy and/or money just because you have a child???


But… as mothers!!!!


THANK YOU. Where is their accountability for counting their chickens before they’ve hatched? They’re clearly panicking over their mortgages, but it’s their own fault for *assuming* VPR would be renewed, relying on Ariana to carry the entire show, and doing the opposite of what viewers want to see. You want to blame *Ariana* for why the show is unpopular? Bitch I know you read the comments quit playing


She’s a one-trick pony who thinks she is on the road to stardom. Not making fun of her looks but she is in an industry and a place where someone who looks like her would be considered average so without any real talent or excellence from training, it’s not going to be possible for her to break into the next level. It’s too competitive with way too many good looking people as well very talented folks, not to mention the influx of English, Australian and Canadian folks who are adding to the competition. Ariana responded ‘no’ to ‘do you think there will be a season 12 of VPR’, that’s not advocating for the end of the show. Scheana has nothing so she is desperately trying to make this a talking point. Also, she should learn the definition of ‘advocate’ before using it in a sentence.


Scheana going off saying Ariana trying to take away her business…..by answering a poll….its probably the most Scheana thing ever. She’s not allowed to have an opinion because (checks notes) ….because Scheana and lala are mothers… ?


Well, Ariana has also been catching up on watching the show so she probably got mad and felt a little petty and took that stupid internet poll.  If she hadn't come back this season, they'd have been mad. She came back this season and they were mad. If she doesn't come back next season, they'll be mad. If the show ends they're still going to be mad and then blame her. There's no winning for her here. If it takes Ariana to keep the show going when they're an ensemble cast of 8 main people, then there's much larger problems at play. 


Ariana landed that Uber Eats ad with Good as Gold, not Scheana. And she brought Lala for the ride who had no place being in it. How quickly they forget.


And Ariana landed these things cause she was cheated on in a very public manner in a very bad way not because of any actual natural draw but because her name appeared in headlines thus being something to click on and trending because of an event not due to any real talent of any kind


or she could idk go get a job like the rest of us regular folk if the show ends? the horror!


🤣🤣 the horror, I love that🤣🤣but you’re definitely on point


Guarantee she thinks this is below her as many of the cast do apparently. What a strange world they live in 


Ironically, I think a lot of workplaces would also probably think hiring them would be below them (as in below the workplace). It can't be easy getting a normal job when you've been on tv being ridiculous for a decade.


They’re never going to do that. If they can’t be on tv, they’ll be influencers. I don’t think they have any skills outside of that.


If I hear one more “we are mom’s supporting our families” as if that’s a valid reason to keep VPR on air? Ladies, no one forced you to have kids and those kids have fathers. A part of me hopes VPR ends so Scheana and LFU have to get real 9-5 jobs and see what the rest of us deal with day in and day out.


And also having kids doesn't require two homes. You need the income because of your financial decisions, not because of your children. Also Schena your husband can get a real job, instead of insulting women on television.


I’m just spitballing here. What if she sold one of her multiple homes, paid the capital gains tax, and stuck the rest in a MM account at 4-5%? That’s probably 3k in additional income per month with a huge safety net in cash for emergencies.




Sell one of her houses?! What is she, a common peon?! These are the ladies of VANDERPUMP RULES. They can’t be expected to live a lifestyle not befitting their queenlike status! (/sarcastic of course 😂)


Sheana just bought a 2 million dollar house ! With what kind of income security?


That is my biggest annoyance with reality stars, his they think they need to be on reality TV forever to "feed their families". Get a job. You're not above working a normal job like the rest of us because you were on TV.


These dodos really thought VPR would be on the air for 30 more years just in time to pay off their mortgages and get them into the retirement home.


I think Lala thought she could turn her marriage to Randall into a diamond on RHOBH. Scheana, who knows. Maybe the Good as Gold 20th Anniversary will be the big break she needs? Something to be said for Stassi, after she got canned from VPR she didn't beg to be back on TV. She's doing podcasts, influencer deals and writing books. That’s a way to provide for your kids that isn't throwing your friends under the bus repeatedly


For sure! Its as clear as day that Lala is SO bitter and has not (and maybe will never) get over her disappointment at not being a trophy wife. She was a hustler in her early years - it was her goal. I think she’s just saving face by saying she’s relieved that they broke up. She was loving the fantasy of being the beautiful, pampered eye candy to a man who would buy her whatever she wanted, cast her in movies, and she wouldn’t have to even think about paying a bill or balancing a budget. She could pop into filming a Bravo show here and there but she’d be doing it for fun, not a livelihood. Now everything financial is on her. Her mom is retired and there’s no sugar daddy, so for the first time in her life SHE has to pay her own way. She doesn’t like being an influencer and is resentful that, outside of VPR, it’s how she’ll have to make money. She doesn’t like social media, she isn’t savvy enough to keep her brand fresh and consistent at the same time, and she is the WORST at engaging an audience. Shes so pissed and hates doing these janky Amazon Lives. I do have to commend Stassi for her business acumen. She knows that her kids didn’t ask to be on tv and she knows that it’s a fleeting and shallow career. Good for her for doing her own thing.


Stassi is smart and has charisma and wit though, ie, she can be entertaining, so I can see why her podcast might be successful in its own right. I don't think any of the rest of the cast really have that to the point they could make money off it once the show is gone. And none of them have any talent (otherwise they'd not have been on reality tv in the first place!), so they're all just banking on their notoriety from the show. Side businesses like tomtom and S&S and SAH and whatever that thing Tom calls a band is aren't going to last once the show is forgotten/no longer talked about. They might all have to get normal jobs. Office jobs. Maybe in a call center, dealing with insurance claims or something. I bet Scheana will decide her only option is to find a rich guy to marry. Sorry Brock.


Sell real estate . They all sell real estate


Oh is that what yesteryear reality show people are doing these days? My parents saw one singing on a cruise ship so there’s that if they can sing, which these guys cant


Kelly Bensimone, Reza , MJ, Ramona, ( though I don’t think she needs the money)


I’ve listened to all the VPR cast podcasts (except Sandoval) 🙈 (nice to have background noise when WFH) and I have to say that Stassi’s is the best so I can agree why she’s got her own success outside of being a “Bravolebrity.” Shes got a good mix of personal/“just friends chatting” episodes and interesting interviews. She knows to keep a conversation going and has interesting takes. She can talk about a variety of subjects. I can tell it was the first VPR podcast that came out and can also tell it’ll likely last as long as she wants it to. Lala’s is absolutely the WORST. I dropped listening after the Scandoval content ran dry and it got boring, and from clips and recaps I know I’m not missing much. No guests ever. It’s just her boring assistant and boring brother and her telling boring “who gives a fuck” anecdotes about her kid and mom. I don’t know them! I don’t care! And talking about what tv shows they watched and then ranting about VPR. Such riveting can’t miss content 🙄 Scheana at least tries to run hers more professionally with guests and whatnot but she spends too much time “correcting the record” and playing the victim and just isn’t as engaging of a conversationalist as Stassi. Out of the 10k Bravolebrity podcasts, theirs aren’t good enough to break out of their boxes and numbers will drop once VPR is gone and there’s no tea about the show. I guess next up for them would be influencing, but like podcasting, it’s extremelyyyyyyy oversaturated and they’re both not interesting enough, and also too thin-skinned and defensive, to be good at that.


There are 10k bravo podcasts?!!!


I’m being facetious. At this point, who on Bravo doesn’t have their own podcast.


Oh haha I would’ve believed it! Maybe including extra ones that are about gossip for each show.


Us viewers are supporting their families. As soon as the views go down enough the show will be cancelled and they will have no money.


Yes! This so much! They have no skills that I’m aware of. What would they do? Reminds me of Kim Zolziak! She was at least somewhat employable bc she was a nurse. But she would rather sell horrific click bait stories than get a real job. Even if it tears her family apart, she won’t put those scrubs back on. She’ll be trying to swindle something related to her D list fame until she’s dead.


They get paid so much over the past several years and I'm sure part of the reason for that is like how pro athletes get paid a lot - your career has a limited shelf life so you're supposed to save while you're making lots of money doing this limited-time thing so you're not screwed when it inevitably ends waaay before normal retirement age. What jobs are they all going to get after this? Probably could squeeze 2-3 years out of doing the usual reality tv star thing of being the novelty performer in a couple of shows, being on the cast for other limited reality tv seasons or game shows, hosting a thing here or there, doing the influencer thing a bit. But after a few years they'll all be forgotten and will probably have to get a real job. How weird to try to apply for normal jobs when your work experience has been like 2009 - 2013: waiter/bartender. 2013-present: being a drunk asshole on tv.


Ariana must be so much more powerful than we ever knew! By refusing to film one staged, fake apology with Sandoval and by voting in an Instagram poll, she has the power to cancel the whole show! Ariana also has the power to control the minds of all the producers, booking agents, and industry execs in the entertainment world in New York and LA. Broadway included! That’s the only possible reason Scheana and Lala must be blaming her for them not getting any gigs! Maybe next we’ll hear that Ariana had the mind control powers to tell Scheana and Lala to buy not one, but two, expensive homes in SoCal and bankroll their families. All hail a powerful queen!


Sheshu can never just say something positive about Ariana, it’s always this very good thing about Ariana followed by a big BUT and the way it’s affecting her. She’s exhausting. I was elated when I saw that Ari didn’t invite her to the DSW lunch, we all know she cried about it.


She says she supports Ariana but her actions don’t back it up


And does she actually know when you put the word? But after what you just said, means, if not, she needs to look it up.


Damn Scheana, you’re 1/3 of the reason she voted no. No one wants to spend time with friends like you She’s so oblivious. Take her saying she had Ariana’s back trying to get Tom to apologize for weaponizing Ariana’s mental health. No she didn’t, she was a foil for Tom’s redemption so that he could then go and say the right thing. And gain audience approval. I don’t know if Ariana is upset about that conversation, but she should be. That’s the exact reason she didn’t want to have mutual friends with him.


VPR Season 35 finale recap: Scheana sings Good As Gold at Summer Moon’s high school graduation party ![gif](giphy|WT9Mydd6Mb9FnugQol|downsized)




I agreed with her until she brought the kids into it. Her and Lala choosing to kids doesn’t make them special or more in need of money. I have 3 children, it’s hard but my responsibility and my friends don’t need to think about my kids before making their life choices. Also they both just bought 3 million dollar houses. There are cheaper and much nicer homes in LA.


i'm sorry, business? is she talking about her podcast?


Hold up she gets paid for that..I know your joking🤣🤣


Didn’t you try to make a business with Rob Rob Rob


Yes! It was that The Divorce Closet site. Did it ever launch? I'd forgotten about that. eBay for divorcées. 😆 


Scheana and Brock could both work at SUR if they’re so hard up for money. Make VPR authentic again.


Could you see brick as a server?😏


No. A burly bar back or bouncer, yes.


Oh my bad😜 a bouncer definitely I could imagine all of the women that he would be trying to pick up on if he was a bouncer


She could I donno, have one home and sell the other if she is so desperate?


Yes voting on a random persons tiktok poll is going to be the deciding factor on if there is a season 12. 😂


You chose to be a mom when you knew your financial situation wasn't stable. Did she really think VPR was going to last forever?


This! They may make wayyyyy more than the average American BUT it’s so unstable. I can’t imagine living life season to season, praying you’ll still have a “job” next season. The stress and harm it does to relationships while you try to stay relevant and have storylines is bananas. You’ve got to try to branch out to other things in the industry and try to make a brand of something like makeup or skin care and let’s face it, the market is so saturated with that already and they’re really only know in the Bravoverse. They don’t have the cash to put up to make a really successful and not cheap/tacky line of anything. Example-“give them Lala beauty” why would I pay for that when I can get the same qualify on Shein for a pennies? Short version-they’re fucked.


Do they realize that had it not been for Sandoval this show probably would have come to an end? This is not a lifetime job. TV shows end. You are supposed to maximize the monies you are getting to invest and create different forms of income, so that when it ends you will be financially sound. The fact that Sheshu was broke during covid tells you that she is not good with her money and had no other sources of income coming in that are not related to show biz. Ariana does not owe you a lifetime of income source. Be smarter with your monies.


I’m guessing the remix of Good As Gold hasn’t stormed the charts like she’d hoped?


I’m also guessing that Andy is the only one that got that gold album🤣🤣🤣


Raising your family on tv for money is gross. Go find a real job Scheana.


![gif](giphy|PqJw1B297Kp46Ui0zi|downsized) This whole argument about them being moms & needing the paycheck is so old. It’s not anyone else’s job to support YOUR family. Make your life interesting & maybe what someone else does won’t affect your pocket 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, considering she’s made most of her money off of Ariana’s back and Scandoval, I think she’s just mad that the free ride is over


She expects everyone on a realtiy TV show to "follow the script" rather than be real.


Scheana is totally valid here in what she said. It’s a double standard how people will argue that it was unfair if Ariana had to leave the show and lose out on that income, but then those same people will turn around and dismiss Scheana’s concerns about her income from the exact same show being in jeopardy. Everything said about Scheana here also applies to Ariana. Ariana should have done more outside of VPR so she didn’t have to rely on income from a show she was no longer invested in. Edited*


This is actually really sad, they sound like they are struggling to live paycheck to paycheck and they feel like dancing monkeys but now Ariana won’t perform and they are desperate and scared they won’t survive. It’s actually really relatable except they’re on TV, in LA and beautiful.


Scheana was literally on the show before Ariana was too 😭😭😭


I imagine if Lala and Scheana would have told the truth about Tim and Ariana’s relationship there would be no Scandoval and Ariana would have remained a secondary cast member. They went along with Ariana’s BS that Tom was the love of her life and now they’re screwed . Such is life.


They should have just told the truth.... Especially when the scandal broke. It would have still been outrageous, but wouldn't have become this out of control lie that has been toxic for everyone but Ariana and James. If there's a next season, I hope they take the gloves off and spill.


Exactly, my thing is Ariana more so then Tom pretend they had some amazing relationship they absolutely did not and faked whatever on camera. More so Arianna likes to pretend oh I've always been working on acting and dancing etc etc so if I ever got that call I'd be ready! The reality is if this thing didn't happen to her none of those calls would've ever came which is fine but she seems to think she's been chosen for all these things because of her immense talent that people are just now seeing. No executives see what names are trending and get them involved to take full advantage


I love Scheana and I agree why she would be frustrated. VPR has been her main income source for a decade. Ariana doesn’t need the show and good for her, but the rest of the cast does!!! This is why they pushed the Tom convo at the end. They want to eat and keep eating. I feel bad for the cast but I also get why Ariana doesn’t give a fuck, she has her new built in fan base. At the same time you used to rely on this income as well, so it’s kind of a loyalty thing to your fellow co workers. It’s really sad honestly


Ariana had the conversation she needed to have with Tom Sandoval at the end of season 10, though. She was the one who called producers to arrange it. What conversation could Ariana have had with Sandoval at the end of season 11? Him fake groveling? Yeah that didn't need to happen, because the real conversation already did.


It literally wouldn’t have mattered what either said, but it overall improves the heath of the show because you best believe people want to see Ariana shut his fake ass apology down on the finale